what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

Or you could just be still and know that He is God, because in fact, the opposite of what you said is true.

Truth is:
Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

One of the problems Christ had with the temple priests was that they wailed in public to let every one know how pious they were.

Mega house of God, or tiny house of God, or singing in the shower, God loves His children where ever they praise His name. :)

Don't doubt Christ was a beautiful, influential man, just not enough evidence (except for one book) supporting the Christian claim to convince me to jump into their specifics.

Personally, I believe in a higher power, just don't know any specifics about that higher power from personal experience.

If a single book (from one corner of the earth, 2,000 years ago) said that there was a desert island filled with giant snails, but no one in the modern world had actually discovered or documented this place, I probably wouldn't bet money that it exists. Why's the Bible treated different?

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I wonder if there are any queers in heaven? I'm pretty sure the Muslims don't have any where they go. Speaking of the Muslims...where did they get all those virgins? Seein as how they are real big on screwing kids and everything.. Not that the Christians aren't.. but they are more into the little boys. Do Christian clergy that screw little boys get to go to heaven?
I wonder if there are any queers in heaven? I'm pretty sure the Muslims don't have any where they go. Speaking of the Muslims...where did they get all those virgins? Seein as how they are real big on screwing kids and everything.. Not that the Christians aren't.. but they are more into the little boys. Do Christian clergy that screw little boys get to go to heaven?

Well, no need to ridicule people for their beliefs. Disagree, demonstrate your logic, etc, but straight up ridicule creates a negative atmosphere here.

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I wonder if there are any queers in heaven? I'm pretty sure the Muslims don't have any where they go. Speaking of the Muslims...where did they get all those virgins? Seein as how they are real big on screwing kids and everything.. Not that the Christians aren't.. but they are more into the little boys. Do Christian clergy that screw little boys get to go to heaven?

Well, no need to ridicule people for their beliefs. Disagree, demonstrate your logic, etc, but straight up ridicule creates a negative atmosphere here.


People that believe in and live thier lives for the glorification of myths and sky fairies are hardly in any position to be loath of ridicule.....Oh Contrare! They are begging for it. It was Jeebuss's way. So just turn the other cheek Sport and be a good little Christian!

Also...People of faith are pretty good at casting stones at others..AKA "a negative atmosphere".

Have I forgotten the most important thing?

Bite Me!
Or you could just be still and know that He is God, because in fact, the opposite of what you said is true.

Truth is:
Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

One of the problems Christ had with the temple priests was that they wailed in public to let every one know how pious they were.

Mega house of God, or tiny house of God, or singing in the shower, God loves His children where ever they praise His name. :)

Don't doubt Christ was a beautiful, influential man, just not enough evidence (except for one book) supporting the Christian claim to convince me to jump into their specifics.

Personally, I believe in a higher power, just don't know any specifics about that higher power from personal experience.

If a single book (from one corner of the earth, 2,000 years ago) said that there was a desert island filled with giant snails, but no one in the modern world had actually discovered or documented this place, I probably wouldn't bet money that it exists. Why's the Bible treated different?

Kevin, I'm curious, If you know no specifics, no personal experience with a higher power, what prompts that belief you have in a higher power?

If that one book predicted 2,000 years ago, that that island would resurface, in one single day, and then it did, on the exact day the book said it would, and the snails would return to the island, and it happened, would you wish you had bet on it?

If so, you might want to put a couple bucks down on Israel. ;)
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One Sunday morning, Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away.

Soon, everyone was gone, except for an elderly gentleman who sat calmly. Satan walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

Satan asked, "Aren't you going to run?"

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

Perturbed, Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years." :)
A new arrival in Hell was brought before the devil.

The devil told his demon to put the man to work on a rock pile with a 20-pound sledge hammer in 95 degree heat with 95% humidity.
At the end of the day, the devil went to see how the man was doing, only to find him smiling and singing as he pounded rocks. The man explained that the heat and hard labor were very similar to those on his beloved farm back in Pennsylvania.

The devil told his demon to turn up the heat to 120 degrees, with 100% humidity.

At the end of the next day, the devil again checked on the new man, and found him still happy to be sweating and straining. The man explained that it felt like the old days, when he had to clean out his silo in the middle of August on his beloved farm back in Pennsylvania.

At that, the devil told his demon to lower the temperature to -20 degrees with a 40 mph wind.

At the end of the next day, the devil was confident that he would find the man miserable. But, instead the man was singing louder than ever, twirling the sledge hammer like a baton.

When the devil asked him why he was so happy, the man answered, "Cold day in hell - the Eagles must have won the Super Bowl!"
Kevin, I'm curious, If you know no specifics, no personal experience with a higher power, what prompts that belief you have in a higher power?

Well, just my own conclusion I've drawn through various experiences with meditation, etc. These are things that I really can't describe through words.

But to get into slightly more detail, I believe we are all part of "one thing", and collectively we make up the higher power.

If that one book predicted 2,000 years ago, that that island would resurface, in one single day, and then it did, on the exact day the book said it would, and the snails would return to the island, and it happened, would you wish you had bet on it?

Well yes, if there was a bit of documented evidence supporting the island's return on that day. And if I saw it happen, of course.

But if it was simply a few guys saying that this happened 50 years ago, and that we "just had to take their word for it", then probably not. Why would I?

I don't think it's silly to be skeptical of extraordinary claims without evidence; I'm sure you're the same way when it comes to other subject matters.

How do we know the guys weren't just spicing up the story to gain some more attention? This sort of thing happens quite frequently.

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I wonder if there are any queers in heaven? I'm pretty sure the Muslims don't have any where they go. Speaking of the Muslims...where did they get all those virgins? Seein as how they are real big on screwing kids and everything.. Not that the Christians aren't.. but they are more into the little boys. Do Christian clergy that screw little boys get to go to heaven?

Well, no need to ridicule people for their beliefs. Disagree, demonstrate your logic, etc, but straight up ridicule creates a negative atmosphere here.


People that believe in and live thier lives for the glorification of myths and sky fairies are hardly in any position to be loath of ridicule.....Oh Contrare! They are begging for it. It was Jeebuss's way. So just turn the other cheek Sport and be a good little Christian!

Also...People of faith are pretty good at casting stones at others..AKA "a negative atmosphere".

Have I forgotten the most important thing?

Bite Me!

Yes there are people of faith who cast stones at others, however I feel like these folks are far and few between.

And either way, two wrongs don't make a right! Surely you've heard that one before.
Well, no need to ridicule people for their beliefs. Disagree, demonstrate your logic, etc, but straight up ridicule creates a negative atmosphere here.


People that believe in and live thier lives for the glorification of myths and sky fairies are hardly in any position to be loath of ridicule.....Oh Contrare! They are begging for it. It was Jeebuss's way. So just turn the other cheek Sport and be a good little Christian!

Also...People of faith are pretty good at casting stones at others..AKA "a negative atmosphere".

Have I forgotten the most important thing?

Bite Me!

Yes there are people of faith who cast stones at others, however I feel like these folks are far and few between.

And either way, two wrongs don't make a right! Surely you've heard that one before.

Have you forgotten the religious opposition to gay marriage and to homosexuals in general?
People that believe in and live thier lives for the glorification of myths and sky fairies are hardly in any position to be loath of ridicule.....Oh Contrare! They are begging for it. It was Jeebuss's way. So just turn the other cheek Sport and be a good little Christian!

Also...People of faith are pretty good at casting stones at others..AKA "a negative atmosphere".

Have I forgotten the most important thing?

Bite Me!

Yes there are people of faith who cast stones at others, however I feel like these folks are far and few between.

And either way, two wrongs don't make a right! Surely you've heard that one before.

Have you forgotten the religious opposition to gay marriage and to homosexuals in general?

Not at all, but that was primarily a vocal minority of fundamentalist believers. They were able to influence their fellow more moderate believers for a very long time. Fortunately as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry their rights were recognized under the Constitution.
"Fortunately as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry their rights were recognized under the Constitution."

Well yes, if there was a bit of documented evidence supporting the island's return on that day. And if I saw it happen, of course.

But if it was simply a few guys saying that this happened 50 years ago, and that we "just had to take their word for it", then probably not. Why would I?

I don't think it's silly to be skeptical of extraordinary claims without evidence; I'm sure you're the same way when it comes to other subject matters.

How do we know the guys weren't just spicing up the story to gain some more attention? This sort of thing happens quite frequently.


As you may already know many stories in scripture, as written, are openly presented as parables and fairy tales. A talking snake in the very first book should have been a dead giveaway.

My question is what difference would it make if the story of the three little pigs was embellished further than the way you first heard it? Wouldn't the moral of the story remain ? Would it matter if you embellished it and how many mistakes would you make in the retelling of the story even if you haven't heard it told since you were a child?

If a group of scientists came together to disprove the story of the three little pigs based on irrefutable scientific evidence that pigs can't talk wouldn't they just be proving false that which the story is not about?

In the same way the story of the creation is not a story about the creation of the solar system, the story of the creation of man is not about the first human being, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not about physical death or biological life, and the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven is not about him floating up into the sky.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again..." matthew 13:44

Any part of a story in scripture that defies logic or reality is intentionally place there like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look, and keep on looking, you will find it.
"Fortunately as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry their rights were recognized under the Constitution."


Sorry, I took a little "poetic license" for the sake of brevity and failed to edit it properly. :redface:

Fortunately, as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves (and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry) their rights were recognized under the Constitution.
People that believe in and live thier lives for the glorification of myths and sky fairies are hardly in any position to be loath of ridicule.....Oh Contrare! They are begging for it. It was Jeebuss's way. So just turn the other cheek Sport and be a good little Christian!

Also...People of faith are pretty good at casting stones at others..AKA "a negative atmosphere".

Have I forgotten the most important thing?

Bite Me!

Yes there are people of faith who cast stones at others, however I feel like these folks are far and few between.

And either way, two wrongs don't make a right! Surely you've heard that one before.

Have you forgotten the religious opposition to gay marriage and to homosexuals in general?

They do exist, yes, but not all Christians are like that. Also, I believe the trend is showing that their numbers are waning.

Well yes, if there was a bit of documented evidence supporting the island's return on that day. And if I saw it happen, of course.

But if it was simply a few guys saying that this happened 50 years ago, and that we "just had to take their word for it", then probably not. Why would I?

I don't think it's silly to be skeptical of extraordinary claims without evidence; I'm sure you're the same way when it comes to other subject matters.

How do we know the guys weren't just spicing up the story to gain some more attention? This sort of thing happens quite frequently.


As you may already know many stories in scripture, as written, are openly presented as parables and fairy tales. A talking snake in the very first book should have been a dead giveaway.

My question is what difference would it make if the story of the three little pigs was embellished further than the way you first heard it? Wouldn't the moral of the story remain ? Would it matter if you embellished it and how many mistakes would you make in the retelling of the story even if you haven't heard it told since you were a child?

If a group of scientists came together to disprove the story of the three little pigs based on irrefutable scientific evidence that pigs can't talk wouldn't they just be proving false that which the story is not about?

In the same way the story of the creation is not a story about the creation of the solar system, the story of the creation of man is not about the first human being, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not about physical death or biological life, and the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven is not about him floating up into the sky.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again..." matthew 13:44

Any part of a story in scripture that defies logic or reality is intentionally place there like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look, and keep on looking, you will find it.

I think there's plenty of great stuff in there, and I have read substantial parts of the Bible, however I have never felt compelled to take the plunge and say that "Jesus MUST be the Son of God" because there's really no compelling evidence to verify that claim.

The fact is, I simply don't know for sure what the right story is, so until I do I'm going to keep my mind open to all possibilities and pick up various bits and pieces from philosophies I like along the way.

Know what I mean?

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"Fortunately as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry their rights were recognized under the Constitution."


Sorry, I took a little "poetic license" for the sake of brevity and failed to edit it properly. :redface:

Fortunately, as it became more and more acceptable for gays to be open about themselves (and people realized that the Appocalypse would not arrive if gays were allowed to marry) their rights were recognized under the Constitution.

Thank you. I was honestly bewildered!
Yes there are people of faith who cast stones at others, however I feel like these folks are far and few between.

And either way, two wrongs don't make a right! Surely you've heard that one before.

Have you forgotten the religious opposition to gay marriage and to homosexuals in general?

They do exist, yes, but not all Christians are like that. Also, I believe the trend is showing that their numbers are waning.


We can only hope.

However, it would help if more Christians would take a proactive stand on this issue and become more vocal in their support of acceptance of homosexuals in the Christian community. There is simply too much of "Them against us, and vice versa"...and that applies to other groups as well. It is easy for a Christian to say, "Well, they started it!", but that is no solution, and Christains have a higher standard of love and tolerance to uphold.

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