We Should've had a BIG Head Start on the Virus... Now The US will be the Hardest Hit Country...



Sorry, but the dipshits in charge of NY really fucked the state over.

That is Trumps fault ?

You are full of shit.
Trump was getting the daily intel reports long before the virus was a problem in NY. Trump needed to act back in February, when Bill Burr got the same reports and sold his stock. That was the time to act.

Don't worry there will be investigations... The intel will come out and Trump will be exposed.

More prognostications.

Sorry to see your TDS is so active right now you can't see what is happening around you.

You don't know when the time to act was. That's not your call.

Want better....run for office

Otherwise STFU, we get tired of you assholes.
The Virus hit China and Europe first.

Trump received DAILY classified Intel Outlining the clear serious threat and he IGNORED it all.

Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.

Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus instead of preparing the country for it's inevitable spread because he was afraid it would "scare the stock market"

Trumpers kept boasting how the virus is much worse in Europe Asia etc etc (We can bring up all the posts and threads), Now the US will be the hardest hit country and this will go down as the worst response to a disaster in US history. This is only going to get worse.

Trump did 1 thing, and only 1 thing, the China travel ban, then he completely failed in every way possible.

They are going to do investigations into Trump's failed response and they will expose the daily classified intel reports that Trump ignored.

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Trumpers will never admit the truth, they'd rather continue to live a lie...
Trump did 1 thing, and only 1 thing, the China travel ban, then he completely failed in every way possible.
Did you miss the part where all the leftist bitching shrill cries of xenophobia caused him to NOT do the travel ban?

By the way, this is YOU:
The Virus hit China and Europe first.

Trump received DAILY classified Intel Outlining the clear serious threat and he IGNORED it all.

Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.

Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus instead of preparing the country for it's inevitable spread because he was afraid it would "scare the stock market"

Trumpers kept boasting how the virus is much worse in Europe Asia etc etc (We can bring up all the posts and threads), Now the US will be the hardest hit country and this will go down as the worst response to a disaster in US history. This is only going to get worse.

Trump did 1 thing, and only 1 thing, the China travel ban, then he completely failed in every way possible.

They are going to do investigations into Trump's failed response and they will expose the daily classified intel reports that Trump ignored.

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Trumpers will never admit the truth, they'd rather continue to live a lie...

Funny how many back seat drivers, armchair generals, and crystal ball fortune tellers pop up every time something happens.

Pretty easy to say others should have done better, while you yourself have done absolutely nothing, isn't it?

I'm not president and I didn't see the daily intel reports... Stupid post

That is exactly the point. That's the whole point.

You have no idea, none whatsoever, as to what was, or was not said, or what reports were, or were not received.

You don't know diddly jack. But that doesn't stop you from being on here acting all arrogant and obnoxious, does it? :)
On January 29 Trump set-up a task-force.

On January 31 Trump declared the Wuhan virus a public health emergency.

Followed by the China travel ban.

On Feb. 25, Nancy Messonnier, a senior CDC official, sounded perhaps the most significant public alarm to that point, when she told reporters that the coronavirus was likely to spread within communities in the United States and that disruptions to daily life could be “severe.” Trump called Azar on his way back from a trip to India and complained that Messonnier was scaring the stock markets, according to two senior administration officials.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Trump failed to act and downplayed the virus, and now we are fucked. thanks trump...

Yes, we've read it all before.

It was funny then, but you fuckers are getting real tiresome.
The Virus hit China and Europe first.

Trump received DAILY classified Intel Outlining the clear serious threat and he IGNORED it all.

Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.

Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus instead of preparing the country for it's inevitable spread because he was afraid it would "scare the stock market"

Trumpers kept boasting how the virus is much worse in Europe Asia etc etc (We can bring up all the posts and threads), Now the US will be the hardest hit country and this will go down as the worst response to a disaster in US history. This is only going to get worse.

Trump did 1 thing, and only 1 thing, the China travel ban, then he completely failed in every way possible.

They are going to do investigations into Trump's failed response and they will expose the daily classified intel reports that Trump ignored.

View attachment 318001

Trumpers will never admit the truth, they'd rather continue to live a lie...

Funny how many back seat drivers, armchair generals, and crystal ball fortune tellers pop up every time something happens.

Pretty easy to say others should have done better, while you yourself have done absolutely nothing, isn't it?

I'm not president and I didn't see the daily intel reports... Stupid post

That is exactly the point. That's the whole point.

You have no idea, none whatsoever, as to what was, or was not said, or what reports were, or were not received.

You don't know diddly jack. But that doesn't stop you from being on here acting all arrogant and obnoxious, does it? :)

What she knows is that she HATES Trump.

When was the final impeachment vote (on a sham trial that Pelosi held up when our President could have been focused on other things ?

I still think that if I saw Adam Schitt in an airport, I'd get carted away in cuffs for trying to strangle the bastard.
So Democrats would have shut down our economy even sooner if they could go back in time. That would have guaranteed a depression.
Once they realized it might hurt him, they starting pushing for just that. Fortunately, his approval numbers are actually getting better because of his response.
If the OP was my banker.....I'd be looking for a new one.

If he handles numbers the same way he handles this shit.....I would not want him near my money.


Sorry, but the dipshits in charge of NY really fucked the state over.

That is Trumps fault ?

You are full of shit.
Trump was getting the daily intel reports long before the virus was a problem in NY. Trump needed to act back in February, when Bill Burr got the same reports and sold his stock. That was the time to act.

Don't worry there will be investigations... The intel will come out and Trump will be exposed.
N.Y. taxed their citizens back to another era and did not have the equipment and supplies for what their Prog socialist communist dreams have promised. If this continues, perhaps neutralizing our Southern border to anyone coming by any means and worse and neutralizing North Korea would be prudent steps.
Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.
You have no proof of that.
Yeah we do.

You asked for proof, there it is.

Your response tells me you cannot refute it, but that you also cannot admit you were wrong.
Add up the populations of Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and Britain, the total is ~314 million, they are less than ours. Yet they have over 352,000 cases.

Switzerland has fewer than 9 million people and has over 16,600 cases. To match that you would have to multiply by 37, which would give over 614,000 cases in America.

Stop bitching.

RETARD, the US will have way more cases they are increases everyday... Are you stupid or something...


Please show us your projections....not others projections because they have the humility to say they are based on models.

Let's see your model.
Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.
You have no proof of that.
Yeah we do.

You asked for proof, there it is.

Your response tells me you cannot refute it, but that you also cannot admit you were wrong.

Democrats love this entire thing. Those in charge will always have the money. They are hoping beyond hope they can get some more dependency out of this thing and maybe get one of their commies elected President after claiming the economy is failing under Trump, meanwhile, the stock market is right about where it was when Trump took office, despite the huge downturn. Imagine where we would be had we had elected Hillary and the economy was stagnant or worse than it was in Nov. 2016(which it would most definitely be with more regulation and tax hikes).

Bottom line is the Democratic lemmings, even those in NYC and other highly infected areas, will follow their masters no matter what.
The Virus hit China and Europe first.

Trump received DAILY classified Intel Outlining the clear serious threat and he IGNORED it all.

Bill Burr, saw that intel, sold his stock, and told his donors we are FUCKED.

Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus instead of preparing the country for it's inevitable spread because he was afraid it would "scare the stock market"

Trumpers kept boasting how the virus is much worse in Europe Asia etc etc (We can bring up all the posts and threads), Now the US will be the hardest hit country and this will go down as the worst response to a disaster in US history. This is only going to get worse.

Trump did 1 thing, and only 1 thing, the China travel ban, then he completely failed in every way possible.

They are going to do investigations into Trump's failed response and they will expose the daily classified intel reports that Trump ignored.

View attachment 318001

Trumpers will never admit the truth, they'd rather continue to live a lie...

Funny how many back seat drivers, armchair generals, and crystal ball fortune tellers pop up every time something happens.

Pretty easy to say others should have done better, while you yourself have done absolutely nothing, isn't it?

I'm not president and I didn't see the daily intel reports... Stupid post

That is exactly the point. That's the whole point.

You have no idea, none whatsoever, as to what was, or was not said, or what reports were, or were not received.

You don't know diddly jack. But that doesn't stop you from being on here acting all arrogant and obnoxious, does it? :)

What she knows is that she HATES Trump.

When was the final impeachment vote (on a sham trial that Pelosi held up when our President could have been focused on other things ?

I still think that if I saw Adam Schitt in an airport, I'd get carted away in cuffs for trying to strangle the bastard.

Hmm. I don't remember Trump being involved in impeachment. I remember him doing a lot of tweeting, holding a lot of pep rallies, doing a lot of dismissing and downplaying of the virus. And generally not acting at all.
Yeah, it wouldn't have mattered. Trump is like a five year old. His focus is on him.

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