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what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

The Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek. It's the Hammurabi code that teaches and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The Bible teaches us to love our enemies as ourself.

The Holy Spirit is the Third member of the Godhead or Trinity, whatever you would like to call it. He is a testifier. His primary role is to bear witness of the Father and the Son. He is the one who reveals truth to people through the Still Small Voice. He is also a sanctifier and purifier. His influence purifies our spirit and refines our nature.

The Holy Spirit can influence people regardless of their faith in Christ. In fact, it is often when He testifies to them that people come to know that Jesus Christ is their Savior. Those who have faith in Christ can obtain the Holy Spirit as their constant companion. This is done by exercising faith in Jesus Christ and Repenting of your sins. When you begin to repent you will understand the need to be baptized by water. After this baptism comes the laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Spirit or the Baptism by fire.

It wasn't the Bible that taught the world was flat, nor that people who disagreed should be tortured. It was the so called academics of the day that persecuted those that disagreed with them.

The bolded passage is 100% gobbledygook, or whatever you want to call such gibberish.

The bible taught us that the world was made in six days, which, um, it wasn't.
What amuses me is that when somebody states the bable and all that it contains is fiction. the only answer the believers come back with is a referance to the bable .
ifs its true there should be some evidence OTHER then the bable to support the claim .
ill ask the beleivers this question
do you believe in the existance of any of the roman or creek gods.
if not why not ?

If your position is correct, why do you have to lie about mine to establish yours? I haven't appealed to the Bible as evidence for the Bible. I've told you to go to God for yourself and find out from Him whether the Bible is true.

I don't believe in the Roman or Greek gods because they haven't answered prayers. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob does. (Although to be fair, I hypothesized a while ago that Zeus and the Most High are essentially the same Diety, just the Greek/Romans version was corrupted to the point where it's difficult to recognize. That's why Paul preached the "unknown" diety, of course my hypotheticals may be inaccurate. But that's the point of exercising our muscle called the brain.)
Interesting point of view, but I tend to disagree. Guess there's no way of knowing for sure, anyways.


But... but... but HE READ IT IN A BOOK!!! :eek:
cus its written in a book dont make it true .
the only spirits im aware of comes in bottles .
is the suggestion that we come back as a bottle of whisky ? :lol:

Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.
ill ask the beleivers this question
do you believe in the existance of any of the roman or creek gods.
if not why not ?

If a roman or greek god rose from the dead then people who saw it most likely would believe in it.

The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.

I am a witness of the Lord. The Spirit has revealed to me that He Rose from the dead and that He is my Savior.

Look how Peter learned, Flesh and blood did not reveal it. He learned of the Son through revelation from the Father. There is absolutely nothing that has been taught and shown to the Holy Prophets and Apostles that even the least among us can recieve a witness of, if we seek it. Our Father in Heaven will reveal it all as quickly as we are ready for it.
The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.
As it stands, that is just so silly !!

As if lots of other crap hasn't been written in books, or as if millions of people haven't believed no end of nonsense !!

Don't forget, more people saw Elvis Presley after he died, than ever saw Jesus!! · · :lol:


What determines if you go to heaven or not?

Whether your rocket ship has enough thrust to exceed the escape velocity of the Earth!! · · :lol:

ill ask the beleivers this question
do you believe in the existance of any of the roman or creek gods.
if not why not ?

If a roman or greek god rose from the dead then people who saw it most likely would believe in it.

The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.
noboby who was there at the time wrote anything
people have seen
santa claus
the loch ness monster
space ships
and so on and so on
Everyone goes to Heaven.

Hell is just the place where they get the dirt of living here scrubbed off of them.

I mean........................if God is Love, and He loves all of us, why would He abandon anyone?

I believe the Lost Gospel of Thomas says something about this, because everyone eventually gets into Heaven.

Even Hitler and OBL.

But, they have to be purified first.
But... but... but HE READ IT IN A BOOK!!! :eek:
cus its written in a book dont make it true .
the only spirits im aware of comes in bottles .
is the suggestion that we come back as a bottle of whisky ? :lol:

Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.

Your ignorance of any proof whatsoever of any "Holy Spirit" doesn't mean that your delusions are founded in reality. And considering the way you worship your invisible friend, I'm not surprised that you're ignorant period.
It's amazing that no one here can answer the op's question of what does it take to get into Heaven. People that claim faith alone is enough to get in is a cop out since anyone can say they believe but without walking the talk in their daily lives, how is that justified?

Most people that claim they are religious say it to feel important and accepted among their peers but still act out in behavior that is opposite of what their faith teaches them how they are to behave in society. Their excuse is since they are born in sin and are human they will always make mistakes. Not acceptable in my book, if a person claims they are of a religious faith then prove it by walking the talk of what they taught by their faith in day to day interactions with people by doing the work.
It's amazing that no one here can answer the op's question of what does it take to get into Heaven. People that claim faith alone is enough to get in is a cop out since anyone can say they believe but without walking the talk in their daily lives, how is that justified?

Most people that claim they are religious say it to feel important and accepted among their peers but still act out in behavior that is opposite of what their faith teaches them how they are to behave in society. Their excuse is since they are born in sin and are human they will always make mistakes. Not acceptable in my book, if a person claims they are of a religious faith then prove it by walking the talk of what they taught by their faith in day to day interactions with people by doing the work.

I did answer the question. In Adam all (mankind) died. Everyone was born in trespasses and sins and because mankind died spiritually, you have to be born again (John 3:3) to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Ephesians 2:1 ¶ And you [hath he quickened], who were dead in trespasses and sins;

If I say,"I'm a good person, I only sin once a day", wouldn't that be pretty good? 360 days times 70 years = 25,550 sins. I'm doing pretty good, aren't I? God should accept me, right? No. Adam was the prototype and because he sinned, the copies cannot do any better than the original prototype.

But you aren't God and only He can judge me. You can't judge me.

Matthew 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean [thing], and all our righteousnesses [are] as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
ill ask the beleivers this question
do you believe in the existance of any of the roman or creek gods.
if not why not ?

If a roman or greek god rose from the dead then people who saw it most likely would believe in it.

The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.
noboby who was there at the time wrote anything
people have seen
santa claus
the loch ness monster
space ships
and so on and so on

Fourth, to place belief in Santa Claus or mermaids and belief in God on the same level is mistaken. The issue is not that we have no good evidence for these mythical entities; rather, we have strong evidence that they do not exist. Absence of evidence is not at all the same as evidence of absence, which some atheists fail to see.

The atheist also shares the burden of proof that God doesn't exist.

The Presumptuousness of Atheism
The Presumptuousness of Atheism | CRI
The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.
As it stands, that is just so silly !!

As if lots of other crap hasn't been written in books, or as if millions of people haven't believed no end of nonsense !!

Don't forget, more people saw Elvis Presley after he died, than ever saw Jesus!! · · :lol:


No one has died a torturous death to renounce that they had seen Elvis like they did Jesus.

I'm pretty sure, that if everyone who said that they saw Elvis after he died, was put in a cage of lions to be ripped up and eaten alive, they would renounce that claim very quickly.

The eyewitnesses of Jesus did not.
But... but... but HE READ IT IN A BOOK!!! :eek:
cus its written in a book dont make it true .
the only spirits im aware of comes in bottles .
is the suggestion that we come back as a bottle of whisky ? :lol:

Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.

I have a few questions about what you call the Holy Spirit.

Do you believe the Holy Spirit to be an invisible disembodied spirit sent by God to help believers understand mysteries by entering into peoples heads in some way and guiding their thoughts to the truth, who made his first appearance at Pentecost?

If so my question is, if what you believe to be the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth that Jesus said would be sent by God in his name to do certain specific things outlined in John 16:8-15;

"When he comes he will confute the world, and show where wrong and right and judgment lie. He will convict them of wrong, by their refusal to believe in me; he will convince them that right is on my side, by showing that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and he will convince them of divine judgment, by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned."

"However when he comes who is the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth; for he shall not speak on his own authority, but will tell you only what he hears; and he will make known to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, for everything he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine. All that the Father has is mine, and that is why I said, "Everything he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine."

How is it that what you believe is the Holy Spirit has not done even one single thing that Jesus said that God would send the Spirit of truth to do when he came if he came at Pentecost?

As far as I know Jews have not and will never be convinced by a 'spirit' that they were wrong to refuse to believe in Jesus or that Jesus was right about anything especially since seeking the guidance of spirits is a violation of divine law.

How do you resolve this?
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The reason people believe in Jesus is because there were eyewitnesses of his miracles, or his resurrection, other historical evidence and other reasons because that would be the only way to get man to believe.
As it stands, that is just so silly !!

As if lots of other crap hasn't been written in books, or as if millions of people haven't believed no end of nonsense !!

Don't forget, more people saw Elvis Presley after he died, than ever saw Jesus!! · · :lol:


No one has died a torturous death to renounce that they had seen Elvis like they did Jesus.

I'm pretty sure, that if everyone who said that they saw Elvis after he died, was put in a cage of lions to be ripped up and eaten alive, they would renounce that claim very quickly.

The eyewitnesses of Jesus did not.

The eyewitnesses of Jesus did not.

are you forgetting those same people did nothing to save JC from being crucified .... the Romans were just paying them back - without the choice they should have chosen were they truly "Christians".

the Everlasting if possible surly can only be accomplished while alive.
cus its written in a book dont make it true .
the only spirits im aware of comes in bottles .
is the suggestion that we come back as a bottle of whisky ? :lol:

Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.

Your ignorance of any proof whatsoever of any "Holy Spirit" doesn't mean that your delusions are founded in reality. And considering the way you worship your invisible friend, I'm not surprised that you're ignorant period.

I'm not ignorant of proof. My proof is the witness the Spirit has born to me. You can recieve the same witness from the Holy Spirit if you humble yourself and call upon your Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ with all sincerity and meekness.

Study the scriptures. Apply the principles they teach and you will know for yourself that they are of God. But no one will or can force you. You can choose to brag about not knowing the scriptures or understanding the Spirit. Or you can seek to learn about both. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.

Your ignorance of any proof whatsoever of any "Holy Spirit" doesn't mean that your delusions are founded in reality. And considering the way you worship your invisible friend, I'm not surprised that you're ignorant period.

I'm not ignorant of proof. My proof is the witness the Spirit has born to me. You can recieve the same witness from the Holy Spirit if you humble yourself and call upon your Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ with all sincerity and meekness.

Study the scriptures. Apply the principles they teach and you will know for yourself that they are of God. But no one will or can force you. You can choose to brag about not knowing the scriptures or understanding the Spirit. Or you can seek to learn about both. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Why do you bible thumpers always think that someone who doesn't agree with you is ignorant of the scriptures? It's always: and if you just learn... Well maybe I have learned about it and STILL think it's bs. If there's such a thing as god and he wants to reach out to me, I'm pretty sure he knows where I am (or should, lol), and I shouldn't have to read it in some books of fairy tales.
It's amazing that no one here can answer the op's question of what does it take to get into Heaven. People that claim faith alone is enough to get in is a cop out since anyone can say they believe but without walking the talk in their daily lives, how is that justified?

Most people that claim they are religious say it to feel important and accepted among their peers but still act out in behavior that is opposite of what their faith teaches them how they are to behave in society. Their excuse is since they are born in sin and are human they will always make mistakes. Not acceptable in my book, if a person claims they are of a religious faith then prove it by walking the talk of what they taught by their faith in day to day interactions with people by doing the work.

Plenty of people have answered the question. Just because you don't like the answers doesn't change that there are answers.
Why do you bible thumpers always think that someone who doesn't agree with you is ignorant of the scriptures? It's always: and if you just learn... Well maybe I have learned about it and STILL think it's bs. If there's such a thing as god and he wants to reach out to me, I'm pretty sure he knows where I am (or should, lol), and I shouldn't have to read it in some books of fairy tales.

Because you've admitted you are ignorant of them when you were talking about the clear teachings of the scriptures being gibberish. The only reason you wouldn't understand them is if you haven't studied them.

God is reaching out to you. You need to listen sometime and reach back. He isn't going to force you to listen to Him. He doesn't compel people to come to Him. He invites, entices, and exhorts you to come to Him of your own free will.

If you don't want people to think you are ignorant of the scriptures, don't brag about being ignorant of them.
cus its written in a book dont make it true .
the only spirits im aware of comes in bottles .
is the suggestion that we come back as a bottle of whisky ? :lol:

Your ignorance of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And considering the way you mock God, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of Him.

I have a few questions about what you call the Holy Spirit.

Do you believe the Holy Spirit to be an invisible disembodied spirit sent by God to help believers understand mysteries by entering into peoples heads in some way and guiding their thoughts to the truth, who made his first appearance at Pentecost?

If so my question is, if what you believe to be the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth that Jesus said would be sent by God in his name to do certain specific things outlined in John 16:8-15;

"When he comes he will confute the world, and show where wrong and right and judgment lie. He will convict them of wrong, by their refusal to believe in me; he will convince them that right is on my side, by showing that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and he will convince them of divine judgment, by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned."

"However when he comes who is the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth; for he shall not speak on his own authority, but will tell you only what he hears; and he will make known to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, for everything he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine. All that the Father has is mine, and that is why I said, "Everything he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine."

How is it that what you believe is the Holy Spirit has not done even one single thing that Jesus said that God would send the Spirit of truth to do when he came if he came at Pentecost?

As far as I know Jews have not and will never be convinced by a 'spirit' that they were wrong to refuse to believe in Jesus or that Jesus was right about anything especially since seeking the guidance of spirits is a violation of divine law.

How do you resolve this?

Nothing to resolve. Christ told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would come and do that and He does do that with His disciples. Even now, He continually calls people to follow the Good Shepheard and teaches us the Truth of all things.
How is it that what you believe is the Holy Spirit has not done even one single thing that Jesus said that God would send the Spirit of truth to do when he came if he came at Pentecost?

As far as I know Jews have not and will never be convinced by a 'spirit' that they were wrong to refuse to believe in Jesus or that Jesus was right about anything especially since seeking the guidance of spirits is a violation of divine law.

How do you resolve this?

I've met some Orthodox Jews and they won't allow me to use anything other than the first five books of the Bible to show them even though they believe the rest of the Old Testament are scriptures.

How do I resolve your question?

Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

They've been blinded until a certain time. The word "blindness" also has a hint of stubbornness:

Exodus 32:9 And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it [is] a stiffnecked people:

Exodus 20:19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

They didn't want to speak to God. It is that kind of thing which keeps people from knowing God.

They actually provoked God in the wilderness and the first generation except Joshua and Caleb didn't enter into Israel but their children did. They went through two captivities and the Holocaust so they are stiffnecked until it is their time again.

Romans 9, 10 and 11 explain the past, present and future of Israel in the Kingdom of God as a starting point.

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