We WERE Americans

Perhaps you need to empty your prisons of the largest population in the world before more of you can feel proud.
But THAT is a true statement. They ARE following the path of Asians.
And it is true that you are demonstrating contempt for your countrymen who do not follow the path of the Asians.

But in any case, exactly what attributes of your nation do you want your citizens to take pride in? What are American things to be proud of?
No, not at all. A given path may show more progress and potential than another. The fact you can see it only shows how profound tthe difference is.
But THAT is a true statement. They ARE following the path of Asians.
And it is true that you are demonstrating contempt for your countrymen who do not follow the path of the Asians.

But in any case, exactly what attributes of your nation do you want your citizens to take pride in? What are American things to be proud of?
Explain how putting a criminal on the street makes one proud.
No, not at all. A given path may show more progress and potential than another. The fact you can see it only shows how profound tthe difference is.
You are the one demonstrating contempt for your countrymen 'who do not get jobs'.
No, not at all. A given path may show more progress and potential than another. The fact you can see it only shows how profound tthe difference is.
You are the one demonstrating contempt for your countrymen 'who do not get jobs'.
You know I think just about every member on this board started some where near the bottom. And a few at one time may have HAD to re-start at the bottom.

Its not where you start. Its where you finish.
When did that become a tradition? Are you being funny?

No, I'm not being funny, I'm pointing out that some people see the past through rose colored glasses.
true. And some look through purple. How about you and I look through clear glasses and find some common ground.

In order to accomplish what?
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.
"Making criminals".....What civilized nation "makes" criminals?
Exactly. What civilised country has the largest prison population in the world, both raw numbers and per capita?

But why won't you state what attributes of America your citizens should be proud of?
No, I'm not being funny, I'm pointing out that some people see the past through rose colored glasses.
true. And some look through purple. How about you and I look through clear glasses and find some common ground.

In order to accomplish what?
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
true. And some look through purple. How about you and I look through clear glasses and find some common ground.

In order to accomplish what?
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?
In order to accomplish what?
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.
"Making criminals".....What civilized nation "makes" criminals?
Exactly. What civilised country has the largest prison population in the world, both raw numbers and per capita?

But why won't you state what attributes of America your citizens should be proud of?
Public laws are guidelines and constantly change. Allow me to explain. A buddy named Stan was arrested at the Seattle Center 20 years ago for smoking pot. He DID 18 months in the Monore state reformatory. Three years ago another buddy was given a ticket for doing the SAME thing.

So what changed? Only the public "concept" of how bad that was.
No ONE person "made" a criminal. The majority of the population simply changed its mind. At the SAME time our pot laws were more lax our drunk driving laws were becoming more puritan.
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.

Bingo! I agree with you 100%. That attitude happened after 9/11. Do you recall that? Everyone was flying flags, I guess because we had the common pursuit, like you said. I think the neatest part of that entire experience, is, that I don't recall politics being an issue. We had a common enemy and we were together. I imagine it was like that during WWII.
A dialogue and sharing of ideas. Agreeing when one person has a good point and being able to disagree like , was going to say adults, but we should do better, Adults don't do communicate well. Why is that?

This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.
Social cause needs leadership and if you cannot find it then is it not YOUR job to be it?
This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.
Social cause needs leadership and if you cannot find it then is it not YOUR job to be it?

Not on an Internet message board which is what Jackson was talking about.
This happens all the time in this country just not usually in politics. There's a reason for that, the point of politics isn't to get along and share ideas and it definitely isn't to admit you're wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.

Bingo! I agree with you 100%. That attitude happened after 9/11. Do you recall that? Everyone was flying flags, I guess because we had the common pursuit, like you said. I think the neatest part of that entire experience, is, that I don't recall politics being an issue. We had a common enemy and we were together. I imagine it was like that during WWII.

I recall that lasting about a week.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.
Social cause needs leadership and if you cannot find it then is it not YOUR job to be it?

Not on an Internet message board which is what Jackson was talking about.
Why not here? Is this not a cross section of the population? Does the very board not reflect many towns and small cities?
No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.
Social cause needs leadership and if you cannot find it then is it not YOUR job to be it?

Not on an Internet message board which is what Jackson was talking about.
Why not here? Is this not a cross section of the population? Does the very board not reflect many towns and small cities?

No, it doesn't. This board is full of people who follow the news and like to talk about it. That's not most people.
So you want Americans to feel proud but you can't say what they should feel proud about. Seems a difficult mission.

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