Were the Nazis Socialist?


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
This has never been an interesting question to me because, it didn't have a great bearing on their Antisemitism.

The Nazis obviously weren't Soviet-style Socialists, they hated the Bolsheviks and were highly critical of them. Private enterprise flourished under the Nazis, more than in the previous German governments. In fact, many businesses nationalized during the Great German Depression, were privatized under the Nazis.

But, as you can imagine, the topic of Antisemitism is very much in my (our) minds this week and because of that, I decided to re-watch the 1940 Nazi propaganda film, 'The Eternal Jew' by Franz Hippler.

Something I had never really focused on before is the the emphasis they put on 'decent' labor and 'evil' capitalism. German workers are good, Jewish businessmen are bad (they neglect to point out there were many more non-Jewish businessmen than Jewish ones in Germany). The Nazis were, at least according to their own propaganda, firm believers in the 'Labor Theory of Value' straight our of Marx. That theory holds that the the amount of socially valuable labor that goes into a good is what determines its value, not its value in the market.

For example, a farm, a coal mine, a tractor factory ... all are valuable, because they produce goods that use lots of (cheap and semi-skilled) labor.

A bank, an investment firm, merchants and wholesalers, are bad ... they make a profit without providing labor for the masses.

In this film, they chastise the French banking family, The Rothschilds, because they sought to avoid the punitive taxes placed on all Jewish businesses in the 18th Century. They denounce banking and mercantile trade as 'evil' and 'Jewish'.

This, however, wasn't unique to the Nazis. Coming out of the Great Depression, most Western countries were experiencing a wave of populist Socialism because of the perceived failure of Market Capitalism, which they had just gone through. Jews in many countries took a lot of abuse, even in America, for their historical connection to finance and markets as opposed to large scale, labor intensive production.

This was counter-balanced in America and other countries because Jews were very influential in the ever-growing labor movement while other Jews had strong ties to banking and finance, and others in science and education. Obviously, this wasn't the case in Nazi Germany, where Jews, quite apart from not being leader in the labor movement, they weren't allowed to be members of labor organizations.

While the Nazis did privatize many businesses when they took power. It was a special type of privatization unique to the Nazis. One that made the Nazi Party a (not so silent) partner in each of the businesses they privatized. So, that while the company itself was run as a private company. The production goals, and economic decisions were made by the Nazi Party, not the company owners. Likewise, much of the profits went to the party as well.

The Nazis had other cultural similarities with the Soviets. They were both very adamant in their rejection of 'decadence' in music, art, and cinema. They believed Jazz, modern forms of art, and absurdly comedic films to be degrading to the morals of the people. Because of this, both the Nazis and the Soviets controlled their films, art, and music with strict censorship.

My conclusion to all this. I don't believe the Nazis were ideological Socialist the way the Soviets were. I don't believe they held strongly to any any dogmatic economic theory. Instead, I believe they were economic opportunists. They portrayed themselves as friends of the working man and used the words and symbols of the populist Socialism movement. But, at the same time, used government control of private investment to take advantage of Capitalism to enrich the party and its leaders.
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Essentially, Nazism is rather like a cult. Their belief in an unfounded theory of genetics, superiority and destiny led them to do whatever was necessary to achieve power. Political ideology, diplomacy and military power were all subservient to this. They said, did, committed whatever they thought would work. It was very similar to religion.
So, of course they were not committed 'socialists'.
Essentially, Nazism is rather like a cult. Their belief in an unfounded theory of genetics, superiority and destiny led them to do whatever was necessary to achieve power. Political ideology, diplomacy and military power were all subservient to this. They said, did, committed whatever they thought would work. It was very similar to religion.
So, of course they were not committed 'socialists'.
"Yeah but it was government controlled capitalism. hitler said make bombs, you made bombs......just the way it was.....it's kinda like the mafia casinos....they had a CEO, but he really didn't make the decisions...
Essentially, Nazism is rather like a cult. Their belief in an unfounded theory of genetics, superiority and destiny led them to do whatever was necessary to achieve power. Political ideology, diplomacy and military power were all subservient to this. They said, did, committed whatever they thought would work. It was very similar to religion.
So, of course they were not committed 'socialists'.

The belief in eugenics and racial purity weren't unique to the Nazis (although they did take it to grotesque extremes). In the post-war trials of Nazi Leaders in Nuremberg after WWII, the defense lawyers of the Nazis were quick to point out that the sterilization of low-IQ and mentally ill patients was performed in pre-War America just as it was in Nazi Germany.

I'm not sure I would classify Nazism as a 'cult' -- although among it's leadership it was very much a cult. It had much too much popular appeal in Germany for it to be considered a cult.
What part of "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" has you confused??

And yes, Hitler PERSONALLY named the NSDAP.

What do they teach you idiots in school these days? Seriously

Say NO to Voter ID! You don't need to see our papers!


Now go away. The adults are talking.
Absolutely....It's even in the name....National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The acronym says it all. Hitler was chancellor for life and Nazis claimed to be "nationalist socialist". Were they lying?
What part of "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" has you confused??

And yes, Hitler PERSONALLY named the NSDAP.

What do they teach you idiots in school these days? Seriously
Uh, the part where we are supposed to believe Hitler?
It all boils down to power and control, and the human will towards both. What matters more to me than placing an ideology on a left/right axis is where it appears on the authoritarian/libertarian axis. The ability of an individual to control their own life is tantamount, and whether one is a fascist or socialist, the desire to take that control away is what drives the ideology. Whether power is wielded through a leftist politburo or a right wing cabal is fairly immaterial when the net result in either involves taking away the individuals right to determine their own fate.
Communism, Socialism and Fascism all have the same Totalitarian-Authoritarian ideological roots. So it really doesn't matter if Nazism is Fascism or Socialism - the more important classification is Totalitarian.
Anyone profoundly retarded enough to bleev the horseshit that Hitler was left wing has never read Mein Kampf. You can be sure of that. :lol:
That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
The belief in eugenics and racial purity weren't unique to the Nazis (although they did take it to grotesque extremes). In the post-war trials of Nazi Leaders in Nuremberg after WWII, the defense lawyers of the Nazis were quick to point out that the sterilization of low-IQ and mentally ill patients was performed in pre-War America just as it was in Nazi Germany.

I'm not sure I would classify Nazism as a 'cult' -- although among it's leadership it was very much a cult. It had much too much popular appeal in Germany for it to be considered a cult.
Eugenics is a part of the warp and weave of Keynesian economics....The Murican progressives are up to their armpits in eugenicists as some of their biggest avatars (see: Margaret Sanger).

Eugenics: Progressivism’s Ultimate Social Engineering | Art Carden, Steven Horwitz
That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Marx was a competitor, as well as a Jew...Socialists HATE competition.
Neither Hitler nor Stalin were dictators. They got in power using populism. They kept power by being dictators that used fear to control their populations.

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