What black people think about racism

I think IM2 is a racist piece of excrement.

No good.
IM2 is not a racist but I understand why you and the others don't like him, white society has always disliked and slapped a phlethora of derogatory labels on blacks who don't toe the line. They especially don't like the ones who are more knowledgeable or better educated than themselves, hell just better or doing better in any respect.

What about the roughly ten times as many white racist pieces of excrement who comment here regularly who are actual self-proclaimed and proud to be racist commenters? What about them?
I think IM2 is a racist piece of excrement.

No good.
IM2 is not a racist but I understand why you and the others don't like him, white society has always disliked and slapped a phlethora of derogatory labels on blacks who don't toe the line. They especially don't like the ones who are more knowledgeable or better educated than themselves, hell just better or doing better in any respect.

What about the roughly ten times as many white racist pieces of excrement who comment here regularly who are actual self-proclaimed and proud to be racist commenters? What about them?

IM2 is the turdiest racist I've ever seen in my life.
I am planning a trilogy
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Calling someone a racist is easy. Proving someone is a racist is a bit more complicated and far beyond your feeble abilities.

Futhermore, due to your response, all indications are that you're stupid as well as in all likelihood a racist yourself (look up the psychological term for projection).
Tell that to your Democratic Gods.
Doggie doo,

Why don't you be quiet until you read what you were asked?

SOBA Books | soba.iamempowered.com

Read every page from each of the annual reports. Then come talk.

Because that is what I have done.

la la la don't do like I have done......la la la la

That's right. If you're going to run your white mouth about blacks know the facts or STFU.
There is a racist comment again. You asked for one, now I have pointed out two.

She's white and she's running her mouth. So where is the implication of black racial superiority?
And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.
So let's see. We have a thread here where blacks have expressed views on racism. And the blacks who have been honest and provided how we feel are called racists by white participants in this thread. The accusatuons have all been baseless and without merit, but that's not the point. The one bkack who was roundly accepted and praised was the one who told only blacks to stop talking about racism.

Meanwhile the whites here continued to make racist comments. So while they were overly concerned that blacks here stopped looking at things in terms of race and color, the same sanctioning and concern was not applied to comments made by whites. This has been a classic display of a belief in white supremacy.

Last, the most important comment that has been made here was glossed over by whites in this thread because of their glee at misinterpreting a statement said by a person of color. LilolLady said that she was so used to racism that she is numb to it. Whites here seemed to take that to mean she didn't see race and it's wrong to. However she copes with racism is on her, but when a person suffers abuse over and over, they become numb to it and just try to survive. That's what LilolLady said. She said it sweetly, softly, quietly and without anger, they way you racists say you want it.

And it flew right over your heads.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?

I would amend this to say- There are no laws that overtly favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination.
And you got laws and policy. I gave you three yesterday. That's all you are going to get.

you gave me opinions not laws,,,

Shelby County v. Holder - Case Summary and Case Brief


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
Have you ever broken a law, either intentionally or inadvertently? Smoke or drink before you were old enough to do so legally? Drive faster than the posted speed limit? Trespass on someone else's property to retrieve a ball or something? Anything like that at all? Because if you did, the mere fact that the law existed did nothing to prevent you from violating it did it? Just like the mere existence of laws prohibiting discriminatory actions and hate based crimes motivated by racial animus does nothing to prevent people from continuing to behave as racist assholes and harm those whom they STILL consider to be inferior to them.

As far as you stating that the only laws that favor whites over black were done by Democrats only, I don't even know how ot try to unpack that. The following are a few examples of legislation that impacted people of African descent solely or primarily

Congressional Legislation

Bills not passed
Bills signed into law
U.S. Constitutional Amendments
Federal court and court decisions
Federal courts
Executive Orders and Proclamations
See also: Executive order (United States)
Federal bureaucracy
Important Organizations and Individuals
See also
List of landmark African-American legislation - Wikipedia


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
I am planning a trilogy
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
That means you are a racist too. That was easy. Thanks.
Calling someone a racist is easy. Proving someone is a racist is a bit more complicated and far beyond your feeble abilities.

Futhermore, due to your response, all indications are that you're stupid as well as in all likelihood a racist yourself (look up the psychological term for projection).
Tell that to your Democratic Gods.
See I was correct, you are stupid, I'm not a Democrat.

Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.


Shelby County v. Holder is a landmark decision because it invalidated a way to combat jurisdictions that had a history of discrimination in voting. Not surprisingly, in the few short years following the decision, voter-identification laws that make voting harder for poor people, people of color, and elderly people, have been moving forward in a number of States.

I'm not getting it. Why does asking people to have ID restrict their voting? and if it did, it would also restrict old poor white people at the same rate. There is so much time between elections... years. How is it that they will suddenly be suprised and unable to vote?
I am a woman of color and I am numb to racism since it has always been in my life. It is what it is so why the big fuss because Trump may be a racist. All I want from him is to secure the border an enforce our immigration laws and that is not racist and if it is then I am a racist also or just believe this is a nation of laws for ALL of us.
Racist is not always hatred but same as a strong dislike for someone or a race of people. You cannot ever make people love each other. I do not like fat white women, or fat black women does that make me a racist or any race of men with long beards. And most of the man I see with long beards just happen to be white. It is all what makes us human and it is no big deal unless you make it a big deal. Can you be racist against your own race? I am, They are fat lazy drunks. I do not tell me you have not heard that about Natives before. I love my friends for who they are and dislike some for who they are. And my two best friends happen to a white woman and Mexican man.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it doesn't mean there is no longer discrimination but they know this. They think that if they attempt to frame the debat as "well show me the laws that exist to today that elevate white people over black people" then they've made their argument.

It's almost as if they know how easy it is for us to counter any arguments they would try to make so they don't even try yet claim to have prevailed all the same.
I am planning a trilogy
You are not the one to tell us. You are a racist yourself.

I am telling you because I am not racist.
Post evidence of my racism.
I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
From your OP. Not very inclusive there, racist.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The title of the thread is what Black people think about racism. That does not imply that anyone else can not participate in the discussion.
I think IM2 is a racist piece of excrement.

No good.
IM2 is not a racist but I understand why you and the others don't like him, white society has always disliked and slapped a phlethora of derogatory labels on blacks who don't toe the line. They especially don't like the ones who are more knowledgeable or better educated than themselves, hell just better or doing better in any respect.

What about the roughly ten times as many white racist pieces of excrement who comment here regularly who are actual self-proclaimed and proud to be racist commenters? What about them?

I think IM2 is a racist piece of excrement.

No good.
IM2 is not a racist but I understand why you and the others don't like him, white society has always disliked and slapped a phlethora of derogatory labels on blacks who don't toe the line. They especially don't like the ones who are more knowledgeable or better educated than themselves, hell just better or doing better in any respect.

What about the roughly ten times as many white racist pieces of excrement who comment here regularly who are actual self-proclaimed and proud to be racist commenters? What about them?
White people defending themselves against your hatred does not mean they are racist and you are flat out lying when you said people here are self professed racists.

You, like IM2 are only in this forum for one reason and one reason only - to hate on white people. None of the white people in this thread post thread after thread after freaking thread about blacks. They don't tell blacks to shut up constantly. They do not threaten blacks with violence.that is all on you and the rest of the new black panther style black posters here.

I'm sure glad I have lived among black people in mixed neighborhoods so I know all black people are like you.
Wow sorry about the run-on sentence, I'll try to fix it.

What you're describing are preferences, not racism. Imagine however a scenario where because you believe you are superior to those who you dislike you were able to get laws written that harmed them based on their race & other attributes and that these same laws allowed you to maintain a superior or favored existence at their expense.

That more closely describes racism because that in actuality is what white society did to those people of African descent in the United States. And although no one refers to it by this name, it is in fact American apartheid.

except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
except there are no laws that favor whites over blacks,,and the ones that did exist were done by only democrats and are now history,,,
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
He sure did. "Trayvon could have been my son" .
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
He sure did. "Trayvon could have been my son" .
...after Meeting beat an Hispanic man's head into the pavement until it was a bloody pulp.

It puts all of IM2's threats of violence into proper perspective.
There are no laws that favor whites but does that mean there is no longer any discrimination?
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
He sure did. "Trayvon could have been my son" .

Bullshit. And Trayvon could have been his son if he had one.

Whites like you need to pull your heads out your asses and understand that the way you see things is not the only one. In fact, often it's not even close to reality. The police had been killing unarmed blacks before Obama was born. This nation has always been divided and in no small part due to whites like you.
Of course it does not, but you cannot legislate away human nature. Huge progress was made until Obama made it an issue to gain more power.

So we just get rid of all laws, because that what laws are. And we weren't making huge progress until Obama .
Progress. Is it progress to turn Americans against the police and each other? He tried his hardest to destroy this country.

Obama didn't do any of what you just claimed.
He sure did. "Trayvon could have been my son" .

Bullshit. And Trayvon could have been his son if he had one.

Whites like you need to pull your heads out your asses and understand that the way you see things is not the only one. In fact, often it's not even close to reality. The police had been killing unarmed blacks before Obama was born. This nation has always been divided and in no small part due to whites like you.
Obama's son would be prowling in backyards at night getting high on skittles and Robitussin? What a shitty father.
whites like you.
Another racist comment, racist.
White people defending themselves against your hatred does not mean they are racist and you are flat out lying when you said people here are self professed racists.

You, like IM2 are only in this forum for one reason and one reason only - to hate on white people. None of the white people in this thread post thread after thread after freaking thread about blacks. They don't tell blacks to shut up constantly. They do not threaten blacks with violence.that is all on you and the rest of the new black panther style black posters here.

I'm sure glad I have lived among black people in mixed neighborhoods so I know all black people are like you.
So we're done with all pretense huh?

NO ONE is holding a gun to your or anyone else's head and making them log into U.S. Message Board, navigate to the Race Relations forum and subject themselves to the alleged horror of black people discussing the issues facing us in the United States today. Yet while we're attempting to do that, we're the targets of whiny white racists who are now attempting to play the victim and claim that we're subjecting them to hatred? Oh sorry, "black racist hatred".

You all are so full of crap it's not even funny. The title of this thead is "What black people think about racism" so if you're here and you're not participating in the conversation and are only casting aspersions on the character of the black participants and making derogatory remarks about us, then you all are the ones espousing hatred. You all are the ones who sought out a forum where you knew there would be black participants whom you could target. You all acted "in concert" to come here and harass and threaten the black participants on this message board. And before you even try to deny it, I already have pulled the comments made off of this forum where you and another participant where conspiring & commiserating about IM2 and the mods closing down his thread because you all are not allowed to be as openly racist & hostile as you desire.

You would think that after I showed you what the poster you said I was being belligerent towards originally said to me you would catch on that I am not who you or they think I am and it would be just as easy for me to do the same thing to you that she is about to be subjected to because you're making false allegations against me in a public message board when you've been advised that you're mistaken, yet you persist.

I live in a state that has a law that prohibits harassment against it's residents based on malice due to their protected class status. You idiots decided to get together and target a group of protected class individuals who opinions are contrary to your own, and who have every right to defend ourselves in any legal way way available to us yet you seem to have forgotten that you sought us out, not the other way around.

So everytime you come back and insist on escalating this it's proof you're here for a fight.

On the other hand if I prove to you that there are self-professed racists on this board what will be your response?

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