What are Presidents supposed to do? What isn’t Trump doing?

I know the first thing that comes to mind for many is “unify Americans”...I’ll say this, there’s no possible way to unite the Left and Right...not these days. Go with something else.
Not conspire with hostile foreign governments?

Not lie continuously?

Not support and idolize fascist regimes?

Not destroy the budget to give tax cuts to his wealthy buddies?

Am I getting warm here?
You live in a world of delusion. Trump hasn't done any of that.

None of the left's dire predictions of Trump doom and gloom came true. Just the opposite, things are going pretty well. Since the left have no legitimate complaints they fabricate some.
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.
We should do that but why not start with deportation and border enforcement? Easier to keep people that don’t belong here out than hunt them down later.

e-verify can easily catch them that are here. increased border patrol & drones are useful too.
The wall will work far better.

& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?
Hillary was telling you the truth when she promised to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens, and you just licked it up.

So who is the douchebag here?
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.
We should do that but why not start with deportation and border enforcement? Easier to keep people that don’t belong here out than hunt them down later.

e-verify can easily catch them that are here. increased border patrol & drones are useful too.
The wall will work far better.

& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?

Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Only ignorant fools ever cared about who would pay for it.
We can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.
President Trump isn't a Baby Face, that's the biggest thing that really infuriates the left. In the WWE universe, the baby faces play strictly by the rules, while the heels bend every rule they can when the ref isn't looking. As a result, they usually get beat down.

And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Those are the kind of Republicans liberals like, guys like Romney and McCain who are boyscouts while the libs run wild.

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

Donald J. Trump isn't a face. If the libs attack him, he fights fire with fire immediately. He's the dirtiest player in the game, but only when others start it. When McCain called his supporters "crazies", Donald Trump ripped him a new one denouncing him for getting captured in Vietnam. A real kick in the crotch- but one which is worthy of someone who studied the work of the Nature Boy.

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

"To be the man, you have to beat the man", I can't see Biden or anyone else taking him out in 2020.

Look at his work when the Bush Family and NBC tried to take him out with their election eve with the Access Hollywood tape they save to the last moment.

Trump immediately shipped in a small sampling of the Sexual Harassment victims of the Clintons and sat them in the front row for the debate. Check Mate, Trump.

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.

Yet we whooped your ass in 2016, took the House, Senate, White House, stole one of Obama's SCOTUS nominations, gutted Obamacare, passed an historic tax cut for corporations, and mock your liberal news daily.
e-verify can easily catch them that are here. increased border patrol & drones are useful too.
The wall will work far better.

& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?

Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Only ignorant fools ever cared about who would pay for it.
We can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.

Liberals are particularly butthurt over the wall because Trump savagely mocked them every time they had a hissy fit about it.
Do illegals count? Why are you fighting him on defending us?
Why are you guys fighting the russian investigation?
We aren’t. Your fighting not having any evidence. Anytime your ready you go ahead and lay all that evidence out there.
The point of an investigation is investigate. When the investigation is done then we will allow you to see the evidence. Dont you know how these things work?
You’ve had two years. Fucking do something.
Whats your hurry? There are investigations that have taken longer. In this case I dont care how long it takes and you shouldnt either. Find out who let the russians in or they will be back.
If someone is really interested in who let the Russians in, they should probably start their search with the administration that was in power during the 2016 elections. How did Natalia Veselnitskaya get into this country anyway? Sounds like a good question if someone really wants to know about Russians in the USA.
Why are you guys fighting the russian investigation?
We aren’t. Your fighting not having any evidence. Anytime your ready you go ahead and lay all that evidence out there.
The point of an investigation is investigate. When the investigation is done then we will allow you to see the evidence. Dont you know how these things work?
You’ve had two years. Fucking do something.
Whats your hurry? There are investigations that have taken longer. In this case I dont care how long it takes and you shouldnt either. Find out who let the russians in or they will be back.
If someone is really interested in who let the Russians in, they should probably start their search with the administration that was in power during the 2016 elections. How did Natalia Veselnitskaya get into this country anyway? Sounds like a good question if someone really wants to know about Russians in the USA.

You forget, Dem's are never responsible or accountable for anything.
e-verify can easily catch them that are here. increased border patrol & drones are useful too.
The wall will work far better.

& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?

Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Only ignorant fools ever cared about who would pay for it.
We can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.
So now your claim is that he really didnt mean it? :laugh:

2aguy believed Drumpf was going to make Mexico pay for the wall. Are you calling him an ignorant fool?

Forget Mexico......Let's make taxpayers pay for the wall

"Asswipe......Trump tweeted Mexico is still paying for the wall.....he is going to get the wall going....you know...he is going to start building the wall and then get the money from Mexico...you moron...."
Why are you guys fighting the russian investigation?
We aren’t. Your fighting not having any evidence. Anytime your ready you go ahead and lay all that evidence out there.
The point of an investigation is investigate. When the investigation is done then we will allow you to see the evidence. Dont you know how these things work?
You’ve had two years. Fucking do something.
Whats your hurry? There are investigations that have taken longer. In this case I dont care how long it takes and you shouldnt either. Find out who let the russians in or they will be back.
If someone is really interested in who let the Russians in, they should probably start their search with the administration that was in power during the 2016 elections. How did Natalia Veselnitskaya get into this country anyway? Sounds like a good question if someone really wants to know about Russians in the USA.
So you agree. The investigation should take as long as is necessary right?
And now, we're officially down the rabbit hole, folks. :spinner:Politics in this country is now the latest professional sport and/or TV show. Weeeee!!

EXHIBIT A: ^^ This genius just compared the political landscape to WWE. Yep!

Get it? Because they lost. What losers, amirite? Ha ha ha! Get it? MAGA! MAGA!

EXHIBIT B: ^^ More references to WWE. The Cult45 sure loooves their professional wrasslin'

It's like 9-D Battleship Parcheesi Chinese Checkers Chess.

In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.

Yet we whooped your ass in 2016, took the House, Senate, White House, stole one of Obama's SCOTUS nominations, gutted Obamacare, passed an historic tax cut for corporations, and mock your liberal news daily.

Whooped my ass? I don't think so. I didn't vote for Hillary, stupid.
The wall will work far better.

& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?

Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Only ignorant fools ever cared about who would pay for it.
We can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.
So now your claim is that he really didnt mean it? :laugh:

2aguy believed Drumpf was going to make Mexico pay for the wall. Are you calling him an ignorant fool?

Forget Mexico......Let's make taxpayers pay for the wall

"Asswipe......Trump tweeted Mexico is still paying for the wall.....he is going to get the wall going....you know...he is going to start building the wall and then get the money from Mexico...you moron...."

You realize Trump just renegotiated trade with Mexico right, there's your money for the wall and more. :itsok:
In English please :icon_rolleyes:

Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.

Yet we whooped your ass in 2016, took the House, Senate, White House, stole one of Obama's SCOTUS nominations, gutted Obamacare, passed an historic tax cut for corporations, and mock your liberal news daily.

Whooped my ass? I don't think so. I didn't vote for Hillary, stupid.

LOL okay what loser did you vote for? Please tell me it wasn't cry baby Gary Johnson so I don't lose all respect for you.
Sure. The Cult45 makes you stupid(er). Capice?

Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.

Yet we whooped your ass in 2016, took the House, Senate, White House, stole one of Obama's SCOTUS nominations, gutted Obamacare, passed an historic tax cut for corporations, and mock your liberal news daily.

Whooped my ass? I don't think so. I didn't vote for Hillary, stupid.

LOL okay what loser did you vote for? Please tell me it wasn't cry baby Gary Johnson so I don't lose all respect for you.

I voted for candidate Nunya.
Lib my left pinky is smarter than you. Go gather 5 of your liberal pals and even then I'll have to spot you retards points.

An apolitical 5-year-old's spit is smarter than you.

Yet we whooped your ass in 2016, took the House, Senate, White House, stole one of Obama's SCOTUS nominations, gutted Obamacare, passed an historic tax cut for corporations, and mock your liberal news daily.

Whooped my ass? I don't think so. I didn't vote for Hillary, stupid.

LOL okay what loser did you vote for? Please tell me it wasn't cry baby Gary Johnson so I don't lose all respect for you.

I voted for candidate Nunya.

So Johnson then, shocker. :21:
& mexico will pay for it.

Only Trump haters who want to destroy America give a shit whether Mexico pays.
Why are you ok with Drumpf promising you Mexico would pay for his mythical wall? You do understand he was lying to you right?

Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Only ignorant fools ever cared about who would pay for it.
We can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.
So now your claim is that he really didnt mean it? :laugh:

2aguy believed Drumpf was going to make Mexico pay for the wall. Are you calling him an ignorant fool?

Forget Mexico......Let's make taxpayers pay for the wall

"Asswipe......Trump tweeted Mexico is still paying for the wall.....he is going to get the wall going....you know...he is going to start building the wall and then get the money from Mexico...you moron...."

You realize Trump just renegotiated trade with Mexico right, there's your money for the wall and more. :itsok:
You guys cant seem to get your story straight. Are you saying Brokeloser is a fool or do you agree you are fool as he claimed? Its weird. I dont see where Mexico agreed to pay for the wall. Do you have a link?

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