What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

there is no interpretation; a literal reading will suffice.
So you don't respect the United States Supreme Court decisions. Nice.
we have a Ninth Amendment; either it is Express or it isn't.
The Ninth Amendment doesn't cancel out the welfare clause. You're confused. Explain how the Ninth Amendment endorses Government run healthcare for everyone.
that is Your misinterpretation, bro.

The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common.
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
there is no interpretation; a literal reading will suffice.
So you don't respect the United States Supreme Court decisions. Nice.
we have a Ninth Amendment; either it is Express or it isn't.
Tell me, Dan. What do you think the 9th Amendment means?

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied, every time the People question it.
The 9th Amendment is a protection of individual richts not listed in the constitution. Abortion pro-choicers should be able to recite it from memory.

What you said about "express not implied" is completely off point.
Due Process applies to natural born Persons.

Besides; the right wing doesn't care about natural rights at the border. Why should anyone believe they actually care about natural rights in this case.
So you don't respect the United States Supreme Court decisions. Nice.
we have a Ninth Amendment; either it is Express or it isn't.
The Ninth Amendment doesn't cancel out the welfare clause. You're confused. Explain how the Ninth Amendment endorses Government run healthcare for everyone.
that is Your misinterpretation, bro.

The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common.
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
General welfare doesn't mean everyone is entitled to government provided healthcare. Again, if it did, then the founders would have instilled healthcare for everyone. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're simply throwing crap at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
we have a Ninth Amendment; either it is Express or it isn't.
The Ninth Amendment doesn't cancel out the welfare clause. You're confused. Explain how the Ninth Amendment endorses Government run healthcare for everyone.
that is Your misinterpretation, bro.

The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common.
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
General welfare doesn't mean everyone is entitled to government provided healthcare. Again, if it did, then the founders would have instilled healthcare for everyone. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're simply throwing crap at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
why not? the common defense cannot mean we are "entitled to free and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, or terror."
tax cut equals more tax revenue all around fed and local. we showed you!!!
lol. only in right wing fantasy; where is chicken little?

tax cuts are not paying for themselves but being Financed. only the Right Wing, Never gets it.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
The Ninth Amendment doesn't cancel out the welfare clause. You're confused. Explain how the Ninth Amendment endorses Government run healthcare for everyone.
that is Your misinterpretation, bro.

The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common.
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
General welfare doesn't mean everyone is entitled to government provided healthcare. Again, if it did, then the founders would have instilled healthcare for everyone. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're simply throwing crap at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
why not? the common defense cannot mean we are "entitled to free and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, or terror."
Figures of speech.
Well, no one takes you seriously, that is a given.
the right wing doesn't. they are full of fallacy.
If the founders meant "general welfare" was socialized medicine, then they would have had it from day one.
they didn't have electric vehicles back then; any more special pleading?
and back to pig latin. the who's on first scenario.
special pleading or appealing to ignorance is all the right wing seems to know.
we only ask that your ignorance be explained in english.
lol. only in right wing fantasy; where is chicken little?

tax cuts are not paying for themselves but being Financed. only the Right Wing, Never gets it.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed for to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Agree. You earn money, taxes are paid to run the government, not to provide healthcare for everyone. I pay into Medicare and Social Security for ME.
lol. only in right wing fantasy; where is chicken little?

tax cuts are not paying for themselves but being Financed. only the Right Wing, Never gets it.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Why do You allege to care about That, right winger when You could quit and not work. You have no ethical basis to complain and we know you don't care about natural rights.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Why do You allege to care about That, right winger when You could quit and not work. You have no ethical basis to complain and we know you don't care about natural rights.
well it's something you would never understand. I have pride and integrity. I like to say I earned my money. It is the most important piece of the American dream. I look for no favors.
lol. only in right wing fantasy; where is chicken little?

tax cuts are not paying for themselves but being Financed. only the Right Wing, Never gets it.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
You miss the Point, like usual right winger. It is about Economics not your lack of moral fortitude concerning the Poor.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of Unemployment for the benefit of Capitalists and Their bottom line. Labor needs a similar safety net for Their bottom line. Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market friendly and more cost effective.
that is Your misinterpretation, bro.

The power to provide for the general welfare is general, not common.
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
General welfare doesn't mean everyone is entitled to government provided healthcare. Again, if it did, then the founders would have instilled healthcare for everyone. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're simply throwing crap at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
why not? the common defense cannot mean we are "entitled to free and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, or terror."
Figures of speech.
our welfare clause is Expressly declared general, not common.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
You miss the Point, like usual right winger. It is about Economics not your lack of moral fortitude concerning the Poor.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of Unemployment for the benefit of Capitalists and Their bottom line. Labor needs a similar safety net for Their bottom line. Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market friendly and more cost effective.
dude, I really fking wish you'd speak in fking English. it is always so difficult to decipher your shit posts. No, we need no safety nets. Because we have them, and people still live on the street homeless. so your utopia beliefs fail.
the right wing doesn't. they are full of fallacy.
If the founders meant "general welfare" was socialized medicine, then they would have had it from day one.
they didn't have electric vehicles back then; any more special pleading?
and back to pig latin. the who's on first scenario.
special pleading or appealing to ignorance is all the right wing seems to know.
we only ask that your ignorance be explained in english.
i don't make excuses in any language with Google Translate; only the right wing is lazy enough to complain.
he is with the climate/ global warming fks.
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed for to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Agree. You earn money, taxes are paid to run the government, not to provide healthcare for everyone. I pay into Medicare and Social Security for ME.
why complain about the cost of social services?
nothing but right wing fantasy is all they have; not any form of Credibility.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Why do You allege to care about That, right winger when You could quit and not work. You have no ethical basis to complain and we know you don't care about natural rights.
well it's something you would never understand. I have pride and integrity. I like to say I earned my money. It is the most important piece of the American dream. I look for no favors.
you have no pride or integrity regarding the use of fallacy in public venues, why should I confide in your alleged sincerity?
You brought up the Ninth Amendment. What is the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?
Our federal Constitution is Express not Implied whenever it may promote the general welfare.
General welfare doesn't mean everyone is entitled to government provided healthcare. Again, if it did, then the founders would have instilled healthcare for everyone. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're simply throwing crap at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
why not? the common defense cannot mean we are "entitled to free and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, or terror."
Figures of speech.
our welfare clause is Expressly declared general, not common.
post it.
If the founders meant "general welfare" was socialized medicine, then they would have had it from day one.
they didn't have electric vehicles back then; any more special pleading?
and back to pig latin. the who's on first scenario.
special pleading or appealing to ignorance is all the right wing seems to know.
we only ask that your ignorance be explained in english.
i don't make excuses in any language with Google Translate; only the right wing is lazy enough to complain.
you have a real poor writing skill. I'm sorry, but most of the time your language skills leave's me unable to respond since I can't make out your point. just saying, if you truly wish a dialogue with me, I'd suggest you write more literate.
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If the founders meant "general welfare" was socialized medicine, then they would have had it from day one.
they didn't have electric vehicles back then; any more special pleading?
and back to pig latin. the who's on first scenario.
special pleading or appealing to ignorance is all the right wing seems to know.
we only ask that your ignorance be explained in english.
i don't make excuses in any language with Google Translate; only the right wing is lazy enough to complain.
again, I have fking no idea your thought here.
I like it that the tax cuts came to fruition. That is a fact.
income redistribution; the right wing claims only socialists, do that--http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Well capitalist believe that one earns the money for work done. Not handed to people for doing nothing. That is your's and mine difference. My idea of income redistribution is private corporations handing out jobs and paying a wage to do the work. the government then expects tax revenue from the employee based on salary. You believe in the employee working and making a salary to pay for the person who doesn't work. Hmmm I'm not sure the employee of the corporation was expecting that their hard work would be to carry those who don't. fundamentally that is our difference.
Why do You allege to care about That, right winger when You could quit and not work. You have no ethical basis to complain and we know you don't care about natural rights.
well it's something you would never understand. I have pride and integrity. I like to say I earned my money. It is the most important piece of the American dream. I look for no favors.
you have no pride or integrity regarding the use of fallacy in public venues, why should I confide in your alleged sincerity?
since I have no idea how one uses fallacy I still have no fking idea of what you're ranting about.

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