What are sports fans thinking about all this political theatre going on in The Game of BLM.

Sportsmen are often accused of living in a bubble but when they show a social conscience they get slated.

This has echoes of the sports boycott of arpathied South Africa. You cant have sport in an unfair society. What you brain dead pricks arent facing up to is that there has to be change Society cannot go on like it has with minority groups being oppressed.

Sport is a great vehicle for affecting change. As is music.

You know nothing of the US, yet here you are commenting. Moron

People who don't live in the USA know a lot more about the USA than people in the USA know about other nations. That's because of the worldwide US media. Your entertainments, your documententaries, your news media, dominate world coverage. Media production and sales is one of your largest worldwide industries.

Americans, know next to nothing about other countries because their media is an endlessly reflecting mirror.

Newsflash: we don’t give a shit about Canada. U calling us ignorant of Canada is an insult that falls flat. Meanwhile you know zilch about America yet here you are. Dipshit

Three things I like about Canada. CFL because they start early. Their NHL teams, and oil, opps I mean Neal Young......

It's NEIL Young, idiot.

Hahaha thank you for that correction you spelling Nazi. Hint it really was oil......Don't tell my liberal friends though

I could tell that you are a real Neil 'one-chord' Young groupie......:rofl:

More like on other side of the Needle! Cause every junkie's like the setting sun.....

Sportsmen are often accused of living in a bubble but when they show a social conscience they get slated.

This has echoes of the sports boycott of arpathied South Africa. You cant have sport in an unfair society. What you brain dead pricks arent facing up to is that there has to be change Society cannot go on like it has with minority groups being oppressed.

Sport is a great vehicle for affecting change. As is music.

...Except we just had a black president

What the fuck?

I can get behind All Cops Are Bastards...At least ones who ever work with other cops

But comparing us to apartheid south africa is fucking absurd god damn.

They can't even articulate what they want. In apartheid south africa they could articulate what they wanted

Just a fuckign insane comparison, especially considering they would have shot a white guy in the same exact scenario.

American police have a right to shoot you if they feel any threat. Fumbling around grabbing something is always gonna be assumed to be a gun.

Whether it's in your waistband, dash, or a bag.
Sportsmen are often accused of living in a bubble but when they show a social conscience they get slated.

This has echoes of the sports boycott of arpathied South Africa. You cant have sport in an unfair society. What you brain dead pricks arent facing up to is that there has to be change Society cannot go on like it has with minority groups being oppressed.

Sport is a great vehicle for affecting change. As is music.

You know nothing of the US, yet here you are commenting. Moron

People who don't live in the USA know a lot more about the USA than people in the USA know about other nations. That's because of the worldwide US media. Your entertainments, your documententaries, your news media, dominate world coverage. Media production and sales is one of your largest worldwide industries.

Americans, know next to nothing about other countries because their media is an endlessly reflecting mirror.

Newsflash: we don’t give a shit about Canada. U calling us ignorant of Canada is an insult that falls flat. Meanwhile you know zilch about America yet here you are. Dipshit

Three things I like about Canada. CFL because they start early. Their NHL teams, and oil, opps I mean Neal Young......

Sorry about your dad. I lost my father June 29th. Everyday it hurts. Part of me is dead and know I’ll never be whole again. I used to love watching sports with him.

Thanks, Sorry for your loss too. We had some great times, from the minor league BB team in Tulsa, to the Astros, Oilers, Texans, Rockets and even the Rice Owls. We enjoyed so many games in person and on TV together. I thought I'd sit this year out cause it wasn't going to be the same.

Can’t say I blame you. I Used to watch boxing with my dad when I was a pup, before the days of PPV. He taught me what to look for. He was very knowledgeable about boxing, but he didn’t want to train me for a violent sport. He liked soccer a lot and I got him into basketball. He became a huge basketball fan. He didn’t really understand, nor care to understand baseball or football.

Sounds like a good man. I didn't know how good I had it growing up till I met a lot of people who didn't grow up with a dad like that.

Man, he was really a wonderful man. Many of the people I grew up with never had fathers or their parents were divorced. I consider myself extremely blessed to have had the relationship I’ve had with my dad. I couldn’t imagine going through some of the things I had to go through without his support.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.
I'm done with all pro sports! ALL! But understand...this was INTENTIONAL!

Pro sports give us entertainment & a RELEASE of pent-up hostilities...now we'll see more hostilities out in public.

Just another gift from the democrat filth!
I gave up sports years ago during the strikes, when overpaid and over privileged athletes bitched about not making enough.
Also when Brett Favre fucked up the Vikings Superbowl chances with that stupid last play.
Too add also, that the owners hold taxpayers hostage with threats of moving teams until they get a billion dollar stadium at taxpayers expense.
I hope they all end up destitute.
I wonder what these guys think about kneeling???

Here come the.....Here come the.....Here come DA BOOM!!!!.....Here come the.............

I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.

With all your whining about the players making their own choices about their own careers, it doesn't sound like you are in favor of them making those choices.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.

With all your whining about the players making their own choices about their own careers, it doesn't sound like you are in favor of them making those choices.
They need to live their lives as clean as can be. And they ain't. Get rid of all irresponsible and criminal players first. A knee means a lot of things. No drugs. No alcohol. No whores. No groupies. Responsible sex. Take care of the children. Be there for the children through thick and thin. No selfishness. Well you get it. Taking a knee means a lot in a civil society. Not just a ph uk you to people you hate because you feel you were wronged by someone else but you did nothing to yourself.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.

With all your whining about the players making their own choices about their own careers, it doesn't sound like you are in favor of them making those choices.

I’m not whining. I’m saying they are free to choose to play or not to play. If they choose not to play, why should they get paid? Free Market.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.

With all your whining about the players making their own choices about their own careers, it doesn't sound like you are in favor of them making those choices.

I’m not whining. I’m saying they are free to choose to play or not to play. If they choose not to play, why should they get paid? Free Market.

Who put you in charge of what choices they have? Are you authorized to limit choices for everybody, or just professional athletes?
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White racists are going to have to live with the fact that in the 21st century onward business as usual has changed. BLM is not going anywhere until this shit stops. And until white supremacists stop the looting, burning and murdering in order to get dumb whites to blame blacks, this is going to be a fight. Sports are going nowhere as the majority of the American people are on the side of BLM.
White racists are going to have to live with the fact that in the 21st century onward business as usual has changed. BLM is not going anywhere until this shit stops. And until white supremacists stop the looting, burning and murdering in order to get dumb whites to blame blacks, this is going to be a fight. Sports are going nowhere as the majority of the American people are on the side of BLM.
The majority of Americans believe ALL lives matter and that includes BLACK lives matter.

But the racist terror group BLM is not supported by Americans at all. It is a group no different then the brownshirts that brought Adolph Hitler to power.
PRO SPORTS ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE, AND I’M OKAY WITH THAT: Mets, Marlins walk off field after 42-second moment of silence.
PRO Athletes are very well off financially and move into nice, safe neighborhoods for themselves and their families. I do not begrudge them their success.

How DARE they Criticize police officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect American citizens who being less fortunate, live in dangerous neighborhoods.
White racists are going to have to live with the fact that in the 21st century onward business as usual has changed. BLM is not going anywhere until this shit stops. And until white supremacists stop the looting, burning and murdering in order to get dumb whites to blame blacks, this is going to be a fight. Sports are going nowhere as the majority of the American people are on the side of BLM.
The majority of Americans believe ALL lives matter and that includes BLACK lives matter.

But the racist terror group BLM is not supported by Americans at all. It is a group no different then the brownshirts that brought Adolph Hitler to power.
The majority of Americans know that black lives matter means black lives matter too. Only the right wing domestic terrorist extremists take it to mean that only black lives matter. It appears you are a member of the right wing domestic terrorist extremists. The majority of Americans support them. You brownshirts oppose it and are working to keep your version of hitler in the white house.
PRO SPORTS ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE, AND I’M OKAY WITH THAT: Mets, Marlins walk off field after 42-second moment of silence.
PRO Athletes are very well off financially and move into nice, safe neighborhoods for themselves and their families. I do not begrudge them their success.

How DARE they Criticize police officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect American citizens who being less fortunate, live in dangerous neighborhoods.
Because some of them have been harrassed and beaten by police. And since they have a platform and get listened to, they are using it to create positive change. How DARE you tell anybody they can't practice their first amendment rights.
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article

They took away the Bread AND Circuses
White racists are going to have to live with the fact that in the 21st century onward business as usual has changed. BLM is not going anywhere until this shit stops. And until white supremacists stop the looting, burning and murdering in order to get dumb whites to blame blacks, this is going to be a fight. Sports are going nowhere as the majority of the American people are on the side of BLM.
The majority of Americans believe ALL lives matter and that includes BLACK lives matter.

But the racist terror group BLM is not supported by Americans at all. It is a group no different then the brownshirts that brought Adolph Hitler to power.
The majority of Americans know that black lives matter means black lives matter too. Only the right wing domestic terrorist extremists take it to mean that only black lives matter. It appears you are a member of the right wing domestic terrorist extremists. The majority of Americans support them. You brownshirts oppose it and are working to keep your version of hitler in the white house.

Please STFU. I feel sorry for the electrons you waste in your One Note Samba posts. Save the planet, just STFU
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.

I don't think they really care what you think about their actions.

No, they don’t care what fans think. They will care when fans stop watching. Fans already went 5 months without sports due to the pandemic and fan access and interaction is still limited. Wait until the salaries decrease or cease. The leagues have given these millionaires license and forums to express themselves. If that is not good enough and they feel entitled to boycott and not play yet still be paid, let them walk. Let them make their millions hawking $125 shoes that are made at a cost of $0.50 in oppressive slave labor shops.

I thought you were in favor of the free market.

I am very much free market.

With all your whining about the players making their own choices about their own careers, it doesn't sound like you are in favor of them making those choices.

I’m not whining. I’m saying they are free to choose to play or not to play. If they choose not to play, why should they get paid? Free Market.

Who put you in charge of what choices they have? Are you authorized to limit choices for everybody, or just professional athletes?

What are you talking about? I made the statement the players, or anyone in the working world, has choices. Where/how am I putting myself “in-charge” of choices? In the free market, owners have choices as well - they can choose to pay or not pay an employee (player) when the employee chooses to boycott.

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