What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?


Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
It's really that hard to answer?
Sorry, I thought certainly you would understand. I simply answered with a graphic of sorts.showing some poor third worlder beating his head against a wall he is stopped at. The imagery of that is priceless.:bang3:
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Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Does it offend you criminals alien are being stopped in far greater numbers than obastard ever allowed?
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Does it offend you criminals alien are being stopped in far greater numbers than obastard ever allowed?
You're showing your ignorance again of Obama's deportation rates, and it's either willful ignorance or you never check what your TV tells you.
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.


It keeps tumbleweeds in. They'll pile up on the wall and we'll have to hire tumbleweed removers.
It puts a premium on tunnel diggers who will be in high demand and paid well. Ladder makers as well.
It sends a message to the world, "stay out, we prefer to laugh at our bugwit rednecks on our own dern it!"
It separates prairie dog families. There will be many that try to climb the wall and will be shot in the no man's land. Until 2089 when the wall finally comes down.
It can be seen from space so astronauts from all nations will be able to look down and say "paranoia can be seen from space now".'
It will give nutjobs a false sense of security, like pulling a blanket over your neck so the vampires can't bite you while you are sleeping.
It shovels billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of contractors that are friends of orange-turd.
It provides a target rich environment for the new catapult industry in Mexico.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Wrong, douche nozzle. We all know that the minute a Democrat gets into office that result will be reversed and then some.

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