What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?

Then why was tear gas used on women and children. You and other Trump supporters say this is a invasion. American citizens do not agree with you.

You remind me of a petulant 2 year old child. You call other people names like traitor, supporters of MS-13 etc. etc., yet you whine when others do it to you. You are pathetic and meaningless.
It's an invasion. Legal immigration is when a person takes the necessary steps, classes, then is sworn in as a citizen. An invasion is exactly what's happening. Idiot.

There is no invasion idiot.

So if I go to your house tonight, break a window and walk in, would you consider that an invasion?

No. It would be breaking and entering. You are comparing apples and oranges.

So please explain the difference between somebody breaking into your home uninvited and somebody breaking into our country uninvited.

Our country has always been open to people fleeing for their lives. In this case it is drug lords fueled by AMERICAN DOLLARS who have turned large swaths of Mexico and Central America into hell holes. We have even allowed people to come into this country for economic reasons. Sean Hannity admitted his family came to this country for economic reasons. Asylum laws say that the request has to be made IN THIS COUNTRY.
Then the people who voted should get off their asses and go build the fucking wall for your leader.

LOL........I'm sure they're ready to do that....The only hesitation seems to be a decision on what shade of orange the wall should be painted.
maybe trump could take some money from his charity to help pay for the wall?? OH NO!!! they took that away from the thief too
He used his own money to run. He doesn't take a salary. Moochelle had a staff of over 20, while Melania has 4. You people really are sick.

He did not use his own money to run. He gets paid every time he takes a vacation. The Secret Service has to rent rooms in Trump properties and the money goes into his pockets. The RNC uses Trump properties for events which means he gets a share of that. He is making a lot more than the salary he is foregoing which is all PR.
because Americans want the wall.


Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA


Jun 20, 2018 - The majority of Americans oppose expanding walls along the ... Gallup's most recentsurvey, conducted June 1-13, shows 57% opposed to ... signature policy proposal to build more wallsalong the U.S.-Mexico border.

No one cares about Gallup polls that use illegals.

So you say. If the poll said the opposite, you would be praising it. You cannot accept reality.
Business owner gives employees an average of $20K in Christmas bonuses

Sure find the EXCEPTION and remain an ignorant Trump ass kisser

Trump's tax breaks for the rich won't trickle down to help working ...

How Trump's Tax Plan is Screwing Over Most American Workers ...

The exception, huh? Well here you go uninformed voter, 39 more exceptions including left leaning companies like Disney and Apple computers:

These Companies Gave Bonuses or Raises After Tax Reform

Many of these were 1 time deals. The raises were more market driven by labor shortages than the tax bill. It was not tax reform. President Reagan did tax reform in the late 80's by compromising with Democrats unlike the tax cut bill that Republicans passed that retained tax shelters for the rich and was a attack on blue states.

You can label it anyway you desire, but it was a tax reduction that ultimately led to these raises and bonuses; and these are only the large companies. Many smaller companies also gave out raises and bonuses.

I love how you on the left live in the world of denial. Make a claim, we prove you wrong, and you make up lies about our evidence.
If Trump doesn't get his wall because of democrat intransigence then that is a major campaign issue in 2020. I can add it to the other policies Trump can beat their candidate with:
1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud.
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
32. Democrats refuse to provide any funding for the wall, which DHS says is desperately needed.

The above list was collated by me and not copied from another source

That was not too hard to believe. No one is going to vote for Republicans on those issues and they will vote against Republicans on some of those issues.
Democrats had no message, only a felon candidate who stole her party's nomination, a woman so stupid she didn't know she was breaking laws and too stupid to win a rigged election. Democrats focused in hate because their policies / agenda was 'Obama 2.0'.

She got 54% of the primary vote. She didn't steal the nomination. By comparison Trump got 44% of the Republican primary vote and got the nomination. Democrats had a message in 2018 and will likely have one in 2020.
It's an invasion. Legal immigration is when a person takes the necessary steps, classes, then is sworn in as a citizen. An invasion is exactly what's happening. Idiot.

There is no invasion idiot.

So if I go to your house tonight, break a window and walk in, would you consider that an invasion?

No. It would be breaking and entering. You are comparing apples and oranges.

So please explain the difference between somebody breaking into your home uninvited and somebody breaking into our country uninvited.

Our country has always been open to people fleeing for their lives. In this case it is drug lords fueled by AMERICAN DOLLARS who have turned large swaths of Mexico and Central America into hell holes. We have even allowed people to come into this country for economic reasons. Sean Hannity admitted his family came to this country for economic reasons. Asylum laws say that the request has to be made IN THIS COUNTRY.
Mexico offered asylum and they turned it down. Go sell your propaganda to some naïve college kids.
You bunch of dumb asses underestimate Trump's willingness to burn congress to the ground to secure our border. Go ahead test him dummies.

Come on....admit it....You'd LOVE a dictator to take over and to fuck over our democracy.....Your head is so far up Trump's ass that you'd willingly screw over the constitutionally assured separation of power, just to have your orange lips preserved. LOL
/——/ My my Nat, you’re lashing out today. Did Santa leave you a stocking full of coal?
If Trump doesn't get his wall because of democrat intransigence then that is a major campaign issue in 2020. I can add it to the other policies Trump can beat their candidate with:
1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud.
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
32. Democrats refuse to provide any funding for the wall, which DHS says is desperately needed.

The above list was collated by me and not copied from another source

That was not too hard to believe. No one is going to vote for Republicans on those issues and they will vote against Republicans on some of those issues.
Democrats had no message, only a felon candidate who stole her party's nomination, a woman so stupid she didn't know she was breaking laws and too stupid to win a rigged election. Democrats focused in hate because their policies / agenda was 'Obama 2.0'.

She got 54% of the primary vote. She didn't steal the nomination. By comparison Trump got 44% of the Republican primary vote and got the nomination. Democrats had a message in 2018 and will likely have one in 2020.
/——-/ Super delegates stole the nomination for Hildabeast
Trump cult members won’t abandon Trump in 2020 if the ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate isn’t built.

Oh, no doubt, the cult membership will always be behind the clown.....afterall, sheep always will be sheep.

However, most of those voters in 2016 who simply hated Clinton and voted AGAINST her, no longer have that incentive to cast their stupid vote for a charlatan........and THAT factor does not even take into account the evidence of the Trump Mafia's corruption.
Then the people who voted should get off their asses and go build the fucking wall for your leader.

LOL........I'm sure they're ready to do that....The only hesitation seems to be a decision on what shade of orange the wall should be painted.
maybe trump could take some money from his charity to help pay for the wall?? OH NO!!! they took that away from the thief too
He used his own money to run. He doesn't take a salary. Moochelle had a staff of over 20, while Melania has 4. You people really are sick.

He did not use his own money to run. He gets paid every time he takes a vacation. The Secret Service has to rent rooms in Trump properties and the money goes into his pockets. The RNC uses Trump properties for events which means he gets a share of that. He is making a lot more than the salary he is foregoing which is all PR.
So? Making a living is now a sin in this country? You're a fucking idiot.
You bunch of dumb asses underestimate Trump's willingness to burn congress to the ground to secure our border. Go ahead test him dummies.
Ah, how fascinating. Here you are openly embracing fascism yet you are apparently too stupid to know it is fascism.

You are openly lying, again. We are at war with illegals.

White supremacists like you are at war with illegals. I do not make war on women and children. You do.

No you just defend illegals while they RAPE and KILL Americans.

Americans RAPE and KILL Americans as well. There is no point to your points.
Business owner gives employees an average of $20K in Christmas bonuses

Sure find the EXCEPTION and remain an ignorant Trump ass kisser

Trump's tax breaks for the rich won't trickle down to help working ...

How Trump's Tax Plan is Screwing Over Most American Workers ...

The exception, huh? Well here you go uninformed voter, 39 more exceptions including left leaning companies like Disney and Apple computers:

These Companies Gave Bonuses or Raises After Tax Reform

Many of these were 1 time deals. The raises were more market driven by labor shortages than the tax bill. It was not tax reform. President Reagan did tax reform in the late 80's by compromising with Democrats unlike the tax cut bill that Republicans passed that retained tax shelters for the rich and was a attack on blue states.

You can label it anyway you desire, but it was a tax reduction that ultimately led to these raises and bonuses; and these are only the large companies. Many smaller companies also gave out raises and bonuses.

I love how you on the left live in the world of denial. Make a claim, we prove you wrong, and you make up lies about our evidence.

Anyone who disagrees with you is on the left. Many of these companies that gave raises also cut their costs by cutting workers so part of the money was provided by cutting workers.
You bunch of dumb asses underestimate Trump's willingness to burn congress to the ground to secure our border. Go ahead test him dummies.
Ah, how fascinating. Here you are openly embracing fascism yet you are apparently too stupid to know it is fascism.

You are openly lying, again. We are at war with illegals.

White supremacists like you are at war with illegals. I do not make war on women and children. You do.

No you just defend illegals while they RAPE and KILL Americans.

Americans RAPE and KILL Americans as well. There is no point to your points.
So let in more? Why do you hate your fellow Americans so much that you're willing to put their safety and well being in jeopardy?
It's an invasion. Legal immigration is when a person takes the necessary steps, classes, then is sworn in as a citizen. An invasion is exactly what's happening. Idiot.

There is no invasion idiot.

So if I go to your house tonight, break a window and walk in, would you consider that an invasion?

No. It would be breaking and entering. You are comparing apples and oranges.

So please explain the difference between somebody breaking into your home uninvited and somebody breaking into our country uninvited.

Our country has always been open to people fleeing for their lives. In this case it is drug lords fueled by AMERICAN DOLLARS who have turned large swaths of Mexico and Central America into hell holes. We have even allowed people to come into this country for economic reasons. Sean Hannity admitted his family came to this country for economic reasons. Asylum laws say that the request has to be made IN THIS COUNTRY.

We still do allow people to come to this country..........LEGALLY.

In fact we allow a million foreigners a year to become citizens. This is on top of the 11 million VISA's we hand out and work permits every year. Now show me one industrial country in the world that even comes close to our generosity.

Nobody is fleeing for their lives. They live in a shitty country and want to better themselves. But that's not what asylum if for. They can apply for citizenship if that's their desire. We are not the dumping ground for the offspring of these hellholes. If we ever become that, they will keep making babies and shipping them northwards.
Ah, how fascinating. Here you are openly embracing fascism yet you are apparently too stupid to know it is fascism.

You are openly lying, again. We are at war with illegals.

White supremacists like you are at war with illegals. I do not make war on women and children. You do.
The only war being waged, you brainwashed idiot, is the one power-hungry, open-borders, pro-illegal immigration Democrats who are standing with Illegals are waging against American citizens.

Your childish personal attack consisting of calling someone a name is pathetic and meaningless...like you.

Then why was tear gas used on women and children. You and other Trump supporters say this is a invasion. American citizens do not agree with you.

You remind me of a petulant 2 year old child. You call other people names like traitor, supporters of MS-13 etc. etc., yet you whine when others do it to you. You are pathetic and meaningless.
Making a blanket statement that “America citizens do not agree with you.” is reflective of the bubble you live in.
You should have said, “Some Americans...”.

A majority of Americans do not agree with Trump. Trump supporters are the ones who live in a bubble.
Business owner gives employees an average of $20K in Christmas bonuses

Sure find the EXCEPTION and remain an ignorant Trump ass kisser

Trump's tax breaks for the rich won't trickle down to help working ...

How Trump's Tax Plan is Screwing Over Most American Workers ...

The exception, huh? Well here you go uninformed voter, 39 more exceptions including left leaning companies like Disney and Apple computers:

These Companies Gave Bonuses or Raises After Tax Reform

Many of these were 1 time deals. The raises were more market driven by labor shortages than the tax bill. It was not tax reform. President Reagan did tax reform in the late 80's by compromising with Democrats unlike the tax cut bill that Republicans passed that retained tax shelters for the rich and was a attack on blue states.

You can label it anyway you desire, but it was a tax reduction that ultimately led to these raises and bonuses; and these are only the large companies. Many smaller companies also gave out raises and bonuses.

I love how you on the left live in the world of denial. Make a claim, we prove you wrong, and you make up lies about our evidence.

Anyone who disagrees with you is on the left. Many of these companies that gave raises also cut their costs by cutting workers so part of the money was provided by cutting workers.

Why do you on the left keep making claims that have absolutely no verification? You think your stories are to be believed simply because you made them up in your head?
If Trumps approval by the people were as bad as the left-wing pollsters say it is, we wouldn't have gained Senate seats. In fact we would have lost quite a bit. Election results showed that Republicans and Democrats both had huge turnouts last election; the largest since 1929 on both sides. That is the exact opposite of what those approval ratings say about Trump.

Don't be an eternal moron on here........Those senate seats gained were almost all in vivid red states........Look at 2020 and how many GOP senate seats your ilk is going to have to defend........in the soon-to-be recession and scandal-ridden administration.

Recession? From what? The economy hasn't been this good in nearly a half-century. Again, wishful leftist thinking.

If Trump was so disliked, he wouldn't have drawn as many Republican voters to the polls as he did. In places where he supported the Republican candidate, they won. Through the promotion of hate and lies, the anti-white party with the help of the MSM were able to draw a bigger crowd of Democrats.

You are so full of bullshit. Trump campaigned in relatively safe states for him. They would have won those seats anyway. There is no hate and no lies. Telling the truth about Trump is hate and lies to you. That is why well educated voters are leaving the GOP.

They are? Then how did Republicans get such a great turnout for midterms?

Wishful thinking does not create reality. It only makes you feel better for some reason. But let me fill you in on something: Promoting the idiocy that Trump voters are deplorable, uneducated, racists doesn't make people feel guilty about anything. It only makes you on the left think that's how it will make people feel. The truth is that your strategies are as obvious to us as Obama's ears. It's something we laugh about and actually has the reverse effect.

How did Republicans lose 40 House seats and in doing so defeat 21 Republican incumbents.

You are the one engaging in wishful thinking. The Republican toehold on power is slowly disappearing. Democrats broke through in Arizona by winning a US Senate seat as well as 2 state offices. In Georgia, the Republican had to resort to every dirty trick in the book to narrowly win the Governor's race, and Democrats had their best showing in a US Senate race in decades. Trump's core of support is uneducated voters and rural areas. Your strategy is obvious as well. Sad to say it works among uneducated voters.
Democrats spend too much.
Republicans spend nothing.
Voters vote for their own self-interest.
Trump is prepared to pay that price. It's worth it. That's the entire point of his Presidency.
Just to clarify, then, do you think failing to get the wall would decrease the number of votes he gets from people who would otherwise vote for him?

It would if Trump just threw his hands in the air and gave up. That's what the Republicans did in Congress. Now they are in the minority.

That is where Trump is heading.
You are openly lying, again. We are at war with illegals.

White supremacists like you are at war with illegals. I do not make war on women and children. You do.
The only war being waged, you brainwashed idiot, is the one power-hungry, open-borders, pro-illegal immigration Democrats who are standing with Illegals are waging against American citizens.

Your childish personal attack consisting of calling someone a name is pathetic and meaningless...like you.

Then why was tear gas used on women and children. You and other Trump supporters say this is a invasion. American citizens do not agree with you.

You remind me of a petulant 2 year old child. You call other people names like traitor, supporters of MS-13 etc. etc., yet you whine when others do it to you. You are pathetic and meaningless.
Making a blanket statement that “America citizens do not agree with you.” is reflective of the bubble you live in.
You should have said, “Some Americans...”.

A majority of Americans do not agree with Trump. Trump supporters are the ones who live in a bubble.
Says who?
The globalist media who said Trump would never become president.

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