What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

Good. Keep it that way.

Translation: I lied. We ARE going to launch a pogrom against our political opponents.

Your stupid juicy rationalization against someone who disagrees with you is juvenile and entirely laughable.

I have voluntarily worn the uniform of the United States Army and put myself into harm's way during wartime on behalf of the country I love so much, although I did not see combat.

I want the border closed, I want Illegal Aliens deported, I want China stopped, I want the queer-agenda neutralized, I want law and order restored in our cities by force, I want our allies to pay their fair share of defense, I support Israel, etc., etc., etc.

I just don't want your Orange Piece-of-$hit anywhere NEAR the White House.

Libturd Traitor?

Go phukk yourself, Princess. :fu:
I suggest you read through the links in post # 74 here.
No LIE, just candor.
Redo your lessons in reading comprehension, my comments simply mean that the Right is prepared to counter the pogroms currently coming from the Left.

BTW, I don't want your female child and women groper-molestor brain-dead puppet, or his similar Dimwit (D) predecessors near the White House.

As for the rest of your post, which I'm convinced is a LIE:
We have had other threads like this in the past, however, never before do I think that this now is a possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot....So, deep is this desire that they are throwing caution to the wind, and openly showing their fascist side....It really seems like there is nothing we can agree on anymore...

So, what I am seeing is that we have a clear crossroads to deal with....Put Trump back in and the left will explode with their intent on destroying this nation, keep him from running, and the right will see this as the last nail in the coffin of freedom...So, my question to the board, is what do you think the spark will be?
Possibly another Left-wing(Democrat), AntiFa, BLM insurrection and revolt such as seen during Summer of 2020 ???
Another thing to remember is that the military and police have always been right wing, law and order, and very susceptible to the kind of populist propaganda Trump is best at.

that might once have been true of the military, not sure sure any long
The federal government is not even supposed to be a country, but just a federation.
The federal government telling any state what to do is like the UN enforcing its dictates on us.
The federation is just voluntary.

I agree except that States as long as they are here are in fact required to provide citizens of all States with Bill of Rights protections, but other than that, totally true. And redistributing money is not a Federal power, period
The military and LEO, Golfing Gator notwithstanding, have been MAGA cleansed the last three years.

It will the neighbors that put down a MAGA revolt then go back to their gardening.
Solzhenitsyn perfectly describes Republicans: They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, they lie anyway.
"The Army" belongs to whichever state it sits in at the moment that state secedes. Texas isnt going to return fighter jets and tanks. They are going to keep all of it, nukes too.
Good one. When Texas decides to secede, the only thing "the army" will leave are bases.
Another thing to remember is that the military and police have always been right wing, law and order, and very susceptible to the kind of populist propaganda Trump is best at.
If it did come to a civil war, the police and military would most likely be on Trump's side, unless he really screws up somehow.
I believe that the military will be on the side of the Constitution. If Trump supporters try to seize power, the military will side with the government.
The Army will motor and chopper on down to Austin from Fort Cavazos and arrest the GOP legislature and Governor and disarm the Texas Rangers, who will do so willingly because are Americans true and blue.
Good one. When Texas decides to secede, the only thing "the army" will leave are bases.

Gotcha, so we already know Democrats don't believe in due process or innocent until proven guilty, and now you don't believe in consent of the governed as well. What's funny is when you say you love America. You don't know what love means, like Care4all , who thinks "all" means all people who agree with her politically
"The Army" belongs to whichever state it sits in at the moment that state secedes. Texas isnt going to return fighter jets and tanks. They are going to keep all of it, nukes too.
Good, they damned well should.
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