What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
Damn Deany you really are looney toons.
No one is going to nor can they change healthcare as long as the steaming pile ACA is still in place. To do so would up the deficit.

Unfortunately government will always find a way to spend more then it brings in. Want to change that convince both parties to cut spending. Best place to cut spending is welfare and the sciences but you will never convince people to go for that. In fact most Democratic candidates are running their 2020 campaigns promising to buy votes with more welfare spending.

Show me one candidate that has not made outrageous claims. But if we get illegal immigration under control the amount we spend on it, the amount spent on illegals and the amount of money being sent out of our country to those illegals families and extended families will in a round about way will pay for the wall.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.

1. How do you replace the ACA when you lack the votes in the Senate?

Also can you explain why Obama, Pelosi and Reid even voted on the ACA when the Nixon\Kennedy bill would have been more of what you wanted instead?

2. Number two and three questions were lies just like Obama you can keep your Doctor or getting Immigration Reform done.

3. You asking any question about broken promises while you never once complained about Obama is funny in a sad way...
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.
/---/ There has not been a balanced budget (zero deficit) since WWII. It was all smoke and mirrors.
No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Cato Institute
No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
It was Bill Clinton who, during the big budget fight in 1995, had to submit not one, not two, but five budgets until he begrudgingly matched the GOP's balanced-budget plan.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.

1. How do you replace the ACA when you lack the votes in the Senate?

Also can you explain why Obama, Pelosi and Reid even voted on the ACA when the Nixon\Kennedy bill would have been more of what you wanted instead?

2. Number two and three questions were lies just like Obama you can keep your Doctor or getting Immigration Reform done.

3. You asking any question about broken promises while you never once complained about Obama is funny in a sad way...
Republicans didn’t have the votes in the Senate when they passed Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
But they did anyway. So how did they do that? With a simple majority. Something they use when it’s convenient for them.

I post videos of people in red states that are freaking out because they’re losing their healthcare. First time in their life they finally got healthcare under Democrats, Republicans are taking it away.
In the video they were asked why did you vote Republican when you knew they wanted to take away your healthcare. And they said because they believed Trump.

And I get so tired with this but Obama lied. I kept my doctor. Anybody could’ve kept their doctor. All you had to do was have a healthcare plan that met minimum requirements.
But Republicans wanted trash. And why is this a surprise? Remember Republicans wanted to abolish the EPA. They want dirty air and dirty water because they believe that it’s cheaper for corporations.

Republican values are skewed and strange and way out of the main stream. I don’t mean the mainstream for Republicans, but the main stream for the rest of humanity.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

Funny thing is Pelosi and Reid took power of the House and Senate in 2007 and Bush left office in 2009, so dare to comment on how they were at the steering wheel with Bush when the Economy crashed and what did Senator Obama offer to do to save the Economy when he was in the Senate?
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.
/---/ There has not been a balanced budget (zero deficit) since WWII. It was all smoke and mirrors.
No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Cato Institute
No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
It was Bill Clinton who, during the big budget fight in 1995, had to submit not one, not two, but five budgets until he begrudgingly matched the GOP's balanced-budget plan.
So you’re saying the budget was balanced under Clinton but it wasn’t? It’s confusing
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
So what was it when Clinton left office? And what was it when bush left office?
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
He’s only been president for two years realax.. let’s make sure it’s onky Americans getting health care
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.

1. How do you replace the ACA when you lack the votes in the Senate?

Also can you explain why Obama, Pelosi and Reid even voted on the ACA when the Nixon\Kennedy bill would have been more of what you wanted instead?

2. Number two and three questions were lies just like Obama you can keep your Doctor or getting Immigration Reform done.

3. You asking any question about broken promises while you never once complained about Obama is funny in a sad way...
Republicans didn’t have the votes in the Senate when they passed Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
But they did anyway. So how did they do that? With a simple majority. Something they use when it’s convenient for them.

I post videos of people in red states that are freaking out because they’re losing their healthcare. First time in their life they finally got healthcare under Democrats, Republicans are taking it away.
In the video they were asked why did you vote Republican when you knew they wanted to take away your healthcare. And they said because they believed Trump.

And I get so tired with this but Obama lied. I kept my doctor. Anybody could’ve kept their doctor. All you had to do was have a healthcare plan that met minimum requirements.
But Republicans wanted trash. And why is this a surprise? Remember Republicans wanted to abolish the EPA. They want dirty air and dirty water because they believe that it’s cheaper for corporations.

You are such a damn liar it would be funny if not pathetic!

No, you could not keep your doctor if the doctor was not in the insurance network, again Obama lied by omitting the fact your doctor must be in network to keep them.

Please tell me I am wrong because I know for a fact how this works!

2. You should go over how the Senate works before lecturing me and remember it was your boy Harry Reid nuclear option that caused the nonsense you see today!
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
So what was it when Clinton left office? And what was it when bush left office?

Oh shit you want to write about it being massively smaller than when Bush left office?

Fine, what was it when Obama left and why didn't he with his phone and pen make it go away?
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

Funny thing is Pelosi and Reid took power of the House and Senate in 2007 and Bush left office in 2009, so dare to comment on how they were at the steering wheel with Bush when the Economy crashed and what did Senator Obama offer to do to save the Economy when he was in the Senate?
Bush had veto power. Republicans had total control for almost all the bushes two terms. So after all their damage Democrats have the house and senate for two years and so it’s their fault.
That makes no sense.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
So what was it when Clinton left office? And what was it when bush left office?

Oh shit you want to write about it being massively smaller than when Bush left office?

Fine, what was it when Obama left and why didn't he with his phone and pen make it go away?
How many times have I posted quotes from Republicans saying that they had to be against everything Obama did even if it hurt the country? Because they wanted to hurt Obama more. Until Republicans learn that you have to love America more than you hate black people things are never going to change.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
How many trillions did bush giveaway in tax cuts for billionaires? Two three more?
Democrats never would’ve passed those massive tax cuts. And all they did was lead to a ruined economy.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
How many trillions did bush giveaway in tax cuts for billionaires? Two three more?
Democrats never would’ve passed those massive tax cuts. And all they did was lead to a ruined economy.
/—-/ As explained 1,000 times letting people keep more of their money isn’t a give away. Welfare is.
What are Trump’s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

I can think of three.

He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie.

He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie.

He said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall and that was a lie.

I just saw a report that the deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes.

You can’t blame this on Democrats when Republicans controlled both houses, the supreme court and the presidency for the last two years.
/-----/ "deficit was going to increase by 77% because of the lack of revenue from taxes."
And no matter how much is collected - it's never enough for the Swamp.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?
The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $3.422 trillion for Fiscal Year 2019. That's the most recent forecast from the Office of Management and Budget for October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.
I remember when it was zero. And that was under Clinton. Before Bush took over and got us involved in Unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires.
It wasn’t that long ago.
And then Republicans screwed up the economy and Obama had to step in and save it.

It was not zero when Clinton was in office or left office. Under their proposal it might have hit zero down the road but alas you will lie and deny...
How many trillions did bush giveaway in tax cuts for billionaires? Two three more?
Democrats never would’ve passed those massive tax cuts. And all they did was lead to a ruined economy.
/—-/ As explained 1,000 times letting people keep more of their money isn’t a give away. Welfare is.
If you don’t support the country you live in, then you’re not giving money away, you are looting the country. Who doesn’t understand that?

Corporations use the roads and the sewers and the electricity and so on.
Why should they get them for free?
We have to pay billions of dollars to pay for people that were working for minimum-wage at companies like McDonald’s.
We have to give them food stamps and health care. And the people that own McDonald’s and Walmart and so on, They aren’t keeping their money, they’re taking advantage of us.

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