Welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

People who say that the drugs cost money and the people cant afford them. Do you know if you pass the test you do not have to pay it?? Only if you fail. How do I know I live so close to FL I get FL news.
I've already explained how the varying levels of infringement in privacy work on the constitutional level. Multiple times. I'm not going to go into again, go look it up for yourself. You're not being educated in this, you're just ranting.

Oh you're so full of shit - you have explained nothing...

Furthermore you wouldn't know the constitution if it slapped you upside your head...

Also, I'm the libertarian here...

You know you're wrong when you have a true libertarian arguing that the state has a right to drug test those living off of the taxpayers...

This policy is a requirement for a FREE SERVICE - if you cant meet the requirements then you don't get the FREE SERVICE..

Besides, pissing in a cup isn't intrusive at all...
sorry...NO Libertarian would agree with this.....you are not libertarian Nick!!!! at least not on this topic!

Don't confuse libertarian with anarchy...

Requirements for entitlements DO NOT violate the libertarian premise...

As a matter of fact there would be no "welfare" under true libertarianism...

If you want to live off the taxpayer you have to answer to the taxpayer...

Now, no one will go to jail if they fail the drug test - their free money will just be revoked...

Quite frankly I believe drugs should be legalized, and even if they were legal - I would still support drug testing welfare recipients..

Remember we're talking about welfare recipients here not those collecting their social security...
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Liberals and Personal Responsibility have never met.
yep, that's why i own my home outright, the cars too, and don't have to work anymore....to survive...because i never met personal responsibility!

you are good, really good willow! you've been blessed with your insight! bravo!:clap2:
We regularly drug test where I work, in fact my job duties include administering the drug and alcohol program, so I am all for drug testing. The use of illicit drugs is forbidden and against the law. If you are not breaking the law you won't have anything to worry about. I have had to take several drug tests in my lifetime when getting hired for a job. If someone is giving you money whether it’s for actually working or for NOT working you need to play by the rules, that’s part of the gig. Don’t like it? Go elsewhere.

I find drug testing employees to be highly intrusive...

These are people who are clearly supporting themselves and paying taxes (so welfare fucks can live for free)..........

They shouldn't be subjected to such an intrusion - especially if there is no reason to suspect the person is using drugs..

It's not a companies business what a person does in their private lives..

If they show up to work and do their duties as expected then thats all that matters.
Does being poor in America enough to provide the government with "reasonable cause" under the Constitution for mandatory drug testing?

No, being poor is not "reasonable cause" for mandatory drug testing.

Neither is applying for welfare mandatory.

Both are voluntary.

If you are assaulted, there is no mandate that you report the crime to the police. It's a voluntary act. Should the police start mandating drug tests to ensure that you are sober, and thus giving an accurate reporting?

You aren't I lawyer, and I would never try if I were you.
Oh you're so full of shit - you have explained nothing...

Furthermore you wouldn't know the constitution if it slapped you upside your head...

Also, I'm the libertarian here...

You know you're wrong when you have a true libertarian arguing that the state has a right to drug test those living off of the taxpayers...

This policy is a requirement for a FREE SERVICE - if you cant meet the requirements then you don't get the FREE SERVICE..

Besides, pissing in a cup isn't intrusive at all...
sorry...NO Libertarian would agree with this.....you are not libertarian Nick!!!! at least not on this topic!

Don't confuse libertarian with anarchy...

Requirements for entitlements DO NOT violate the libertarian premise...

As a matter of fact there would be no "welfare" under true libertarianism...

If you want to live off the taxpayer you have to answer to the taxpayer...

Now, no one will go to jail if they fail the drug test - their free money will just be revoked...

Quite frankly I believe drugs should be legalized, and even if they were legal - I would still support drug testing welfare recipients..

Remember we're talking about welfare recipients here not those collecting their social security...
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....
Liberals and Personal Responsibility have never met.
yep, that's why i own my home outright, the cars too, and don't have to work anymore....to survive...because i never met personal responsibility!

you are good, really good willow! you've been blessed with your insight! bravo!:clap2:

fancy that,, I finally drew you out.. now what about those nurses, doctors, firemen, policemen and teachers,,,, should they have to be drug tested? or knot?
sorry...NO Libertarian would agree with this.....you are not libertarian Nick!!!! at least not on this topic!

Don't confuse libertarian with anarchy...

Requirements for entitlements DO NOT violate the libertarian premise...

As a matter of fact there would be no "welfare" under true libertarianism...

If you want to live off the taxpayer you have to answer to the taxpayer...

Now, no one will go to jail if they fail the drug test - their free money will just be revoked...

Quite frankly I believe drugs should be legalized, and even if they were legal - I would still support drug testing welfare recipients..

Remember we're talking about welfare recipients here not those collecting their social security...
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....

if you don't want to be tested, walk away, don't take our money honey. it's all good. it's your choice.
sorry...NO Libertarian would agree with this.....you are not libertarian Nick!!!! at least not on this topic!

Don't confuse libertarian with anarchy...

Requirements for entitlements DO NOT violate the libertarian premise...

As a matter of fact there would be no "welfare" under true libertarianism...

If you want to live off the taxpayer you have to answer to the taxpayer...

Now, no one will go to jail if they fail the drug test - their free money will just be revoked...

Quite frankly I believe drugs should be legalized, and even if they were legal - I would still support drug testing welfare recipients..

Remember we're talking about welfare recipients here not those collecting their social security...
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....

Apparently you don't understand that welfare is a choice - NOT a right..

It's NOT a Fourth Amendment violation - no one is forcing them to take a drug test.

Cops breaking into someones home without a warrant is a 4th Amendment violation - requiring a person to take a drug test in order to partake in a program is NOT a Fourth Amendment violation..

Do you know the armed services requires those who wish to serve our country to take a drug test before enlistment??

Is that a Fourth Amendment violation??

Whats the difference??

I don't see people bitching about new cadets having to take a drug test...

People are not forced to go on welfare and if they chose to - why the fuck should they be accepted if they're junkies??
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Don't confuse libertarian with anarchy...

Requirements for entitlements DO NOT violate the libertarian premise...

As a matter of fact there would be no "welfare" under true libertarianism...

If you want to live off the taxpayer you have to answer to the taxpayer...

Now, no one will go to jail if they fail the drug test - their free money will just be revoked...

Quite frankly I believe drugs should be legalized, and even if they were legal - I would still support drug testing welfare recipients..

Remember we're talking about welfare recipients here not those collecting their social security...
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....

if you don't want to be tested, walk away, don't take our money honey. it's all good. it's your choice.
that's just simply bulloney willow....

breaking the 4th amendment is breaking the 4th amendment....

the courts will decide....the gvt has no right to search the non drug users.
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....

if you don't want to be tested, walk away, don't take our money honey. it's all good. it's your choice.
that's just simply bulloney willow....

breaking the 4th amendment is breaking the 4th amendment....

the courts will decide....the gvt has no right to search the non drug users.

they search the innocent by the thousands each and every day..

I guess youse never been on an aeroplane huh hunny?
if you don't want to be tested, walk away, don't take our money honey. it's all good. it's your choice.
that's just simply bulloney willow....

breaking the 4th amendment is breaking the 4th amendment....

the courts will decide....the gvt has no right to search the non drug users.

they search the innocent by the thousands each and every day..

I guess youse never been on an aeroplane huh hunny?
sure I have, a few times this past year alone, to your state to visit my parents, and I have not been searched at either airport....nor have they required a urine sample! ;)
that's just simply bulloney willow....

breaking the 4th amendment is breaking the 4th amendment....

the courts will decide....the gvt has no right to search the non drug users.

they search the innocent by the thousands each and every day..

I guess youse never been on an aeroplane huh hunny?
sure I have, a few times this past year alone, to your state to visit my parents, and I have not been searched at either airport....nor have they required a urine sample! ;)

nothing ever happens to you does it? how convenient. of course you will admit that it happens to thousands of other innocents right?
Truly, I don't get folks using the constitution as a means to justify illegal activity. Ya might consider putting down the bongs and come back to reality...brain cells are beginning to fade.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

MIAMI — State figures show that hundreds of welfare applicants in Florida have declined to take drug tests that have been required for the assistance since mid-July.
Thirty-two applicants failed the test, 7,028 passed and 1,597 didn’t take it, according figures released Tuesday the Department of Children and Families. People who decline to take the test aren’t required to explain.

Proponents of the law have suggested applicants would be deterred because they knew they would test positive. Critics say applicants may not have taken the test because they couldn’t afford the fee that can be as much as $35 or didn’t have easy access to a testing facility.

Not sure how I feel about this.

Not sure how you feel? Come on people, do we really think there are not a lot of people who collect Welfare and use a lot of their Money to support Drug Habits? Should we really have to care for even those who wish to use what we give them to do illegal drugs?
Truly, I don't get folks using the constitution as a means to justify illegal activity. Ya might consider putting down the bongs and come back to reality...brain cells are beginning to fade.

One big Problem with their Constitutional Argument. The Constitution Does not say anything about requiring Drug tests as a means to get something in Return. Our Right to not be searched or Drug Testes is Given up, when we apply for Assistance funded by Tax Payer Dollars. The entire Argument is Bogus, and clearly nothing but a way to protect people who use drugs and claim welfare.
nick, whether rich or poor or getting a subsidy or not....breaking the 4th is breaking the fourth.....constitutional rights don't just go away..... find another method to weed out the abusers and leave the innocent ones alone....

if you don't want to be tested, walk away, don't take our money honey. it's all good. it's your choice.
that's just simply bulloney willow....

breaking the 4th amendment is breaking the 4th amendment....

the courts will decide....the gvt has no right to search the non drug users.

You are an idiot, the 4th Amendment protects you from unwarranted searches, When you apply for Welfare drug testing is entirely warranted. You are not being singled out for no reason and given a random Test, you are asking for a hand out, and we are asking you take a test to get it. The Government has every right to make testing clean a requirement to receive Benefits.
I love how the conservatives er republicans favor the idea because its "illegal activity" while I favor the idea because tax dollars shouldn't be spent on those that will use the money to get high. If they want to do drugs they can get a job...

I could care less who does drugs nor do I care if they use drugs...

Who the fuck is the government to define what people can and cant ingest??

But it shouldn't be the taxpayers responsibility to make sure those on welfare are high...

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