We Won!....Read 'em and Weep!

Lol, this^ is so transparently pathetic! The tRumpling tears are reaching tsunami proportions.
You losers don't have a clue what transparency even means.
Trump is the invisible man.

Lol at you referencing an interview with a propaganda outlet as "transparency"!

That's hilarious!!

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Democrats couldn't be doing a worse job of unifying the country, or validating our election process, or proving to all that everything has been done properly and without fraud. You wouldn't push observers out of counting rooms, put cardboard up in the windows and dismiss hundreds of pages of sworn statements if you did everything right. As Oddball said you would WANT public scrutiny not hide and hurriedly try to sweep Biden into the White House.

No poll watchers who were hired by and trained by either of the parties were pushing out of counting rooms. Furthermore, all of the counting rooms were covered by cameras, as well as poll watchers from both parties.

The people who were "pushed out of the counting rooms" were the self-appointed thugs and armed fools outside the polling stations, who Donald Trump encouraged to "stand by and watch" the polls. The same people who were accused of "voter intimmidation", and who warned people not to vote for Joe Biden.

Suddenly you don't want to hurry. Somebody needs to be doing the job of the President. Trump hasn't been seen since the election, and Americans are dying every single day he does nothing.
Democrats couldn't be doing a worse job of unifying the country, or validating our election process, or proving to all that everything has been done properly and without fraud. You wouldn't push observers out of counting rooms, put cardboard up in the windows and dismiss hundreds of pages of sworn statements if you did everything right. As Oddball said you would WANT public scrutiny not hide and hurriedly try to sweep Biden into the White House.
La la la la la la

Remeber that "download " the day of the election
Watch the computer scientist at zero hedge hold a mock election ...thought I'd just throw....... puke up the dem for this thread :p
Of course it does.

Stop being silly.
Your symptoms so bad you refuse to even watch ?
She does about 1% of the talking.....that's the way interviews should be. You bitched when O'Reilly interrupted Bammers 47 times didn't you ? Me too.
Journalism isn't always partisan- it only went that way in 2016.
Propaganda and interviews are two completely different things.

Oann is propaganda.
trump gaurdian.jpg



Here are a few more memes I have created that are tied into the election. I made these memes with half my brain tied behind my back, surely a talent on loan from God!
Great post, almost. What you failed to mention is that keeping Repubtard poll watchers as far from the actual counting process as possible was very necessary to maintain the confidentiality of voters. Those "poll watchers" were after the names of Biden voters for future retribution, and they wanted a close up view of the ballots.
Wait what? You can't possibly be serious. Poll watchers were writing down names of Biden voters for retribution? Wow dude.

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