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Wealthy, Corprations Taxed To Little: Say Majority Of America

it's not a lie

47% (almost half) of people in the country pay no federal income tax

what's the lie?

And did you know that most corporations pay no corporate income tax because they are structured as S corps so ALL the profit is reported on the shareholders' PERSONAL INCOME TAXES?

No of course you didn't know that because you're a fucking moron

Yeah, I went to business school. I know about S Corps. I also know how a lot of s corp owners end up paying little in their personal icons taxes because of the favorable business tax write offs .

what exactly is a "favorable business tax write off"?


Businesses shouldn't get to write off the cost of their business equipment? Why not?

Why should they ? Does the paycheck working stiff write off his depreciation cause he commutes to work?
he could, if it were enough of a percentage. Usually, however, it isn't.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. .
Blowhard Economic Bullies

Yes, Master. We'll just shuffle along with our heads down now, ashamed that we didn't know our place. It was the JEWS!!! who misled us into being so uppity, just like it says in the Protocols. I'd rather have you as a Master than have a Christ-killer as a Master. Didn't Jesus say, "Blessed are the meek"? Obviously, God wanted you to be boss, or He wouldn't have put you in charge.
Because it must be good that Ireland's practically stealing American companies due to much lower Corporate tax rates, such as Pfizer, Activis, and Johnson Controls.
"What's Best for the 1% Is Best for Us Little Nobodies Too"

If Americans had any pride, they would outlaw tax inversion.

I'm rather Fascist in approach, in that I believe we must manage the economy for national interest, in my eyes we should start putting Capitalists behind bars for their treasonous exporting of jobs, and importing of illegal immigrants to create a threat to national livelihood, and national security by propping up shifty anti-American leaning populations, at our expense.

So, to say I'm weak on Capitalism is not true what so ever.

However, I do support strong companies, seeing them as vital to a strong economy, therefor I support eliminating Corporate tax rates, to help them produce, and I'd even support increasing research funding for companies, as when they build new products, it's good for our economy.
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The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. Poor people, even able-bodied people looking for an easy life, are treated like victims who deserve to reap what the workers sow.
I can't help but notice that a lot of conservatives seem to envy the poor - like a good life is being handed to them without ever having to work. I have to wonder what kind of shitty existence they must be living. I'm personally very glad that I'm not poor.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. Poor people, even able-bodied people looking for an easy life, are treated like victims who deserve to reap what the workers sow.

Poor people here who Jones for the wealthy, it is pathetic. Yes, the wealthy are the victims in this society, that is some special kind of ignorance.

Why haven't the Republican'ts lowered the tax rate on the wealthiest to zero when they have power? If it is so beneficial to everyone else why do Republican'ts insist on taxing the wealthy?

The tax rate on the wealthiest used to be 90%. Under criminal Reagan that was greatly reduced and since then we've got a 20 trillion dollar national debt. So the same people that are sooo concerned about taxing the rich have no problem at all taxing the average American taxpayer, who is on the hook for the 20 trillion. Yet we have poor people here defending the wealthy. The bizarro world.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. .
Blowhard Economic Bullies

Yes, Master. We'll just shuffle along with our heads down now, ashamed that we didn't know our place. It was the JEWS!!! who misled us into being so uppity, just like it says in the Protocols. I'd rather have you as a Master than have a Christ-killer as a Master. Didn't Jesus say, "Blessed are the meek"? Obviously, God wanted you to be boss, or He wouldn't have put you in charge.

Your response is bizarre. It's liberals who want to be in charge by taking control of the money earned by people and deciding who should keep what. It's people like Obama and Hillary who think that the entire world should be controlled by an elite group who crowned themselves as royalty and think they know more than the rest of the population.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. Poor people, even able-bodied people looking for an easy life, are treated like victims who deserve to reap what the workers sow.

Poor people here who Jones for the wealthy, it is pathetic. Yes, the wealthy are the victims in this society, that is some special kind of ignorance.

Why haven't the Republican'ts lowered the tax rate on the wealthiest to zero when they have power? If it is so beneficial to everyone else why do Republican'ts insist on taxing the wealthy?

The tax rate on the wealthiest used to be 90%. Under criminal Reagan that was greatly reduced and since then we've got a 20 trillion dollar national debt. So the same people that are sooo concerned about taxing the rich have no problem at all taxing the average American taxpayer, who is on the hook for the 20 trillion. Yet we have poor people here defending the wealthy. The bizarro world.

The tax rate on the wealthiest used to be 90%.

And then JFK proposed and LBJ signed a cut to 70%.

Under criminal Reagan that was greatly reduced and since then we've got a 20 trillion dollar national debt.

Since Reagan's tax cuts, the Cubs won the World Series. And?

So the same people that are sooo concerned about taxing the rich have no problem at all taxing the average American taxpayer, who is on the hook for the 20 trillion.

Obama's addition of $9.3 trillion was awful.
Because it must be good that Ireland's practically stealing American companies due to much lower Corporate tax rates, such as Pfizer, Activis, and Johnson Controls.
"What's Best for the 1% Is Best for Us Little Nobodies Too"

If Americans had any pride, they would outlaw tax inversion.
I'd even support increasing research funding for companies, as when they build new products, it's good for our economy.

Today, Science Is for Suckers

You're putting the cart before the horse and also rewarding the pompous Low IQs who hire talent rather than rewarding the talented themselves from childhood on, the same way superior athletes are incentivized. Give High IQ college students an adult salary and paid-up tuition; also 50% of the revenues from the corporate patents they later create for the plutocratic parasites.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. Poor people, even able-bodied people looking for an easy life, are treated like victims who deserve to reap what the workers sow.

Poor people here who Jones for the wealthy, it is pathetic. Yes, the wealthy are the victims in this society, that is some special kind of ignorance.

Why haven't the Republican'ts lowered the tax rate on the wealthiest to zero when they have power? If it is so beneficial to everyone else why do Republican'ts insist on taxing the wealthy?

The tax rate on the wealthiest used to be 90%. Under criminal Reagan that was greatly reduced and since then we've got a 20 trillion dollar national debt. So the same people that are sooo concerned about taxing the rich have no problem at all taxing the average American taxpayer, who is on the hook for the 20 trillion. Yet we have poor people here defending the wealthy. The bizarro world.
The Solution the Guillotine-Fodder Won't Let Us Hear

Confiscating inheritance, which is an unearned entitlement for HeirHead moochers, would give us $3 trillion a year and end the need for any income taxes. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead? If so, you must believe in ghosts.
It's always easier to take more of someone else's money but yet if someone suggested any of us aren't paying enough in taxes we would strongly disagree.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. .
Blowhard Economic Bullies

Yes, Master. We'll just shuffle along with our heads down now, ashamed that we didn't know our place. It was the JEWS!!! who misled us into being so uppity, just like it says in the Protocols. I'd rather have you as a Master than have a Christ-killer as a Master. Didn't Jesus say, "Blessed are the meek"? Obviously, God wanted you to be boss, or He wouldn't have put you in charge.

It's liberals who want to be in charge by taking control of the money earned by people and deciding who should keep what. It's people like Obama and Hillary who think that the entire world should be controlled by an elite group who crowned themselves as royalty and think they know more than the rest of the population.
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Liberals are the slime oozed out from the trophy wives of your Right Wing masters. Their RINO prep-school classmates are no better than them. One corps is assigned to crush the middle from the bottom up, while its brother corps crushes us from the top down. When together behind closed doors at the Country Club, they laugh at suckers who believe in their specious spectrum. Washington and Wall Street are twin towers that Middle America should target for demolition.
Didn't Gallup predict Hillary would win? Of course the polls don't indicate what the majority of Americans think. The link is based on somebody named Frank Newport's interpretation of Gallup's interpretation of a handful of people who probably aren't even interested in the questions.
The majority of Americans know little math and less economics.

This is what outcome-based education and Common Core seek to ensure. Dumbed down and indoctrinated people are so much easier to fool.

It just sounds good to some when a politician says that wealthy people should pay more. It implies that anyone with wealth has somehow cheated the system and needs to be punished for their evil deeds. Poor people, even able-bodied people looking for an easy life, are treated like victims who deserve to reap what the workers sow.

Poor people here who Jones for the wealthy, it is pathetic. Yes, the wealthy are the victims in this society, that is some special kind of ignorance.

Why haven't the Republican'ts lowered the tax rate on the wealthiest to zero when they have power? If it is so beneficial to everyone else why do Republican'ts insist on taxing the wealthy?

The tax rate on the wealthiest used to be 90%. Under criminal Reagan that was greatly reduced and since then we've got a 20 trillion dollar national debt. So the same people that are sooo concerned about taxing the rich have no problem at all taxing the average American taxpayer, who is on the hook for the 20 trillion. Yet we have poor people here defending the wealthy. The bizarro world.
The Solution the Guillotine-Fodder Won't Let Us Hear

Confiscating inheritance, which is an unearned entitlement for HeirHead moochers, would give us $3 trillion a year and end the need for any income taxes. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead? If so, you must believe in ghosts.

Confiscating inheritance, which is an unearned entitlement for HeirHead moochers, would give us $3 trillion a year


Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?

Taking money from kids is taxing their dead parents?
Were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it?
Go for it you filthy thieves. Lets just see how fast us rich people can move to where we are welcome. You dolts haven't figured out that the more you hate on the wealthy the worse America's economy has gotten? A good deal of my wealthy friends already left the nation, they ain't coming back, not even with Trump in office - there's a phrase "burning bridges." There's a flaw, a glaring flaw that you thieves never seem to figure out, it astounds me that you can't grasp it, but well you're idiots, if you weren't idiots you'd already be rich (or at least well off) cause fucking shit America couldn't make it easier to make it in the world...

Anyway, I'll explain it again. Us rich folks don't have to worry about shit like "making money" we look for different "comforts" in life, stuff like not being hated by our countrymen - it's why rich people tend to all live together, they'll build entire cities in the middle of the desert, just to get away from haters. We could co-exsist, and it's not even a master slave situation, just a simple statement "We're American" no more than that is really needed, but no, you fools would choose to hate because you are deeply selfish fucks. Its almost amusing for us wealthy folks that you little peons think you have any power to "ruin" us or even really "hurt" us. We're not trapped in the US economic cycle like you are, we can go anywhere on the planet, our money can be put anywhere at anytime, within seconds - out of your reach, out of your influence. There is /nothing/ your hatred and greed can do to stop that. The more you try to steal, the more we put in other nations, and these days we don't even have to get out of our beds to do it.

We'll be sitting on the other side snorting at your pathetic caterwauling, continuing to make money whilst you destroy yourselves through greed - and then, we'll just buy into a new country because there is /always/ a country that wants our money for something or another. As you know, we can, and sometimes do, buy entire fucking governments, because we can, no matter how upset that makes you, we can, and do, often. You don't have a monopoly anymore, other nations have become just as good at making us money as the US - there are no more chains. We will have just as much sympathy for you, as you do for us, always, that is the universal truth, the weight and measure, of those we /choose/ to call our peers.

Hate me, hate us all you want, but know, learn, that what you are doing is very much akin to pissing up a rope, and in the end, you'll be crying about how mean we were while sitting in a puddle of your own acid.

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