What black people think about racism

White people defending themselves against your hatred does not mean they are racist and you are flat out lying when you said people here are self professed racists.
It didn't even take me a minute to locate this therefore I'd like an apology and a retraction.
I am planning a trilogy
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Calling someone a racist is easy. Proving someone is a racist is a bit more complicated and far beyond your feeble abilities.

Futhermore, due to your response, all indications are that you're stupid as well as in all likelihood a racist yourself (look up the psychological term for projection).

what does "the psychological term for projection" mean? PROJECTION is
an ego defense described in the science of psychology or psychiatry. It is not
defined or described by a "psychological term" One could, in an awkward way, describe it as a "psychological term" in itself. For someone who throws "your feeble abilities" around-------in plain language----YOU got a problem with written
expression. Anyone interested----look up EGO DEFENSE--PROJECTION.
Very basic stuff-----first chapter in the baby course "INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY" for mediocre Freshmen---101. (thus, most people already know)
we have "protected classes" in the USA??? Is that something like "Dhimmis" in shariah law-----or Scheduled classes in India? I had no idea
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
He sure did. "Trayvon could have been my son" .

Bullshit. And Trayvon could have been his son if he had one.

Whites like you need to pull your heads out your asses and understand that the way you see things is not the only one. In fact, often it's not even close to reality. The police had been killing unarmed blacks before Obama was born. This nation has always been divided and in no small part due to whites like you.
You, like IM2 are only in this forum for one reason and one reason only - to hate on white people. None of the white people in this thread post thread after thread after freaking thread about blacks.
Nobody is "hating on white people" in fact there is no hating going on at all. The white racists on this board however deserve in return whatever they give, but generally we don't stoop to their level because we know, as you have so amply demonstrated, that we always will be judged more harshly than the instigators.

And try not to let this bother you too much, but I am free to spend as much time on this board as I see fit although I am sure that there is no way you can reconcile the thought that I might actually be working huh?
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Black men in today's society remain a population at risk. “Take a good long look, because they are an endangered species.”.
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The term "person of color today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. Nonwhite does not mean black. Women of color does not mean black either. ( I am quoting black woman)

thank you. I have been asking for a definition of "person of color" for
weeks. I am FLABBERGASTED at the allusion to "EUROPEAN" but
if "European" is the issue---I will accept that idea. The first issue is
"EUROPEAN" People who have a family background in EUROPE---
are NOT----"persons of color" The issue of skin tone has been discarded---
good. Skin tone as an indicator of anything is silly. Is there a time frame?
How long would ones extended family have to have lived in Europe in order
to qualify to be a "not person of color"? I understand that "non-white" does
not mean "black"----but still do not understand what it DOES MEAN other than
"not European in family background"


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors
These guys know what a person of color is. And for those crying about hating on whites, stop whining. You just are not going to get free reign to talk your racist garbage.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

You, like IM2 are only in this forum for one reason and one reason only - to hate on white people. None of the white people in this thread post thread after thread after freaking thread about blacks.
Nobody is "hating on white people" in fact there is no hating going on at all. The white racists on this board however desire in return whatever they give, but generally we don't stoop to their level because we know, as you have so amply demonstrated, that we always will be judged more harshly than the instigators.

And try not to let this bother you too much, but I am free to spend as much time on this board as I see fit although I am sure that there is no way you can reconcile the thought that I might actually be working huh?
You should not be posting while working.

Unless, of course, you work for some sort of black racist hate site or something.

Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Why do you have a victim mentality?
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.
and people with a victim mentality are lazy to work hard and get what they want because of the effort they put into it.
You, like IM2 are only in this forum for one reason and one reason only - to hate on white people. None of the white people in this thread post thread after thread after freaking thread about blacks.
Nobody is "hating on white people" in fact there is no hating going on at all. The white racists on this board however desire in return whatever they give, but generally we don't stoop to their level because we know, as you have so amply demonstrated, that we always will be judged more harshly than the instigators.

And try not to let this bother you too much, but I am free to spend as much time on this board as I see fit although I am sure that there is no way you can reconcile the thought that I might actually be working huh?
You should not be posting while working.

Unless, of course, you work for some sort of black racist hate site or something.
Yep, there you go, trying to tell other folks how they should be spending their time and what they should and should not be doing.

Stuck out again. Are you going to apologize to me now? You called me a liar because I truthfully stated that there are self-proclaimed racists posting on this site and I provided you evidence of one such member.

Is that not enough for you or have you no honor?
except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.
and people with a victim mentality are lazy to work hard and get what they want because of the effort they put into it.
Bull Shit. Hispanics and Blacks whom I suppose you are talking about are very hard workers in the menial low wage jobs they are given and not afraid to get dirty.
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There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.
and people with a victim mentality are lazy to work hard and get what they want because of the effort they put into it.
Bull Shit. Hispanics and Blacks whom I suppose you are talking about are very hard workers in the menial low wage jobs they are given and not afraid to get dirty.
So you projected bullshit because bullshit is all you have? And what the fuck are you talking about? I said nothing about identity. I said those who have a victim mentality are lazy.
These guys know what a person of color is. And for those crying about hating on whites, stop whining. You just are not going to get free reign to talk your racist garbage.
But you are?
I am not talking racist garbage. You've already shown your mentality. You're a dumb right wing sheep repeating alt right garbage. You call me a racist but cannot post one racist thing I have said.

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