What did you have for dinner?

It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.

Once again in slomo for the Special kids:

Lucy-- 'Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?'
You -- 'It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"'

Well --- no. It isn't. It's Brooklyn.
Read your own posts.

Tonight for dinner Mr. Lucy is making a venison and red wine casserole.
Buffalo is better...
ok you don't clean, you don't garden, you don't cook.

Do you have a nanny too!?
ok you don't clean, you don't garden, you don't cook.

Do you have a nanny too!?

Well the babysitter is now actually the nanny. Also I can't do anything that could involve me breaking a fingernail or something equally as traumatic :cool-45:
I'm can actually be quite fun to be with, but you can't embarrass easily.....
ok you don't clean, you don't garden, you don't cook.

Do you have a nanny too!?

there are a few other skills that have kept many women clothed and fed for centuries.....

yeah well, I'm not a prostitute.... or for sale. I'm not rich either. (nor is my spouse)
You live in a shotgun shack? I believe you live in a state that takes muchas dinero to live..
Tonight for dinner Mr. Lucy is making a venison and red wine casserole.
Where are you in all this? You change the oils in the cars and rotate the tires?

Lol....no I'm currently a lady of leisure, also performing tasks such as painting my toenails is very demanding :smoke:
Make sure he peels the grapes, wouldn't want to bruise a bicuspid.

I usually make the kidlets lunch, for example today Kid A had honey glazed ham and Bayern senf on Pumpernickel sammiches and cottage cheese with chives and apple juice....Kid B had mashed-up vegetables and apple juice.
Tonight for dinner Mr. Lucy is making a venison and red wine casserole.
Where are you in all this? You change the oils in the cars and rotate the tires?

Lol....no I'm currently a lady of leisure, also performing tasks such as painting my toenails is very demanding :smoke:
Make sure he peels the grapes, wouldn't want to bruise a bicuspid.

I usually make the kidlets lunch, for example today Kid A had honey glazed ham and Bayern senf on Pumpernickel sammiches and cottage cheese with chives and apple juice....Kid B had mashed-up vegetables and apple juice.

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