What Awaits Us In Two Months?

One murder is all it takes to discredit the police they are not supposed to break the law they are supposed to uphold the law they have sworn to do as such.

I thought stereotyping was bad? What if changed your quote just a little..."One murder is all it takes to discredit the black community..." Wow, that would be quite a statement, right? That is EXACTLY what you are saying here.
Does the black community pledge to uphold the law? Does the black community claim they are saving you from yourself, or that they protect and serve the community? Police are supposed to be held to a higher regard than civilians on the street. You seem to want to give the cops all the breaks and never hold them responsible for their actions and that is why there is rioting in the streets.

No, I just don't condemn all cops for the actions of a very, very few. Bad cops should be held accountable and they are the vast majority of the time.
You still don’t get it, just like your Messiah.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
One murder is all it takes to discredit the police they are not supposed to break the law they are supposed to uphold the law they have sworn to do as such.

I thought stereotyping was bad? What if changed your quote just a little..."One murder is all it takes to discredit the black community..." Wow, that would be quite a statement, right? That is EXACTLY what you are saying here.
Does the black community pledge to uphold the law? Does the black community claim they are saving you from yourself, or that they protect and serve the community? Police are supposed to be held to a higher regard than civilians on the street. You seem to want to give the cops all the breaks and never hold them responsible for their actions and that is why there is rioting in the streets.

No, I just don't condemn all cops for the actions of a very, very few. Bad cops should be held accountable and they are the vast majority of the time.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....
Everyone should fear the cops enough to follow their instructions

I do

but some black criminals have lost that healthy fear of or respect for authority
Fuck the pigs I don't fear them and I never will the little gestapo wanna be's that are trigger happy and murderers will pay for everyone they shoot without reason. All they are doing is causing the riots and the destruction it is on their heads and they will be hunted down, they put their own families in danger because all they know is shoot to kill if you don't submit. Even if the cowards have to shoot you in the back. They evidently never heard of any moves that disable a human with simple moves like I did in martial arts classes. In two months the pigs will assasinate more people undeserving that multiple cops can't handle because they are weak.

Yes, you have to submit to authority. Evidently there is a large group of people who were never taught respect at home.

There is a lack of respect for police and the cause of it has roots on both sides.
If something happens, it will be because people chose to do it, not because they had to.

Many lack the capacity to reason, communicate, think critically and solve problems.

We appear to be regressing.
I agree with this entire statement. I probably disagree with your meaning behind it, but the statement itself is true.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....
Everyone should fear the cops enough to follow their instructions

I do

but some black criminals have lost that healthy fear of or respect for authority
Fuck the pigs I don't fear them and I never will the little gestapo wanna be's that are trigger happy and murderers will pay for everyone they shoot without reason. All they are doing is causing the riots and the destruction it is on their heads and they will be hunted down, they put their own families in danger because all they know is shoot to kill if you don't submit. Even if the cowards have to shoot you in the back. They evidently never heard of any moves that disable a human with simple moves like I did in martial arts classes. In two months the pigs will assasinate more people undeserving that multiple cops can't handle because they are weak.

Yes, you have to submit to authority. Evidently there is a large group of people who were never taught respect at home.

There is a lack of respect for police and the cause of it has roots on both sides.

Why do Asians never complain about the police. Ever seen an Asian fighting with the police, disobeying the police, running from the police etc.

Of course not....even though they have been heavily discriminated against....especially by blacks but that is another story.

my point being different cultures behave in different ways....the black culture has a propensity for confrontation and violence be it with the police or whoever.

Ignorance and lack of morals is the primary reason for blacks not being respected and why they fill up our jails...now there are many theories regarding why blacks are such losers...I think the one about so many black kids growing up in a one parent environment is a primary cause for that.

Before the government made it possible for black women to get more welfare if there was no husband around is a huge contributory factor.....the black mamas have so many kids and they are unable to control them for the most part.

Thus when the kids reach that age where their mama cant control them....they wander the streets at all times of the day and night in our big cities.
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Just look at the dems base for a clew what awaits us...

Dems support killing babies, promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, open borders and turning America into Mexico, socialism, communism, legalizing dope, gun confiscation, destroying the Constitution, erasing history, racism against whites and are working to bring down America and replace it with God knows what...CHAZ?

Beside misguided and delusional people, the Dem's base is composed of many varieties of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill.

Illegal Aliens
Young People
Dope Lovers
Gun haters
Welfare Lovers
Medicare for all hopefuls
Mainstream Media
Hollywood - Entertainers
Prostitutes / Sex Workers
Anarchists / Insurgents
Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.
It’s a fundamental disconnect from reality that Republicans are trying to scare people away from voting for Biden by pointing at the riots and violence occurring under the current president.

As if they’re warning that the stuff currently happening might happen under a democratic president.

Folks, Trump is president and it is happening.
You guys are nuts. Under Obama/Biden this country flourished even with an obstructionist republican congress bent on destroying America from within. They get 2 years of the 3 branches fucked it all up, got kicked out of the House and are about to lose the presidency and a slight chance to lose the rural overweighted senate. It is over bitches. Enjoy your last 60 days with your false bravado. Most of you worship bone spur cowards, porn star paying, law suit magnet con men.
Folks, Trump is president and it is happening.

Yes, because Trump doesn't want to give in to this huge tantrum and he shouldn't. Biden will roll-over and give them anything they want. Just like children, this will stomp the tantrum, but will do nothing more than create a bigger problem in the future. Nobody has said cops shouldn't be held accountable, what most sensible people have said is it is wrong to vilify all cops, to call for the de-funding of police, to riot and to loot, etc. That is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. If Trump is re-elected and no longer has to worry about any Democratic hyperbole and idiotic rhetoric affecting his re-election, my guess is he will put an end to this nonsense by using more federal force in these cities where Democrats are too soft.
You guys are nuts. Under Obama/Biden this country flourished even with an obstructionist republican congress bent on destroying America from within. They get 2 years of the 3 branches fucked it all up, got kicked out of the House and are about to lose the presidency and a slight chance to lose the rural overweighted senate. It is over bitches. Enjoy your last 60 days with your false bravado. Most of you worship bone spur cowards, porn star paying, law suit magnet con men.

Yeah, we are doing so horrible, right? Prior to the pandemic, our economy was nothing short of fantastic. If Biden wins, he will make our economy infinitely worse and then blame it on Trump. Lemmings will buy it, as usual. When will you lefties every learn?
Folks, Trump is president and it is happening.

Yes, because Trump doesn't want to give in to this huge tantrum and he shouldn't. Biden will roll-over and give them anything they want. Just like children, this will stomp the tantrum, but will do nothing more than create a bigger problem in the future. Nobody has said cops shouldn't be held accountable, what most sensible people have said is it is wrong to vilify all cops, to call for the de-funding of police, to riot and to loot, etc. That is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. If Trump is re-elected and no longer has to worry about any Democratic hyperbole and idiotic rhetoric affecting his re-election, my guess is he will put an end to this nonsense by using more federal force in these cities where Democrats are too soft.
Because Trump has been engaged in a multi year project of engendering anger and hatred between Americans.

Trump is a total garbage leader. He’s making this worse, not better.
If something happens, it will be because people chose to do it, not because they had to.
Many lack the capacity to reason, communicate, think critically and solve problems. We appear to be regressing.
I agree with this entire statement. I probably disagree with your meaning behind it, but the statement itself is true.
I say "we" because I think there is plenty of this going on across the spectrum, and that it all feeds on itself.
Folks, Trump is president and it is happening.

Yes, because Trump doesn't want to give in to this huge tantrum and he shouldn't. Biden will roll-over and give them anything they want. Just like children, this will stomp the tantrum, but will do nothing more than create a bigger problem in the future. Nobody has said cops shouldn't be held accountable, what most sensible people have said is it is wrong to vilify all cops, to call for the de-funding of police, to riot and to loot, etc. That is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. If Trump is re-elected and no longer has to worry about any Democratic hyperbole and idiotic rhetoric affecting his re-election, my guess is he will put an end to this nonsense by using more federal force in these cities where Democrats are too soft.
Because Trump has been engaged in a multi year project of engendering anger and hatred between Americans.

Trump is a total garbage leader. He’s making this worse, not better.

No, the media as caused the divisions by mis-quoting and taking many of his statements out of context. (ex: the Charlottesville comment) Regardless, it is time for liberals to put on their big boy pants. Be pragmatic, not so emotional. You guys worry more about someone hurting your feelings than actual results. That is the real issue at play here..spoiled, thin-skinned liberals who care only about being coddled with platitudes and the promise of "free" stuff.
Folks, Trump is president and it is happening.

Yes, because Trump doesn't want to give in to this huge tantrum and he shouldn't. Biden will roll-over and give them anything they want. Just like children, this will stomp the tantrum, but will do nothing more than create a bigger problem in the future. Nobody has said cops shouldn't be held accountable, what most sensible people have said is it is wrong to vilify all cops, to call for the de-funding of police, to riot and to loot, etc. That is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. If Trump is re-elected and no longer has to worry about any Democratic hyperbole and idiotic rhetoric affecting his re-election, my guess is he will put an end to this nonsense by using more federal force in these cities where Democrats are too soft.
Because Trump has been engaged in a multi year project of engendering anger and hatred between Americans.

Trump is a total garbage leader. He’s making this worse, not better.

No, the media as caused the divisions by mis-quoting and taking many of his statements out of context. (ex: the Charlottesville comment) Regardless, it is time for liberals to put on their big boy pants. Be pragmatic, not so emotional. You guys worry more about someone hurting your feelings than actual results. That is the real issue at play here..spoiled, thin-skinned liberals who care only about being coddled with platitudes and the promise of "free" stuff.
Bullshit. Trump was elected specifically because he intentionally pissed people off.

How often have you seen his supporters celebrating “liberal tears”, his constant name calling, his derogatory comments, his constant trolling on twitter?

It’s basically daily and it’s a huge part of his appeal to much of his base by their own admission.

Not really. Trump the businessman is quite different than Trump the President. His business dealings with China are exactly why he's the best man for the job. He knows the system and he knows exactly what's going on.
uh huh...

And I bet you really believe that the bible is his favorite book.

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