We need to be tolerant of intolerance...so we can be more tolerant...lol

"Don't become so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance." - Bill Maher

"Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out." - Me. :)
"Tolerance" has been the progressive password for the past 50 years allowing the steady flow of our value system to slip into the sewer that breeds people like those now inhabiting the current administration. Wake up America!
Asclepias just pulled that in the thread of the hating black rapper...we need to understand her hate...even though she'll tell you we cant.........
Why did the audio die a the 50 second mark? I tried playing it 3 times, happened all three.

I do however agree with her, no one should be required participate in activities they hold strong religious beliefs against. The 1st Amendment protects ones freedom of association and guarantees freedom of religious practice and the 14th Amendment bans involuntary servitude. All of which are violated, if a business owner is required to participate in gay activities they object to on religious grounds, by law.
Someone needs to stop this woman from talking...

lol. Apparently Google did. From time :50 to 1:38 the sound is missing. I have no idea what she is going on about.

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