What black people think about racism

There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.

Dog ugly whites seem to do pretty well. You guys are showing great desperation in trying to deny racism.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.

Dog ugly whites seem to do pretty well. You guys are showing great desperation in trying to deny racism.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.
Non-Issue conversation because all black people do not think alike.
Nether do all white people . So please do stop providing these racists with a path to say that blacks see things as they do in order to dismiss our views on racism. Because that is the first thing they do and this thread was created to make them understand that the prevailing view in the black community is not theirs.
Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.

Dog ugly whites seem to do pretty well. You guys are showing great desperation in trying to deny racism.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
Bullshit on your bullshit.

Dog Ugly people face lots of discrimination because they are dog ugly.

Dog ugly whites seem to do pretty well. You guys are showing great desperation in trying to deny racism.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
And that does not change the fact that not all discrimination is race based, a fact that you called bullshit.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.

Well considering your not black...who you going to get?
Dog ugly whites seem to do pretty well. You guys are showing great desperation in trying to deny racism.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
And that does not change the fact that not all discrimination is race based, a fact that you called bullshit.

And it doesn't change the fact that it is an argument that was unrelated to the issue that is commonly used her to try dismiss black folks arguments about racism. It is a tactic not used in other thread when whites are talking about discrimination. And that's why it's bullshit.
If a fat dog ugly girl tries to get a job as a waitress at Hooters, she will be not get the job because she is dog ugly and because she is fat. Attractive people have an advantage over unattractive people. Some unattractive people do well in spite of being unattractive. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination is in no way a denial of racism.

But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
And that does not change the fact that not all discrimination is race based, a fact that you called bullshit.

And it doesn't change the fact that it is an argument that was unrelated to the issue that is commonly used her to try dismiss black folks arguments about racism. It is a tactic not used in other thread when whites are talking about discrimination. And that's why it's bullshit.
Denying things that are obviously true do not help whatever argument you are trying to make.

This statement is obviously true:
there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors
I asked for laws not opinions,,,

And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

I'm no expert on who has committed voter fraud but even so, still seems to me there were complaints about voter fraud in previous elections with Bush. So because a President is African American, you cant attack him politically without it being racist? every other president has been attacked from Jimmy carter all the way to Trump in disparaging and mean ways.
I didn't like the fact Obama came out early in his presidency and said Americans have had it too good for too long and that the cost of energy was going to necessarily skyrocket. I'm sure you remember those quotes.
Thankfully his plan didn't work out and we were still able to produce affordable energy. That would have hurt the poorest Americans the hardest. Also didn't like the way he and the other Dems snuck health care through on us.
Is being critical of him being racist? I don't think so. Still I accepted him as my president.
So much of this is only opinions like your own that it was all about racism. Seems to me that in politics one's race can also be used as the ultimate deflection of criticism.
we dont have to post the racist things you say,,,

you do that for us because almost everything you say is racist,,,

Of course you don't . You don't have to prove anything, but when I say that from 1776 until this very second, whites have been the most protected group in America, why that must be proven. And if I dare not show proof, that means it doesn't happen. Put you can call me a racist all the time with no fucking proof and it is so.

I know what racism is. And it's not talking about what whites have done to us. Stop displaying white fragility. That's a term made up by a white person, so don't play victim.

thats very racist of you to say,,,

Try posting an example of my racism and explain how it fits the definition.
I don't need to. You are so worked up about it you must be racist.

No, that doesn't make me a racist. But it does make me tired of your cowardly name calling and claims without showing proof. So try posting an example of my racism and explain how it fits the definition
IM2 you may as well stop asking because you know they don't possess the ability to produce any of what you're asking of them.

Think about it, what have they contributed to your thread other than "you're a racist", "show me the law", etc. etc. etc. They are not mentally equipped to do something as simple as present a premise and then support it with citations.

You were so right about the results you would get depending on how the issues is approached.
And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

I'm no expert on who has committed voter fraud but even so, still seems to me there were complaints about voter fraud in previous elections with Bush. So because a President is African American, you cant attack him politically without it being racist? every other president has been attacked from Jimmy carter all the way to Trump in disparaging and mean ways.
I didn't like the fact Obama came out early in his presidency and said Americans have had it too good for too long and that the cost of energy was going to necessarily skyrocket. I'm sure you remember those quotes.
Thankfully his plan didn't work out and we were still able to produce affordable energy. That would have hurt the poorest Americans the hardest. Also didn't like the way he and the other Dems snuck health care through on us.
Is being critical of him being racist? I don't think so. Still I accepted him as my president.
So much of this is only opinions like your own that it was all about racism. Seems to me that in politics one's race can also be used as the ultimate deflection of criticism.

The problem was not about being critical, it was about being critical of Obama for things other presidents were not criticized for. For example, I don't remember the comment you say he made, and when everything he did was criticized no matter what, then to say that race had nothingvto do with it is a lie. Obama got blamed for a dead economy he was handed by Bush. Bush spent his ass off and wasted a projected surplus but nobody protested spending, there was no tea party until Obama had to spend to save us from a depression. He named the same Czars as other presidents but suddenly Obama was a dictator naming czars. He issued fewer EO's than the president before him, but suddenly EO's were wrong and Obama was a president not a king. I can go on and on with these kinds of examples and to me when a white person declares how he doesn't think its racist to have criticized Obama, then racism was involved.

Why? Because Obama was the president and despite the totally stupid bullshit you have listened to about blacks from conservative mental midgets of all races, blacks understand that every president gets criticized. We knew whoever the first black president was they were going to catch hell. And unlike whites, we know what racism looks like when it happens. We can tell a difference between a legitimate policy disagreement than racism.
But you are denying racism by doing this. It is the only reason this argument is being made. You nor anyone else makes this argument to whites when they complain about anti white racism.
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
And that does not change the fact that not all discrimination is race based, a fact that you called bullshit.

And it doesn't change the fact that it is an argument that was unrelated to the issue that is commonly used her to try dismiss black folks arguments about racism. It is a tactic not used in other thread when whites are talking about discrimination. And that's why it's bullshit.
Denying things that are obviously true do not help whatever argument you are trying to make.

This statement is obviously true:
there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

I am not arguing that such discrimination doesn't exist. What I am saying is that argument is only being used here to deny racism. Again, you do not bring this up in threads where whites talk about anti white racism. No matter how much you argue and no matter what you quote, the fact remains that a fat, dog, ugly white person has a better chance of being employed and promoted then a fat, dog ugly, black one.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

I'm no expert on who has committed voter fraud but even so, still seems to me there were complaints about voter fraud in previous elections with Bush. So because a President is African American, you cant attack him politically without it being racist? every other president has been attacked from Jimmy carter all the way to Trump in disparaging and mean ways.
I didn't like the fact Obama came out early in his presidency and said Americans have had it too good for too long and that the cost of energy was going to necessarily skyrocket. I'm sure you remember those quotes.
Thankfully his plan didn't work out and we were still able to produce affordable energy. That would have hurt the poorest Americans the hardest. Also didn't like the way he and the other Dems snuck health care through on us.
Is being critical of him being racist? I don't think so. Still I accepted him as my president.
So much of this is only opinions like your own that it was all about racism. Seems to me that in politics one's race can also be used as the ultimate deflection of criticism.

The problem was not about being critical, it was about being critical of Obama for things other presidents were not criticized for. For example, I don't remember the comment you say he made, and when everything he did was criticized no matter what, then to say that race had nothingvto do with it is a lie. Obama got blamed for a dead economy he was handed by Bush. Bush spent his ass off and wasted a projected surplus but nobody protested spending, there was no tea party until Obama had to spend to save us from a depression. He named the same Czars as other presidents but suddenly Obama was a dictator naming czars. He issued fewer EO's than the president before him, but suddenly EO's were wrong and Obama was a president not a king. I can go on and on with these kinds of examples and to me when a white person declares how he doesn't think its racist to have criticized Obama, then racism was involved.

Why? Because Obama was the president and despite the totally stupid bullshit you have listened to about blacks from conservative mental midgets of all races, blacks understand that every president gets criticized. We knew whoever the first black president was they were going to catch hell. And unlike whites, we know what racism looks like when it happens. We can tell a difference between a legitimate policy disagreement than racism.

I have to beg to differ with you there. The tea party was started by conservatives unhappy with George Bush. They felt he was was a pushover to democrats and was simply another globalist and Bush was seen to cave in to the Mexican government as well. They wanted to return back to something more in line with the constitution and original tea party was a threat to to the old line Republican party and eventually the Republicans had to reign them in which is why now you will never see a Tea party president.
They were not created out of racism towards Obama.

heres a clip of what I was talking about.

Problem with cap and trade levels of reducing C02 were unrealistic.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

I'm no expert on who has committed voter fraud but even so, still seems to me there were complaints about voter fraud in previous elections with Bush. So because a President is African American, you cant attack him politically without it being racist? every other president has been attacked from Jimmy carter all the way to Trump in disparaging and mean ways.
I didn't like the fact Obama came out early in his presidency and said Americans have had it too good for too long and that the cost of energy was going to necessarily skyrocket. I'm sure you remember those quotes.
Thankfully his plan didn't work out and we were still able to produce affordable energy. That would have hurt the poorest Americans the hardest. Also didn't like the way he and the other Dems snuck health care through on us.
Is being critical of him being racist? I don't think so. Still I accepted him as my president.
So much of this is only opinions like your own that it was all about racism. Seems to me that in politics one's race can also be used as the ultimate deflection of criticism.

The problem was not about being critical, it was about being critical of Obama for things other presidents were not criticized for. For example, I don't remember the comment you say he made, and when everything he did was criticized no matter what, then to say that race had nothingvto do with it is a lie. Obama got blamed for a dead economy he was handed by Bush. Bush spent his ass off and wasted a projected surplus but nobody protested spending, there was no tea party until Obama had to spend to save us from a depression. He named the same Czars as other presidents but suddenly Obama was a dictator naming czars. He issued fewer EO's than the president before him, but suddenly EO's were wrong and Obama was a president not a king. I can go on and on with these kinds of examples and to me when a white person declares how he doesn't think its racist to have criticized Obama, then racism was involved.

Why? Because Obama was the president and despite the totally stupid bullshit you have listened to about blacks from conservative mental midgets of all races, blacks understand that every president gets criticized. We knew whoever the first black president was they were going to catch hell. And unlike whites, we know what racism looks like when it happens. We can tell a difference between a legitimate policy disagreement than racism.

I have to beg to differ with you there. The tea party was started by conservatives unhappy with George Bush. They felt he was was a pushover to democrats and was simply another globalist and Bush was seen to cave in to the Mexican government as well. They wanted to return back to something more in line with the constitution and original tea party was a threat to to the old line Republican party and eventually the Republicans had to reign them in which is why now you will never see a Tea party president.
They were not created out of racism towards Obama.

heres a clip of what I was talking about.

Problem with cap and trade levels of reducing C02 were unrealistic.

We didn't see tea party protests during Bush. And their opinion of what's constitutional is flimsy. Be very glad there won't be a tea party president. We had one for a governor and he screwed up the state.

As to the video, listen to it again so you understand what he was talking about. He was talking about moving off coal and the cost of refitting coal using electric companies.

Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

I'm no expert on who has committed voter fraud but even so, still seems to me there were complaints about voter fraud in previous elections with Bush. So because a President is African American, you cant attack him politically without it being racist? every other president has been attacked from Jimmy carter all the way to Trump in disparaging and mean ways.
I didn't like the fact Obama came out early in his presidency and said Americans have had it too good for too long and that the cost of energy was going to necessarily skyrocket. I'm sure you remember those quotes.
Thankfully his plan didn't work out and we were still able to produce affordable energy. That would have hurt the poorest Americans the hardest. Also didn't like the way he and the other Dems snuck health care through on us.
Is being critical of him being racist? I don't think so. Still I accepted him as my president.
So much of this is only opinions like your own that it was all about racism. Seems to me that in politics one's race can also be used as the ultimate deflection of criticism.

The problem was not about being critical, it was about being critical of Obama for things other presidents were not criticized for. For example, I don't remember the comment you say he made, and when everything he did was criticized no matter what, then to say that race had nothingvto do with it is a lie. Obama got blamed for a dead economy he was handed by Bush. Bush spent his ass off and wasted a projected surplus but nobody protested spending, there was no tea party until Obama had to spend to save us from a depression. He named the same Czars as other presidents but suddenly Obama was a dictator naming czars. He issued fewer EO's than the president before him, but suddenly EO's were wrong and Obama was a president not a king. I can go on and on with these kinds of examples and to me when a white person declares how he doesn't think its racist to have criticized Obama, then racism was involved.

Why? Because Obama was the president and despite the totally stupid bullshit you have listened to about blacks from conservative mental midgets of all races, blacks understand that every president gets criticized. We knew whoever the first black president was they were going to catch hell. And unlike whites, we know what racism looks like when it happens. We can tell a difference between a legitimate policy disagreement than racism.

I have to beg to differ with you there. The tea party was started by conservatives unhappy with George Bush. They felt he was was a pushover to democrats and was simply another globalist and Bush was seen to cave in to the Mexican government as well. They wanted to return back to something more in line with the constitution and original tea party was a threat to to the old line Republican party and eventually the Republicans had to reign them in which is why now you will never see a Tea party president.
They were not created out of racism towards Obama.

heres a clip of what I was talking about.

Problem with cap and trade levels of reducing C02 were unrealistic.

We didn't see tea party protests during Bush. And their opinion of what's constitutional is flimsy. Be very glad there won't be a tea party president. We had one for a governor and he screwed up the state.

As to the video, listen to it again so you understand what he was talking about. He was talking about moving off coal and the cost of refitting coal using electric companies.

They were just forming under Bush. i still remember. they were unhappy with his uncontrolled spending and considered him not much different than Liberals and Globalists in many respects. Conservatives at that point had not yet learned how to rally... it took the next election cycle to get them motivated. That happened to be the Obama election which is why some people somehow think the tea party was a reaction to having a black president. It's simply not true.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Why do you have a victim mentality?

What is that? Please use detail as you describe what a victim mentality is.
If you feel like White racism has stopped you, then you have a victim mentality. How about the racism of blacks?


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years.
I am planning a trilogy
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Calling someone a racist is easy. Proving someone is a racist is a bit more complicated and far beyond your feeble abilities.

Futhermore, due to your response, all indications are that you're stupid as well as in all likelihood a racist yourself (look up the psychological term for projection).
Tell that to your Democratic Gods.
See I was correct, you are stupid, I'm not a Democrat.

But...but....but, you have to be!

Afterall, you're black. And by default that makes you "anti white, uneducated, unemployed and racist"

Decades ago I used to post a lot in a similar forum and now see the futility of even trying to make a point in a place like this.

Same shit. Different era. I admire your patience.

Smart man

Dear asshats this is when America was racist against blacks but today you have a weak ass argument saying that it is racist today
You can pull some really stupid things out of your ass. Not everything is about racism. Racism is not everything. Pointing out that there are other types of discrimination other than racial discrimination in no way diminishes racial discrimination or racism.......except perhaps in the minds of those that want to attribute all their problems to racism.

Since this is the race and racism section it is about race and racism. And like I said this argument is never seen in threads about anti white discrimination. If you want to talk about something that does not involve race, this ain't the section.
And that does not change the fact that not all discrimination is race based, a fact that you called bullshit.

And it doesn't change the fact that it is an argument that was unrelated to the issue that is commonly used her to try dismiss black folks arguments about racism. It is a tactic not used in other thread when whites are talking about discrimination. And that's why it's bullshit.
Denying things that are obviously true do not help whatever argument you are trying to make.

This statement is obviously true:
there is lots of discrimination between all sorts of people based on a
multitude of factors

I am not arguing that such discrimination doesn't exist. What I am saying is that argument is only being used here to deny racism. Again, you do not bring this up in threads where whites talk about anti white racism. No matter how much you argue and no matter what you quote, the fact remains that a fat, dog, ugly white person has a better chance of being employed and promoted then a fat, dog ugly, black one.
Thanks for the clarification.
  • Thanks
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