
What sort of laws would deter this sort of thing ?

A very very good law, proven since 6,000 years.

What sort of laws would deter this sort of thing ?

A very very good law, proven since 6,000 years.

Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob, went out to visit the women of Shechem, where her people had made camp and where her father Jacob had purchased the land where he had pitched his tent. Shalem, the son of Hamor, the prince of the land, "seized her and lay with her and humbled her. And his soul was drawn to Dinah ... he loved the maiden and spoke tenderly to her," and Shalem asked his father to obtain Dinah for him, to be his wife.

The episode of her abduction and violation by a Canaanite prince, and the subsequent vengeance of her brothers Simeonand Levi, commonly referred to as "The Rape of Dinah", is told in Genesis 34

"....on the third day, when they were sore, two of the sons of Jacob and Leah, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took their swords and came upon the city unawares, and killed all the males. They slew Hamor and his son Shechem with the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went away."
Dinah - Wikipedia

Bill “Shechem” Clinton and Harvey "Shechem" Weinstein
What sort of laws would deter this sort of thing ?

A very very good law, proven since 6,000 years.

Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob, went out to visit the women of Shechem, where her people had made camp and where her father Jacob had purchased the land where he had pitched his tent. Shalem, the son of Hamor, the prince of the land, "seized her and lay with her and humbled her. And his soul was drawn to Dinah ... he loved the maiden and spoke tenderly to her," and Shalem asked his father to obtain Dinah for him, to be his wife.

The episode of her abduction and violation by a Canaanite prince, and the subsequent vengeance of her brothers Simeonand Levi, commonly referred to as "The Rape of Dinah", is told in Genesis 34

"....on the third day, when they were sore, two of the sons of Jacob and Leah, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took their swords and came upon the city unawares, and killed all the males. They slew Hamor and his son Shechem with the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went away."
Dinah - Wikipedia

Bill “Shechem” Clinton and Harvey "Shechem" Weinstein

The Law of God!
This chap sounds like a real sleaze.
He isnt the first and ,sad to say, I doubt he will be the last.

Is what he did illegal ?

I am not referring to any alleged rape here. I am referring to his using his power to coerce women.

Why does this still go on ?

What sort of laws would deter this sort of thing ?
There are laws/rules against that. The problem is Democrats have a different set of rules//laws for them.
Still going on? You kidding? This was his pattern of behavior for years and was no secret from those now condemning him on the left.
This has been an inside joke, so to say, in Hollywood for decades.
He isn't the only perv in the industry either.

"He isn't the only perv" period.

Who said, "grab them by the pussy" and who did you vote for?


Democrats will ignore any disgusting behavior, and abuse, by anyone who who makes large donations.
Men's inherent flaw,,,,


The first testicular guard, the "Cup," was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
Well Ms. Woman, aprons have been around for thousands of years and men just started wearing them! Neener neener....

I think I hit a nerve.....
When I got up this morning I had one nerve left, and you found it! ;)
If we hate Harvey Weinstein so much how come we have an Orange Harvey Weinstein in the White House ?
Because the old hag who ran against him really wasn't a champion for women and it showed for decades.
If she couldn't Chumpeat the "orange" one. Her bad.
well then how about you stop crying like a punk about Harvey Weinstein...we have an Orange Harvey Weinstein OUR BAD
I'm by no means a legal expert but if he was refusing to hire, promote, or give an actress a part in movie if they didn't go along with his sexual advances it seems that could be sexual harassment, or discrimination both of which are illegal.
If we hate Harvey Weinstein so much how come we have an Orange Harvey Weinstein in the White House ?
Because the old hag who ran against him really wasn't a champion for women and it showed for decades.
If she couldn't Chumpeat the "orange" one. Her bad.
well then how about you stop crying like a punk about Harvey Weinstein...we have an Orange Harvey Weinstein OUR BAD
Pointing out hypocrites isn't crying and I don't have any issue with Trump as you do.
All the crying is from the left and now a creep outed in your ranks and you still shout but...but...Trump.
Hillary spent years covering for her hubby and either covered for Weinstein for his donations or purposefully ignored what has been common knowledge for years.
That is a true hypocrite.
I'm by no means a legal expert but if he was refusing to hire, promote, or give an actress a part in movie if they didn't go along with his sexual advances it seems that could be sexual harassment, or discrimination both of which are illegal.

I don't believe we have that in any of the women who came forward. Instead we have ladies who "felt" that if they came forward they'd be ostracized by Hollywood, we have women who "felt" they didn't have a choice but to 'humor' him, we have women who were "uncomfortable" but 'humored' him. Which puts it all in a "technically" legal category, and honestly there isn't really a law that could reasonably be made to stop it. It's on women to have the guts to stand up to such advances on their own - and at least a few of the ones that came forward did exactly that.

I've been in a similar situation, but I'm an Alaskan woman so I told the guy no, he kept persisting and I left the situation, then moved to a different division so I didn't have to deal with him. He ultimately had me fired through in house "political" type wrangling - there is also no law against that shit. Which is how this stuff sticks around so long, there's not much to be done for it but public shaming, which only works if the women have the guts and the will to come forward - and typically they don't. And in the specific case of Weinstein, they had other options by which to avoid him without causing a possibly negative impact upon themselves. Wisely, or foolishly, depending on how you want to look at it, they made the decision to just forget about it and move on.

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