What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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What term would you like me to use for the negro race? African continental cluster?

People of Asian continental cluster will have the same characteristics whether they live in Brazil or China. Likewise for blacks. It is the genetic heritage that matters, not their current geographical status.
What term would you like me to use for the negro race? African continental cluster?

People of Asian continental cluster will have the same characteristics whether they live in Brazil or China. Likewise for blacks. It is the genetic heritage that matters, not their current geographical status.

You can continue to say Black as I dont care but lets not pretend you dont know what I am talking about.

Their current geographical status is extremely important. It is in fact an environment with different influences that have an effect on "ability and intelligence". The ability to spell the word dog may be the standard of a test but if the person has never heard of a dog or his concept of dog is spelled god then by your standards the person is less "intelligent or lacks ability". That is the major inherent flaw in most of these tests. You also cannot account for anxiety, disinterest, or animosity towards the test or some other external factor that may cause poor performance. Environment is the # 1 determination of intelligence in my opinion. Genetics are a distant 2nd.
I know 3 teachers and 2 principles that disagree with you. I have managed and supervised on several levels. I own my own business. i dont care who researched it. You cannot test someone for ability based on their skin color.

I never said you could. But there are distinct racial differences in the averges for many characteristics. What may not be difinitive for an individual is almost certainly definitive for a large group. Do you think actuary tables are racist too?

Why is 'average black ability' not on the list?

No such thing as average Black ability. You cant measure it based on skin color no matter how hard you try. Black people built the pyramids and were the first to practice math, science and philosophy. If anything we could mount a major argument that we are better than anyone else when it comes to intelligence and ability.

I didnt know they had actuary tables for Black people. Do you have a link?
And let's not gloss over their contributions in the field of medical science. Take migraine headaches for example:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m5NvP_bya0]African Voodoo Witchdoctor Treats Man for Migraine - YouTube[/ame]
I never said you could. But there are distinct racial differences in the averges for many characteristics. What may not be difinitive for an individual is almost certainly definitive for a large group. Do you think actuary tables are racist too?

Why is 'average black ability' not on the list?

No such thing as average Black ability. You cant measure it based on skin color no matter how hard you try. Black people built the pyramids and were the first to practice math, science and philosophy. If anything we could mount a major argument that we are better than anyone else when it comes to intelligence and ability.

I didnt know they had actuary tables for Black people. Do you have a link?
And let's not gloss over their contributions in the field of medical science. Take migraine headaches for example:

You are right. I did forget about medical. You ever heard of the Edwin Smith papyrus describing medical techniques by the Egytians?

Edwin Smith Papyrus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Or maybe you mean that the Nubians were the first to use tetracycline?
So, ancient Egyptians were practicing what was considered "modern or even advanced medicine" (at the time), and now, 3500 years later, the people on that same continent are treating headaches by slapping their patients upside the head. Hmm, aren't civilizations supposed to advance, move forward instead of backward? Reminds me of their descendants living in the U.S. now. :lol:
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What term would you like me to use for the negro race? African continental cluster?

People of Asian continental cluster will have the same characteristics whether they live in Brazil or China. Likewise for blacks. It is the genetic heritage that matters, not their current geographical status.

You can continue to say Black as I dont care but lets not pretend you dont know what I am talking about.

Their current geographical status is extremely important. It is in fact an environment with different influences that have an effect on "ability and intelligence". The ability to spell the word dog may be the standard of a test but if the person has never heard of a dog or his concept of dog is spelled god then by your standards the person is less "intelligent or lacks ability". That is the major inherent flaw in most of these tests. You also cannot account for anxiety, disinterest, or animosity towards the test or some other external factor that may cause poor performance. Environment is the # 1 determination of intelligence in my opinion. Genetics are a distant 2nd.

You seem to be confusing measurement for the thing being measured. A thermometer measures temperature, it doesn't cause it. Measuring intelligence or abilities doesn't cause them. They were there all along.
Why shouldn't blacks seek self betterment through education?

The definitely should!

But the education the left seems to desire for them is more of an indoctrination than in any "hard" discipline that might make them employable.
What term would you like me to use for the negro race? African continental cluster?

People of Asian continental cluster will have the same characteristics whether they live in Brazil or China. Likewise for blacks. It is the genetic heritage that matters, not their current geographical status.

You can continue to say Black as I dont care but lets not pretend you dont know what I am talking about.

Their current geographical status is extremely important. It is in fact an environment with different influences that have an effect on "ability and intelligence". The ability to spell the word dog may be the standard of a test but if the person has never heard of a dog or his concept of dog is spelled god then by your standards the person is less "intelligent or lacks ability". That is the major inherent flaw in most of these tests. You also cannot account for anxiety, disinterest, or animosity towards the test or some other external factor that may cause poor performance. Environment is the # 1 determination of intelligence in my opinion. Genetics are a distant 2nd.

You seem to be confusing measurement for the thing being measured. A thermometer measures temperature, it doesn't cause it. Measuring intelligence or abilities doesn't cause them. They were there all along.

You seemed to be complicating the issue. You still have to have a standard to measure that intelligence and ability. A white person cannot define for me what intelligence is. I have to agree with the definition. Even then we both may be wrong.
Some more Stormgarbage excrement has washed up here.
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Those dumb fucking goys? I have no part of them. Try again ******.

Lol. Right. That's what you all say, Beav. In the meantime carry on. A few knuckle draggers now and then keeps it entertaining.

Are you denying blacks on average have lower IQs than whites on average ?

If you are comparing you and I........ABSOLUTELY. However, as far as your attempt at measuring the intelligence of entire races of people, I suggest that you first invest some reading time researching "EQ" and "SQ " those factors are also considered relevant to ones overall intelligence in today's environment.

The problem with many of Storm-flunks theories is that they are rooted in outdated, biased, one sided research by quacks.

And they rely on impressionable, uneducated, naive fools like you to spread their ignorance.

There is your answer, now go bother someone else.
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Blacks through being good parents can only make their own advancement.

How the world am I to blame for holding anyone back?
Out of Wedlock Births
Abortion Rate
Dependency on Government
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and so on spewing racial hatred and division among black and whites, Paid by the Left to do so, and not helping people come together as Americans..
Leftists policies that keep them enslave in poverty and leftists goal of elimination of the black community in America through Abortion..
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