What are those evangelical Christians really up to?

I do--He makes a good point--Why are Christians so supportive of a religion that has contempt for Christians and thier beliefs ? The question extends to broader questions (ie our mideast policy ).

We support Israel because:
1. We agreed to at the end of WW2.
2. The Jews are God's chosen people, even if they don't believe in Christ.
3. Christians are tolerant of others, and actively work to befriend their enemies.
I do--He makes a good point--Why are Christians so supportive of a religion that has contempt for Christians and thier beliefs ? The question extends to broader questions (ie our mideast policy ).

THAT is a logical question. That's something somebody can debate. If that's his intent he does his point of view a HUGE dis-service by his continual moon-bat-rants about how we should all be afriad of the Jews.

Frankly, I support israel because they are good people. I like the way they do business, AND their people gave birth to MY faith.
I appreciate your efforts but if I were you I would have quit wasting my time on this along time ago. Your're obviously the target and your efforts to focus on this issue appears to be in vain.

You are damn right he's the target, his senseless rantings about Jews taking over the world, noahide this and talmud that have absolutely nothing to do with nothing, they are the rantings of a madman same as the people who claim Bush was behind 9/11. He's cluttering the board with bullshit.

You just look stupid feeding at the RWA conspiracy trough.
You are damn right he's the target, his senseless rantings about Jews taking over the world, noahide this and talmud that have absolutely nothing to do with nothing, they are the rantings of a madman same as the people who claim Bush was behind 9/11. He's cluttering the board with bullshit.

You just look stupid feeding at the RWA conspiracy trough.

COme on, give me some leeway.
COme on, give me some leeway.

You really don't realize what a jackass you make yourself out as on this board, do you?

Me=debater you=obfuscator

You are a detriment to this board, why don't you do the honorable thing and leave of your own accord?
You really don't realize what a jackass you make yourself out as on this board, do you?

Me=debater you=obfuscator

You are a detriment to this board, why don't you do the honorable thing and leave of your own accord?

I bought a new pen the other day. It's really cool. Really flowy.
What is the stumbling block, J? That there are common elements in the books? Or that Jews value the talmud more than the OT?

And why would it be a stumbling block for Christians? Christians don't follow the Talmud.

I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why you are so very caught up in this. It seems like more than just something "interesting" to be concerned about to you.

The stumbling block is that christians think the jews go mainly off the old testament. They don't. The talmud is considered more authoritative.

Save your concern for someone who needs it.
You are damn right he's the target, his senseless rantings about Jews taking over the world, noahide this and talmud that have absolutely nothing to do with nothing, they are the rantings of a madman same as the people who claim Bush was behind 9/11. He's cluttering the board with bullshit.

You just look stupid feeding at the RWA conspiracy trough.

I must agree with you. I just don't have the knack to address things/folks, the way you do. You definitely call things the way you see them.

I suppose the cluttering up the board is more or less from your perspective, but I do agree that this conspiracy of the Jews, thing, is bordering on obsessive-compulsive.

I just wish that the Noahide conspiracy person, would address many pertinent questions that folks on the board rebut him with.

I for one, find that those who believe that "they" have the "secret" or the "truth" and no one else but a few have it, have the hardest time looking outside of this self-built shell of protection.

It's alarming but true that those who fall into cultic belief systems really are "brain washed" and do need de-programming, if they are willing to take even a small step of admission that maybe they are not totally positive that they are correct and the rest of us our not.

I had an aunt years ago that got into an Eastern mysticism religion via a guru who looked like the Rajenesh. He bilked her, of her money, and led that poor lady into despising, and not trusting anyone but those that belonged to her Hinuistic/New Age cult. My aunt gave up meat, starved herself, started believing that everyone around her including herself were reincarnations of long past famous people. It was pitiful.

Most cults "season" their initial messages with a enough truth, that the "seeker" starts to get hooked. Add in a charismatic personality that's delivering the message and you pull the noose tighter on the potential initiate/believer. Some great pieces of bait are, telling the initiate that your belief system esteems motherhood, apple pie, family values, the American flag, etc.. Once you gain their trust, you slowly introduce the apostacy of the belief system.

Cults and conspiracies often hide under the same shroud. They have found the real truth. All other truths are automatically under suspicion.

In other words, it's U.S.D.A. Prime stuff for Art Bell/George Norrey topics.
To say that there is this undercurrent of groups that are working towards this world order in concerted, effort is a stretch for me.

I will say that there are many groups both docile and non-docile throughout the world that philosophically have similar future dreams/goals, but I don't think they are consciously working together to have a one world order headed by Jews.

I try to be aware of the prevailing climate or trends of social, ethical trends in my country, and I do see a strong movement to marginalize authority, order, ethics/morals, founding father's faith's, with fomenting distrust in government through politically divisive means.
I must agree with you. I just don't have the knack to address things/folks, the way you do. You definitely call things the way you see them.

I suppose the cluttering up the board is more or less from your perspective, but I do agree that this conspiracy of the Jews, thing, is bordering on obsessive-compulsive.

I just wish that the Noahide conspiracy person, would address many pertinent questions that folks on the board rebut him with.

I for one, find that those who believe that "they" have the "secret" or the "truth" and no one else but a few have it, have the hardest time looking outside of this self-built shell of protection.

It's alarming but true that those who fall into cultic belief systems really are "brain washed" and do need de-programming, if they are willing to take even a small step of admission that maybe they are not totally positive that they are correct and the rest of us our not.

I had an aunt years ago that got into an Eastern mysticism religion via a guru who looked like the Rajenesh. He bilked her, of her money, and led that poor lady into despising, and not trusting anyone but those that belonged to her Hinuistic/New Age cult. My aunt gave up meat, starved herself, started believing that everyone around her including herself were reincarnations of long past famous people. It was pitiful.

Most cults "season" their initial messages with a enough truth, that the "seeker" starts to get hooked. Add in a charismatic personality that's delivering the message and you pull the noose tighter on the potential initiate/believer. Some great pieces of bait are, telling the initiate that your belief system esteems motherhood, apple pie, family values, the American flag, etc.. Once you gain their trust, you slowly introduce the apostacy of the belief system.

Cults and conspiracies often hide under the same shroud. They have found the real truth. All other truths are automatically under suspicion.

In other words, it's U.S.D.A. Prime stuff for Art Bell/George Norrey topics.
To say that there is this undercurrent of groups that are working towards this world order in concerted, effort is a stretch for me.

I will say that there are many groups both docile and non-docile throughout the world that philosophically have similar future dreams/goals, but I don't think they are consciously working together to have a one world order headed by Jews.

I try to be aware of the prevailing climate or trends of social, ethical trends in my country, and I do see a strong movement to marginalize authority, order, ethics/morals, founding father's faith's, with fomenting distrust in government through politically divisive means.

I have been faced with no real or substantial argument against the existence of the Noahide concept, because it's true. Pointing out a teaching of a religion is not a cult, unless you consider being informed a cult.

google it, would you just. Then quit writing your fluffy pointless diatribes, full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing.

You are damn right he's the target, his senseless rantings about Jews taking over the world, noahide this and talmud that have absolutely nothing to do with nothing, they are the rantings of a madman same as the people who claim Bush was behind 9/11. He's cluttering the board with bullshit.

You just look stupid feeding at the RWA conspiracy trough.

It's really a simple concept that RWA is presenting. I have no problem at all understand what he is saying and don't see it as clutter. Maybe it just looks like clutter because no one has taken the time to read what he has linked to or they just want him to shut up so the whole issue will just disappear
It's really a simple concept that RWA is presenting. I have no problem at all understand what he is saying and don't see it as clutter. Maybe it just looks like clutter because no one has taken the time to read what he has linked to or they just want him to shut up so the whole issue will just disappear

And just what is the issue Dildo? Fine, a concept exists.............there is absolutely zero evidence of any Jewish sect conspiring to convert everyone through political or any other kind of presure. That RWA continues to push this non-issue constitutes clutter............and makes you out to be the spineles dupe that everyone knows you to be for actually giving him credence.

You my friend are a fool.

I have followed his links, they no more lead to a credible theory than me coming out and saying that Wiccans are aiming to take over the world. Its simply that ridiculous.
And just what is the issue Dildo? Fine, a concept exists.............there is absolutely zero evidence of any Jewish sect conspiring to convert everyone through political or any other kind of presure. That RWA continues to push this non-issue constitutes clutter............and makes you out to be the spineles dupe that everyone knows you to be for actually giving him credence.

You my friend are a fool.

I have followed his links, they no more lead to a credible theory than me coming out and saying that Wiccans are aiming to take over the world. Its simply that ridiculous.
Lets not forget these same sites claim Bush is behind 9-11 and that Al Gore has a hurricane machine that the illuminati uses to sky-write with.
Now, to address Mr. Bully's assertion that

"Grace = Unmerited Favor" as it was out-of-context quoted from one of my posts is somehow related to right-wing extremists........
Reveals one thing. You don't get it.

Grace = a gifting to another who doesn't deserve a gift.

Biblically speaking, the entire human race was not deserving of God's grace, as it had fallen or turned away from it's Creator.

Jesus Christ was God's very explicit, easy to see/understand expression of "grace" to mankind as a whole. We didn't deserve Christ's atonement for our sins/sinful lives, but never the less, God extended that "life jacket"(metaphorical) to us.

Bully, have you ever been a bad boy in your life? Have you ever gotten a present from someone that disciplined you and made you cry, yet still loved you.

I got spankins from mom and pop, but they threw me a birthday party each childhood year of my life. When I think of all the times that I was a little "stinker" yet I still got loved, all along I was receiving a form of grace or underserved love. As a child, I had neither the capacity earn or buy any love from anyone. I was just a kid. I obeyed sometimes and I disobeyed sometimes. I could "fume" at my parents, yet they still somehow loved me. Why? I didn't earn it with that behaviour.

Trouble is, the world thinks that love, appreciation, positive noteriety must come as a result of good works. Of course that's the way its been. Only thing, is that this is an example of earned reward, appreciation, admiration, or love.

In God's economy, love is extended to all, but only can be appreciated by the recipients through their own reckoning of it. In other words, both those that produce good works, no works, and bad works are equally extended God's redeeming love. This way, no man can boast over another that he is better than another. God levels the playing field, so to speak. He brings actual reality to the spiritual, soulical, condition of mankind.

How is God's redeeming love extended......via the incarnation of, 33 year life of, crucifixion of, ressurrection of, His Son, Jesus Christ. An unearned gift.......this Christ, this God incarnated upon planet earth, this bold yet vunerable, revealing of the nature of the Creator to it's creation.

This grace of God is not the property of a political party, Mr. Bully, it's the property of all mankind. The problem arises when it must be "received" by all these diverse groups of humankind. Philosophical differences, that differentiate humankind into politically divergent groups, often(not always), differentiates the way humans accept this free gift of "grace" from the creator.

Mr. Bully: Heaven will not be filled with Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, or Libertarians. It will be filled with neither Greek, American, Japanese, or whatever. It will be filled with human souls, that have received God's most precious gift of mercy, the Lord Jesus Christ.....the most explicit display of unmerited love towards mankind that ever was or will ever be. There will be no squabble over who's the most compassionate, them or us.

When He said on the cross, "It is finished!".

It was, it is. Past, present, future.

Now it's your's and my turn to reject, accept, speculate, meditate, hesitate, contemplate, reiterate, recapitulate, regurgatate, or just piously, continue along in our God given free-will, as captains of our little paper boats in the big old sea.
And just what is the issue Dildo? Fine, a concept exists.............there is absolutely zero evidence of any Jewish sect conspiring to convert everyone through political or any other kind of presure. That RWA continues to push this non-issue constitutes clutter............and makes you out to be the spineles dupe that everyone knows you to be for actually giving him credence.

You my friend are a fool.

I have followed his links, they no more lead to a credible theory than me coming out and saying that Wiccans are aiming to take over the world. Its simply that ridiculous.

There is no active conspiracy to convert because the Jews don't want converts. This has been pointed out often and you still don't get it. I'm aware of how you vent your frustration on issues so this reaction is to be expected from you. The natural progression of Judaism and Christianity will lead to a severe conflict in ideologies UNLESS one prefers to ignore it and call it clutter. Oh damn--I'm a fool.
Ooo Ooo Ooo
I wanna be like you oo oo.
Lets not forget these same sites claim Bush is behind 9-11 and that Al Gore has a hurricane machine that the illuminati uses to sky-write with.

That's absolutely untrue clay. There are many serious sites JUST about noahidism, created BY noahides and the rabbis who train them. check my sig, click the link, explore the truth.
That's absolutely untrue clay. There are many serious sites JUST about noahidism, created BY noahides and the rabbis who train them. check my sig, click the link, explore the truth.
You deny posting multiple sources that espouse those conspiracy theories?
You deny posting multiple sources that espouse those conspiracy theories?

I admit I've posted some links to wacky stuff, but there are many noahide sites I've linked to that are on legitimate noahide sites (run by noahides themselves) and orthodox jewish sites moderated by rabbis.

Attempting to dismiss ALL my links, based on a few "out there" ones is not good logic.

In my sig now is just a google search. Go read at you leisure. The truth is out there.
I admit I've posted some links to wacky stuff, but there are many noahide sites I've linked to that are on legitimate noahide sites (run by noahides themselves) and orthodox jewish sites moderated by rabbis.

It's still boils down to this:

Noahidism is propagating, living by the law, in order to be justified/complete before God, and that totally nullifies Christ's fullfilling of the Law through His atoning death for mankinds's sin.

No man has or was justified under the law.........The law tutored mankind to the sensibilities of his profound finite(helpless) condition before a Holy, sinless, Creator.

Paul, himself, called himself, a Jew of Jews as to following the law, but he himself said that no Jew could fullfill the law, and it only took one infraction of the law, to be condemned.

No more yearly sacrifices to assuage or carry-over the sins of a nation to the next year. It was taken care of in the human body of one Man, Christ, who fullfilled the law, jot, and tittle, without one failing of it.

Abraham's hope wasn't a Noahidic dream, but the fullfilling of his faith that still gave him strength to proceed onward. One day, Abraham's seed would be both Jew and gentile nations.........that were justified, not by works, but by faith.........as Abraham's life was justified. Throughout Abramham's life, God, over and over again reiterated to him that his/Abramham's belief/faith was what allowed God to bestow upon him justification/righteousness. If one looks at Abraham's life it is filled with miserable failings, yet, God didn't view those misgivings as reason to deny justifying him. It was Abraham's reckoning faith towards God, that gave Abraham his "heaven passport", before the Almighty's throne.

Noahidic movements, are just pulling or keeping both Jews, and marginal Christian oriented gentiles into a works-based system of belief, that was done-away with by Christ's mission on earth. This is just what Paul the Apostle to the gentiles had to fight against in the Church at Galatia. Judiazers!. "You must do this or that, in order to please God. Be circumcized, observe the Sabath, Don't forget this festival, or that festival, Pentacost, the Pass-over. Paul said that these observances weren't bad, but they also didn't add one bit to one's spiritual condition in respect to God's relationship to them. Eating or refraining from certain foods, may have health benefits, but it is only a tradition. Paul, said that both Gentile and Jewish Christians should respect each other in a way that does not lead the other into sin, via their consciences being hurt. On the other hand, Christians should force other Christians to partake of foods, holidays, observances just because they feel a need to have it in their lives. One may be free to eat a meat that's sacrificed to a pagan idol while another couldn't do it in conscience. Both are right to protect the consciences, yet the meat is neutral in all respect.

That's how it is for the "Law". Jesus came to write the Law on men and women's hearts. Not enforce it's adherence upon mankind. With Christian's who submit to Christ, the Law is not burdensome, but becomes the natural course of life. That's because the Law that's authored by God is part and parcel of the Christ-life/Holy Spirit that now resides in their souls.

Noahidic movement = Is a form of Judiazing. Read Galatians in the New Testament.

It is a step backwards into bondage. Grace is nullified.

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