We Live In Interesting Times


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......
Thanks for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC.
I don't understand some folk's way of thinking but the older I've gotten the more I've come to accept it isn't my place to judge others. Dwelling on these things would drive me crazy.
Thanks for another thought-provoking thread, Political Chic.

If Biden completes his run, his defeat will mean that the American people, even when confronted with a choice of a man who's so sexy the women he took advantage of will still vote for him, have the unique advantage of serving him with the defeat he deserves for extorting money from the Ukraine, China, and others the Congress rewarded with billions in grants, beneficial omissions, and privileges.

Should Biden win, it would merely be evidence that the Clinton-Obama cartel will again give America's enemies more resources as they have in the past to take America out of the generous-giving category.
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

One accusation vs 20 accusations
No accusations of child rape vs 1 accusation of child rape
No accusations of spousal rape vs one accusation of spoual rape.

Besides you did not care about these things in 2016. So why now?
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

I’d say about 15% of the nation needs to be locked up in insane asylums. Marxism is a cancer for rationality.
I don't understand some folk's way of thinking but the older I've gotten the more I've come to accept it isn't my place to judge others. Dwelling on these things would drive me crazy.

I wasn't making a judgment....merely providing an example of the combinations and permutations of events and opinions.
Thanks for another thought-provoking thread, Political Chic.

If Biden completes his run, his defeat will mean that the American people, even when confronted with a choice of a man who's so sexy the women he took advantage of will still vote for him, have the unique advantage of serving him with the defeat he deserves for extorting money from the Ukraine, China, and others the Congress rewarded with billions in grants, beneficial omissions, and privileges.

Should Biden win, it would merely be evidence that the Clinton-Obama cartel will again give America's enemies more resources as they have in the past to take America out of the generous-giving category.

Thank you for putting it in that manner, b.....

How America has changed....perhaps how Western Civilization has changed.....and the multitude of dissimilar ideas and forces that result in our actions.
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

I’d say about 15% of the nation needs to be locked up in insane asylums. Marxism is a cancer for rationality.

That may be on the low side....

I hope the OP provides an opportunity to see what we've come to, and where it might take us.
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

I’d say about 15% of the nation needs to be locked up in insane asylums. Marxism is a cancer for rationality.

At least twice that.
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

As is well known by this late hour in our civilization, the American left has sold its collective soul(s) along with every grain of love for this nation, all for the promise of ending Donald Trump's presidency. It's gone far beyond the hatred of one man into the level of fatal sin on an individual level for millions of American voters. Millions of democrat voters have embraced infanticide, trans mutilation of children, conversion of children to homosexual tendencies and a host of other depravities, all in the name of banishing Donald Trump. What they fail to realize is that there's no coming back from attempting such a Faustian trade, no return to being a normal human being after sinking to such low levels.
I don't understand some folk's way of thinking but the older I've gotten the more I've come to accept it isn't my place to judge others. Dwelling on these things would drive me crazy.

I wasn't making a judgment....merely providing an example of the combinations and permutations of events and opinions.

Understood. Interesting story, thanks for sharing. It seems the group was created in reaction to Franklin Graham's involvement in last election and now this new group is following a similar look-the-other-way path this year. Realize I wasn't clear that the "some folk's" way of thinking in my first post wasn't referring to you but rather this pro-Biden organization. Leading to a situation you properly describe as "bizarre". The judgement thing is only a statement on how I've come the deal with some of this world's craziness.
Just came across a strange farrago of sites and opinions.
I'll give the bottom line first.

The site is TheologyCorner.net......fiercely religious....and just as fiercely anti-Trump.
Now....even more bizarre.....they published a letter from a co-religionist, who hates Trump.....but will vote for "her rapist" in order to defeat Trump.

1. "Do I have to vote for a rapist if I live in a swing state?
Posted by wpengine | Apr 18, 2020

If the past few weeks have taught me anything — apart from the massive ineptitude and narcissism of the current occupant of the White House — it is that many of those who opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the basis of credible allegations of sexual assault are now willing to turn their backs on the #MeToo movement.

Indeed, after seven women came forward last summer accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching, another survivor has come forward to share her story of being sexually assaulted by Biden while working for him in the Senate in 1993.

The response to Tara Reade’s detailed account of the sexual assault has been one of the most painful and disheartening things to witness this election cycle.
the most important election of our lifetime” against “the most dangerous president in modern American history,” ....Tara Reade, however, has been given the opposite of a fair hearing. Just as with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
... I, too, was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But if I go public, will I be called a liar? Will I be accused of being a Russian agent? Will my family and friends be attacked for corroborating my story? Will the media ignore me for weeks, followed by Alyssa Milano going on a podcast to suggest that that is a reason not to believe that it is true? Will the national media attempt to cast doubt upon my credibility? Will those on the short-list to become Biden’s vice-presidential nominee remain quiet and hope this blows over? Will half the country brush me aside and claim that at least my assaulter isn’t as bad as the current assaulter-in-chief?"

2. Now.....the site published this:
"In the aftermath of releasing an article containing an anonymous allegation of sexual assault against former Vice President Biden, Theology Corner has been accused by some as being a right-wing religious organization seeking to help re-elect Donald Trump. This is simply not true.

It should go without saying that Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs. Theology Corner originated out of the increasing frustration with the uncritical alliance formed between American Evangelicals and the Republican Party, an institution which is now known for its xenophobic nationalism, its blind eye toward the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable members of society, and its complicity in propping up the pathological liar occupying the White House.
....we are absolutely resolute in our conviction about how faithful Christians ought to proceed when heading to the ballot box in November: They should vote in such a manner so as to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
Donald Trump must be defeated. And Joe Biden is, despite his flaws, the person to do it. "

Quite a conundrum......

As is well known by this late hour in our civilization, the American left has sold its collective soul(s) along with every grain of love for this nation, all for the promise of ending Donald Trump's presidency. It's gone far beyond the hatred of one man into the level of fatal sin on an individual level for millions of American voters. Millions of democrat voters have embraced infanticide, trans mutilation of children, conversion of children to homosexual tendencies and a host of other depravities, all in the name of banishing Donald Trump. What they fail to realize is that there's no coming back from attempting such a Faustian trade, no return to being a normal human being after sinking to such low levels.

Eminently sad.....but eminently true.

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