What are we to make of the Bible Code?

I don't believe in them.
I think the system behind them is fraudulent.
Someone who chases after Bible codes and doesn't read their Bible is immature.

I am an adult Christian and this is my teaching on Bible codes.
My favorite "proof" that "man is made in the image of God" as universal to ALL tribes and laws

is to point out the PARALLELS that ALL systems of religions or laws
are based on the same THREE LEVELS as represented in the Trinity:

Taoism = body, mind, spirit
Psychology = superego, ego, id
Constitutionalism = executive, legislative, judiciary
Confucianism = Jen, Yi, Li
Buddhism = Buddha, Dharma, Sangha

The core pattern is three levels that represent
the individual/physical level
the spiritual/collective level
and some "intermediary" level connecting these two levels
in RELATIONSHIP on the level of conscience, psychology, LAW, etc.PRE

So the point is for all three levels to be "unified in harmony"

Individually this represents the human experience
in RELATiONSHIP to others in society or humanity as a whole.

COLLECTIVELY these three levels become what
Holy Spirit

So all systems of law or religion, which attempt to define the RELATIONSHIP
between the individual human and the collective whole
the SAME pattern or relationship
connecting "man with God through Christ"

this structure is universal for all humanity, since ALL human nature is "body/mind/spirit" although different cultures and systems use different terms for expressing these universal laws and relationships. this shows the "image of God" reflected in human nature.
I don't believe in them.
I think the system behind them is fraudulent.
Someone who chases after Bible codes and doesn't read their Bible is immature.

I am an adult Christian and this is my teaching on Bible codes.
Also, problem is...which "version" of the Bible are we searching for a "code" in, and in which language? There isn't one constant version of the Bible throughout the millennia. Herein lies the fallacy of the whole concept.
Fascinating video. Thank you for posting. It's hard not to believe there is a connection between equal distance letter sequences and hidden messages. Amazing.

Also, problem is...which "version" of the Bible are we searching for a "code" in, and in which language? There isn't one constant version of the Bible throughout the millennia. Herein lies the fallacy of the whole concept.

It certainly wouldn't be your home bible version. Watch from 24:24.

It's crap, I read these two books and donated them to the Salvation army. There is a scientific study somewhere that demonstrates how invalid this is.

Nonsense. The Code has never been falsified. The code holds up insofar as known persons or events are concerned. What the Code does not do is predict future persons or events relative to the extant knowledge of the person applying it. That is the only sense in which it is subjective, and that is the basis of the supposed debunking of it. But that is not a valid basis of negation as humans cannot know the future until it has become the present or the past. On the other hand, a number of events have been predicted from the assertions of the Code regarding persons that have lived in recent years or are now living. The Code holds that Yitzhak Rabin would be assassinated, for example, and he was on the very date predicted by the Code.

You would know that had you watched the entire video.
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I don't believe in them.
I think the system behind them is fraudulent.
Someone who chases after Bible codes and doesn't read their Bible is immature.

I am an adult Christian and this is my teaching on Bible codes.

The Code does not appear to be fraudulentl, and why would it be unreasonable to suppose that there be an inherent code of affirmation in God's word?

I don't see any problem with that or what that would have to do with one's reading of the plain code of the Bible or with one's failure to read the same.
I don't believe in them.
I think the system behind them is fraudulent.
Someone who chases after Bible codes and doesn't read their Bible is immature.

I am an adult Christian and this is my teaching on Bible codes.
Also, problem is...which "version" of the Bible are we searching for a "code" in, and in which language? There isn't one constant version of the Bible throughout the millennia. Herein lies the fallacy of the whole concept.

False. The Code is predicated on the Hebrew characters of the Old Testament, not on any version or translation. We know for a fact that the current Hebrew text has been accurately transcribed as far back as the time of the Septuagint, the Greek translation of circa 255 B.C..
My favorite "proof" that "man is made in the image of God" as universal to ALL tribes and laws

is to point out the PARALLELS that ALL systems of religions or laws
are based on the same THREE LEVELS as represented in the Trinity:

Taoism = body, mind, spirit
Psychology = superego, ego, id
Constitutionalism = executive, legislative, judiciary
Confucianism = Jen, Yi, Li
Buddhism = Buddha, Dharma, Sangha

The core pattern is three levels that represent
the individual/physical level
the spiritual/collective level
and some "intermediary" level connecting these two levels
in RELATIONSHIP on the level of conscience, psychology, LAW, etc.PRE

So the point is for all three levels to be "unified in harmony"

Individually this represents the human experience
in RELATiONSHIP to others in society or humanity as a whole.

COLLECTIVELY these three levels become what
Holy Spirit

So all systems of law or religion, which attempt to define the RELATIONSHIP
between the individual human and the collective whole
the SAME pattern or relationship
connecting "man with God through Christ"

this structure is universal for all humanity, since ALL human nature is "body/mind/spirit" although different cultures and systems use different terms for expressing these universal laws and relationships. this shows the "image of God" reflected in human nature.

Yeah... codes and numerology doesn't change my mind any... I still think that if God is, She's way bigger than all of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them.


It's crap, I read these two books and donated them to the Salvation army. There is a scientific study somewhere that demonstrates how invalid this is.

Nonsense. The Code has never been falsified. The code holds up insofar as known persons or events are concerned. What the Code does not do is predict future persons or events relative to the extant knowledge of the person apply it. That is the only sense in which it is subjective, and that is the basis of the supposed debunking of it. But that is not a valid basis of negation as humans cannot know the future until it has become the present or the past. On the other hand, a number of events have been predicted from the assertions of the Code regarding persons that have lived in recent years or are now living. The Code holds that Yitzhak Rabin would be assassinated, for example, and he was on the very date predicted by the Code.

You would know that had you watched the entire video.

In fact, ELS is simply a high-tech version of a Ouija board or tarot cards, and the biblical injunction against divination applies (Deut. 18:9-11,2 Chron. 33:6, Isa. 2:6). Paul exhorted Timothy to “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Paul intended Timothy to be an evangelist and disciple, not a Bible decoder!

The Bible Code | Christian Research Institute

Furthermore, Bible Codes are a rigged game complete with after–the–fact prophecies and self–validating messages. While ELS practitioners contend such historical events as the assassination of Rabin are encoded in the Torah, nothing could be farther from the truth. Because Old Testament Hebrew does not contain vowels, an alleged code such as “Rabin Bang Bang” could just as easily refer to Christopher Robin’s shooting his pop gun at the balloons Winnie the Pooh was holding when he floated over the Hundred Acre Wood (“Robin Bang Bang”). For that matter, the self–validating message could refer to the tire blowout that Batman’s sidekick Robin experienced while riding in the Batmobile. It could even refer to a Mafia hitman named Robino who had two successful kills—bang, bang.

Finally, though the message of the autographa (original texts of the Bible) is unaltered in the best available manuscript copies, minor differences in spelling and style make it impossible to validate the divine inspiration of equidistant letter sequencing. Such minor divergences leave the meaning unaltered but completely undermine all attempts to find equidistant letter sequences by altering the distance between letters. Moreover, the coincidences of equidistant letter sequences that do occur in the Torah are not unique. They occur in every other work of literature from Homer to Hobbes and from Tolkien to Tolstoy.

Are Bible Codes credible? | Christian Research Institute

I bet Mark 16:15 says, "Go into all the world and preach Bible codes" in your Bible. It isn't in my Bible.
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It's crap, I read these two books and donated them to the Salvation army. There is a scientific study somewhere that demonstrates how invalid this is.

Nonsense. The Code has never been falsified. The code holds up insofar as known persons or events are concerned. What the Code does not do is predict future persons or events relative to the extant knowledge of the person apply it. That is the only sense in which it is subjective, and that is the basis of the supposed debunking of it. But that is not a valid basis of negation as humans cannot know the future until it has become the present or the past. On the other hand, a number of events have been predicted from the assertions of the Code regarding persons that have lived in recent years or are now living. The Code holds that Yitzhak Rabin would be assassinated, for example, and he was on the very date predicted by the Code.

You would know that had you watched the entire video.

I told you, I read the books. They did this very same thing with War and Peace and got pretty much the same results.
No amount of proof is enough for those blinded to truth,those that choose not to believe!!!
"the PARALLELS that ALL systems of religions or laws
are based on the same THREE LEVELS as represented in the Trinity:"

faith leads to hope which makes love possible
Bible codes don't exist. First, nothing in English or the non-original language is going to be translated 100% to the original, so anything hidden will be destroyed the moment you translate it. Second, the Bible as it is now is a highly cherry-picked collection of only some of what was written. Thirdly, you can find codes in anything, but more often than not the single whole words are the result of coinicidence and probability, not design. Lastly what few know or bother to mention is modern Bibles rarely point out the guesswork added to the texts. Surviving originals are often partly destroyed or otherwise illegible. But when making these into Bibles a lot of 'educated guesses' are added to make it readable. Better Bibles mark such additions in [brackets.] Poorer quality 'Bible for Dummies' ones do not.

In original Hebrew, every letter has a numerical equivilent. But this WAS by design, so finding some curiousities is to be expected. But they're not codes per se'.

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