What black people think about racism

Doggie doo,

Why don't you be quiet until you read what you were asked?

SOBA Books | soba.iamempowered.com

Read every page from each of the annual reports. Then come talk.

Because that is what I have done.
no, I will post as I see fit as long as I am being allowed to confront your racism.

I realize you are accustomed to using your black privilege to silence others, but the answer is still no.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
You are not the one to tell us. You are a racist yourself.

I am telling you because I am not racist.

yes you are a racist,,,

He tells the truth about what whites have done. He shows how they keep doing it. Oh no, we can't have that. Why he's a black racist!
using bad behavior to justify bad behavior isnt a good argument,,

and youre still a racist,,
I am planning a trilogy
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
You are not the one to tell us. You are a racist yourself.

I am telling you because I am not racist.
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
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I am planning a trilogy
You are not the one to tell us. You are a racist yourself.

I am telling you because I am not racist.
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Leaked FBI Docs Show They View "Black Identity Extremism" As A Growing Threat


The racist portion as represented by those in this thread are not interested in equality .They are not interested in leading their own life and allowing others to lead theirs. No, they are interested only in DOMINATING.

Look at the language of the black racists here. They promise "smackdowns" They vow to make women cry. They threaten to break people's jaws .They say they want to see white childran killed in front of their .parents and say there is a great day of reckoning coming for white people. They use bullying tactics to try to force people to be quiet.

These are not people who want to end racism .They merely want to turn around the status quo from bygone eras 180 degrees. It's all about role reversal with these racists who have learned NOTHING in their miserable lives than hatred and seek payback for things that didn't even happen to them
Hey look IM2, now the whole lot of them are trying to play the victim. Who tried to make women cry?

Leaked FBI Docs Show They View "Black Identity Extremism" As A Growing Threat


The racist portion as represented by those in this thread are not interested in equality .They are not interested in leading their own life and allowing others to lead theirs. No, they are interested only in DOMINATING.

Look at the language of the black racists here. They promise "smackdowns" They vow to make women cry. They threaten to break people's jaws .They say they want to see white childran killed in front of their .parents and say there is a great day of reckoning coming for white people. They use bullying tactics to try to force people to be quiet.

These are not people who want to end racism .They merely want to turn around the status quo from bygone eras 180 degrees. It's all about role reversal with these racists who have learned NOTHING in their miserable lives than hatred and seek payback for things that didn't even happen to them
Hey look IM2, now the whole lot of them are trying to play the victim. Who tried to make women cry?

No victims

I'm merely exposing the agenda and methods used by black racist such as you.

So you're still fasely accusing me of being a black racist?

Hey Mariyam, long time no see. How's the race war going for you these days? Pushed any white kids off their bike today? Made any elderly white ladies cry?

Still can't admit that you were wrong huh?

The race war is y'alls kind of thing, so much worry and angst that the white race will no longer be the majority. And still defending the most foul-mouthed, classless and debased women amongst you simply because they're white. Have at it.
I am planning a trilogy
I am telling you because I am not racist.
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Calling someone a racist is easy. Proving someone is a racist is a bit more complicated and far beyond your feeble abilities.

Futhermore, due to your response, all indications are that you're stupid as well as in all likelihood a racist yourself (look up the psychological term for projection).


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
LilOlLady, this is good information you have shared about yourself. I think we could be good friends for I feel the same way.

I have seen you on threads all over the board. It never came to me that you were a person of color for you are such a well rounded person, one part of your life doesn't consume your being. Many should share you as an example of being interested in so many things can help you understand the commonality between people.

Looking forward to seeing you on other forums!

I am still confused as to that which constitutes "person of color"
I am Native American and doesn't that make me a person of color? ...a person who is not white or of European parentage.

native americans came over the land bridge from russia and europe before that,,,so no you are not a person of color
I am not white, I am brown. And I experience the same discrimination as a person of color. And some of my distant relatives brought Africans over on ships and some of my distant relatives were on those ships.
White is a color also. I know, I have used crayons before.
I do not have white in my box of crayons but I do in my oil paints. But we are talking about people not crayons. But when we talk of people of color we are not talking white.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.
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If you are so sure of your position then why don't you prove me wrong because all you're doing presently is making false allegations based on your own racial biases & prejudices.

Rosie has been warned repeatedly to quit harassing me and attempting to engage me in conversation on my own threads, on the threads of others both before and after being issued a cease & desist. Apparently once you report a poster the offending post disappears therefore the evidence of what she said to me before I responded the way I did is no longer visible.

While I don't find it that suprising that you would think that her calling me a bitch, and a diseased steet walker is untoward, it is more than telling that in spite of my not disparging her character in return that you consider this belligerent on my part but see no fault with her behavior. And if you didn't know, and just stuck your nose into what was happening, I would attribute you jumping to the wrong conclusions about me is also based on the racial animus you display towards blacks. You've basically a self-admitted racist.

I don't do intimidation but I was not kidding when I told her that if she didn't quit the sheriff would be at her door. I keep forgetting that she evens exists until she pops up again giving her uninformed opinion on my comments.

newsvine... Feel free to place those posts of mine that you consider
harassment in a folder in your own computer. Your "case" against me will
suffer if you have no evidence. As to your order to "cease and desist"---even that will be dismissed without evidence
Who said anything about a case?

you did-----you made a claim that you issued a "cease and desist" which involves an illegal activity which you allege. Are you a first week law student? Tomorrow is sunday-----see if you can get thru
as least one volume of Blackstone's treatise on English common law. It's easy reading

Ooh juicy drama! im gonna have to read this thread.

I am planning a trilogy
It is not a trilogy but a "Ménage à Troi" lol
I am still confused as to that which constitutes "person of color"
I am Native American and doesn't that make me a person of color? ...a person who is not white or of European parentage.

native americans came over the land bridge from russia and europe before that,,,so no you are not a person of color
I am not white, I am brown. And I experience the same discrimination as a person of color. And some of my distant relatives brought Africans over on ships and some of my distant relatives were on those ships.
White is a color also. I know, I have used crayons before.
I do not have white in my box of crayons but I do in my oil paints. But we are talking about people not crayons. But when we talk of people of color we are not talking white.
Seems illogical to me. White is a color.
I asked for laws not opinions,,,

And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
What you're describing are preferences, not racism, however what if because you believe you are superior to those that you dislike and got laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes that allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense, that more closely describes racism.
You are right.
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Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?

This is not about asking for id's and voter fraud was non existent. If you cannot see the coincidence in the sudden claim of voter fraud and the election of a black president , then I don't know what to tell you.

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case
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Dogmaphobe said:
They are not interested in leading their own life and allowing others to lead theirs. No, they are interested only in DOMINATING.
Anyone Nearby Will Do
I Call It:
"Africa In America"
The term "person of color today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. Nonwhite does not mean black. Women of color does not mean black either. ( I am quoting black woman)
Doggie doo,

Why don't you be quiet until you read what you were asked?

SOBA Books | soba.iamempowered.com

Read every page from each of the annual reports. Then come talk.

Because that is what I have done.

la la la don't do like I have done......la la la la

That's right. If you're going to run your white mouth about blacks know the facts or STFU.
There is a racist comment again. You asked for one, now I have pointed out two.

She's white and she's running her mouth. So where is the implication of black racial superiority?
Posting in the racist forum is a big waste of time because it becomes a game of finger pointing, but it is entertaining at times.

This thread does nothing to solve racial problems, if anything it amplifies them.

Only if you're white and racist. But if you want to see threads that amplify the problem, enter any one made by your white buddies.
Example of finger pointing right here.
No, it is called truth.
I asked for laws not opinions,,,

And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,

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