We need Mueller to say what he actually THINKS

My disappointment with Mueller is that he has chosen to leave so much up to interpretation and conjecture.

Predictably, all the silly wingers are highlighting only what supports their set-in-stone opinions and making assumptions that may or may not be true. Because that's what they do.

This stuff is too important for that. I understand his reticence to inject opinion on this matter, since his task was to find facts only. But we need more. The more detail the better, because detail forces out conjecture.

Maybe this will get so fucking ugly that he'll finally feel some obligation to let it all out and tell us what he really thinks. He seems like a guy who is simply too principled and professional for the times.
since his task was to find facts only
Herein lies the problem with Mueller. That was not his only task. He was also given the task of prosecuting crimes that happen along the way.

What "way" is that? A tax crime from 15 years ago pretty much isn't anywhere between Russia and Collusion.
Obstruction of justice
1000 former (D) & (R) federal prosecutors say that it's plain as day what's in the report & that if donny weren't in the white house he'd be charged & strung up by his orange nads for criminality.
If he were really principled, he would have left no ambiguities in his silly and excessively long report.
My guess is that he approached this as factual only, and didn't want to try to tie up loose ends or make assumptions.

There is certainly a time and place for that, but this isn't it.
40 million dollars and two fucking years. There are no loose ends Mac.
He has no principles or morals. He knew there never was collusion or obstruction but by continuing in ambiguity, he can keep the libs frothing.
I think he laid out a very clear case for obstruction of justice. See here;
Former Republican Prosecutors Release Damning Video Calling For Trumps Prosecution For Obsruction

I read through that and saw no compelling evidence. Ive seen no evidence for anything, obstruction, collusion, or any wrongdoing.
That you saw nothing is probably representative of a lack principles.

No, there is just no evidence. Has nothing to do with lack of principles.
No evidence? The entire vol. 2 of the Mueller report suggests there is plenty of evidence.

On May 23, 20 I 7, the Department of Justice announced that ethics officials had determined that the Special Counsel's prior law firm position did not bar his service, generating media reports that Mueller had been cleared to serve.537 McGahn recalled that around the same time, the President complained about the asserted conflicts and prodded McGahn to reach out to Rosenstein about the issue.538 McGahn said he responded that he could not make such a call and that the President should instead consult his personal lawyer because it was not a White House issue.539 Contemporaneous notes of a May 23, 2017 conversation between McGahn and the President reflect that McGahn told the President that he would not call Rosenstein and that he would suggest that the President not make such a call either.540

Not seeing it.
I think he laid out a very clear case for obstruction of justice. See here;
Former Republican Prosecutors Release Damning Video Calling For Trumps Prosecution For Obsruction

I read through that and saw no compelling evidence. Ive seen no evidence for anything, obstruction, collusion, or any wrongdoing.
That you saw nothing is probably representative of a lack principles.

No, there is just no evidence. Has nothing to do with lack of principles.
No evidence? The entire vol. 2 of the Mueller report suggests there is plenty of evidence.

On May 23, 20 I 7, the Department of Justice announced that ethics officials had determined that the Special Counsel's prior law firm position did not bar his service, generating media reports that Mueller had been cleared to serve.537 McGahn recalled that around the same time, the President complained about the asserted conflicts and prodded McGahn to reach out to Rosenstein about the issue.538 McGahn said he responded that he could not make such a call and that the President should instead consult his personal lawyer because it was not a White House issue.539 Contemporaneous notes of a May 23, 2017 conversation between McGahn and the President reflect that McGahn told the President that he would not call Rosenstein and that he would suggest that the President not make such a call either.540

Not seeing it.
Not terribly surprised.
Herein lies the problem with Mueller. That was not his only task. He was also given the task of prosecuting crimes that happen along the way.

No, he was not.

He was tasked to discover any relationship with the Trump campaign and russian agents involved with manipulating the election.

There was none.

Even if there was, what would be illegal about it?

Furthermore, if there was any russian involvement, it was the release of information that exposed the deliberate disenfranchisement of the Sanders voters in order to make sure hitlery won the DNC primary. THAT SHOULD BE WHAT LIBERALS ARE PISSED ABOUT, but they would rather be pissed that Trump won.

Finally, someone writing about what the left should really be upset about and as you stated they are not.

What sunk Hillary in 2016?

It sure the hell was not Trump Charisma!

1. Wikileaks releasing of the DNC emails should have angered those voting Democrat because it was showing their own Political Party was pulling out all the stops to make sure a Green Party like Candidate did not win the nomination.

Now you and I know for a fact no one on the left was upset about the DNC dirty nonsense and let be factual the Democrat voters of this board are more upset about their political party being shown the corrupt party they are.

2. JAMES COMEY did the most damage to Hillary Clinton when he made his comment in the 11th hour but the left that voted for Clinton want to ignore this because then they will not have Russia to blame!

3. No votes were changed and that is a fact but the left will scream about fake news but Wikileaks release was not altered and was not fake and James Comey comment at the last moment was not from Russia with love, so Russia did not influence shit except handing Wikileaks the information about the Emails.

Final Note:

The left does not care what the Mueller Report actually says and are hell bent on impeaching Trump because of their failure to win in 2016.

So they will twist the report to fit their agenda.

Now knowing Trump and knowing how he reacts to things I do believe he obstructed the investigation but not enough that he can be caught and be impeached.

Trump is egotistical maniac but when it come to pushing the law to the limit he knows when to stop.

Trump will never be impeached and Mueller does not need to clarify anything because in my opinion his point is the DOJ and Congress can see if there is enough for Obstruction and the House could then call for impeachment but Pelosi is not that stupid to call for it.

Your grasp on what the left thinks is fucking limp.
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Collusion is a non-issue now. The Dems are going after Trump on obstruction.

The two are mutually exclusive.
I read through that and saw no compelling evidence. Ive seen no evidence for anything, obstruction, collusion, or any wrongdoing.
That you saw nothing is probably representative of a lack principles.

No, there is just no evidence. Has nothing to do with lack of principles.
No evidence? The entire vol. 2 of the Mueller report suggests there is plenty of evidence.

On May 23, 20 I 7, the Department of Justice announced that ethics officials had determined that the Special Counsel's prior law firm position did not bar his service, generating media reports that Mueller had been cleared to serve.537 McGahn recalled that around the same time, the President complained about the asserted conflicts and prodded McGahn to reach out to Rosenstein about the issue.538 McGahn said he responded that he could not make such a call and that the President should instead consult his personal lawyer because it was not a White House issue.539 Contemporaneous notes of a May 23, 2017 conversation between McGahn and the President reflect that McGahn told the President that he would not call Rosenstein and that he would suggest that the President not make such a call either.540

Not seeing it.
Not terribly surprised.

I'm able to discern. I'm not playing this partisan hack game that mueller played.
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Collusion is a non-issue now. The Dems are going after Trump on obstruction.

The two are mutually exclusive.

Of course they are. They cried collusion for two years and nothing. Now they have to cry some more tears. Too late though. Those croc tears are falling on deaf ears.
My disappointment with Mueller is that he has chosen to leave so much up to interpretation and conjecture.

Predictably, all the silly wingers are highlighting only what supports their set-in-stone opinions and making assumptions that may or may not be true. Because that's what they do.

This stuff is too important for that. I understand his reticence to inject opinion on this matter, since his task was to find facts only. But we need more. The more detail the better, because detail forces out conjecture.

Maybe this will get so fucking ugly that he'll finally feel some obligation to let it all out and tell us what he really thinks. He seems like a guy who is simply too principled and professional for the times.

The reason that you should be "disappointed" with Robert Mueller isn't that he is reticent to inject his opinion on this matter...it's that he totally ignored the bedrock principle that our entire legal system is based on...the presumption of innocence! Prosecutors shouldn't be allowed to opine about someone's innocence or guilt. It's their job to prove guilt or shut their mouths! If you can't prove someone was guilty then they are not guilty. That's what someone who was "principled and professional" would have done!
He’s doesn’t think. He gets retribution for his itty bitty hurt feelings that Trump would not appoint him AG.
My disappointment with Mueller is that he has chosen to leave so much up to interpretation and conjecture.

Predictably, all the silly wingers are highlighting only what supports their set-in-stone opinions and making assumptions that may or may not be true. Because that's what they do.

This stuff is too important for that. I understand his reticence to inject opinion on this matter, since his task was to find facts only. But we need more. The more detail the better, because detail forces out conjecture.

Maybe this will get so fucking ugly that he'll finally feel some obligation to let it all out and tell us what he really thinks. He seems like a guy who is simply too principled and professional for the times.

what he THINKS is of no significance. The evidence, or non evidence that his team found is all that matters--and in his report he states that he found no illegality, collusion, or obstruction. His bullshit language that he could not exonerate Trump is meaningless, its not the job of a prosecutor or investigation to prove innocence, his job is to find out if evidence of a crime is available, and he found none. Its over. But I would enjoy having some of the GOP congressmen ask him questions under oath like: why did you staff your team with only people who supported and contributed to Hillary Clinton? When did you know that there was no collusion by Trump or his campaign? Why did you not investigate the Russian dossier, the Russian payments to the clinton foundation, Uranium one, or Putin paying Bill Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow? Why did you not question Strzok, Comey, Page, McCabe, or Lynch?
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Collusion is a non-issue now. The Dems are going after Trump on obstruction.

The two are mutually exclusive.

I'm aware of that.

They've moved the goalposts to keep their dogging of Trump going.

We've gotten to a point where it is apparently acceptable to obstruct a duly elected president via an investigation and to then keep obstructing on tangential matters despite the main focus if the investigation being a clear dry hole. This is not a precedent that should be allowed to be established, IMO, as going forward this would seem to mean anyone can launch a tenuous investigation as the basis for a fishing expedition which then is a never-ending process designed for nothing else than misusing the system for political goals.

That's what this is. That's what this has been from the jump IMO, as the dems simply could not, and cannot accept that they lost, and there's no way I'm going to support the perpetuation of this nonsense.
1000 former (D) & (R) federal prosecutors say that it's plain as day what's in the report & that if donny weren't in the white house he'd be charged & strung up by his orange nads for criminality.

no they don't. thats CNN lying to you again.
Mueller is a public servant - law enforcement. He has no intention whatsoever to become a pawn in the political fight now ensuing. He made it abundantly clear he won't say a word beyond the content of his report.

Anyone not president would have been brought in for extensive questioning, and - with a likelihood bordering on certainty - charged with obstruction of justice. To anyone who actually read the report, that should be perfectly clear.

What needs doing now is Congress to man up, to subpoena and study the underlying evidence, and then, if warranted, to bring Trump, Kushner, and Trump jr. before the Judiciary committee. That "collusion" thing is far from over, and it will play a prominent role in any impeachment proceeding. The threshold here is far lower than proving a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt - eagerly seeking, and accepting, help from a foreign adversary. That should play well with the electorate. So, there's a spectacle in public testimony from the three head collaborators to be had.

That prospect should frighten the Trumpletons to death - not Mueller testifying. The clueless goofs who think they can protect their Dear Leader by smearing Mueller really are the most laughable bunch ever to crawl out from beneath their rocks.
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Collusion is a non-issue now. The Dems are going after Trump on obstruction.

The two are mutually exclusive.

Horseshit, they are going after Trump because he won the 2016 election and because he is exposing the corruption of the DC deep state made up of both parties.
Mueller has personal biases also. I don't want his, or anyone's, opinions on this.

Besides, injecting that would solve nothing, but would likely only serve to complicate matters.

I don't have a problem with Mueller per se, but I am sick as hell of this nonsense which has plagued our country for 2 plus years and resulted in nothing, ZERO, relative to what they were supposedly investigating, which was collusion.

I've had far more than enough and am simply done with it. Show me actual provable collusion or STFU and let the country get on with its business.
Collusion is a non-issue now. The Dems are going after Trump on obstruction.

The two are mutually exclusive.

Horseshit, they are going after Trump because he won the 2016 election and because he is exposing the corruption of the DC deep state made up of both parties.
Yes, this has always been political. My point is that we can't accurately examine the obstruction issue based on what we know so far.

The Left and the Right don't need more information, since their opinions are set in stone, but the rest of us could use it.
Mueller is a public servant - law enforcement. He has no intention whatsoever to become a pawn in the political fight now ensuing. He made it abundantly clear he won't say a word beyond the content of his report.

Anyone not president would have been brought in for extensive questioning, and - with a likelihood bordering on certainty - charged with obstruction of justice. To anyone who actually read the report, that should be perfectly clear.

What needs doing now is Congress to man up, to subpoena and study the underlying evidence, and then, if warranted, to bring Trump, Kushner, and Trump jr. before the Judiciary committee. That "collusion" thing is far from over, and it will play a prominent role in any impeachment proceeding. The threshold here is far lower than proving a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt - eagerly seeking, and accepting, help from a foreign adversary. That should play well with the electorate. So, there's a spectacle in public testimony from the three head collaborators to be had.

That prospect should frighten the Trumpletons to death - not Mueller testifying. The clueless goofs who think they can protect their Dear Leader by smearing Mueller really are the most laughable bunch ever to crawl out from beneath their rocks.

everyone connected to Trump or his campaign has been interviewed and questioned by Mueller. Mueller and the lying dems should be scared shitless of Mueller being required to testify under oath to congress.

you simply refuse to accept the FACT that the dems and the media have been lying to you for over 2 years.

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