Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?

We don't KNOW what the results of the Mueller Probe sare since Barr has so far refused to release it
You know all you need to know. So just keep making up crap like you have all along.
You know all you need to know. So just keep making up crap like you have all along.

That's a completely retarded statement considering you know can't know that to be true.
Seeing you are both buttstain scum, yes it is true.
There are some folks whose eyes are permanently nailed shut.

Doesn't that make it difficult for you to get through airport security?????
I haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe the Investigation was a hoax or a lie. So far, it seems like a great work of the imagination, guessing why this investigation was undertaken, ignoring all the reasons why it was conducted. I'm open to new ideas about it, but only if more sane information comes my way.

"I haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe the Investigation was a hoax or a lie."

As I said....this is your problem:


See if this helps, you dunce:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

15. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

16. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

17. The memo also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated

18. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

19..The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

20. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.

Psst, dummy, Dossier was not the beggining of Russian interference investigation.

It was a referral about Papadopolous talking about Russians having Clinton’s emails


You mean the propaganda that the Kremlin and Hillary produced to gain her the presidency???

The definition of 'collusion'????

That dossier?

..idiot, if you can respond to what you quoted GO AHEAD.

Russian interference investigation did not begin from dossier and it was not about Trump specifically.

first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

Did you want to say something????
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!

If Loretta Lynch had sent Congress a letter that only quoted two sentences of Comey's investigation into Clinton Like

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."

Do you think Republicans would have just let it go as the FBI completely exonerated Hillary Clinton and would not have asks for more information about the investigation?
hypotheticals, wow. when the facts just don't line up, use hypotheticals.
If Loretta Lynch had sent Congress a letter...
.. you would have been perfectly happy with it.
You aren't happy for no reason other than you do not like the result.
Partisan Soothsayer? Points finger and stammers "Nuh-uh!
I'm sorry you don't like the truth, but it remains the truth.
You feel it's true deep down in yer gut dontcha?
Nothing here change the facts stated above.
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!

If Loretta Lynch had sent Congress a letter that only quoted two sentences of Comey's investigation into Clinton Like

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."

Do you think Republicans would have just let it go as the FBI completely exonerated Hillary Clinton and would not have asks for more information about the investigation?
hypotheticals, wow. when the facts just don't line up, use hypotheticals.

The AG's letter actually doesn't stipulate any facts of the matter.

Do you think a letter that seemingly exonerated Clinton could have been crafted using a few select quotes from Comeys' Statement? Do you think the Republicans would have just accepted it and moved on?
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!

If Loretta Lynch had sent Congress a letter that only quoted two sentences of Comey's investigation into Clinton Like

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."

Do you think Republicans would have just let it go as the FBI completely exonerated Hillary Clinton and would not have asks for more information about the investigation?
hypotheticals, wow. when the facts just don't line up, use hypotheticals.

The AG's letter actually doesn't stipulate any facts of the matter.

Do you think a letter that seemingly exonerated Clinton could have been crafted using a few select quotes from Comeys' Statement? Do you think the Republicans would have just accepted it and moved on?
well actually it did. it stated no indictments to act on. and you can read the rest on my previous post.
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!

If Loretta Lynch had sent Congress a letter that only quoted two sentences of Comey's investigation into Clinton Like

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."

Do you think Republicans would have just let it go as the FBI completely exonerated Hillary Clinton and would not have asks for more information about the investigation?
hypotheticals, wow. when the facts just don't line up, use hypotheticals.

The AG's letter actually doesn't stipulate any facts of the matter.

Do you think a letter that seemingly exonerated Clinton could have been crafted using a few select quotes from Comeys' Statement? Do you think the Republicans would have just accepted it and moved on?
there you go with your 'ifs' and unicorns again.
The AG's letter actually doesn't stipulate any facts of the matter.
You only believe this because you don't like what it said.
but it did have a fact. no open indictments. that's a fact. without an indictment means there is no collusion.
Well, of course.
The left generally remains in denial; some of them have moved on to anger and/or bargaining.
and we now know anything they post is just nonsense.
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!


Congress does.
Post up the Mueller report.
F* YOU! Like with Trump's taxes, you have no authority to demand shit, snowflake!

Also, the continuous claim that Barr is mis-representing Mueller's report / has hijacked the Mueller report and has cleared the President when Mueller did anything but that and that Mueller and his 19 Lawyers are just sitting on their ass silently letting that happen is the biggest bullshit / faux news claim since this whole coup attempt started!

Not long ago Muller did not hesitate to step up and correct a false claim about his investigation, so your claim now that Mueller would suddenly refuse to do the same now is complete desperate snowflake BS!

You, the Democrats, CNN and all the fake news media have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!

Just like the 2016 election results, your Trump-hating ass refuses to accept that you and the Trump-hating democrats and Leftist Media have LOST....AGAIN. Trump beat you...AGAIN!


Congress does.
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?
We don't know the results of the Mueller investigation.
You do, you just don't like them.
Post up the Mueller report.
You are fully aware of the fact I need not post the report to know the results of the report.
The fact you do not like the results in no way means they are not the results.
You don't know the results, dope.

Barr quoted exactly two sentences from the report.
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?
We don't know the results of the Mueller investigation.
You do, you just don't like them.
Post up the Mueller report.
You are fully aware of the fact I need not post the report to know the results of the report.
The fact you do not like the results in no way means they are not the results.
You don't know the results, dope.

Barr quoted exactly two sentences from the report.
and the biggest one he quoted was no indictments to act on. Do you know what that one fact means? I bet you don't have the brain power to understand it. but here, no indictment to act on means there is no crime. no crime=........
The AG's letter actually doesn't stipulate any facts of the matter.
You only believe this because you don't like what it said.

What is in the letter in not really a matter of belief. It was the AG's summation of the principle conclusions of the Mueller Report. It's only included two brief quotes from Mueller.

What you said was just stupid. I mean, it made me laugh, so I liked it.

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