We know Republican policies fail, but the question is "why"?



Republicans held the presidency and both houses for 6 years and they used reconciliation three times. USMB Republicans refuse to explain what reconciliation was used on and it's impact to the country.

Since Republicans took over the country during the George Bush regime, so many GOP policies were put into place, they have completely transformed the country. We are barely into recovery almost 6 years after those policies were put into place because Republicans refuse to repeal those policies and refuse to help fix the damage those policies caused. And they say, "Democrats had years of controlling the government and did nothing", only it was weeks.

Shovel money towards the rich and we hope they create jobs.

and now,

We "wish" Iraq would act the way we want them to act.

Makiki is a PERFECT example. Republicans put him in power and he seems that he could be a Republican himself. He refused any kind of coalition government with a policy of exclusion because I suspect he feels only "Shiites" are real Iraqi's. Sound familiar?

Iraq's PM refuses to step down and deploys troops around Baghdad | euronews, world news

He was voted out of office and refuses to accept the vote of the people feeling that it was "rigged".

Were-Iraq's-polls-rigged- - Al-Ahram Weekly

Republican economic policies, the war in Iraq, putting Maliki in charge, defeating Obama at the ballot box, all massive failures. Why? What is the common thread?

Clearly, it's the GOP refusal to "study" and "do research" that cause the GOP to choose failed policies. The GOP was warned again and again over these policies and why they would fail. Republicans think Democrats are over educated elitists who think too much. These are examples of what happens when you refuse to think at all.

The very worse part about all this is the GOP's massive failure to take responsibility or to look inward at why their policies keep failing. Instead, they blame their failures, again and again, on Democrats. Democrats voted for the war so it must be their fault. Maliki has been in power since Obama became president so he must be Obama's fault. Obama must have rigged the election in this country because Republicans hate him so much everyone else should to.

Right now, Republicans do well in the mid terms because America doesn't pay attention, not because they have good policy. But if they continue on this course, even their influence there will wane. It's unavoidable.
Maliki sounds a lot like Obama

How? Remember, it's the Republicans who work towards an exclusionary government. Even the whites that are in the Democratic Party aren't wanted by Republicans. Gays, scientists, atheists, college professors and so on.

Course, failed GOP policies have an awful lot to do with it.
Which Republican policies have we had stuffed down our throats lately? Gee, it's almost as if libs can't pull their noggins out of their asses.
Don't look now, but we see Democrat/Progressives policies are such a Astounding success, Obama's disapprovals are nearly 70%...Only 30% still kiss the ground he walks on and likes his polices some that were FORCED on us, like OscamCare

poor dears really do think their fascist Socialist policies is what all the people want and if they say they don't, right now you be called, Racist

Obabble studies, researches and still misses the putt...maybe that's the problem...in a comprehensive nutshell.
Since Republicans took over the country during the George Bush regime, so many GOP policies were put into place

There were no Dems in the government while bush was pres? or where they just inept?

The Deanstr must live in a very small bubble
i read not too long ago where "Whorehouse Harry", is sitting on a 1,000+ bills that the house GOP has sent to the senate, what policy did he let slip thru ? :lmao:

may i "copy cat" ?

libruls...................... :fu:
Maliki sounds a lot like Obama

How? Remember, it's the Republicans who work towards an exclusionary government. Even the whites that are in the Democratic Party aren't wanted by Republicans. Gays, scientists, atheists, college professors and so on.

Course, failed GOP policies have an awful lot to do with it.

Remember when Republicans called Democrats "the enemy"?

Yeah, me neither
Not all their policies fail RDean. Look at the Affordable Care Act. That was a Republican policy...it just took Democrats to make it work.
that ole rdean sure know's everything about nothing

How? Remember, it's the Republicans who work towards an exclusionary government. Even the whites that are in the Democratic Party aren't wanted by Republicans. Gays, scientists, atheists, college professors and so on.

How many times can he regurgitate this same BS as if it's the truth?

this is stuff made up in that warped little mind of his
Republicans held the presidency and both houses for 6 years and they used reconciliation three times. USMB Republicans refuse to explain what reconciliation was used on and it's impact to the country.

Since Republicans took over the country during the George Bush regime, so many GOP policies were put into place, they have completely transformed the country. We are barely into recovery almost 6 years after those policies were put into place because Republicans refuse to repeal those policies and refuse to help fix the damage those policies caused. And they say, "Democrats had years of controlling the government and did nothing", only it was weeks.

Shovel money towards the rich and we hope they create jobs.

and now,

We "wish" Iraq would act the way we want them to act.

Makiki is a PERFECT example. Republicans put him in power and he seems that he could be a Republican himself. He refused any kind of coalition government with a policy of exclusion because I suspect he feels only "Shiites" are real Iraqi's. Sound familiar?

Iraq's PM refuses to step down and deploys troops around Baghdad | euronews, world news

He was voted out of office and refuses to accept the vote of the people feeling that it was "rigged".

Were-Iraq's-polls-rigged- - Al-Ahram Weekly

Republican economic policies, the war in Iraq, putting Maliki in charge, defeating Obama at the ballot box, all massive failures. Why? What is the common thread?

Clearly, it's the GOP refusal to "study" and "do research" that cause the GOP to choose failed policies. The GOP was warned again and again over these policies and why they would fail. Republicans think Democrats are over educated elitists who think too much. These are examples of what happens when you refuse to think at all.

The very worse part about all this is the GOP's massive failure to take responsibility or to look inward at why their policies keep failing. Instead, they blame their failures, again and again, on Democrats. Democrats voted for the war so it must be their fault. Maliki has been in power since Obama became president so he must be Obama's fault. Obama must have rigged the election in this country because Republicans hate him so much everyone else should to.

Right now, Republicans do well in the mid terms because America doesn't pay attention, not because they have good policy. But if they continue on this course, even their influence there will wane. It's unavoidable.
Hey idiot, your brain was spotted running down I-70 screaming "I can't take any more of rdeans stupidity", you better go after it and apologize.
Maliki sounds a lot like Obama

How? Remember, it's the Republicans who work towards an exclusionary government. Even the whites that are in the Democratic Party aren't wanted by Republicans. Gays, scientists, atheists, college professors and so on.

Course, failed GOP policies have an awful lot to do with it.
Obamashitforbrains owns his problems today. He is the coward who is directly responsible for the problems in Iraq today. You fail again.
Right now, Republicans do well in the mid terms because America doesn't pay attention, not because they have good policy. But if they continue on this course, even their influence there will wane. It's unavoidable.

Just as the last group,the Dems benefited from an ill informed public.

The worm turns again
The average income for middle class families has dropped 6% since Obama was elected and the price of fuel oil and diesel has doubled not to mention gasoline. Almost every federal funded solar corporation has failed to the tune of billions of dollars. Isn't it time for Obama to take responisbility?
i read not too long ago where "Whorehouse Harry", is sitting on a 1,000+ bills that the house GOP has sent to the senate, what policy did he let slip thru ? :lmao:

may i "copy cat" ?

libruls...................... :fu:

you read .... well then, that settles it all. ... actually, there's 352, not 1000+ ..

did you read 55 of those bills were bills defunding ACA , along with the vast majority of other PARTISAN REPUBLICAN legislation ? The Republican House is famous for passing legislation the Senate will pass on it's own merit because they compromised with the Democrats aren't they... reference ACA

then reference a few facts that support what you read.

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