What Are The Republicans CURRENTLY Doing To Imrprove The Economy?

Nothing, because government can't fix it.

The only solution to this economy is to return to gold and silver, whilst erecting protective tariffs against foreign currencies and commodities.

FDR made things better using government. Even back then republicans didn't believe in helping the average person and used the old, "let the market work its magic" crap.

Unemployment averaged 20% for 7 whole years from FDR's inauguration until Hitler conquered France.

How is that "better"? Progressives have a difference definition of "Better" and "Success" than most normal people
FDR made things better using government.

How did he make things better using Government?

Even back then republicans didn't believe in helping the average person and used the old, "let the market work its magic" crap.

There's a reason why the Great Depression lasted as long as it did.

How long was it supposed to last? Tell me about the last time a republican administration pulled us out of a depression or how austerity works when times are tough and people are in need.

Or how a republican ever makes anything better for the working class. This isn't what your party is about. At least not in the last 5 decades.
Anything the GOP does to thwart the Obama agenda is good for the economy.

Just sayin'.
Nothing, because government can't fix it.

The only solution to this economy is to return to gold and silver, whilst erecting protective tariffs against foreign currencies and commodities.

FDR made things better using government. Even back then republicans didn't believe in helping the average person and used the old, "let the market work its magic" crap.

Unemployment averaged 20% for 7 whole years from FDR's inauguration until Hitler conquered France.

How is that "better"? Progressives have a difference definition of "Better" and "Success" than most normal people

Crusader Frank, I see you responded to my post. You're wasting your time because I don't read anything you post.
FDR made things better using government.

How did he make things better using Government?

Even back then republicans didn't believe in helping the average person and used the old, "let the market work its magic" crap.

There's a reason why the Great Depression lasted as long as it did.

How long was it supposed to last? Tell me about the last time a republican administration pulled us out of a depression or how austerity works when times are tough and people are in need.

YES!!! Give it to that damn jackal!!
Anything the GOP does to thwart the Obama agenda is good for the economy.

Just sayin'.

This is what the guy that started the post was asking. Specifics. Like little children you people are not capable of doing this. This is why morons like sara palin bring the house down at republican jams. There's an oxymoron. Sara palin, republican jams? Jams are for cool people, repubs never cool, oxymoron, palin moron? Never mind.
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What Are The Republicans CURRENTLY Doing To Imrprove The Economy?Any of them for that matter.


Trying to impeach Obama.

I wondered what kept you guys from this impeachment thing so long. Republicans are scumbags.. Just like when Clinton was prez. Government shutdowns, Rush gasbag on the radio every day talking about Clinton being a socialist and spending too much. and let's impeach him. What a laugh after Reagan spent us into debt. I call your side the wrecking crew. Complain, filibuster, obstruct, impeach. Like hyenas and jackals.

So you finally admit that impeaching Obama would be good for the economy? Better late than never.
Anything the GOP does to thwart the Obama agenda is good for the economy.

Just sayin'.

This is what the guy that started the post was asking. Specifics. Like little children you people are not capable of doing this. This is why morons like sara palin bring the house down at republican jams.
There's a name for their sickness...

It's called The Obama Derangement Syndrome.
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How long was it supposed to last?

Not 16 - 18 years....

Tell me about the last time a republican administration pulled us out of a depression

Warren G. Harding got the US out of a Depression in 1920. Guess what he did... Nothing.

or how austerity works when times are tough and people are in need.

Lithuania used Austerity and they have among the fastest economic growth in the EU. Austerity is not suppose to be a feel good measure. It's basically a detox of a badly mis-allocated economy.

You certainly are making my job easy for me. But you never answered my question: How did FDR make things better using Government?
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FDR made things better using government.

How did he make things better using Government?

Even back then republicans didn't believe in helping the average person and used the old, "let the market work its magic" crap.

There's a reason why the Great Depression lasted as long as it did.

How long was it supposed to last? Tell me about the last time a republican administration pulled us out of a depression or how austerity works when times are tough and people are in need.

I'm glad you asked

The Forgotten Depression of 1920

Every single rabid RW USMB lemming stated something to the effect of "anything to stop Obama"

That is because they KNOW that not one. single. elected. Republican is doing a DAMN thing to improve the economy.

Yet the bastards have the nerve to bring up the subject in other threads.

Given their own thread to address the issue what do they have...? Bupkiss.

Review of Federal Regulations
H.Res. 72 - Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011

Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 - Senate has taken no action to date

Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 - Senate has taken no action to date

Disapproval of FCC's Net Neutrality Regulations
H.J.Res. 37 - Senate has blocked a companion measure by a vote of 46-52

Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 - Senate has taken no action to date

Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 - Senate has taken no action to date

Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 - Senate has taken no action to date

Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on The Nation
H.R. 2401 - Senate has taken no action to date

Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2681 - Senate has taken no action to date

EPA Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2250 - Senate has taken no action to date

Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
H.R. 2273 - Senate has taken no action to date

Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act
H.R. 3094 - Senate has taken no action to date

Regulatory Accountability Act
H.R. 3010 - Senate has taken no action to date

Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act
H.R. 527 - Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 10 - Senate has taken no action to date

Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act
H.R. 1633 - Senate has taken no action to date

Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act
H.R. 4 - Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

3% Withholding Rule Repeal
H.R. 674 - Signed into law by the President on November 21, 2011

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
H.R. 3630 - Senate has taken no action to date

U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3078 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3079 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3080 - Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

Southeast Arizona Resource Utilization & Conservation Act
H.R. 1904 - Senate has taken no action to date

The America Invents Act
H.R. 1249 - Signed into law by the President on September 16, 2011

Veterans Opportunity to Work Act
H.R. 2433 - Signed into law by the President on November 21, 2011

Small Company Capital Formation Act
H.R. 1070 - Senate has taken no action to date

Small Banks' Access to Capital Act
H.R. 1965 - Senate has taken no action to date

Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
H.R. 2930 - Senate has taken no action to date

Access to Capital for Job Creators Act
H.R. 2940 - Senate has taken no action to date

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
H.R. 3012 - Senate has taken no action to date

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
H.R. 1230 - Senate has taken no action to date

Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
H.R. 1229 - Senate has taken no action to date

Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
H.R. 1231 - Senate has taken no action to date

Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
H.R. 2021 - Senate has taken no action to date

North American-Made Energy Security Act
H.R. 1938 - Senate has taken no action to date

Budget for Fiscal Year 2012
H.Con.Res. 34 - Senate has not yet considered a budget of its own
Any of them for that matter.


Mostly stopping Obama from making it worse, which is all i really want them to do.

You sound like mitch mcconnell.
Your side was trying to stop Obama from making things worse the day after the election in 2008. This was after bush brought USA economy to it's knees. I say this in case you were in grade school or in a coma at the time and didn't know.

good post. They were against him before he even took office. For some zany reason they think Repubs produce better Presidents even though the record says otherwise. At least for the last 40+ years.
There's many more.
I'm sure others can do the research though.
Trying to stop the Libs from taxing everyone to death.

All you ever hear from the Dems is TAX TAX TAX.


Now that I've said that, be a good comrade and report me to the IRS FOR AUDIT.

OK, then I imagine you'd have some SPECIFICS to go with that GENERAL statement.

List them please.

Cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulations.
I've asked this question so many times and gotten exactly the same non-answers from the brainwashed rw's. The R are doing what they have been doing for a lot more years than just the Obama administration. They have forcing the worker bees to work harder and get less for a long time.

Here is what the R supports, and these people vote for Rs, thus guaranteeing that their plight never changes.

Pictured: The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity | Mail Online

And, if you don't believe they voted for mittens,

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Any of them for that matter.



YOUR PARTY controlled the entire legislative branch from 2007-2011.

YOUR PARTY has had control of the Senate since 2007.

YOUR PARTY has controlled the Executive Branch since 2009.

Repukes have held 1/2 the Legislative Branch for just about 27 months, and EVERY SINGLE ENDEAVOR THEY'VE UNDERTAKEN has been blocked, marginalized and demonized by simpering, mindless bed wetting ignorant shitheads like you and your "leaders".

The only thing the repukes can do is stunt the incredible growth of the deficit your moonbat messiah and his comrades have run up.

You assholes pissed and moaned from 2001-2007 about the deficit spending of Bush, but once your moonbat messiah was on the throne, talking about the deficit is "racist".

Nothing has been the fault of the people who've controlled the government SINCE THE ECONOMY SHIT THE BED IN 2009 according to you robotic bleating sheep.

I can't tell you and all your parasitic ilk just how stupid you sound. I've come to a point where I hope the whole thing crashes down into an apocalyptic nightmare, because all of you parasites will kill each other, or die trying to steal from the rest of us. Abortions aren't ridding the world of your genetic garbage fast enough.

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