What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?

We still do allow people to come to this country..........LEGALLY.

In fact we allow a million foreigners a year to become citizens. This is on top of the 11 million VISA's we hand out and work permits every year. Now show me one industrial country in the world that even comes close to our generosity.

Nobody is fleeing for their lives. They live in a shitty country and want to better themselves. But that's not what asylum if for. They can apply for citizenship if that's their desire. We are not the dumping ground for the offspring of these hellholes. If we ever become that, they will keep making babies and shipping them northwards.

We are responsible for making these places hellholes. AMERICAN DOLLARS fuel the drug cartels. You are a demeaning worthless pig.
Oh bullcorn. America isn't responsible for the world's hellholes. You're thinking is corrupt. You really should stop reading and listening to leftist marxists.

America fuels the drug cartels. We are their biggest market and that is fact. You should quit listening to right wing propaganda.
And you want to give free access to our border to come and go as they please.

The wall makes little difference in that and no one is talking about open access.
Then give us a wall if it's little difference. What's the big deal?. I'll tell you what the big deal is. It's because it's personal. Democrats don't want Trump to be successful. They will sacrifice the safety of American citizens for political purposes. Sick.
We are responsible for making these places hellholes. AMERICAN DOLLARS fuel the drug cartels. You are a demeaning worthless pig.
Oh bullcorn. America isn't responsible for the world's hellholes. You're thinking is corrupt. You really should stop reading and listening to leftist marxists.

America fuels the drug cartels. We are their biggest market and that is fact. You should quit listening to right wing propaganda.
And you want to give free access to our border to come and go as they please.

The wall makes little difference in that and no one is talking about open access.
Then give us a wall if it's little difference. What's the big deal?. I'll tell you what the big deal is. It's because it's personal. Democrats don't want Trump to be successful. They will sacrifice the safety of American citizens for political purposes. Sick.

They will sacrifice the safety of American citizens for political purposes.

this is nothing new with the leftists it is who they are
White supremacists like you are at war with illegals. I do not make war on women and children. You do.

No you just defend illegals while they RAPE and KILL Americans.

Americans RAPE and KILL Americans as well. There is no point to your points.

The point is thousands of Americans killed by illegals would be alive today you retard.
tens of thousands would be alive with more well regulated militia; we have a Second Amendment.

By your logic it didn't matter that terrorists killed nearly 3,000 in the 911 attacks because in general people get killed. You leftists are pretty stupid.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems.
No you just defend illegals while they RAPE and KILL Americans.

Americans RAPE and KILL Americans as well. There is no point to your points.

The point is thousands of Americans killed by illegals would be alive today you retard.
tens of thousands would be alive with more well regulated militia; we have a Second Amendment.

By your logic it didn't matter that terrorists killed nearly 3,000 in the 911 attacks because in general people get killed. You leftists are pretty stupid.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems.

Sure let us know when Dem states get rid of all their gun control laws, then you may have a point.
We are responsible for making these places hellholes. AMERICAN DOLLARS fuel the drug cartels. You are a demeaning worthless pig.
Oh bullcorn. America isn't responsible for the world's hellholes. You're thinking is corrupt. You really should stop reading and listening to leftist marxists.

America fuels the drug cartels. We are their biggest market and that is fact. You should quit listening to right wing propaganda.
And you want to give free access to our border to come and go as they please.

The wall makes little difference in that and no one is talking about open access.
Then give us a wall if it's little difference. What's the big deal?. I'll tell you what the big deal is. It's because it's personal. Democrats don't want Trump to be successful. They will sacrifice the safety of American citizens for political purposes. Sick.
we don't have a common defense issue on our border.

this power covers our asylum seeker problem: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure because it is more cost effective and humane.
Americans RAPE and KILL Americans as well. There is no point to your points.

The point is thousands of Americans killed by illegals would be alive today you retard.
tens of thousands would be alive with more well regulated militia; we have a Second Amendment.

By your logic it didn't matter that terrorists killed nearly 3,000 in the 911 attacks because in general people get killed. You leftists are pretty stupid.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems.

Sure let us know when Dem states get rid of all their gun control laws, then you may have a point.
Organize the militia until we have no security problems. Don't Grab guns, Grab gun lovers and Regulate them well!
The point is thousands of Americans killed by illegals would be alive today you retard.
tens of thousands would be alive with more well regulated militia; we have a Second Amendment.

By your logic it didn't matter that terrorists killed nearly 3,000 in the 911 attacks because in general people get killed. You leftists are pretty stupid.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems.

Sure let us know when Dem states get rid of all their gun control laws, then you may have a point.
Organize the militia until we have no security problems. Don't Grab guns, Grab gun lovers and Regulate them well!

The libs would shit themselves.
tens of thousands would be alive with more well regulated militia; we have a Second Amendment.

By your logic it didn't matter that terrorists killed nearly 3,000 in the 911 attacks because in general people get killed. You leftists are pretty stupid.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems.

Sure let us know when Dem states get rid of all their gun control laws, then you may have a point.
Organize the militia until we have no security problems. Don't Grab guns, Grab gun lovers and Regulate them well!

The libs would shit themselves.
only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws.
We still do allow people to come to this country..........LEGALLY.

In fact we allow a million foreigners a year to become citizens. This is on top of the 11 million VISA's we hand out and work permits every year. Now show me one industrial country in the world that even comes close to our generosity.

Nobody is fleeing for their lives. They live in a shitty country and want to better themselves. But that's not what asylum if for. They can apply for citizenship if that's their desire. We are not the dumping ground for the offspring of these hellholes. If we ever become that, they will keep making babies and shipping them northwards.

We are responsible for making these places hellholes. AMERICAN DOLLARS fuel the drug cartels. You are a demeaning worthless pig.
Oh bullcorn. America isn't responsible for the world's hellholes. You're thinking is corrupt. You really should stop reading and listening to leftist marxists.

America fuels the drug cartels. We are their biggest market and that is fact. You should quit listening to right wing propaganda.

Oh, now it makes sense.

Foreigners come here and sell our people drugs, get them hooked and in many cases they end up in prison, getting shot or overdosing, but it's not their fault, it's ours. We are responsible for them coming here and killing our people, therefore we should let even more in.

So often when I tell people not following politics how the liberal mind works, they laugh and don't believe me. Perhaps I'll print this one out it's so unbelievable. Thank you.

These drug dealers are not making Americans take these drugs at gunpoint. Americans are doing it voluntarily and fueling drug cartels. If there was no demand for drugs in this country, they would not be trying to smuggle them in. We should be going after the dollars that these drug cartels are fueled with the same way we go after terrorist financing.

I have no clue how the liberal mind works because I am a independent. Obviously your crowd are hillbillies.

Well you certainly talk like a liberal. Ask anybody here.

No, nobody is forcing Americans to take drugs at gunpoint, however can you explain to me how we have such a drug problem today that we didn't have years ago?

The problem is availability and affordability. I don't buy this nonsense the doctors are handing out too much of this stuff. Doctors have always prescribed pain mediation for pain. It's just that if you got hooked, you didn't have anywhere to go to continue the addiction.

Saying that buyers are the problem and not the sellers is like saying a woman who was raped was the problem and not the rapist because she was so attractive. So to stop rape, don't get rid of the rapists, make the women dress less revealing.

As we crackdown on illegal narcotics, they become more expensive and less available. Given the fact that most of our heroine comes from Mexico, it makes sense to try to accomplish this by using a wall as ONE of the methods to slow down the drug flow.
The Republicans in the House have too many anti-Trump RINO's and they lost because they didn't do their jobs.

You're more fucked up than usual Ray....

First, for a moron like you to "think" that Trump is a republican shows what a cult member you've become.

Second, almost 17 MILLION more democrat voters showed up last November....Your fucking orange clown has awakened the lazy democrats to show up to kick his sorry ass out of office.

What we saw in 2018 was much more than Democrats showing up. The Reagan coalition was a mix of suburban and rural voters, lesser educated and well educated, younger and older voters. That coalition is breaking up. Well educated and suburban voters especially females are moving to the Democrats as well as younger voters.

Wrong. Younger people have always voted mostly Democrat. This comes from years of indoctrination through our educational and entertainment industries. But usually as they learn more with age, they eventually become conservative.

Would you like a link or two on our last election that shows BOTH parties had record breaking participation? It's a self-made myth that the Republicans are losing voters.
Well actually it's the hate promoting MSM responsible for that. Hate and lies work in politics for some reason.

Yes, Democrats did have a better showing, but Republicans also had a very above average showing. It's just Democrats had more turnout. However I think we would have done just as good in not better if we had real leadership and not Paul Ryan.

As of today....based on the numbers of registered republicans, the GOP could NEVER win a national election......you'll always win most of the confederate states in local elections but NOT the national ones.

Your ilk needs independents and some democrats to have a plurality and....with this asshole in the WH.......you lost them.

This is mostly because the GOP is dying and all that is left is you moronic Trumpsters' Party.
so fuck you commie

In your erudite post, you forgot to also type out (besides "commie",) cacly, doo-doo and pee-pee.........

Yes, folks, this is the last throes of right wing "intelligence"......LOL
Well actually it's the hate promoting MSM responsible for that. Hate and lies work in politics for some reason.

Yes, Democrats did have a better showing, but Republicans also had a very above average showing. It's just Democrats had more turnout. However I think we would have done just as good in not better if we had real leadership and not Paul Ryan.

As of today....based on the numbers of registered republicans, the GOP could NEVER win a national election......you'll always win most of the confederate states in local elections but NOT the national ones.

Your ilk needs independents and some democrats to have a plurality and....with this asshole in the WH.......you lost them.

This is mostly because the GOP is dying and all that is left is you moronic Trumpsters' Party.

That must be true because that's what I've been hearing........for about the last 35 years.

Democrats will always vote Democrat no matter what and Republicans the same. It's not a matter of how many voters there are, it's a matter of how many can you get to come out. Democrats won out this time, but now that they've vented their hatred, I doubt you will see that in 2020. If anything, the Democrats will once again show the country how they are incapable of leadership.
Seat belts alone won't save you in an accident. Defensive driving, brakes, road conditions and speed all play a factor.

So lets just remove seat belts because they don't work, people still die when wearing them. They won't save EVERY life so take them out.
The FACT is Trump doesn't give a shit about what the LIB MSM thinks or what the fucking DEMs think.
He could walk away today and tell everyone to suck his dick. He wouldn't lose a minutes sleep.
He can tell his supporters he did his best.
The FACT is Trump doesn't give a shit about what the LIB MSM thinks or what the fucking DEMs think.
He could walk away today and tell everyone to suck his dick. He wouldn't lose a minutes sleep.
He can tell his supporters he did his best.

He sure can and he can also tell them why there is no wall.

We all know who doesn't want the wall.
emocrats will always vote Democrat no matter what and Republicans the same. It's not a matter of how many voters there are, it's a matter of how many can you get to come out. Democrats won out this time, but now that they've vented their hatred, I doubt you will see that in 2020. If anything, the Democrats will once again show the country how they are incapable of leadership.

The shit storm of corruption of this administartion is going to be "entertaining" throughout 2019......and ONLY a moronic Trump ass kisser cannot see the reality.

Check out just how many republican senators are going to be on the ballot in 2020.....AND, remember that 2020 is also a CENSUS year, and with democrat governors t the helm, redistricting and voter suppression are no longer going to work for your ilk.

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress ...
Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
emocrats will always vote Democrat no matter what and Republicans the same. It's not a matter of how many voters there are, it's a matter of how many can you get to come out. Democrats won out this time, but now that they've vented their hatred, I doubt you will see that in 2020. If anything, the Democrats will once again show the country how they are incapable of leadership.

The shit storm of corruption of this administartion is going to be "entertaining" throughout 2019......and ONLY a moronic Trump ass kisser cannot see the reality.

Check out just how many republican senators are going to be on the ballot in 2020.....AND, remember that 2020 is also a CENSUS year, and with democrat governors t the helm, redistricting and voter suppression are no longer going to work for your ilk.

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress ...
Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

So you are betting all your money that cheating elections is a winner in coming years? How typical of the left.

I don't place much faith on polls or opinions. I take note on how people I interact with feel. I watch election results. Polls and the MSM have been well known to be misleading if not out and out lies. They are designed to try and tell people how to think--not tell you how they think.

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