What are the differences between libertarians and conservatives?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The issue came up in another thread. I thought it deserved it's own.
Nothing until you try to pin them down in a debate. Sure they have a lot of reasons for this and that but the main advantage to being a libertarian is to never have to make excuses for the people you elect, you can simply disown them as something else and presto, clean conscience.
The issue came up in another thread. I thought it deserved it's own.

Well not all libertarians are created equal, so to speak, and it's the same for conservatives as well. I mean we can see the difference between conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Rick Santorum, for example. Generally speaking, however, conservatives believe that government can be a productive tool in shaping society, whereas libertarians believe that the only way governments can shape society is through the initiation of force against individuals and reject it as such. That may be too simplistic, and may not be necessarily fair to conservatives, but it's a possible starting point.
Nothing until you try to pin them down in a debate. Sure they have a lot of reasons for this and that but the main advantage to being a libertarian is to never have to make excuses for the people you elect, you can simply disown them as something else and presto, clean conscience.

This is nonsense.
Libertarians want to legalize all drugs. Conservatives don't.

Libertarians don't like warrantless wiretaps. Conservatives love them.

Libertarians believe waterboarding is torture. Conservatives believe waterboarding is "enhanced interrogation".

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Libertarians want a small government. Conservatives want a smaller government.

Libertarians want to end the Fed. Conservatives want unregulated banking.

Libertarians want to shrink the military down to the size of a cub scout troop. Conservatives want to grow the military to that worthy of an Empire.

Libertarians believe the 16th Amendment is unconstitutional. Conservatives believe the rich pay too much tax.

Libertarians believe the NDAA is unconstitutional. Conservatives believe George Soros belongs in Gitmo.

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Conservatives believe in sensible environmental regulation. Libertarians believe unregulated factory owners would scrub their emissions and not dump toxic waste in vacant lots.

Conservatives do not believe pharmaceutical companies gouge consumers. Libertarians believe the FDA murders people.

Conservatives believe guns don't kill people, people do. Libertarians believe you should be allowed to own your own tank and missiles.

Conservatives believe only straight people should get government cash and prizes for being married. Libertarians believe government should not give any cash and prizes for being married.

Conservatives do not believe in the minimum wage. Libertarians do not believe in child labor laws.

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libertarians (the ones who aren't fixated on drugs) have studied the founding of the nation, while conservatives think the road to success is to blindly vote Republican
Nothing until you try to pin them down in a debate. Sure they have a lot of reasons for this and that but the main advantage to being a libertarian is to never have to make excuses for the people you elect, you can simply disown them as something else and presto, clean conscience.

This is nonsense.

If I had nickel for every time some republican voting internet libertarian disowned the republican party...............
Nothing until you try to pin them down in a debate. Sure they have a lot of reasons for this and that but the main advantage to being a libertarian is to never have to make excuses for the people you elect, you can simply disown them as something else and presto, clean conscience.

This is nonsense.

If I had nickel for every time some republican voting internet libertarian disowned the republican party...............

What most of you are describing as libertarians and conservatives is really off the mark.

If we are speaking of modern day libertarians (little "L") and modern Americvan conservatives:

It is as absurd to say that conservatives don't want any regulation of banks or anything else as it absurd to equate libertarians as anarchists.

Both favor the federal government limiting itself to its Constitutionally assigned functions that in a nutshell includes providing the common defense/national security, promoting, not providing, the general welfare meaning everybody's welfare and not targeted groups, and securing our unalienable rights. And then the federal government will leave the people alone to form whatever sort of society they wish to have.

Conservatives are every much a people of laws as are libertarians and encourage and promote as much regulation as is necessary to secure the unalienable rights of the people.

Where conservatives do vary from libertarianism is in social contract beyond the federal goverment.

Libertarians generally want no restrictions of any kind to be allowed so long as nobody's rights are violated. Libertarians for instance would usually not prohibit or regulate recreational use of drugs, prostitution, adult bookstores, nudie bars, abortion clinics, etc., at the local level whether or not the individual libertarian participated in any of such things.

Conservatives might or might not elect to have such things in their community and the rules and zoning might vary from state to state or county to county or community tio community. In the interest of self governance, Conservatives would want the people to agree on what they did or did not want in their communities.

In other words, Conservatives accept a concept of social contract by which the people agree on what constitutes a desirable quality of life and that would allow prohibiting or restricting some activities and/or conditions and promoting others while libertarians would more likely see such as restricting unalienable rights and/or freedom.
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Nothing until you try to pin them down in a debate. Sure they have a lot of reasons for this and that but the main advantage to being a libertarian is to never have to make excuses for the people you elect, you can simply disown them as something else and presto, clean conscience.

This is nonsense.

If I had nickel for every time some republican voting internet libertarian disowned the republican party...............

Libertarians who vote Republican are as foolish as progressives who vote Democrat. Each is being used by mainstream authoritarians and corporatists who have exactly no intention of changing the status quo.
What most of you are describing as libertarians and conservatives is really off the mark.

If we are speaking of modern day libertarians (little "L") and modern Americvan conservatives:

It is as absurd to say that conservatives don't want any regulation of banks or anything else as it absurd to equate libertarians as anarchists.

Both favor the federal government limiting itself to its Constitutionally assigned functions that in a nutshell includes providing the common defense/national security, promoting, not providing, the general welfare meaning everybody's welfare and not targeted groups, and securing our unalienable rights. And then the federal government will leave the people alone to form whatever sort of society they wish to have.

Conservatives are every much a people of laws as are libertarians and encourage and promote as much regulation as is necessary to secure the unalienable rights of the people.

Where conservatives do vary from libertarianism is in social contract beyond the federal goverment.

Libertarians generally want no restrictions of any kind to be allowed so long as nobody's rights are violated. Libertarians for instance would usually not prohibit or regulate recreational use of drugs, prostitution, adult bookstores, nudie bars, abortion clinics, etc., at the local level.

Conservatives might or might not elect to have such things in their community and the rules and zoning might vary from state to state or county to county or community tio community. In the interest of self governance, Conservatives would want the people to agree on what they did or did not want in their communities.

In other words, Conservatives accept a concept of social contract by which is the people agree on what constitutes a desirable quality of life and that would allow prohibiting or restricting some activities and/or conditions and promoting others while libertarians would more likely see such as restricting unalienable rights and/or freedom.

There are, however, libertarians that are anarchists.
Libertarians believe that any Government above the local level is out of touch and unneeded. They believe that criminal laws are wrong, preferring civil laws. Someone wrongs you, sue them. Someone murders you your family sues them for that act.

They do not believe in entanglements with foreign Governments, which for most of them means no treaties or alliances for any reason. They believe in contracts and see no limits to them or their use. They don't think the Government should involve itself in commerce at all except as a means to enforce contracts or sue people.
Libertarians have principles. Conservatives have Sanotorum....or Romney....or Gingrich.....anyone, but Paul.
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…we can see the difference between conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Rick Santorum, for example.

You are aware there are those who consider neither ‘conservative,’ regardless the differences.

I’m inclined to agree.

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No, thank you…

They’re both equally ridiculous.
…we can see the difference between conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Rick Santorum, for example.

You are aware there are those who consider neither ‘conservative,’ regardless the differences.

I’m inclined to agree.

I don't generally like to argue with people about what their political ideology is. Both Buchanan and Santorum claim to be conservative, but they both have different ideas on what conservatism means.

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