What can whites do to heal race relations?

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As a race its pretty apparent that whites hate non whites and especially Blacks. How much more proof do you need dude?
Apparent to whom?

Considering that hatred is the emperor of human emotion, much more powerful than love, you flatter yourself by suggesting I, or most other Whites, might expend such passion on anyone, Black or White, without having profoundly tormenting cause.

What has afforded you the egotistical notion that I hate you or any other Black person with whom I have no more than the most casual and insignificant acquaintance? Please be assured that nothing short of some serious, painful and prolonged affront would cause me to hate you or anyone else.

So true. I wouldn't hate anyone unless they insulted me all the time or did something else to me that I found offensive in some way. It's strange how some black people will INSIST that white people (who don't even know them) hate them. Time to end the pity party and start living life.
It's funny when racists think they are doing science. Too funny.
Simply acknowledging a very basic (though not commonly known) scientific fact is not "doing science." And in this example Sharpie happens to be quite correct. Humans are a species of mammalian animal. The scientifically recognized diverse groupings within the human species are properly referred to as sub-species,

The term, race, has been carelessly used in place of species because it does not so readily associate humans with "lesser" animals. Consider this simple demonstrative syllogism: There is a White "race," a Black "race," a Yellow "race," and a human "race."

Which "race" do you belong to?
Human beings are all the same kind of critter.
Only in the most fundamental sense.

The Feline species, for one prominent example, is divided into thirty-seven distinctly different sub-species (lion, tiger, cheetah, panther, etc.), each of which harbors a basic similarity but all of which manifest dissimilar physical and behavioral characteristics.
Human beings are all the same kind of critter.
Only in the most fundamental sense.

The Feline species, for one prominent example, is divided into thirty-seven distinctly different sub-species (lion, tiger, cheetah, panther, etc.), each of which harbors a basic similarity but all of which manifest dissimilar physical and behavioral characteristics.

right, west African blacks have a different phenotype than everyone else, that is why they hold all the short distance speed records.

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation, you can take your DNA to a specialist and they can tell you where your ancestors came from
My answer to the question posed is "start calling them on all their racist bullshit".

One might as easily ask what chickens can do to improve their relationship with foxes.

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation...

Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation...

Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation...

You have no idea what you are talking about.

and you have your usual nothing to say, an empty little intellect that can nothing but throw out little objections and assertions

DNA shows that we are almost 100% identical, and that there is more genetic variation among sub-Saharan peoples that between a single person from sub-Saharan Africa and a single person from Norway (for example), dumbass.

Stop trying to learn Science from stormfront.

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation...

Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation...

You have no idea what you are talking about.

and you have your usual nothing to say, an empty little intellect that can nothing but throw out little objections and assertions

DNA shows that we are almost 100% identical, and that there is more genetic variation among sub-Saharan peoples that between a single person from sub-Saharan Africa and a single person from Norway (for example), dumbass.

Stop trying to learn Science from stormfront.

You are an empty mind connected to a keyboard.

DNA says we are 98% chimpanzee, your comment means nothing, absolutely nothing.

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation...

Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

Genetic mapping indicates clear separation...

Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.
Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.

You are definitely different and have less cognitive ability. Must be those recessive genes you white albinoids got from inbreeding and the neanderthal genes you got from crossbreeding.
Quite the contrary.

If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.

We are all the same species, dumbass. Almost 100% genetically identical. If humans of different 'races' ever cannot interbreed you can get back to me with your ignorant bullshit and spineless fears.
If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.

You are definitely different and have less cognitive ability. Must be those recessive genes you white albinoids got from inbreeding and the neanderthal genes you got from crossbreeding.

except that all testing indicates that you belong to the cognitively inferior race, too bad you can't lie your way out of that one
If someone can tell you where you came from by your DNA, that is separation you idiot. genetic clusters do the same

Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.

We are all the same species, dumbass. Almost 100% genetically identical. If humans of different 'races' ever cannot interbreed you can get back to me with your ignorant bullshit and spineless fears.

dogs are all the same species yet nobody denies that breeds are radically different. you know nothing
Thats possible within races idiot. You and a family member can be told apart.

I would try and explain statistics, but you have a BA, LOL

people from different continents can be distinguished as genetic groups, you lose again, or are you going to claim DNA is a white mans lie like standardized math tests are?
You could try but odds are you cant even explain how to tie shoelaces.

I know people from different continents cave be distinguished as a genetic group. Thats what I just explained to you idiot.

that's right, genetics show we are not all the same, and races from different continents have different phenotype groupings such as people with black skin, more fast twitch muscle, and less cognitive ability.

We are all the same species, dumbass. Almost 100% genetically identical. If humans of different 'races' ever cannot interbreed you can get back to me with your ignorant bullshit and spineless fears.

dogs are all the same species yet nobody denies that breeds are radically different. you know nothing
No stupid. Dogs were purposely bred for different traits you random silly ass clown.
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