Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?

I knew this collusion nonsense was created by the obama admin when it first started. The DNC also played a large part in this attempt to deny voters the president they wanted.

Democrats are going to take huge hit for their corruption and scandalous behavior. People are finally seeing how bad democrats really are.
Successful obstruction would result in what?
Sorry - I didn't see your answer to my question.
No problem. Did you see it yet?
All I see is your inability to be honest with yourself.
Funny. Are you saying you've seen the results, or is it that you fully except the AG's summation?
Look at you, desperately trying to avoid my question.
That, in an of itself, answers it quite clearly.

Nonsense. How can I be surprise by something no one has seen yet?

The only thing to come out is the AG's summation letter, not the results of the investigation.
What is sad is there seems to be people genuinely upset and disappointed that the President of the United States did not collude or consipire with a foreign power to steal an election.
The only thing to come out is the AG's summation letter, not the results of the investigation.
Huh. You must be ignorant of the fact that, by law, the AG determines the results of the investigation.
What is sad is there seems to be people genuinely upset and disappointed that the President of the United States did not collude or consipire with a foreign power to steal an election.
Hyper-partisan bigots are like that.
Why are you angered by the very very real possibility that Trump did not conspire with the Russians or commit obstruction?
Successful obstruction would result in what?
Sorry - I didn't see your answer to my question.
No problem. Did you see it yet?
All I see is your inability to be honest with yourself.

Funny. Are you saying you've seen the results, or is it that you fully except the AG's summation?

Funny that you ignored Mueller's own words, saying:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"

Nadler on CNN a few days ago, says there is no evidence Trump obstructed the investigation, I posted that a few days ago, which was almost completely ignored by you TDS membership.

Stop pushing your idiotic immature, partisanship hate!
Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?


Fact is, i've stated repeatedly on the BB that it won't amount to a hill of beans

Meanwhile the partisans fools here are haveing conniption fits

Maybe it'll dawn on some of you that nothing matters in politics but $$$$

Those that have it, make the rules

I found the tension building in me since about a week after the election, which I also was not surprised about. Every time one of our DemoKKKrat brothers and sisters talked about "Collusion" I inwardly smiled and thought about what was coming; but the end result was a bit of an anti-climax. Hillary is not yet in prison: just a matter of time.

But no surprise at all; been telling the pathetic scum that for TWO YEARS!! Quite nice now that I can now openly mock them with loud uncontrolled laughter.

We don't KNOW what the results of the Mueller Probe sare since Barr has so far refused to release it
Yes, we do know the results. The details are irrelevant. The result is that Trump was exonerated of every sleazy accusation.
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?
Why would anyone be surprised life-long Republicans "cleared"

"William Barr Did What He Was Hired to Do
He summarized the Mueller Report in the most favorable light possible to the Trump administration*...."

Mueller Report Summary Shows William Barr Did What Trump Hired Him to Do

"For those of us who are Iran-Contra obsessives—and you know who you are out there—this summary carries a similar aroma.

"A lot of important people are going to pass the buck around to each other, over and over again, until the country forgets what all the fuss was in the first place.

"This should be no surprise, again, because, back in 1992, when he was George H.W. Bush's AG, Barr advised that president to pardon all of the people convicted in Iran-Contra—people who, unsurprisingly, all could have testified that Bush's non-involvement was a self-serving lie.

"Maybe he'll give this president* the same advice."

"Who knows?"
Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?
I don't know. I haven't read the report yet.

And neither have you.

Yeah....the 4 page conclusion said he colluded....wait.

Are you really that stupid ?
just 4 pages?
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?

Nope. I wasn't surprised at all.
Yep…very surprised.
And the other questions?
Are you angered or relieved by the very very real possibility that Trump did not conspire with the Russians or commit obstruction?
Didn’t read them. Just the OP.
Now you have a chance. Let us know. Thanks.
And then:
Are you angered or relieved by the very very real possibility that Trump did not conspire with the Russians or commit obstruction?

Neutral pending the following:

Why didn’t he speak to the OIC? IF you were investigating any organization be it the local PTA, General Motors, the New England Patriots, etc… you’d want to talk to whomever was in charge when the allegations of alleged impropriety took place. Since the “CEO” of the campaign didn’t sit through any questioning (as Clinton did when he had an OIC on him)…I have to wonder why that didn’t happen?

Does the absence invalidate the investigation? No. Mueller took a lot of felonious Trump hires off of the street; good on him. Hacking of the DNC and people around HRC has been yet again confirmed. Good on him. The Obstruction of Justice in firing Comey is still in play as is the persecution of Roger Stone.

A good day at work for Mr. Mueller.

Also neutral pending the uncovering of the evidence save for the summary (whitewash?) by AG Barr. If the report is released, perhaps the opinion would change. If not…well…we will just have to assume that Trump is hiding records yet again as he did with his taxes, the translator’s notes when he met with….the RUSSIAN Premier….etc…

The fish rots from the head down. Multiple investigations into Mara-Lard-ass are still ongoing.

Yes, that was bothersome, and the fact that the FBI never received the original records from the DNC.

There were a lot of things about the investigation that bothered me. It is funny that partisans only find fault with things on the Republican side.

I don't like how the investigation only looked into Republicans. Many of the things that Manafort went down for, the Podestas were involved in to. I am very unclear as to why they were shielded. I would like some answers.

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