What a good cop sounds like

You forgot already that you posted "asshole cops cause good cops to get shot"?
OK,, and??

people dont go around shooting cops because all of them are good,,

its easy to understand their frustration when the cops are the ones doing the abusing and theres no one else to turn too,,,
The system works and about 450 Cops were killed in the line of duty last year to give you the right to mumble about frustration. Who ya gonna call when your hypocrite ass feels threatened and things go bump in the night? A gang member?
The system works and about 450 Cops were killed in the line of duty last year to give you the right to mumble about frustration. Who ya gonna call when your hypocrite ass feels threatened and things go bump in the night? A gang member?
my experience is when you call the cops they go after you or ignore you,,,

wonder what your limit is against a corrupt government??

you never answered,, do we always bow down or do we stand up for our rights when threatened like this guy was??
thats right you gave me scenarios and ignored what we knew as fact from the video,,

now go play make believe somewhere else cause I dont want to hear it,,,

So what do we know as a fact from the video? We know the guy the officer was talking to was screaming like a maniac. Other than that, it's all we really know. You people are such suckers. Somebody posts an edited video and you don't suspect a thing. All you really do is react to what they wanted you to react to.
So what do we know as a fact from the video? We know the guy the officer was talking to was screaming like a maniac. Other than that, it's all we really know. You people are such suckers. Somebody posts an edited video and you don't suspect a thing. All you really do is react to what they wanted you to react to.
thats all you know,,

I know the guy hadnt committed a crime or the cop would have been arresting him instead of standing over him intimidating and provoking him which is against the law for anyone to do especially a cop

the cop was not only standing over him he was so close he had to spread his legs to get as close as he did and the guy had no way to get out from under him without using force

now I wonder if the cop was an average person doing that to another person does that person have a right to defend himself with force???

I think since the cop/guy had a gun it would have been justified for the other guy to blow his fucking head off,,

as for the guy screaming his head off,, well the 1st A gives us that right and if the cop didnt like it he should have moved on like police policy dictates..
thats all you know,,

I know the guy hadnt committed a crime or the cop would have been arresting him instead of standing over him intimidating and provoking him which is against the law for anyone to do especially a cop

the cop was not only standing over him he was so close he had to spread his legs to get as close as he did and the guy had no way to get out from under him without using force

now I wonder if the cop was an average person doing that to another person does that person have a right to defend himself with force???

I think since the cop/guy had a gun it would have been justified for the other guy to blow his fucking head off,,

as for the guy screaming his head off,, well the 1st A gives us that right and if the cop didnt like it he should have moved on like police policy dictates..

What would give him the justification to commit murder, because a cop was standing close to him? Maybe you don't belong in a civilized society. You should find a jungle somewhere to live that doesn't have law and order.

Again, police are not citizens with a uniform. We give police authority over average citizens because they are the law. We gave them that authority. You keep coming up with this BS he didn't break any laws. Well if he didn't break any laws, do you think the officer pulled him over just to harass a guy that did nothing wrong? Why would he do that, because he didn't like the color of his car?

As I earlier stated, I had many interactions with police officers, and not once did an officer have to stand over me like that. Why? Because I just did everything they said. In fact anybody that just listens to orders have the same experience with police. If anybody has a problem with a police officer, they can take the issue up with their supervisor, the Mayor of a city, local news departments, and state reps if it's a State Trooper issue. But if you're going to challenge an officer in the street, you're always going to lose that battle.
What would give him the justification to commit murder, because a cop was standing close to him? Maybe you don't belong in a civilized society. You should find a jungle somewhere to live that doesn't have law and order.

Again, police are not citizens with a uniform. We give police authority over average citizens because they are the law. We gave them that authority. You keep coming up with this BS he didn't break any laws. Well if he didn't break any laws, do you think the officer pulled him over just to harass a guy that did nothing wrong? Why would he do that, because he didn't like the color of his car?

As I earlier stated, I had many interactions with police officers, and not once did an officer have to stand over me like that. Why? Because I just did everything they said. In fact anybody that just listens to orders have the same experience with police. If anybody has a problem with a police officer, they can take the issue up with their supervisor, the Mayor of a city, local news departments, and state reps if it's a State Trooper issue. But if you're going to challenge an officer in the street, you're always going to lose that battle.
a cop only has authority over us if a laws been broken and its very limited then,, and since he wasnt being arrested he wasnt breaking any laws,,

maybe a little nazi fuck like you should find a country that fits your police state attitude and leave this free country to free people,,

do you have any proof the cop pulled him over or that he was even driving a car?? no you dont so stop making shit up to suit your nazi police state BS

there is no reason in the world for the cop to be standing over him like that and if it was a normal person doing that the guy has a right to defend himself,, now you may be a little pussy and let people treat you like that but in america we kill mother fuckers like that,,
a cop only has authority over us if a laws been broken and its very limited then,, and since he wasnt being arrested he wasnt breaking any laws,,

maybe a little nazi fuck like you should find a country that fits your police state attitude and leave this free country to free people,,

do you have any proof the cop pulled him over or that he was even driving a car?? no you dont so stop making shit up to suit your nazi police state BS

there is no reason in the world for the cop to be standing over him like that and if it was a normal person doing that the guy has a right to defend himself,, now you may be a little pussy and let people treat you like that but in america we kill mother fuckers like that,,

So what do you think, a cop was just walking down the street, seen a guy doing nothing wrong, and pinned him against a strangers parked car? You have no idea if he was arrested or not. You make up stories to try and fit your anti-cop narrative. So show me this evidence he wasn't breaking any law, and don't say because he wasn't under arrest because police don't arrest anybody until they investigate a situation to make sure a crime was committed. Doing otherwise makes the city or state liable for false arrest.

If you live in a place with no laws or anybody to enforce them then you live in an uncivilized society. We formed this country around law and order because of that. As for places that weaken their police departments, violent crime has risen at unbelievable rates.

So what do you think, a cop was just walking down the street, seen a guy doing nothing wrong, and pinned him against a strangers parked car? You have no idea if he was arrested or not. You make up stories to try and fit your anti-cop narrative. So show me this evidence he wasn't breaking any law, and don't say because he wasn't under arrest because police don't arrest anybody until they investigate a situation to make sure a crime was committed. Doing otherwise makes the city or state liable for false arrest.

If you live in a place with no laws or anybody to enforce them then you live in an uncivilized society. We formed this country around law and order because of that. As for places that weaken their police departments, violent crime has risen at unbelievable rates.

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youre just a sad person,,,

he wasnt under arrest because he wasnt in cuffs and the cop was trying to provoke him so he could arrest him,,

as for a lawless country,, well since the cop hadnt arrested him the only one breaking the law was the cop,,
do you want to live in a world where the cops dont have to obey the laws and can abuse people when ever it makes them feel good like nazi germany?? sounds like you do,,

you keep forgetting this is a case of a good cop calling out a bad cop and youre arguing in favor of the bad cop,,

all you leftist authoritarians are the same,, DO AS YOURE TOLD TO DO,,
youre just a sad person,,,

he wasnt under arrest because he wasnt in cuffs and the cop was trying to provoke him so he could arrest him,,

as for a lawless country,, well since the cop hadnt arrested him the only one breaking the law was the cop,,
do you want to live in a world where the cops dont have to obey the laws and can abuse people when ever it makes them feel good like nazi germany?? sounds like you do,,

you keep forgetting this is a case of a good cop calling out a bad cop and youre arguing in favor of the bad cop,,

all you leftist authoritarians are the same,, DO AS YOURE TOLD TO DO,,

No, all you leftists are anti-police. The results are obvious in liberal cities all across the country. The idea you keep repeating he wasn't breaking any laws because he wasn't under arrest shows how little you know about police procedure or what lengths they must go through before they can place somebody under arrest. I would suggest you watch some episodes of the show C.O.P.S and learn a few things.

So what "law" was this officer breaking? A police officer is allowed to detain a suspect. Perfectly legal. How was he abusing this screaming maniac?
No, all you leftists are anti-police. The results are obvious in liberal cities all across the country. The idea you keep repeating he wasn't breaking any laws because he wasn't under arrest shows how little you know about police procedure or what lengths they must go through before they can place somebody under arrest. I would suggest you watch some episodes of the show C.O.P.S and learn a few things.

So what "law" was this officer breaking? A police officer is allowed to detain a suspect. Perfectly legal. How was he abusing this screaming maniac?
hes allowed to detain but not harrass and intimidate and thats what he was doing,, and I do know thats against the law for anyone including a cop,, in fact most police depts have rules specifically against that type of behavior,

I am going off what we know from a short clip where you are just making shit up because youre a boot licking drone,,

and I am far from anti cop since I am siding with a cop on this singular issue,,

I am the one standing against abusive authority while youre standing with an abusive authority,, so tell me which of us is the authoritarian??
hes allowed to detain but not harrass and intimidate and thats what he was doing,, and I do know thats against the law for anyone including a cop,, in fact most police depts have rules specifically against that type of behavior,

I am going off what we know from a short clip where you are just making shit up because youre a boot licking drone,,

and I am far from anti cop since I am siding with a cop on this singular issue,,

I am the one standing against abusive authority while youre standing with an abusive authority,, so tell me which of us is the authoritarian??

There is nothing abusive about what this officer did. If the officer suspected this guy may be loaded and has a gun, I don't want him running off and disappearing in my neighborhood. I expect that officer to hold him there until everything can be figured out.

You are basing your opinion on a heavily edited video. It was heavily edited for a reason, and that reason is to control what people like you think.

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