We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

And we need to stay out of other countries, it’s none of our business, and assholes like yourself shouldn’t be allowed on American message boards, it’s none of your business. We don’t need or want your opinions no matter how brilliant you think you are. You may think I’m an ass but I really hate people that have no business butting in. Just as I hate America butting into other countries, let the UN protect the world and we need to stay out of it.

When I first starting posting on this board I spent a bit of time in the movies and music side.
That being said, this is one of the terrible trait(s)of conservatives - insular, xenophobic, egocentric (more than normal), hateful towards anything different.
When you say "we don't want"..that only relates to neocon, right-wing, religious, white conservatives. And really, to be frank, I couldn't give a shit what people like you want.
Just remember his Papa - and I'm being 100 per cent serious - when I think of all the shit going on the world today, the likes are you are leading the way in terms of being the problem, not the solution.

Just so you know, the days of land-owners only have the vote, non-white people licking your boots, and your entitled self are well and truly over. You'll have to get used to it....

I’m 100% serious when I say, I don’t give a shit about you or what you want. You are arrogant and ignorant and know nothing about me. You make a veiled accusation that I’m racist, prove it asshole! I don’t care who legally comes to this country. I believe every legal voting age American has a right to vote. I don’t want anyone to humiliate themselves by licking anyone’s boots. You fucking, crybaby, bitches are just full of shit if you think you know anything about me. I was just called a liberal in another thread, stupid moron. Go crawl back into your cave shithead.

The best thing is I have a vote in my country and you got shit! It doesn’t matter what you think say or do, you are a nothing to America and will continue to be unless you become a citizen, so spout your ignorance, hate and bigotry and I will call you sniveling foreign turds out.
We don't give a shit ...

Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with you dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
bye...........to the one who will give us Biden and put them in power with your vote going to NOTHING.

Now.........I gave you the damned Science.......as you try your Social Warrior BS here.......and that is what it is.

Bull Shit...............

common cold to t Cells and the cells remember them for years .......decades even.........that is why people walk through this like it's nothing and they don't even know.......elderly ..........t Cells degrade with age.....and with conditions of Cancer or diabetes..............they are the ones who need REAL MASKS........NOT CLOTH bs MASKS WHICH ARE A JOKE.
But there are solutions that we know will work. Even in the unlikely event that all the many vaccines and the preventive methods fail to control it, herd immunity will. I don't think anyone is proposing that masks and social distancing become a permanent part of our lives. In countries that been very successful at controlling the virus, mask wearing is slowly disappearing. The mask mandate in South Korea now only requires masks in crowded areas and mass transport. Norway has been so successful that less than 10% of the people wear masks in public.

Herd immunity is strongly rejected by the left. You can only have heard immunity if nobody takes precautions except the elderly and high risk people. You're not going to do that with mask mandates and using hand sanitizer. Nobody knows when this will end, and that's the problem. While President Trump is trying to reassure us a vaccine is right around the corner, we have people like Fauci and the MSM telling us this might not be remedied until 2022. Even the FDA is getting political by insisting trail vaccinations be extended for at least another 3 months.

I think you would have more compliance if we had an exact date, say February 22nd of next year. At least then people would see a light at the end of the tunnel. But as always, everything is politics in this country, and the left are doing whatever they can to make us miserable to win the election.
Herd immunity has never been tried without a vaccine. Why? Because the death toll will be astronomical. How many would have to die to reach herd immunity without a vaccine, do you know?
To reach herd immunity for COVID-19, likely 70% or more of the population would need to be immune. Without a vaccine, over 200 million Americans would have to get infected before we reach this threshold. Put another way, even if the current pace of the COVID-19 pandemic continues in the United States, we won’t reach herd immunity in 2021. If current daily death rates continue, over half a million Americans would be dead from COVID-19 by that time.

and your left wing solution is??????????????? wear a mask for the rest of your life? destroy every small business in the country? Kill of millions by suicide, drugs, alcohol, and domestic violence while shut down?

99.5% survival rate currently for all ages, of course if you already have a life threatening disease you may still die. But not necessarily from covid.

The solution is to wear a mask and socially distance until there is a vaccine or until cases are low enough that quarantine and contact tracing can keep the outbreak localized.

Businesses can stay open if we just did simple things...like wear a mask and stay the fuck away from other people.
No, the solution is to realize that life is ultimately fatal no matter what and to quit being a bunch of scared little bitches, especially if that fear is causing you to crash the economy we all depend on.
People that wear masks and social distance are not scared little bitches. It’s hard to believe how many people do not have the courage to wear a mask because it is odd or different. Or, how stupid people are for not believing the advice from experts who study these viruses for a living.

If you are completely against abiding by rules of society, or just can’t stand anybody telling you what to do, then go live in a cave where the only thing you have to deal with is the only thing you care about, yourself.

No one likes wearing masks ,sanitizing everything and distancing.

But if you hate wearing a mask, wait until you have to wear a ventilator.
You mean wait until you get it and shake it off after a couple of days, because unless you're already on death's door, it just ain't that big a deal?

Got it.

(You really need to quit publicly wallowing in your fear and hysteria; it's tacky.)
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Why do we have to be "right" or "left" and allow ourselves to be railroaded into one school of thought? Why can't we just be "true"?
I’m 100% serious when I say, I don’t give a shit about you or what you want. You are arrogant and ignorant and know nothing about me. You make a veiled accusation that I’m racist, prove it asshole! I don’t care who legally comes to this country. I believe every legal voting age American has a right to vote. I don’t want anyone to humiliate themselves by licking anyone’s boots. You fucking, crybaby, bitches are just full of shit if you think you know anything about me. I was just called a liberal in another thread, stupid moron. Go crawl back into your cave shithead.

The best thing is I have a vote in my country and you got shit! It doesn’t matter what you think say or do, you are a nothing to America and will continue to be unless you become a citizen, so spout your ignorance, hate and bigotry and I will call you sniveling foreign turds out.

I may not know a lot about who you are, but I know what you are.
And we need to stay out of other countries, it’s none of our business, and assholes like yourself shouldn’t be allowed on American message boards, it’s none of your business. We don’t need or want your opinions no matter how brilliant you think you are. You may think I’m an ass but I really hate people that have no business butting in. Just as I hate America butting into other countries, let the UN protect the world and we need to stay out of it.

When I first starting posting on this board I spent a bit of time in the movies and music side.
That being said, this is one of the terrible trait(s)of conservatives - insular, xenophobic, egocentric (more than normal), hateful towards anything different.
When you say "we don't want"..that only relates to neocon, right-wing, religious, white conservatives. And really, to be frank, I couldn't give a shit what people like you want.
Just remember his Papa - and I'm being 100 per cent serious - when I think of all the shit going on the world today, the likes are you are leading the way in terms of being the problem, not the solution.

Just so you know, the days of land-owners only have the vote, non-white people licking your boots, and your entitled self are well and truly over. You'll have to get used to it....
Does this mean you don't believe in minding your own business and leaving people alone?

Because that's what it sounds like, but I want to be clear.
Does this mean you don't believe in minding your own business and leaving people alone?
Because that's what it sounds like, but I want to be clear.

I do. But as I have stated on this board many times, the day the US keeps its nose out of everybody's else's business is the day I leave this board. Here I am still, 14 years later.
Flu is worse. Every single person that I have spoken with has said so.

Okay, so now a few people you know.
Why is their opinion worth more than mine? Did the author have both like I did?

Because they've done research and spoken to medical experts. You've talked to Steve and Miriam down at the local deli...
Google is your friend. We are. Hey, your hatred for Jews doesn’t go unnoticed.

You get your info from Google? That explains a lot.
Ah, the Jew card. Took a while, but here it is. I do have Jew in me, so that dog don't hunt race baiter...
Then you should be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem and realize how big of a deal it is. Google is just a search engine. You’re such a dumbass.
Flu is worse. Every single person that I have spoken with has said so.

Okay, so now a few people you know.
Why is their opinion worth more than mine? Did the author have both like I did?

Because they've done research and spoken to medical experts. You've talking to Steve and Miriam down at the local deli...
Experts? LMaO!!! I donate Plasma monthly. I speak with experts too. Again, I ve Had both. So please STFU.
Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
bye...........to the one who will give us Biden and put them in power with your vote going to NOTHING.

Now.........I gave you the damned Science.......as you try your Social Warrior BS here.......and that is what it is.

Bull Shit...............

common cold to t Cells and the cells remember them for years .......decades even.........that is why people walk through this like it's nothing and they don't even know.......elderly ..........t Cells degrade with age.....and with conditions of Cancer or diabetes..............they are the ones who need REAL MASKS........NOT CLOTH bs MASKS WHICH ARE A JOKE.

That's right. I'm a meat cutter in a snobby grocery store. We never stopped working. Little by little as the fear waned, people just threw on any old rag instead of Grade-A surgical masks. A tiny smidgeon of people in our ranks got the virus and guess what...they all came back soon after and the rest of us were fine and so were they. The shit first hit the fan in my area in March. It's been like 8 months and we have seen very little trouble, even with all the laxness. So yeah....iit
s mostly BULL SHIT through and through, being exploited for political gain, almost totally by the democrats. It's also being used to give the government more financial control over the economy and more general control over our lives. That is mostly what all this is about. When we start to realize this and finally flush the imposters out of the CDC and various intelligence agencies which infiltrate and guide the media and mass perception, we will overcome the virus better than with a vaccine.
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Then you should be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem and realize how big of a deal it is. Google is just a search engine. You’re such a dumbass.

Why would I be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem when it causes issues with others who live in the area? Jerusalem should be open to both Arabs and Jews. For chrissakes, arabs and jews are both semites. Worst case of sibling rivalry in the world...
Google is your friend. We are. Hey, your hatred for Jews doesn’t go unnoticed.

You get your info from Google? That explains a lot.
Ah, the Jew card. Took a while, but here it is. I do have Jew in me, so that dog don't hunt race baiter...
Then you should be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem and realize how big of a deal it is. Google is just a search engine. You’re such a dumbass.

Google is the right arm of the New World Order and helps to join business and government together in managing and controlling the masses. They can practically predict when you'll fart...and that's not cool. If YOU'RE ok with that then YOU'RE not cool.
Then you should be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem and realize how big of a deal it is. Google is just a search engine. You’re such a dumbass.

Why would I be happy about the embassy in Jerusalem when it causes issues with others who live in the area? Jerusalem should be open to both Arabs and Jews. For chrissakes, arabs and jews are both semites. Worst case of sibling rivalry in the world...
Because they aren’t “Arabs” they are terrorists. Jerusalem is our ancient homeland. Not theirs. Both semites but we don’t chop heads over cartoons.

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