We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Fuckers in New York .........Queens.........put patients without Covid next to Covid patients.........tested them...........and still stamped them COVID.......from the video the leftist don't want to watch.

Everything is Covid.......then they gave wrong doses............and overpressurized the fing ventilators because too many didn't know how to use the damn things.

New York was a dang CIRCUS ACT.
Then why are seniors in Nursing Homes over 40% of the deaths from COVID in all the other states in the Nation, just like NY? Didn't they take precautions?
You have selective memory MORON.......How many times do we have to show you Cuomo didn't even know his own policy and they put infected in with non infected to the most vulnerable.

The IDIOT didn't even know his own policy.........he has blood on his hands...........and they did the same crap in the hospitals there.

Then why are seniors in Nursing Homes over 40% of the deaths from COVID in all the other states in the Nation, just like NY? Didn't they take precautions?
NOW...........TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS TO T CELLS AS YOU AGE............hmmm

splain that.

This contradicts previous knowledge, which suggested an increased metabolism was indicative of T cell function, and will have implications for the development of targeted interventions such as vaccines or immunotherapies to treat age-related immune dysfunction.

T cells play an important role in the body's immune response to viral infections and tumors, but T cell immunity wanes as we age, thus increasing our susceptibility to these diseases.

"We've shown that an amped-up metabolism, rather than arming cells to fight pathogens better, is associated with T cell survival over a lifespan. The cells need to substantially increase their metabolism just to survive in the relatively hostile environment of the elderly," Professor La Gruta said.
The goal is to REDUCE the spread of the virus, no one has promised to eliminate it....
Because only a fool would think we can eliminate it..........the only reason for the initial stay at home was to buy time for medical............not to stop the virus.........THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

All we have done is prolong the misery of a pandemic...........and cause even more misery......

You do understand that most get it because it is the 7th strain of corona.......and that they have shown that those even with the common cold of Corona and T cells that produce Antibodies to fight it off............I've shown that data OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

We destroyed our economy over BS lock downs.......
You destroyed the economy after Trump instructed governors to shut it down, by not following the CDC guideline phased steps, for reopening. And we are paying the price for your ilk' s rush and push to reopen haphazardly... in deaths.
The goal is to REDUCE the spread of the virus, no one has promised to eliminate it....
Because only a fool would think we can eliminate it..........the only reason for the initial stay at home was to buy time for medical............not to stop the virus.........THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

All we have done is prolong the misery of a pandemic...........and cause even more misery......

You do understand that most get it because it is the 7th strain of corona.......and that they have shown that those even with the common cold of Corona and T cells that produce Antibodies to fight it off............I've shown that data OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

We destroyed our economy over BS lock downs.......
You destroyed the economy after Trump instructed governors to shut it down, by not following the CDC guideline phased steps, for reopening. And we are paying the price for your ilk' s rush and push to reopen haphazardly... in deaths.
Now you spin away from the Data again and SAY LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID.

No you MOONBAT......he is not responsible for the nonsense of what Cuomo did.

Look at the video.........and how they put covid patients in with non covid patients.....then classified all as SUSPECTED COVID.

You asked me about the elderly........I gave you information........

You still gonna play the DNC BS about how this went down.

And we are paying the price for your ilk' s rush and push to reopen haphazardly... in deaths.
BS ...........had to say that again.......your side wants us shut down forever from a dang virus that will run it's course whether you like it or not...........

You don't even respond to the BS that happened in New York.......I hope the families up there SUE CUOMO'S ASS OFF.
Go run and hide from the Science again left.

Go run and hide again from the massive mistakes of DNC JOKE POLITICIANS......

Then blame all your mistakes and destructive policies on someone else......

Trumpsters consistently fail to learn the lessons of what they propagate.

They glee over some liberals shocked by 2016 Clinton loss, but themselves are clearly not mentally prepared to handle a Trump loss.
Trumpsters consistently fail to learn the lessons of what they propagate.

They glee over some liberals shocked by 2016 Clinton loss, but themselves are clearly not mentally prepared to handle a Trump loss.
Says the nitwits who have had the longest running temper tantrum in the history of this country.

Using your a business as a landlord to compared to an OEM medical instruments manufacturers is way off. I gave increases every year. You are using your opinions based from your anti MW..Nothing more.....

.If you think my new employee care about making more a buck from MW.... the lowest entry is $16+/hour for janitor, warehouse workers and clerks with no experience but with excellent benefits including college programs. If they are not happy they can go some where else. They can go to McDonald’s and start at $13 wait till 2 years to $15 with minimum or no benefits. See the difference?

Waiters that works for my relatives in Seattle seafood restaurants makes $14 before January 2020 now at $15. Mostly works 6 hours a day, an Increase of $1 that is $6 a day for 8 waitress and 2 bus boys = $60 a day for 10 employees. BIG FUCKING DEAL the owner can afford to lost $2,000 in a casino in one visit. What is $60 or $500?
The same with my friends that own McDonald’s franchise here in California.

Seattle MW started in 2015.... people like you OMG OMG OMG Seattle is going to collapse.... 5 years later... show me any business in Seattle that closed because of MW. Show me a business that close in the entire US because of MW.

Why do you people on the left always ask for evidence, and when we provide it, ask for it again like you've never seen it before? You even responded to it making claim the new MW didn't hit them yet. But if you were really a business owner, you'd know if things are looking bleak in the near future, you don't wait until your every last dime is spent, you close way before that time to have a little capital to perhaps invest in something else.

When MW takes a drastic hike, it effects everybody, not just those making minimum wage. It's a domino effect that causes huge inflation. It's what happened when unions were strong. You didn't have to work for a union company to make good money. In good times, nonunion companies had to increase offers to compete with those union companies for employees. A domino effect. That priced us out of the world market, and It was responsible for outsourcing and companies moving out of state or the country to get away from the unions. Same thing will happen with a huge MW increase. Trust me, I've seen it. I talked to business owners and supervisors when I delivered crates for them to pack machines and tools up to move.

Also if you really owned a business, you'd be familiar with the stats that most small businesses fail within the first five years. Not all companies have owners that are in Vegas blowing 2K a week. Some are barely getting by and currently struggling even if there were no virus at all. An increased MW for them could be the straw that broke the camels back.
Why do you people on the left always ask for evidence, and when we provide it, ask for it again like you've never seen it before? You even responded to it making claim the new MW didn't hit them yet. But if you were really a business owner, you'd know if things are looking bleak in the near future, you don't wait until your every last dime is spent, you close way before that time to have a little capital to perhaps invest in something else.
That is normal procedure for them.........demand everything......give me proof....ignore it and then change the subject.........

It is the art of the troll
Fuckers in New York .........Queens.........put patients without Covid next to Covid patients.........tested them...........and still stamped them COVID.......from the video the leftist don't want to watch.

Everything is Covid.......then they gave wrong doses............and overpressurized the fing ventilators because too many didn't know how to use the damn things.

New York was a dang CIRCUS ACT.


I confronted you about this BULL SHIT months ago but cowardly you ran away.

They do not mixed Covid patients to non Covid. If you have any proof.... Prove it. This the problem when you listen too much of Trump and QANON.

According to you..... They gave the wrong dosage, over pressurized the ventilators, because too many don’t know how to use that damn thing......... THIS probably one of the dumbest thing I ever heard in treatment of a Covid patients...... There are no brain involved in using the ventilators, even a high school graduate knows how to operate the ventilators.
What wrong dosage are you talking about Dude? Currently they administered Hydroxichloroquine + combinations and steroids.... so how can you overdose a patients??

Are you telling me that there are NO republicans workers like Nurses, Doctors or Therapist that works in those hospitals?Are you telling me that ALL Trump supporters are high school graduates? We have not heard a doctors or any hospital workers that came out and say...... those kinds of garbage.

If there are truth to what you are saying we could have heard that a long time ago....Don’t you think? But NONE except from people like you who wants to blame on workers and hospitals that was caused by an ignorant and inept president.
Hospitals being reimbursed more for Medicare COVID patients is BECAUSE covid patients cost an incredible amount of money, for their treatments and care.... it's intensive! Lots of equipment and diagnostics and 24/7 care by nurses and doctors and respiratory therapists and experimental drugs and procedures and each patient in their own isolated room..... and PPE for the caretakers....

And doctors do not get a penny extra fior caring for them.... Trump implying these doctors getting rich over lying about their patients covid death is absurd and insulting. The death certificate cause of death is NOT what determines the hospital getting more money for the patient having covid and the extra intensive care, simply having covid and the intensive isolated care determines such. 90% of those hospitalized with covid live.

Their cause of death on a death certificate does not give the hospitals more money.

Trump is a disgusting human being and a turdhead, to suggest these doctors, risking their own lives to care for these patients, are fraudsters....felons, criminals.

Over 1000 doctors and nurses caring for covid patients, have caught covid and have died from covid.

Is that what you think? Then why did my Uncle who didn't have Covid was ruled a Covid death when he actually died from cancer?
I'm so sorry for your loss!
Why was he brought to the hospital, instead of just dying peacefully, at home? Was he having trouble breathing?

He was getting to the point where they could no longer care for him, and not able to eat by himself. He had a caretaker who happened to be a neighbor come in now and then, but when he got bad, they called to have him taken to the hospital by ambulance.
Please do not try to shoot too much stuff up, like black people, and take up the affordable health care.

And also know when the Supreme Court is packed, you asked for it.

And when people reject the Democrat party from that point on, remember, you asked for it, because all polls show the people are against court packing no matter what party is in charge. But then again, the Democrats constantly work against the people.
so are you and witchey advocating that the entire country wear masks forever? covid now has a 99.7% survival rate. That does not warrant destroying our economy and our society.
You are strictly black and white aren’t you? For you it just has to be one extreme or another.

Nobody is saying to wear a mask forever. We wear the masks until there’s a vaccine or have contained or controlled the virus. To get the economy back, people have to not be afraid of dying. With close to 250,000 dead in less than a year, talking about the survival rate isn’t going to help.
Know what does help? Wearing a mask. Here you go, science so simple even you can understand it.


I understand that you somehow think this panic helps senile Joe, but you are wrong. the majority of americans are smarter than you think they are, they see through this crap.
The majority of Americans are concerned about Covid and think Donnie Covidseed has done a shit ass job.
There are no brain involved in using the ventilators, even a high school graduate knows how to operate the ventilators.

No they do not. There are too many settings for them to throughly understand unless they have training. You have to know the right mode to set the ventilator on, and how to set the limits in regards to speed of breaths, max pressure, minimum pressure and so forth. Only a respiratory therapist sets those. Even if a nurse in a hospital suspects something might be off, he or she calls the therapist in to check the settings unless it's an emergency like somebody hit one of the dials by accident.

If I went to a patent at home and a family members expressed concern of their loved one on a ventilator, I didn't touch the thing. I called our therapist to advise me. The only time I'd change a setting is if he told me to make a minor adjustment. The only thing I did with a patent was change their circuit if a family member asked me to. A circuit are the plastic tubes that go from the ventilator to the patent. I had it perfected to where I could change all of those tubes without a patent losing one breath.
Using your a business as a landlord to compared to an OEM medical instruments manufacturers is way off. I gave increases every year. You are using your opinions based from your anti MW..Nothing more.....

.If you think my new employee care about making more a buck from MW.... the lowest entry is $16+/hour for janitor, warehouse workers and clerks with no experience but with excellent benefits including college programs. If they are not happy they can go some where else. They can go to McDonald’s and start at $13 wait till 2 years to $15 with minimum or no benefits. See the difference?

Waiters that works for my relatives in Seattle seafood restaurants makes $14 before January 2020 now at $15. Mostly works 6 hours a day, an Increase of $1 that is $6 a day for 8 waitress and 2 bus boys = $60 a day for 10 employees. BIG FUCKING DEAL the owner can afford to lost $2,000 in a casino in one visit. What is $60 or $500?
The same with my friends that own McDonald’s franchise here in California.

Seattle MW started in 2015.... people like you OMG OMG OMG Seattle is going to collapse.... 5 years later... show me any business in Seattle that closed because of MW. Show me a business that close in the entire US because of MW.

Why do you people on the left always ask for evidence, and when we provide it, ask for it again like you've never seen it before? You even responded to it making claim the new MW didn't hit them yet. But if you were really a business owner, you'd know if things are looking bleak in the near future, you don't wait until your every last dime is spent, you close way before that time to have a little capital to perhaps invest in something else.

***1. When MW takes a drastic hike, it effects everybody, not just those making minimum wage. It's a domino effect that causes huge inflation. It's what happened when unions were strong. You didn't have to work for a union company to make good money. In good times, nonunion companies had to increase offers to compete with those union companies for employees. A domino effect. That priced us out of the world market, and It was responsible for outsourcing and companies moving out of state or the country to get away from the unions. Same thing will happen with a huge MW increase. Trust me, I've seen it. I talked to business owners and supervisors when I delivered crates for them to pack machines and tools up to move.

***2. Also if you really owned a business, you'd be familiar with the stats that most small businesses fail within the first five years. Not all companies have owners that are in Vegas blowing 2K a week. Some are barely getting by and currently struggling even if there were no virus at all. An increased MW for them could be the straw that broke the camels back.
You have no clue of what you are talking about. Of course I have to ask you to prove of what you are saying because all what you are saying is just an opinion coming from anti MW and mostly BS. It will be very stupid for me to accept just an opinion with out proof.

Again my employees that starts at $16+ as I mentioned the latest was 3 years. At this point theres nobody that makes $16+/hour because I give increases every year. PAY ATTENTION.

***1. There’s are no drastic increases it’s incremental. Pay attention.
***2. Companies failed for due to several reasons but you cannot even give me a single company that closed because of MW. Name me one..... start in Seattle. Most of the companies that closed before the CV blamed it on the increase of rental space. Not the wages.

In & Out hamburgers managers without college degree makes $160,000 a year and business is booming.
There are no brain involved in using the ventilators, even a high school graduate knows how to operate the ventilators.

No they do not. There are too many settings for them to throughly understand unless they have training. You have to know the right mode to set the ventilator on, and how to set the limits in regards to speed of breaths, max pressure, minimum pressure and so forth. Only a respiratory therapist sets those. Even if a nurse in a hospital suspects something might be off, he or she calls the therapist in to check the settings unless it's an emergency like somebody hit one of the dials by accident.

If I went to a patent at home and a family members expressed concern of their loved one on a ventilator, I didn't touch the thing. I called our therapist to advise me. The only time I'd change a setting is if he told me to make a minor adjustment. The only thing I did with a patent was change their circuit if a family member asked me to. A circuit are the plastic tubes that go from the ventilator to the patent. I had it perfected to where I could change all of those tubes without a patent losing one breath.

Dude I’m in the medical instruments business. Hospitals are my customers and I’ve been in these hospitals many many times even during this crisis. I can walk you through from step one to ICU to deaths.

Yes of course Respiratory specialist, highly qualified nurses and doctors have the training but for some idiots to say they over ventilated because they don’t know how to use that damn thing. Is just plain stupid. That’s what I meant.
Trumpsters consistently fail to learn the lessons of what they propagate.

They glee over some liberals shocked by 2016 Clinton loss, but themselves are clearly not mentally prepared to handle a Trump loss.
Says the nitwits who have had the longest running temper tantrum in the history of this country.


Typical pathetic Trumpster nonsense.

If you can't quote ME throwing "temper tanrum" you really ought to retract your BS. You won't do either because...well, you are a Trumpster after all and that usually means zero integrity to go along with silly gifs.

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