"WE WANT TRUMP!" You didn't see this reported by the media

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Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.


Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.

Agreed. He is a disgraceful excuse for an American, a conservative, a republican, a Christian, a human being, or any of the aforementioned.

That's awesome, I'm totally cool with that...I find it pathetic that so many nutless cucks are scared shitless to discuss or address anything with regard to ethnicity....all nutless fools are owned by the PC movement...I get that.
Remember, I'm extreme, I'm that guy hoping to distance himself from the sackless pukes who have got their asses handed to them for decades. You cucks just sit there on your hands like you've done for years and ride the coattails of this new age Republican....We got your sorry asses..we'll carry all you pussies.

I'm perfectly fine discussing evolutionary divergence.

When folks aren't educated to know that all humans experience life the same, they are ignorant, and thus, they FEAR the other.

Biologists and Anthropologists have noted, this is a totally normal reaction. What really bugs me, is the elite ruling class journalists brainwash folks to make it seem like it is just the reverse. I had a liberal friend of mine just the other day on her FB, post a meme saying that HATE is learned. Factually, it is not, it is empathy and love that is learned.

HATE, fear, suspicion, it is all a product of ignorance. If folks go into the armed forces or off to University, they get exposed to many different life styles and different types of people, THEY LEARN EMPATHY. Folks may not like differences, but they understand the life of different people.

Folks that never leave their cloistered community, do not get it.

Biologists have even noted, that among animal species, like wolves, or lions, different sub-groupings are preferential to in-groups, versus out-groupings, IT IS NATURAL. It takes exposure and education to the out-group to overcome fear and suspicion. This is only ever done if there is some evolutionary or economic advantage in doing so.

The left would make all of society believe that babies are born accepting of the out-group, and are raised to hate and fear the out group by ignorant red necks, when, in fact, it takes exposure to different groups and different types of people to condition empathy and love. It takes a very affluent society to make diversity and multiculturalism work.

. . . IN CONCLUSION, more than likely, you have never served in the military, nor have you been forced to live in a dorm or shipped off far away and been exposed to many different types of people much more diverse than yourself.

We understand your fear and suspicion of the OUT-GROUP.

I have no problem understanding or discussing the dynamics of relations between IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP exchanges.

I don't think you really know anything beyond your fear and suspicion. Nor do I think you have an interest in learning love and empathy either, for it would confer no evolutionary or economic advantage to you in the short term.

Evolution of in-group favoritism

And you say all this to get what sort of point accross ???

Do you think that all people's are harmless for whom chooses to come together as a group under a specific ideology or thought process of some sort ????

Once the people create standards and moral guidelines to go by, and another group or groups become something in contrast to those sacred standards or moral guidelines chosen freely by participating groups, then comes the separation of the groups along those guidelines that were chosen if aren't respected or honored.

Now groups can exist side by side as long as each group respects the standards and moral guidelines that each group sets forth for themselves to follow. They can even mingle together in the percieved public sqaures as long as guidelines and standards are respected and abided by in these things when such intermingling takes place.

Now who controls the public square for all groups to use ???? You might say well the government does... But I say who controls the government at any given time, and what ideology does the grouped members taking control of said government have at any given time ????? These things have since become some kind of an issue these days, and this has come about by what ???

Was it for one example due to the fundemental change Obama talked about ???? How did that work out for the country as a whole ???? If done right it could have been productive, but it wasn't done right in which is the problem.

I say that it has become an issue all due to the disrespectful attitudes, strange ideologies, underhandedness, radicalness, and chaos used by the smaller groups that allow very influential individuals from within to use such things and/or tactics listed, in order to cast out the larger groups from the percieved public square (i.e. isolating them), in which those smaller groups wanted badly in order to take total control of that public square, and so the public square really no longer exists for the larger groups whom at this point chooses to stay home.

Plan accomplished right or is it an ongoing thing ??
And we have been shown just how little it ta
Fuck you punk. You maggots talk all your shit on the internet and you give yourselves away. You don't want anything to do with me son and that's all I'm going to say.

Come at me, brah. You ain't shit. I beat the shit out of a 6'5" black boy when I was 16, you really think you're even as bad as he was? I fucking doubt it. He knocked some people out, but I knocked him out, and then some.

Look at the violent white trash. Mad because I won't shut up about white racism. I've said what I am going to say about a physical confrontation son.

All you talk is racism, because you are a black racist piece of dogshit. You're not intimidating anything here, bitch, I'll fuck you up. You got the right cracker now.

I never put up with that shit from anybody, black or white, or fucking Vietnamese, even. They can jump around and kick all they want, until they step into my space where it's a threat, then I'm gonna stick them into next week like pigs. Same goes for you, bitch.
Black Guy Gets Knocked Out With One Punch While Trying To Lecture A White Dude About Racism! | Video

“Blacks reacting to racism......is NOT racism. Besides, many whites have proven that they don't even use the official dictionary definition of the term. What is GIVEN is the definition. The problem is that whites don't like to use it because when applied properly, whites clearly stand out as the culprits.”

Learn that and cease with the whining.

Blacks are handicapped? By their own thinking would be my guess.......
Wonder by what percentages does this take place ???

Is it that they handicap themselves by 85% all due to them being taught this (hope not).

And is it racism used by other races upon them in which handicaps them by 15%


The 15% is easily overcome, but that 85% would be tough to overcome, therefore making them their own worst enemies.
I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?

The way other nations act toward the US determines how they should be treated. There are a little less than 160 nations on earth, there's no reason we should be paying the majority of the costs for international organizations like the UN.


Then there is no reason for our corporations to be in the majority of those 160 nations milking their resources or paying them pennies per hour so that American CEOs and shareholders get rich.

Yeah, you commies seem to forget all the foreign corporations that are operating and selling their product here. Where do you think their profits go?

I'm willing to bet neither you, nor she, can quote anything in our Constitution that mentions anything about the media or press having any sort of defined role in our government or society.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now be quiet.

That doesn't define their roll in government or society. The printing press was not prevalent in American society at the time of the founding. I took news weeks to cross the States, nothing was instantaneous then. Modern media wasn't even a dream in that era. And yes there were politically biased news papers then, at least they didn't project themselves as being objective.


Yes it does. Media is media and what they had at that time was modern for those times.

And the Constitution doesn't define their roll. Period.


Actually it does and no matter what you think, the constitution damn sure doesn't oppose the existence of the press. Period .

So tell the class what the constitutional enumerated powers of the press are.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.

In your mind, but you're a dumbass racist, so there's that.

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.”

Hey, bitch! Your black ass is not superior to me. Go fuck yourself!

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.”

Need a link for your quote
Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.

Agreed. He is a disgraceful excuse for an American, a conservative, a republican, a Christian, a human being, or any of the aforementioned.

That's awesome, I'm totally cool with that...I find it pathetic that so many nutless cucks are scared shitless to discuss or address anything with regard to ethnicity....all nutless fools are owned by the PC movement...I get that.
Remember, I'm extreme, I'm that guy hoping to distance himself from the sackless pukes who have got their asses handed to them for decades. You cucks just sit there on your hands like you've done for years and ride the coattails of this new age Republican....We got your sorry asses..we'll carry all you pussies.

I'm perfectly fine discussing evolutionary divergence.

When folks aren't educated to know that all humans experience life the same, they are ignorant, and thus, they FEAR the other.

Biologists and Anthropologists have noted, this is a totally normal reaction. What really bugs me, is the elite ruling class journalists brainwash folks to make it seem like it is just the reverse. I had a liberal friend of mine just the other day on her FB, post a meme saying that HATE is learned. Factually, it is not, it is empathy and love that is learned.

HATE, fear, suspicion, it is all a product of ignorance. If folks go into the armed forces or off to University, they get exposed to many different life styles and different types of people, THEY LEARN EMPATHY. Folks may not like differences, but they understand the life of different people.

Folks that never leave their cloistered community, do not get it.

Biologists have even noted, that among animal species, like wolves, or lions, different sub-groupings are preferential to in-groups, versus out-groupings, IT IS NATURAL. It takes exposure and education to the out-group to overcome fear and suspicion. This is only ever done if there is some evolutionary or economic advantage in doing so.

The left would make all of society believe that babies are born accepting of the out-group, and are raised to hate and fear the out group by ignorant red necks, when, in fact, it takes exposure to different groups and different types of people to condition empathy and love. It takes a very affluent society to make diversity and multiculturalism work.

. . . IN CONCLUSION, more than likely, you have never served in the military, nor have you been forced to live in a dorm or shipped off far away and been exposed to many different types of people much more diverse than yourself.

We understand your fear and suspicion of the OUT-GROUP.

I have no problem understanding or discussing the dynamics of relations between IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP exchanges.

I don't think you really know anything beyond your fear and suspicion. Nor do I think you have an interest in learning love and empathy either, for it would confer no evolutionary or economic advantage to you in the short term.

Evolution of in-group favoritism

And you say all this to get what sort of point accross ???

Do you think that all people's are harmless for whom chooses to come together as a group under a specific ideology or thought process of some sort ????

Once the people create standards and moral guidelines to go by, and another group or groups become something in contrast to those sacred standards or moral guidelines chosen freely by participating groups, then comes the separation of the groups along those guidelines that were chosen if aren't respected or honored.

Now groups can exist side by side as long as each group respects the standards and moral guidelines that each group sets forth for themselves to follow. They can even mingle together in the percieved public sqaures as long as guidelines and standards are respected and abided by in these things when such intermingling takes place.

Now who controls the public square for all groups to use ???? You might say well the government does... But I say who controls the government at any given time, and what ideology does the grouped members taking control of said government have at any given time ????? These things have since become some kind of an issue these days, and this has come about by what ???

Was it for one example due to the fundemental change Obama talked about ???? How did that work out for the country as a whole ???? If done right it could have been productive, but it wasn't done right in which is the problem.

I say that it has become an issue all due to the disrespectful attitudes, strange ideologies, underhandedness, radicalness, and chaos used by the smaller groups that allow very influential individuals from within to use such things and/or tactics listed, in order to cast out the larger groups from the percieved public square (i.e. isolating them), in which those smaller groups wanted badly in order to take total control of that public square, and so the public square really no longer exists for the larger groups whom at this point chooses to stay home.

Plan accomplished right or is it an ongoing thing ??

Totally rational, totally logical, no bleeding hear FEELZ injected...just raw reality. Awesome post.

All you talk is racism, because you are a black racist piece of dogshit. You're not intimidating anything here, bitch, I'll fuck you up. You got the right cracker now.

I never put up with that shit from anybody, black or white, or fucking Vietnamese, even. They can jump around and kick all they want, until they step into my space where it's a threat, then I'm gonna stick them into next week like pigs. Same goes for you, bitch.
Black Guy Gets Knocked Out With One Punch While Trying To Lecture A White Dude About Racism! | Video

“Blacks reacting to racism......is NOT racism. Besides, many whites have proven that they don't even use the official dictionary definition of the term. What is GIVEN is the definition. The problem is that whites don't like to use it because when applied properly, whites clearly stand out as the culprits.”

Learn that and cease with the whining.

It'll be a cold day in hell before I get onboard with that bullshit, you fucking racist dumbass.

Take your ass back to Africa if it's that bad for ya heanh. I'll buy your ticket.

You better get on board because that's the truth. I was born here so fuck that. Amendment 1 says I can complain if I don't like how things are going. So if you want fascism move your punk ass to Russia. Because it's like this wb, either things change or we are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

How ready are you to fight? I damn sure am at the drop of a hat. Keep that in mind. My people made this country. Many decent black Americans did, too. Something tells me that's not you and yours. Know that we are willing to fight for what our ancestors fought and died for, punkass bitch. That's mostly black and white Americans. I go to the black barbershop every now and then to see my childhood friend. He had his problems with the institutionalization and all that, but me and his brother stuck by him the whole way. That's life. You're a turd. Me and his brother are big believers in God, and what's right, and praying.

You? He's out of prison and that's just about a miracle.

Yeah, I know, you have a black friend. And that black friend agrees with your racism. In fact he feels the same way as you do. I've heard this story boy. My people made this country while yours watched bitch. You say you inherited a plantation. My father took a bullet for this country and an uncle died saving your white asses from Hitler. Don't challenge my Americanness. What something tells you is wrong. And no one gives a fuck if your punk racist ass is ready to fight. You're a punk ass racist white bitch who can't deal with the truth that his white ass ain't superior and that everything he has learned is a lie. Just keep this in mind, if we were to ever fight I am more than prepared.

Well that answers that question. It's yours, but not you. You missed something somewhere along the way. Btw, a black man owns the land my family used to, and then some! He bought all the land they'd sell him! :eek:

My black friend at the barber shop? His family's been here forever and not slaves. He inherited a house. His family's been in the neighborhood for over a century and a half. In the city. He'll probably end up selling out and being a millionaire. Times are a-changin' :(
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What a total badass.
Anybody know her identity...is there a gofundme account for her?

what a shocker that you would cheer for the destruction of someone's personal property.

how dare anyone have a view that is not in goosestep with yours.

Stop whining pussy.
We’ve decided to fight fire with fire...Sucks for you LefTarded pukes huh?
“Goosestep”....haha...that’s another one of those cool words you stand for nothing, nutless bitches get to use....hahaha

What a total badass.
Anybody know her identity...is there a gofundme account for her?

what a shocker that you would cheer for the destruction of someone's personal property.

how dare anyone have a view that is not in goosestep with yours.

Stop whining pussy.
We’ve decided to fight fire with fire...Sucks for you LefTarded pukes huh?
“Goosestep”....haha...that’s another one of those cool words you stand for nothing, nutless bitches get to use....hahaha

They just don't get that we no longer give a flying fuck what they think anymore..............

Maybe one day they will realize that..............
Has it ever occurred to you Trump cultists that the media is reporting the news and that news is Trump does not have the intellectual and emotional comportment to be anything other than a reality game show host or professional wrestling promoter?

Maybe it ain't the media. Maybe it is what they have to report on.
But the Surrender Monkey was a community disorganiser and taught by a communist Negro in Hawaii....but that gives him street cred along WITH HIS Choom gang.... ROTFLMFAO
Any comments on how your OP is false? That that is not a crowd from last week, but rather an anti-muslim rally from last year?

What a total badass.
Anybody know her identity...is there a gofundme account for her?

what a shocker that you would cheer for the destruction of someone's personal property.

how dare anyone have a view that is not in goosestep with yours.

Stop whining pussy.
We’ve decided to fight fire with fire...Sucks for you LefTarded pukes huh?
“Goosestep”....haha...that’s another one of those cool words you stand for nothing, nutless bitches get to use....hahaha

They just don't get that we no longer give a flying fuck what they think anymore..............

Maybe one day they will realize that..............

The likes of Golfing Gator are pissing themselves as they realize there is nothing, no action beneath us anymore...we’ll stoop as low as we have to to defeat the pieces of shits among us.
The days of the Left bullying the Right are long gone as new age Conservatives have balls and are totally fine with playing dirty.

What a total badass.
Anybody know her identity...is there a gofundme account for her?

what a shocker that you would cheer for the destruction of someone's personal property.

how dare anyone have a view that is not in goosestep with yours.

Stop whining pussy.
We’ve decided to fight fire with fire...Sucks for you LefTarded pukes huh?
“Goosestep”....haha...that’s another one of those cool words you stand for nothing, nutless bitches get to use....hahaha

They just don't get that we no longer give a flying fuck what they think anymore..............

Maybe one day they will realize that..............

The likes of Golfing Gator are pissing themselves as they realize there is nothing, no action beneath us anymore...we’ll stoop as low as we have to to defeat the pieces of shits among us.
The days of the Left bullying the Right are long gone as new age Conservatives have balls and are totally fine with playing dirty.

Got a haircut yesterday......and the talk from the barber was about the Dems.........saying dang I hate to be this way but the Dems have lost their freaking minds................Said he hated to say it.........but they have gone off the reservation .............I of course agreed...........gave him a better tip too.......LOL
The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.

In your mind, but you're a dumbass racist, so there's that.

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.”

Hey, bitch! Your black ass is not superior to me. Go fuck yourself! If anything, your ass is inferior.
There it is....just like IM2 said.
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