what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

Well yes, if there was a bit of documented evidence supporting the island's return on that day. And if I saw it happen, of course.

But if it was simply a few guys saying that this happened 50 years ago, and that we "just had to take their word for it", then probably not. Why would I?

I don't think it's silly to be skeptical of extraordinary claims without evidence; I'm sure you're the same way when it comes to other subject matters.

How do we know the guys weren't just spicing up the story to gain some more attention? This sort of thing happens quite frequently.


As you may already know many stories in scripture, as written, are openly presented as parables and fairy tales. A talking snake in the very first book should have been a dead giveaway.

My question is what difference would it make if the story of the three little pigs was embellished further than the way you first heard it? Wouldn't the moral of the story remain ? Would it matter if you embellished it and how many mistakes would you make in the retelling of the story even if you haven't heard it told since you were a child?

If a group of scientists came together to disprove the story of the three little pigs based on irrefutable scientific evidence that pigs can't talk wouldn't they just be proving false that which the story is not about?

In the same way the story of the creation is not a story about the creation of the solar system, the story of the creation of man is not about the first human being, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not about physical death or biological life, and the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven is not about him floating up into the sky.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again..." matthew 13:44

Any part of a story in scripture that defies logic or reality is intentionally place there like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look, and keep on looking, you will find it.

I think there's plenty of great stuff in there, and I have read substantial parts of the Bible, however I have never felt compelled to take the plunge and say that "Jesus MUST be the Son of God" because there's really no compelling evidence to verify that claim.

The fact is, I simply don't know for sure what the right story is, so until I do I'm going to keep my mind open to all possibilities and pick up various bits and pieces from philosophies I like along the way.

Know what I mean?


You have admitted you haven't read it, and yet feel you are qualified to determine it's veracity?

And you think that makes you open minded? In reality, it just makes you admittedly ignorant of that which you feel compelled to discuss.
As you may already know many stories in scripture, as written, are openly presented as parables and fairy tales. A talking snake in the very first book should have been a dead giveaway.

My question is what difference would it make if the story of the three little pigs was embellished further than the way you first heard it? Wouldn't the moral of the story remain ? Would it matter if you embellished it and how many mistakes would you make in the retelling of the story even if you haven't heard it told since you were a child?

If a group of scientists came together to disprove the story of the three little pigs based on irrefutable scientific evidence that pigs can't talk wouldn't they just be proving false that which the story is not about?

In the same way the story of the creation is not a story about the creation of the solar system, the story of the creation of man is not about the first human being, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not about physical death or biological life, and the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven is not about him floating up into the sky.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again..." matthew 13:44

Any part of a story in scripture that defies logic or reality is intentionally place there like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look, and keep on looking, you will find it.

I think there's plenty of great stuff in there, and I have read substantial parts of the Bible, however I have never felt compelled to take the plunge and say that "Jesus MUST be the Son of God" because there's really no compelling evidence to verify that claim.

The fact is, I simply don't know for sure what the right story is, so until I do I'm going to keep my mind open to all possibilities and pick up various bits and pieces from philosophies I like along the way.

Know what I mean?


You have admitted you haven't read it, and yet feel you are qualified to determine it's veracity?

And you think that makes you open minded? In reality, it just makes you admittedly ignorant of that which you feel compelled to discuss.


I said I've read substantial parts of the book AND acknowledged there's a lot of great stories and morals tucked in those pages (how's that being closed minded?). Sheesh.

My point is that there's no way for someone to prove all those specifics like "Jesus IS the Son of God", and because of this I've never felt compelled to take the FULL plunge into this religion (or any other).

I assume that's why Christians call it "faith", because there is no way of verifying the accuracy of the story.

I'm not trying to dig your beliefs, just sharing my point of view.
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As you may already know many stories in scripture, as written, are openly presented as parables and fairy tales. A talking snake in the very first book should have been a dead giveaway.

My question is what difference would it make if the story of the three little pigs was embellished further than the way you first heard it? Wouldn't the moral of the story remain ? Would it matter if you embellished it and how many mistakes would you make in the retelling of the story even if you haven't heard it told since you were a child?

If a group of scientists came together to disprove the story of the three little pigs based on irrefutable scientific evidence that pigs can't talk wouldn't they just be proving false that which the story is not about?

In the same way the story of the creation is not a story about the creation of the solar system, the story of the creation of man is not about the first human being, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not about physical death or biological life, and the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven is not about him floating up into the sky.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again..." matthew 13:44

Any part of a story in scripture that defies logic or reality is intentionally place there like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look, and keep on looking, you will find it.

I think there's plenty of great stuff in there, and I have read substantial parts of the Bible, however I have never felt compelled to take the plunge and say that "Jesus MUST be the Son of God" because there's really no compelling evidence to verify that claim.

The fact is, I simply don't know for sure what the right story is, so until I do I'm going to keep my mind open to all possibilities and pick up various bits and pieces from philosophies I like along the way.

Know what I mean?


You have admitted you haven't read it, and yet feel you are qualified to determine it's veracity?

And you think that makes you open minded? In reality, it just makes you admittedly ignorant of that which you feel compelled to discuss.

KW made no such admission. Furthermore what makes someone "qualified to determine it's veracity" is far more than just reading it. In fact anyone who just reads it and assumes that it is valid demonstrates a lack of critical thinking skills. The whole crux of the bible is that it requires FAITH to BELIEVE that what it says is valid. For anyone who doesn't assume that everything written down by bronze age mystics is the "gospel" that means that they are within their rights to question the veracity of claims made by believers.
He said he had read substantial parts of the bible, lol. And yes, to intelligently discuss whether there is 1. Proof of the existence of Christ, or 2. The intricacies of the Christian faith which you have not only rejected, but count yourself as some sort of expert about...I'd say the bare minimum requirement that will allow you a barest modicum of credibililty is a working knowledge of the Bible.

I continue to be floored by people who think they are qualified to make an informed decision about their own salvation, and to counsel others on the believability and substantiation of the bible...when they have not even bothered to read the bible itself.

The lazy mentalities that count themselves as intellectually superior to ANYONE is mind boggling.
Kevin, I'm curious, If you know no specifics, no personal experience with a higher power, what prompts that belief you have in a higher power?

Well, just my own conclusion I've drawn through various experiences with meditation, etc. These are things that I really can't describe through words.

But to get into slightly more detail, I believe we are all part of "one thing", and collectively we make up the higher power.

If that one book predicted 2,000 years ago, that that island would resurface, in one single day, and then it did, on the exact day the book said it would, and the snails would return to the island, and it happened, would you wish you had bet on it?

Well yes, if there was a bit of documented evidence supporting the island's return on that day. And if I saw it happen, of course.

But if it was simply a few guys saying that this happened 50 years ago, and that we "just had to take their word for it", then probably not. Why would I?

I don't think it's silly to be skeptical of extraordinary claims without evidence; I'm sure you're the same way when it comes to other subject matters.

How do we know the guys weren't just spicing up the story to gain some more attention? This sort of thing happens quite frequently.


Most scholars wanted to believe that the book of Daniel had to have been written after his prophesies, because of their accuracy. But they knew better, Daniel having been translated into Greek long before the prophesies were fulfilled.
As for that island, and it's inhabitants, here was the Bible prophesy fulfilled:

That Israel would be born in one day.
The exact day Israel would become a nation again.
That God would gather Jews from all over the world and return them to their land.

It would be impossible to spice those things up, since we live in the time those ancient prophesies were fulfilled.

Here's one to look for in our near future,
That you may neither buy or sell, without the mark. :eek:

Of course for that to be fulfilled, computers would need to be invented, and the government would have do away with cash and rely on direct deposit and some sort of traceable device/phone to conduct business and monetary transfers on.
They would need to collect all of our banking records, medical history, and be able to track our buying habits. They would have to nano chip everything we buy, everything we sell. And black box our vehicles, and need access to our servers to be able to e-read our e-mail.
Data-mining would be a necessity to fulfill the above prophesy. Large buildings would have to be built somewhere/Utah, to store all of our information.................

So, place your bet, cause they're at the post.
I'm going all in on the one that sees the end from the beginning, and tells us history in advance. I like His odds. :eusa_angel:
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He said he had read substantial parts of the bible, lol. And yes, to intelligently discuss whether there is 1. Proof of the existence of Christ, or 2. The intricacies of the Christian faith which you have not only rejected, but count yourself as some sort of expert about...I'd say the bare minimum requirement that will allow you a barest modicum of credibililty is a working knowledge of the Bible.

I continue to be floored by people who think they are qualified to make an informed decision about their own salvation, and to counsel others on the believability and substantiation of the bible...when they have not even bothered to read the bible itself.

The lazy mentalities that count themselves as intellectually superior to ANYONE is mind boggling.

Just so that we have this in context KG is the "expert" on the "spiritual persons" who will be appointed to be "judges" since she "knows" that she is "qualified" to be one of them. Your "spiritual superiority" overrides the "intellect" of everyone else, right KG?
"The exact day Israel would become a nation again. "

Damn! I must have missed that prophecy in the Book of Daniel!

Care to cite the chapt. and verse?

As for me, I make the following prophesies:

There will be war and civil unrest in the holy land.
There will be famine and pestulance.
People with very strange beliefs will spread their words magically through the air to be read by inhabitants all over the world, almost instantaniously, with no impact whatsoever on anyone.
"The exact day Israel would become a nation again. "

Damn! I must have missed that prophecy in the Book of Daniel!

Care to cite the chapt. and verse?

As for me, I make the following prophesies:

There will be war and civil unrest in the holy land.
There will be famine and pestulance.
People with very strange beliefs will spread their words magically through the air to be read by inhabitants all over the world, almost instantaniously, with no impact whatsoever on anyone.

All hail the prophet VandalsHandle for he speaketh the words of truth. Those who turn their faces from his prophecies will be doomed to the pits of Facebook for all of the days of their lives.
I am, in fact, the enlightened prophet of the Church of Elvis, and I admonish you all to refrain from false doctrines that could leave you all shook up. Don't be cruel, or those who have suspicious minds would forever deny you peace in the valley. (I am still working on incliuing "Do the Clam" from "Clambake" into my semons, and I have not given up yet)
He said he had read substantial parts of the bible, lol. And yes, to intelligently discuss whether there is 1. Proof of the existence of Christ, or 2. The intricacies of the Christian faith which you have not only rejected, but count yourself as some sort of expert about...I'd say the bare minimum requirement that will allow you a barest modicum of credibililty is a working knowledge of the Bible.

I continue to be floored by people who think they are qualified to make an informed decision about their own salvation, and to counsel others on the believability and substantiation of the bible...when they have not even bothered to read the bible itself.

The lazy mentalities that count themselves as intellectually superior to ANYONE is mind boggling.

Just so that we have this in context KG is the "expert" on the "spiritual persons" who will be appointed to be "judges" since she "knows" that she is "qualified" to be one of them. Your "spiritual superiority" overrides the "intellect" of everyone else, right KG?

Well yours, anyway.

Are you trying to imply that I've ever said anything about myself even remotely *like* the *words* you have put *quote marks* around?

Because, for the record, I never have proclaimed myself an expert on spiritual persons, nor have I claimed spiritual superiority..whatever that is.

It appears that's the way you perceive me, however...and I can't help you with that.
"The exact day Israel would become a nation again. "

Damn! I must have missed that prophecy in the Book of Daniel!

Care to cite the chapt. and verse?

Sir Robert Anderson worked for Scotland Yard and wrote a book called "The Coming Prince" which he was knighted for. The book is hard to read which means if you don't know the Bible, you will have trouble because there is less Biblical literacy today and you would have to find someone who either knows or studies the Bible every day of his life to give you the information. My Church did the math from the book but he accurately calculated the day from when the Jews went into exile to the day when Israel became a nation using the Bible.

I have the tape from my old Church with the math on it. There is no reason for me to post it here because no one can change your mind except you.

We did a survey in church and very few people came to faith because of apologetics but I was listening to Dr. J. Vernon McGee and he said basically said that apologetics doesn't work because people are already going to say, "no". The reason is that facts aren't going to change your mind when your heart has already made a convert of your mind.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved (agape) darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Just so that we have this in context KG is the "expert" on the "spiritual persons" who will be appointed to be "judges" since she "knows" that she is "qualified" to be one of them. Your "spiritual superiority" overrides the "intellect" of everyone else, right KG?

If God exists, it is more plausible that someone who believes in Him, follows Him and calls themselves His children have more of a right to speak about Him than those who don't. Wouldn't you agree?

By what basis do you think you are an expert over people who read His words in Church, get advanced degrees in Bible education, write large volumes and dedicate their whole lives to the study of the Bible?

I have over 70 feet of academic Christian books and have been a Christian studying the Bible every day verse by verse for over 30 years. I stopped counting the megabytes of articles that I have written over the last 12 years. What chance does a non-Christian have over a full time Christian? I have a friend who has at least two years of Greek and his understanding of what the Bible words and verses mean is uncanny.

I suppose if I put up a pastor's test on the Bible and asked you to write 500 words on different topics, you would have more Biblical things to say than the pastors, right?
Just so that we have this in context KG is the "expert" on the "spiritual persons" who will be appointed to be "judges" since she "knows" that she is "qualified" to be one of them. Your "spiritual superiority" overrides the "intellect" of everyone else, right KG?

If God exists, it is more plausible that someone who believes in Him, follows Him and calls themselves His children have more of a right to speak about Him than those who don't. Wouldn't you agree?

By what basis do you think you are an expert over people who read His words in Church, get advanced degrees in Bible education, write large volumes and dedicate their whole lives to the study of the Bible?

I have over 70 feet of academic Christian books and have been a Christian studying the Bible every day verse by verse for over 30 years. I stopped counting the megabytes of articles that I have written over the last 12 years. What chance does a non-Christian have over a full time Christian? I have a friend who has at least two years of Greek and his understanding of what the Bible words and verses mean is uncanny.

I suppose if I put up a pastor's test on the Bible and asked you to write 500 words on different topics, you would have more Biblical things to say than the pastors, right?
Since you say you're so knowledgeable, tell us, what proof do you have that the bible isn't anything more than the word of the men who wrote it? And if god is so great, why do we need a book to find it? Does that mean that people and cultures that don't read, can't find god?
"The exact day Israel would become a nation again. "

Damn! I must have missed that prophecy in the Book of Daniel!

Care to cite the chapt. and verse?

Sir Robert Anderson worked for Scotland Yard and wrote a book called "The Coming Prince" which he was knighted for. The book is hard to read which means if you don't know the Bible, you will have trouble because there is less Biblical literacy today and you would have to find someone who either knows or studies the Bible every day of his life to give you the information. My Church did the math from the book but he accurately calculated the day from when the Jews went into exile to the day when Israel became a nation using the Bible.

I have the tape from my old Church with the math on it. There is no reason for me to post it here because no one can change your mind except you.

We did a survey in church and very few people came to faith because of apologetics but I was listening to Dr. J. Vernon McGee and he said basically said that apologetics doesn't work because people are already going to say, "no". The reason is that facts aren't going to change your mind when your heart has already made a convert of your mind.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved (agape) darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Is this the same guy who calculated that the earth is 6,000 years old?
My prophecies astound people. I prophecy that both Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Logan will do something incredibly stupid within 12 months of today which will generate headlines in the National Inquirer across the nation.
Since you say you're so knowledgeable, tell us, what proof do you have that the bible isn't anything more than the word of the men who wrote it? And if god is so great, why do we need a book to find it? Does that mean that people and cultures that don't read, can't find god?

If you are concerned about truth then why don't you pay me for my work?
Since you say you're so knowledgeable, tell us, what proof do you have that the bible isn't anything more than the word of the men who wrote it? And if god is so great, why do we need a book to find it? Does that mean that people and cultures that don't read, can't find god?

If you are concerned about truth then why don't you pay me for my work?

Why? Did Jesus need to be paid as well to explain himself? Or just you?
Most scholars wanted to believe that the book of Daniel had to have been written after his prophesies, because of their accuracy. But they knew better, Daniel having been translated into Greek long before the prophesies were fulfilled.
As for that island, and it's inhabitants, here was the Bible prophesy fulfilled:

That Israel would be born in one day.
The exact day Israel would become a nation again.
That God would gather Jews from all over the world and return them to their land.

It would be impossible to spice those things up, since we live in the time those ancient prophesies were fulfilled.

Here's one to look for in our near future,
That you may neither buy or sell, without the mark. :eek:

Of course for that to be fulfilled, computers would need to be invented, and the government would have do away with cash and rely on direct deposit and some sort of traceable device/phone to conduct business and monetary transfers on.
They would need to collect all of our banking records, medical history, and be able to track our buying habits. They would have to nano chip everything we buy, everything we sell. And black box our vehicles, and need access to our servers to be able to e-read our e-mail.
Data-mining would be a necessity to fulfill the above prophesy. Large buildings would have to be built somewhere/Utah, to store all of our information.................

So, place your bet, cause they're at the post.
I'm going all in on the one that sees the end from the beginning, and tells us history in advance. I like His odds. :eusa_angel:

Definitely an interesting post (thanks for that), however there have been quite a few individuals and traditions throughout the years to record prophecies that have also turned out to be quite foretelling of future events (I'm thinking of the Native Americans, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, etc).

Is it possible that the Christians were simply tapping into the same spiritual forces (or whatever you call it) that other individuals have used to also predict the future?
The intricacies of the Christian faith which you have not only rejected, but count yourself as some sort of expert about...I'd say the bare minimum requirement that will allow you a barest modicum of credibililty is a working knowledge of the Bible.

I continue to be floored by people who think they are qualified to make an informed decision about their own salvation, and to counsel others on the believability and substantiation of the bible...when they have not even bothered to read the bible itself.

The lazy mentalities that count themselves as intellectually superior to ANYONE is mind boggling.

Lol, Kosh, when did I say I was a Biblical Expert (please, find the quote for me and I'll shut up). When did I say I was intellectually superior? I was simply sharing my own viewpoint (and I noted a few times that it was my own opinion).

My claim was that there is really no way of verifying whether or not Jesus IS the Son of God. It requires faith in the story.

I can verify that there is a tree in my back yard by going up to it and touching it. You can't do with Jesus. And in the absence of any modern day physical evidence of any of the more supernatural and miraculous stories within New Testament (ie walking on water, turning water to wine, the resurrection) I am (naturally) just a bit skeptical.

If I were to tell you that a man jumped over my 3 story home 25 years ago, but there was no way to verify this claim, would you believe me? Probably not.

I'm not making fun of Christians who do believe the story - that's their prerogative - I'm just saying that I personally find it difficult to be convinced by text alone.


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