What a good cop sounds like

or the cop is just being a prick and trying to intimidate the guy into committing a crime,, its clear he hadnt committed a crime at the time of the video or he would be in cuffs,,

No, police officers will question a suspect to make sure he committed some crime before placing him in cuffs unless the officer believes he, the subject or innocents on the street may be harmed by his actions.

It's not clear he didn't commit a crime. This video was snipped for a reason, and that reason is whoever took the video didn't want you to see what happened that led up to this exchange or how it eventually ended. Very suspect if you ask me.
Yep, and maybe that was the officers intention; to make sure he didn't go anywhere.
maybe,, but if he had broken a law the cop should cuff him and end the childish behavior,, but instead he decided to act like a child,,

if the guy pulled out a gun and shot the cop in the face I wouldnt convict him,,

cops like this need to be stopped one way or another,,,
If you show me where I've said anything contrary to that, I'll buy you a house...
Then, you can ADMIT that unless the dude jumped on the car and slid his way between the cop's legs (doubtful at best) THE COP WAS THE AGGRESSOR. Your attempts to dismiss it because we don't actually see on video the cop cornering the civilian discredits you.
No, police officers will question a suspect to make sure he committed some crime before placing him in cuffs unless the officer believes he, the subject or innocents on the street may be harmed by his actions.

It's not clear he didn't commit a crime. This video was snipped for a reason, and that reason is whoever took the video didn't want you to see what happened that led up to this exchange or how it eventually ended. Very suspect if you ask me.
its pretty clear to me he didnt commit a crime or the cop would have arrested him first,,

he can question him all he likes but the guy has a right to tell the cop to fuck off and not speak to him,,,

the cop had no right to get in his face like he did and should be removed from policing,,
maybe,, but if he had broken a law the cop should cuff him and end the childish behavior,, but instead he decided to act like a child,,

if the guy pulled out a gun and shot the cop in the face I wouldnt convict him,,

cops like this need to be stopped one way or another,,,

Stopped from what? The officer wasn't doing anything to him. He wasn't beating his head against the car, he was getting in his face which there is no law against. Plus I already stated he could have had several reasons for addressing this maniac the way he did, but again, snipped out so we can't see why.

Believe it or not police try to avoid arresting people unless they have to. It involves paperwork, writing a report, questioning by the supervisor, attending court because a judge may have questions for the officer about the arrest and the conduct of the suspect. It's just something they'd rather not do if they have the option. All we really see is them putting cuffs on a guy and throwing them in the car.
Stopped from what? The officer wasn't doing anything to him. He wasn't beating his head against the car, he was getting in his face which there is no law against. Plus I already stated he could have had several reasons for addressing this maniac the way he did, but again, snipped out so we can't see why.

Believe it or not police try to avoid arresting people unless they have to. It involves paperwork, writing a report, questioning by the supervisor, attending court because a judge may have questions for the officer about the arrest and the conduct of the suspect. It's just something they'd rather not do if they have the option. All we really see is them putting cuffs on a guy and throwing them in the car.
tell me what would happen if the guy treated the cop like he was being treated??

for us thats against the law but for cops they can ignore the laws all they want,,
tell me what would happen if the guy treated the cop like he was being treated??

for us thats against the law but for cops they can ignore the laws all they want,,

I don't know where people get this idea that police officers are like any other citizen with a uniform. The police are the law. They enforce the laws passed by our representatives. They represent authority that your average citizen doesn't have. What kind of lawless society would we have with nobody in authority? So we give these men and women such authority so they can keep peace and protect the community. I can't get a warrant to search your house. Police can get that warrant because again, they have the authority to do so.

As to your question, if the other guy did this to the officer, most likely the officer would ORDER the suspect to back away from him. He has the legal authority to make that command. The other guy doesn't. If the subject refused the command of a police officer, he would likely be placed under arrest, something the subject can't do to the police officer.
I don't know where people get this idea that police officers are like any other citizen with a uniform. The police are the law. They enforce the laws passed by our representatives. They represent authority that your average citizen doesn't have. What kind of lawless society would we have with nobody in authority? So we give these men and women such authority so they can keep peace and protect the community. I can't get a warrant to search your house. Police can get that warrant because again, they have the authority to do so.

As to your question, if the other guy did this to the officer, most likely the officer would ORDER the suspect to back away from him. He has the legal authority to make that command. The other guy doesn't. If the subject refused the command of a police officer, he would likely be placed under arrest, something the subject can't do to the police officer.
you obviously dont know the law,,,

cops have limited abilities if a crime hasnt been committed and it doesnt include harassment and intimidation,,
if fact most if not all police depts have policies against such things,,

we know for a fact they guy hadnt committed a crime or the cop would be arresting him and as per most depts policies they are required to de-escalate not escalate all encounters,,,

and they guy had everyright to be as nasty as he wanted to be and if the cop didnt like it he could fuck off,, 1st amendment and all,,

at some point you have to stop being a boot licker and accept there are bad cops that need gotten rid of,,
you obviously dont know the law,,,

cops have limited abilities if a crime hasnt been committed and it doesnt include harassment and intimidation,,
if fact most if not all police depts have policies against such things,,

we know for a fact they guy hadnt committed a crime or the cop would be arresting him and as per most depts policies they are required to de-escalate not escalate all encounters,,,

and they guy had everyright to be as nasty as he wanted to be and if the cop didnt like it he could fuck off,, 1st amendment and all,,

at some point you have to stop being a boot licker and accept there are bad cops that need gotten rid of,,

I'm all for getting rid of bad cops, but a bad cop is one that breaks our laws in the commission of his duty. I never said cops have no restrictions. In fact they have more restrictions than anybody else in this country outside of the military. You keep saying this clown didn't break any laws without any evidence. For all we know, it could have ended up in an arrest. We don't know because of the obvious editing omitting key parts of the encounter. If you are suspected of driving while intoxicated for instance, the police don't put the cuffs on you. They do an investigation. They check your eyes, do a breathalyzer test, give you physical challenges to see if you can do them, look inside your vehicle for evidence. After they conclude their investigation reveals you were driving intoxicated, then and only then do they arrest you.

As a truck driver I had many interactions with police, mostly the worst which are State troopers. Truck drivers don't have constitutional rights. The police pull us over for no reason at all, search your trailer, go through your paperwork, even do a safety check on the entire vehicle. If you ask why you got pulled over, they respond "because I felt like it" and there is nothing we can do about it.
I'm all for getting rid of bad cops, but a bad cop is one that breaks our laws in the commission of his duty. I never said cops have no restrictions. In fact they have more restrictions than anybody else in this country outside of the military. You keep saying this clown didn't break any laws without any evidence. For all we know, it could have ended up in an arrest. We don't know because of the obvious editing omitting key parts of the encounter. If you are suspected of driving while intoxicated for instance, the police don't put the cuffs on you. They do an investigation. They check your eyes, do a breathalyzer test, give you physical challenges to see if you can do them, look inside your vehicle for evidence. After they conclude their investigation reveals you were driving intoxicated, then and only then do they arrest you.

As a truck driver I had many interactions with police, mostly the worst which are State troopers. Truck drivers don't have constitutional rights. The police pull us over for no reason at all, search your trailer, go through your paperwork, even do a safety check on the entire vehicle. If you ask why you got pulled over, they respond "because I felt like it" and there is nothing we can do about it.
I hope you arent comparing commercial driving with a person walking down the street??

we do know at the time of the video the guy was not under arrest and the cop was taunting him to do something,, that tells me the cop had nothing and was trying to intimidate and provoke the guy not de-escalate like he is supposed too,
and nothing tells me a DUI is the issue so not sure why you brought that up,,

and what about the fact another cop brought it up?? does he have any credibility or should we ignore that [part??
I hope you arent comparing commercial driving with a person walking down the street??

we do know at the time of the video the guy was not under arrest and the cop was taunting him to do something,, that tells me the cop had nothing and was trying to intimidate and provoke the guy not de-escalate like he is supposed too,
and nothing tells me a DUI is the issue so not sure why you brought that up,,

and what about the fact another cop brought it up?? does he have any credibility or should we ignore that [part??

The cop giving his opinion is just that, his opinion. The fact that he made the statement "this is why people hate us" tells me right there he knows nothing of what he speaks of because most people love their police departments. The only people that "hate" police are the criminals. He also lost all credibility by commenting on a situation he knew little about, only the cut out part of the video presented. No credible police officer would do that. They are trained to gather ALL facts before coming to any conclusion.

This rogue cop also said the officer in the video was daring the subject to touch him. I didn't see or hear anything like that in the video. If you look at the words when the subject said "what are you coming at me for" the officer responded "I looked down right then." Okay, looked down at what? Apparently this officer seen "something" that initiated the confrontation. Again, the video was edited so we don't know the reason.

I didn't compare my situation on the job to somebody walking down the street. But if a cop pulled you over in your car, said he had no reason to stop you but did anyway, searched the trunk of your car, did a safety check on your entire vehicle, you would be off to the lawyers to file a suit against the state or city the officer worked for because he violated your 4th amendment rights. We truck drivers can't do that. It's perfectly legal and ruled that way by the high courts.
everything you said is contrary,,, if he cant get out without contacting the cop that means he was already there when the cop got there,,,

I wasn't commenting on whether he could "get out". I was commenting on the fact that nothing in the video shows that the cop walked up on the guy.

Seriously, this is simple stuff..
I wasn't commenting on whether he could "get out". I was commenting on the fact that nothing in the video shows that the cop walked up on the guy.

Seriously, this is simple stuff..
then youre blind as well as a boot licking idiot,,,

if he cant get out of that position also means he cant get into it which means the cop walked up on him,,
The cop giving his opinion is just that, his opinion. The fact that he made the statement "this is why people hate us" tells me right there he knows nothing of what he speaks of because most people love their police departments. The only people that "hate" police are the criminals. He also lost all credibility by commenting on a situation he knew little about, only the cut out part of the video presented. No credible police officer would do that. They are trained to gather ALL facts before coming to any conclusion.

This rogue cop also said the officer in the video was daring the subject to touch him. I didn't see or hear anything like that in the video. If you look at the words when the subject said "what are you coming at me for" the officer responded "I looked down right then." Okay, looked down at what? Apparently this officer seen "something" that initiated the confrontation. Again, the video was edited so we don't know the reason.

I didn't compare my situation on the job to somebody walking down the street. But if a cop pulled you over in your car, said he had no reason to stop you but did anyway, searched the trunk of your car, did a safety check on your entire vehicle, you would be off to the lawyers to file a suit against the state or city the officer worked for because he violated your 4th amendment rights. We truck drivers can't do that. It's perfectly legal and ruled that way by the high courts.
you boot lickers make me sick,,,
If more cops were like this, you wouldn't have many people that hate their guts.

Most cops have outstanding backgrounds, exceptional integrity, above-average intelligence, and will put their own lives at risk to help complete strangers.

But yes, they are human like you and me. I don't blame them for occasionally losing their tempers over the scums in society; they have more patience than I do.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be known as the children of God.


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then youre blind as well as a boot licking idiot,,,

if he cant get out of that position also means he cant get into it which means the cop walked up on him,,
How about you lick my shit, dumbfuck?

My point has, quite obviously, sailed effortlessly over your pointed little head...

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