We WERE Americans

So you want Americans to feel proud but you can't say what they should feel proud about. Seems a difficult mission.
I think the OP and the thread following gives more then a few reasons for pride. What is needed is to act on it and propel it forward and make it part of the national blood stream once again.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.

Bingo! I agree with you 100%. That attitude happened after 9/11. Do you recall that? Everyone was flying flags, I guess because we had the common pursuit, like you said. I think the neatest part of that entire experience, is, that I don't recall politics being an issue. We had a common enemy and we were together. I imagine it was like that during WWII.

I recall that lasting about a week.
Because WE failed to seize the moment and keep it as our center of national importance. We instead resorted to the old "this group that group" crap.
Admitting you were wrong about something is so terrible? I was wrong about something I wrote earlier today and someone corrected me on it. Called me a liar. I read his link and he was right. I was wrong. My message (best to memory)
"Dotcom your are right. I stand corrected. Thank you."
That wasn't so hard to do. None of us are right 100% of the time. Isn't it more responsible to have a reputation of being honest knowing you can't be right all of the time? Some people have a reputation for insulting when the conversation turns on them. That's just the opposite of what we should be doing. Just my 2 cents.

No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.

Bingo! I agree with you 100%. That attitude happened after 9/11. Do you recall that? Everyone was flying flags, I guess because we had the common pursuit, like you said. I think the neatest part of that entire experience, is, that I don't recall politics being an issue. We had a common enemy and we were together. I imagine it was like that during WWII.

I recall that lasting about a week.
LOL! Will it made an impact on me!
I think the OP and the thread following gives more then a few reasons for pride.
Yet you can't list them. Nor can I discern the reasons for pride you seem to feel have been expounded. A large prison population and dissing a section of society for not getting jobs hardly seem a basis for national self congratulation.
No it's not wrong. What I asked you was in order to accomplish what? Without a political organization in place all you're really talking about is conversation.
I guess you are right. But, we have to have that conversation to get those things done, right? can we come from different viewpoints and compromise on an idea? How can Congress do it if we can't on a mere message board? We have a problem with our egos, I think. What do you think?

I think people cooperate when they have to and have the ability to. Cooperation happens at work all of the time, people united in a common pursuit who have the ability to make their ideas reality have a reason to cooperate but on this board there is no organization with a goal to achieve so it's nothing but talk. It's meaningless whether we agree with each other or not.

Bingo! I agree with you 100%. That attitude happened after 9/11. Do you recall that? Everyone was flying flags, I guess because we had the common pursuit, like you said. I think the neatest part of that entire experience, is, that I don't recall politics being an issue. We had a common enemy and we were together. I imagine it was like that during WWII.

I recall that lasting about a week.
Because WE failed to seize the moment and keep it as our center of national importance. We instead resorted to the old "this group that group" crap.

I disagree. We reverted back to what we always have been. The Founders had duels ffs.
What is needed is to act on it and propel it forward and make it part of the national blood stream once again.
Really it seems as if you don't care of what you are proud as long as you are proud.

Putting the cart before the horse imo.
I think the OP and the thread following gives more then a few reasons for pride.
Yet you can't list them. Nor can I discern the reasons for pride you seem to feel have been expounded. A large prison population and dissing a section of society for not getting jobs hardly seem a basis for national self congratulation.
YOU still have not explained how freeing an entire prison population is a reward to civilized society.
YOU still have not explained how freeing an entire prison population is a reward to civilized society.
No, you misrepresent feeling proud of your country as a reward to a civilised society.

It's no wonder you don't understand what you perceive as a lack of national pride while you cannot state what you should be proud of. Should you be proud of your prison population? Your military spending? After all, those are things in which America leads the world.

What about America are you proud of?
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There WAS a day when that meant something. NATIONAL pride was more then an idea a concept it was a FACT, it was a practice. But it has been slowly stripped away and discarded by political hobo's. I know I am not wrong in remembering this, because it was a part of everyday life.

I'm sure there are MANY members here such as Jackson or randall Flagg even Sonny Clark that can remember this. It was almost inherent in our blood.
Nor are we the only nation or people to endure his FORCED loss. Stratford57 can see it in his country and Lucy Hamilton can see it in hers.

We not only have those left wing lunatics deriding us for ours they insist ALL must give it up. What do our and those government propose to replace it with? SOCIALIST government where NOT a thought is yours. You do realize that government NEVER advances only reacts.

There is no advancement under socialist government because that form of government is designed to be stable and never changing. Under a communist government {USSR} the government builds cars and the design hardly ever changes. MOST socialist countries don't even build cars of their own design.

Canada builds cars for Ford/GM/Dodge/Toyota and Honda. All designed in other countries by other people. Canada builds the Winnebago on an American truck platform. They simply do not design/build their own platforms They have outsourced their tech just as American has outsourced its labor.

There WAS a time when all countries displayed their best. German steel was number one. Russian ship building was the best and America built cars for anywhere in the world on any budget and could handle any road.

National pride. The Russians have re-found theirs in a fellow named Putin. Germany struggles right now to find its and in November the world will watch to see IF America has found hers. We are no more the leader of the free world today then Mexico. Germany is no more Europe's free world leader then Greece.

National pride is the ONLY thing that puts you there because with national pride comes ideas and sweat. Hillary has no national pride and never has. The world has seen and suffered at the lack of Obama. Germany is fast falling into chaos because of its leaders HATE for its people. We in this country have a FLOTUS on record with her hate for our way. Just how stupid was that?

So what makes me think we can make America great again? Because we ARE Americans and that just IS what we do...


This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.
There WAS a day went that meant something. NATIONAL pride was more then an idea a concept it was a FACT, it was a practice. But it has been slowly stripped away and discarded by political hobo's. I know I am not wrong in remembering this, because it was a part of everyday life.

I'm sure there are MANY members here such as Jackson or randall Flagg even Sonny Clark that can remember this. It was almost inherent in our blood.
Nor are we the only nation or people to endure his FORCED loss. Stratford57 can see it in his country and Lucy Hamilton can see it in hers.

We not only have those left wing lunatics deriding us for ours they insist ALL must give it up. What do our and those government propose to replace it with? SOCIALIST government where NOT a thought is yours. You do realize that government NEVER advances only reacts.

There is no advancement under socialist government because that form of government is designed to be stable and never changing. Under a communist government {USSR} the government builds cars and the design hardly ever changes. MOST socialist countries don't even build cars of their own design.

Canada builds cars for Ford/GM/Dodge/Toyota and Honda. All designed in other countries by other people. Canada builds the Winnebago on an American truck platform. They simply do not design/build their own platforms They have outsourced their tech just as American has outsourced its labor.

There WAS a time when all countries displayed their best. German steel was number one. Russian ship building was the best and America built cars for anywhere in the world on any budget and could handle any road.

National pride. The Russians have re-found theirs in a fellow named Putin. Germany struggles right now to find its and in November the world will watch to see IF America has found hers. We are no more the leader of the free world today then Mexico. Germany is no more Europe's free world leader then Greece.

National pride is the ONLY thing that puts you there because with national pride comes ideas and sweat. Hillary has no national pride and never has. The world has seen and suffered at the lack of Obama. Germany is fast falling into chaos because of its leaders HATE for its people. We in this country have a FLOTUS on record with her hate for our way. Just how stupid was that?

So what makes me think we can make America great again? Because we ARE Americans and that just IS what we do...


Excellent piece, Fury. It is so easy to become disappointed when we see the direction our country is taking. Many of us feel it. And, to think we could have a POTUS that is a socialist or one that has less integrity than a common thief, one just wants to shake their head and take a deep sigh.

But as you said, We are Americans and we have to believe that our citizens and immigrants can work together to make this country the leader of the free world, with jobs for all that want one, where we live in harmony again. It's not too hard if we remember for the most part, we are all Americans and want the best for every man, woman and child. Can we do it? Yes? Is there something more important than Democrat or Republican? Yes. This election, let's find a candidate who can bring us together and work for the greatness of this country!

This likewise fails because it endorses the straw man fallacy, where the OP is nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.
There WAS a day when that meant something. NATIONAL pride was more then an idea a concept it was a FACT, it was a practice. But it has been slowly stripped away and discarded by political hobo's. I know I am not wrong in remembering this, because it was a part of everyday life.

I'm sure there are MANY members here such as Jackson or randall Flagg even Sonny Clark that can remember this. It was almost inherent in our blood.
Nor are we the only nation or people to endure his FORCED loss. Stratford57 can see it in his country and Lucy Hamilton can see it in hers.

We not only have those left wing lunatics deriding us for ours they insist ALL must give it up. What do our and those government propose to replace it with? SOCIALIST government where NOT a thought is yours. You do realize that government NEVER advances only reacts.

There is no advancement under socialist government because that form of government is designed to be stable and never changing. Under a communist government {USSR} the government builds cars and the design hardly ever changes. MOST socialist countries don't even build cars of their own design.

Canada builds cars for Ford/GM/Dodge/Toyota and Honda. All designed in other countries by other people. Canada builds the Winnebago on an American truck platform. They simply do not design/build their own platforms They have outsourced their tech just as American has outsourced its labor.

There WAS a time when all countries displayed their best. German steel was number one. Russian ship building was the best and America built cars for anywhere in the world on any budget and could handle any road.

National pride. The Russians have re-found theirs in a fellow named Putin. Germany struggles right now to find its and in November the world will watch to see IF America has found hers. We are no more the leader of the free world today then Mexico. Germany is no more Europe's free world leader then Greece.

National pride is the ONLY thing that puts you there because with national pride comes ideas and sweat. Hillary has no national pride and never has. The world has seen and suffered at the lack of Obama. Germany is fast falling into chaos because of its leaders HATE for its people. We in this country have a FLOTUS on record with her hate for our way. Just how stupid was that?

So what makes me think we can make America great again? Because we ARE Americans and that just IS what we do...


This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.

YOU fail as a poster in ALL areas from content to comment.
It's always the RWNJ traitors who are ashamed of their own country.

We would be so much better off if they stopped their whining and their crapping on the USA and just left.

You worthless bums - Love it or leave it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Isn't it possible to identify a problem and being able to talk about it without, "traitors," "whining" "worthless bums?" Just leave it?
Tell that to your fellow rightists – starting with the OP.

The fact remains that this is just more gloom and doom fear-mongering from the partisan right, where things are 'bad' in America because the president belongs to the 'wrong party.'
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.

That's not a straw man.
That is his standard reply to all threads here. Needless to say YOU put more content in ONE reply then he puts on the ENTIRE board in a year.

And if I forgot to say welcome when you arrived? Welcome to USMB.
It's always the RWNJ traitors who are ashamed of their own country.

We would be so much better off if they stopped their whining and their crapping on the USA and just left.

You worthless bums - Love it or leave it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Isn't it possible to identify a problem and being able to talk about it without, "traitors," "whining" "worthless bums?" Just leave it?
Tell that to your fellow rightists – starting with the OP.

The fact remains that this is just more gloom and doom fear-mongering from the partisan right, where things are 'bad' in America because the president belongs to the 'wrong party.'
It would probably be the same way if it was a Republican president. How long did the left go on, It was Boosh's fault when it wasn't his administration? Years.
Conservative minded people always seem to need something outside themselves to feel whole. Religion, a team to root for, the flag, 'our country has to be the best and we have to all say it every day or it isn't anymore', trump touts how everything he thinks and does is 'huge' and 'so good' blah blah blah along with his phony saccharin 'make America great again'.

The country is as great as it has ever been because our
Constitution is rock solid and the people work their asses off. There isn't one man that can make anything 'great again'. Jesus to say that you have to first say 'this place really sucks now let me be president and I'll make manna rain from heaven'. It is bullshit hyperbole.

If anyone feels 'less than' because of some politician is elected they don't like or the 'gubmint' isn't doing exactly as they like, like these Bundy idiots in Oregon, then its in YOU. You are just projecting your insecurities and feelings of inadequacy onto the rest of society. What's changed? People get up and go to work, raise their kids, watch the superbowl, buy groceries, vote in elections, go to college...

Conservatives honestly you have to stop your incessant whining about everything. Listen to yourselves for a minute. You whine about every little thing.

The country is fine and the Earth will continue spinning around the sun. Have a Fresca and stfu.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but ridiculous lies completely devoid of fact or merit.

That's not a straw man.
That is his standard reply to all threads here. Needless to say YOU put more content in ONE reply then he puts on the ENTIRE board in a year.

And if I forgot to say welcome when you arrived? Welcome to USMB.

Thank you. I joined about a week and a half ago. I've noticed he relies heavily on the straw man accusation.
It's always the RWNJ traitors who are ashamed of their own country.

We would be so much better off if they stopped their whining and their crapping on the USA and just left.

You worthless bums - Love it or leave it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Isn't it possible to identify a problem and being able to talk about it without, "traitors," "whining" "worthless bums?" Just leave it?
Tell that to your fellow rightists – starting with the OP.

The fact remains that this is just more gloom and doom fear-mongering from the partisan right, where things are 'bad' in America because the president belongs to the 'wrong party.'
I guess you failed to read it, no surprise. The argument does not rest on party but they way a country is governed. I can find the SAME flaws in Bush or Clinton or Carter. They had or have the "loser mentality". Carter I think had it the worst. Clinton the least and Bush in the middle.

The topic is about LEADERSHIP styles and just very basic feelings about country and to that extent I feel Clinton loved this country far more then Obama. To make it even clearer I think Cater was the start of making apologies where one was NOT needed.

The "shaming of America STARTED with the Carter "sweater speech". That was the first time EVER that an American president came out and SHAMED America for using to much. FIRST ONE.
Even that communist son of a bitch FDR ASKED America to sacrifice NOT f#cking shame them.

But then it WAS Carter that caused us our greatest war on terrorists shame remember? THAT sure as hell has improves huh idiot?

Ballsy, Brass ball or steel nuts, that sh#t was OVER! Them people CAME HOME and your worthless spineless argument who sold guns to people TRYING to kill communists? I have NO PROBLEM with that NONE.

YOUR choice sold guns to TERRORISTS and DRUG CARTELS.
Now that's some sh#t. I could give a sh#t how a damn communist died, sorry NO contest. I HAVE two DEAD border patrol agents From Obama guns. Those are AMERICANS and THAT I give a sh#t about.

Judge the morality anyway you want I could care less. Now for YOU C_Clayton_Jones. In a few days I will have been here a year. I post and I read here most days 8 to 12 hours. Hell I'm retired. You lack anything that even resembles talent in content or comment.

You never post ANY valid content NEVER. And your ABILITY to and comment IS limited to four or five standardized one bullsh#t fits all. I figure that puts your validity one maybe two rungs lower then a Dot Com.

You can go now.
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