Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?

What does FOX News have to do with the fact that all you lefty Trump haters are supremely gullible morons who believe whatever your propaganda organs feed you?

Kwc was playing on the meme about "Any Day Now...." and I reminded him that Fauxfans still have a cell ready to jail any number Obama administration officials. I mean, you believe old Hillary and all of them should be jailed, don't you?

I have confidence we will eventually get to see all the non-classified data from the investigation.
Wrong. It's illegal to release Grand Jury testimony.

Report will be made avaiable in classified version to Congress and un-classified version to the public and you,as always, will be wrong yet again.
so let me get this straight - you were swearing trump would go down for his activities with russia and you're now telling someone who said that he would NOT that THEY are wrong?

you should start writing for the onion man.

I don't know wtf you are talking about and what it has to do with what you quoted.
well it stands to reason cause you don't know what the fuck you are talking about either.

at least you're consistent here.
The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!


"Russia Hoax"?? After all of our intelligence and Mueller's report found that Russia was absolutely running an illegal election interference campaign??

After the investigation resulted in indictments of specific Russian nationals and companies for hacking our political organizations and running politico troll farms?

Yes, it was NOT a hoax and it was not a lie. It was an investigation which has concluded and found that the Pres was not involved in Russian interference. Instead of being relieved about that, the President's supporters have to continue being ignorant partisans.

There are some folks whose eyes are permanently nailed shut.

Doesn't that make it difficult for you to get through airport security?????
Instead of being relieved about that, the President's supporters have to continue being ignorant partisans.
How then would you describe the President's opponents, especially those who still insist Trump was involved in Russian interference?
Trump's failure to respond appropriately to Russia's interference in our elections constitutes dereliction of Duty. A failure to uphold his oath of office.

He should be removed from office on those grounds.

However, Pelosi wants Trump to run in 2020 so bad that she refuses to impeach him.

If the Repugs had a brain, they'd want to remove him as soon as possible. 2020 is going to be a disaster for the Repugs if Trump runs.

Keep telling yourself that.
Trump's failure to respond appropriately to Russia's interference in our elections constitutes dereliction of Duty. A failure to uphold his oath of office.

He should be removed from office on those grounds.

However, Pelosi wants Trump to run in 2020 so bad that she refuses to impeach him.

If the Repugs had a brain, they'd want to remove him as soon as possible. 2020 is going to be a disaster for the Repugs if Trump runs.
What would be an appropriate response, in your view?

Ordering the implementation of full cybersecurity measures - including aggressive cyber warfare against Russia..

The President Publicly condemning Russia.

The President confronting Putin both diplomatically and publicly.

Increasing sanctions against Russia and Russian businessmen.
Trump's failure to respond appropriately to Russia's interference in our elections constitutes dereliction of Duty. A failure to uphold his oath of office.

He should be removed from office on those grounds.

However, Pelosi wants Trump to run in 2020 so bad that she refuses to impeach him.

If the Repugs had a brain, they'd want to remove him as soon as possible. 2020 is going to be a disaster for the Repugs if Trump runs.
Trump's failure to respond appropriately to Russia's interference in our elections constitutes dereliction of Duty. A failure to uphold his oath of office.

He should be removed from office on those grounds.

However, Pelosi wants Trump to run in 2020 so bad that she refuses to impeach him.

If the Repugs had a brain, they'd want to remove him as soon as possible. 2020 is going to be a disaster for the Repugs if Trump runs.

Keep telling yourself that.

The Repugs don't have a chance without Russia's help!

35% ain't going to win shit.
Wow, the Trumpbots are being particularly childish today....

I'm outta here...I've better things to do than debate 5 year olds!
Trump's failure to respond appropriately to Russia's interference in our elections constitutes dereliction of Duty. A failure to uphold his oath of office.

He should be removed from office on those grounds.

However, Pelosi wants Trump to run in 2020 so bad that she refuses to impeach him.

If the Repugs had a brain, they'd want to remove him as soon as possible. 2020 is going to be a disaster for the Repugs if Trump runs.

Keep telling yourself that.

The Repugs don't have a chance without Russia's help!

35% ain't going to win shit.

Run a better candidate.
If you didn't spend your time wallowing in hatred and anger and reading lies concocted by Media Matters and CNN it was obvious from the git-go that there was never any evidence of collusion. It's kind of surprising that the little left wing army that Mueller cobbled together didn't come up with some sort of procedural charges against the President but if you stick to the original allegations the conclusion is not surprising.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?
no finding, automatically means no crime. no indictment to act on means no crime, therefore, no crime, no crime the objective failed and exonerated is the president and his campaign.
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?

Those of us who are familiar with the criminal code know that there is no law that criminalizes the act of a PRIVATE CITIZEN DJT for "colluding" with the Russians.

Yes there is dummy. It's called criminal conspiracy.
To have a criminal conspiracy, you first have to intend to commit a crime. What's the crime, listening to people talk? Reading publicly available emails?
That’s where it begins. That’s why Trump was investigated in the first place. Now all they have to do is release the report and let the American people decide.

You don't want the report, you've already decided.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?
no finding, automatically means no crime. no indictment to act on means no crime, therefore, no crime, no crime the objective failed and exonerated is the president and his campaign.

If the AG meant to say "No Crime was committed" wouldn't he just come out and say "No crime was committed"? Furthermore if the report fully exonerated the president, wouldn't the report say the president is fully exonerated?
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?
no finding, automatically means no crime. no indictment to act on means no crime, therefore, no crime, no crime the objective failed and exonerated is the president and his campaign.

If the AG meant to say "No Crime was committed" wouldn't he just come out and say "No crime was committed"? Furthermore if the report fully exonerated the president, wouldn't the report say the president is fully exonerated?
I have no idea what he is going to do. I merely stated, that we know there was no crime mentioned. not one. The objectives were to find if there was collusion between trump and his campaign with Russia. They didn't find it. no find, no crime. i don't need anyone's permission to draw that conclusion like I don't need anyone to say 1+1 =2 is right.

No crime= exonerated.
When we see the Mueller report in full, I'll let you know if I am surprised! :D
The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!


"Russia Hoax"?? After all of our intelligence and Mueller's report found that Russia was absolutely running an illegal election interference campaign??

After the investigation resulted in indictments of specific Russian nationals and companies for hacking our political organizations and running politico troll farms?

Yes, it was NOT a hoax and it was not a lie. It was an investigation which has concluded and found that the Pres was not involved in Russian interference. Instead of being relieved about that, the President's supporters have to continue being ignorant partisans.

There are some folks whose eyes are permanently nailed shut.

Doesn't that make it difficult for you to get through airport security?????
I haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe the Investigation was a hoax or a lie. So far, the "hoax" seems like a great work of the imagination, guessing why this investigation was undertaken, ignoring all the reasons why it was conducted. I'm open to new ideas about it, but only if more sane information comes my way.
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Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?

We don't know the results of the Mueller investigation.

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