What do black people want?

Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?
In terms of incidents, for instance, black people commit more crimes:
OK. I don't like to repeat myself but

This is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

And notice when white men commit crime all of sudden Hollywood get's interested and Robert De Niro is portraying him in a film (Wizard Of Lies) to be released next year

Do you think Hollywood would have done the same if Madoff was a black man from Compton called Jerome Jenkins ?

And, as we now know it (financial crisis was partly caused by these guys), there were dozens more in the billions club in Wall street.

Now, I would like you to show me a single black American embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

It is also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me? The inner city gang related crime statistics tell a completely different story than you do. I think I will go with them instead of some obvious nut on the internets. :D Lol!
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.

All races are envious of Black’s generally larger size and greater athleticism. But the races are not envious of the Black population generally lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption, violence and crime.

I will admit I am definitely envious of the size of the black man’s penis.[emoji37]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't carry a tape measure and try to measure men's penises... especially erect ones. What I can tell you is that science has refuted the myths. Take this quote from the Dr. Oz show:

"First, length. Scientific studies of the size of erect penises – and there are a surprising number of them – consistently show that the average erection is a little more than 5 inches long. Like any aspect of anatomy, though, people vary. On the small side of things, a guy is considered normal if his erect penis is at least 3 inches long. On the long end of things, 2 research efforts found that the longest erect penises in their study populations were about 8 inches long. Longer penises certainly exist, however. In his book Penis Size and Enlargement: Facts, Fallacies, and Proven Methods, Garry Griffin provides the following estimates:

  • Only 15% of men have a penis longer than 7 inches when erect.
  • Only 3% of men are bigger than 8 inches when erect.
  • Only one man in 10,000 has a 10-inch erection.
It’s also true that penises that are relatively short when flaccid, tend to enlarge proportionately more during erection than larger penises. In other words, you can’t tell from the size of a limp penis how it’ll look when erect.

Does race have any effect on penis size? Nope. Several studies, starting with those reported in Alfred Kinsey’s classic 1948 work Sexual Behavior in the Human Male have found no differences, on average, in penis length between whites, blacks, and Asians

Does Size Matter?

I was going to quote you from a Masters and Johnson study, but that summed it up better. They are certainly no more athletic than whites, but that's a different topic.

Finally, when you mention the black peoples "lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption," violence and crime, I think it is more of an issue that they cannot assimilate into our culture because the differences go more than skin deep.

In terms of incidents, for instance, black people commit more crimes: more rapes, more burglaries, more assaults, etc. OTOH, whites and those of Arabic descent are more likely to do things like a mass shooting. Most of the time, when whites engage in acts like a mass shooting (Dylan Roof being a prime example), they are driven by political ideology. In lesser horrific crimes, whites will kill family and co-workers over spats wherein they feel they were wronged.

With blacks, they tend to do things out of an inability to assimilate into a white culture. So, their crimes tend to be black on black - one on one and crimes related to shooting some poor sap working in a convenience store - and then taking the guy's life for less than $200 in many instances.

At the end of the day, I think that the differences are more than just skin deep though race may be a good indicator of some biological differences yet to be fully understood.

Black people do not commit more crimes than whites.
In terms of incidents, for instance, black people commit more crimes:
OK. I don't like to repeat myself but

This is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

And notice when white men commit crime all of sudden Hollywood get's interested and Robert De Niro is portraying him in a film (Wizard Of Lies) to be released next year

Do you think Hollywood would have done the same if Madoff was a black man from Compton called Jerome Jenkins ?

And, as we now know it (financial crisis was partly caused by these guys), there were dozens more in the billions club in Wall street.

Now, I would like you to show me a single black American embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

It is also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

So you are sad that Hollywood doesn't concentrate more on black criminals? Man, you people are nuts. I'm not just saying that to be mean. You have some really serious issues that you need to work through.
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me? The inner city gang related crime statistics tell a completely different story than you do. I think I will go with them instead of some obvious nut on the internets. :D Lol!

Are yo a white female? And you go back and study all the laws and policies that have bee enacted so you can understand what you are being told. I got my stats from he DOJ. You talk about inner city crime, but there is suburban crime and it's higher. Inner city crime stats will show you that in the end less than 1 one hundreth of one percent of all blacks are affected by inner city crime. I've studied this. I got a masters in doing so. You are just a dumb racist talking stupid misinformed bullshit,
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?

Well ditto head that's the problem with your ignorance. I worked for 45 years and no longer have to work unless I decide to do personal projects or projects upon request. I am a very happy person. So what you need to do is stop listening to your favorite white radio race pimp,, quit repeating the race baited bullshit he or she tells you and go study the truth.
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?

Well ditto head that's the problem with your ignorance. I worked for 45 years and no longer have to work unless I decide to do personal projects or projects upon request. I am a very happy person. So what you need to do is stop listening to your favorite white radio race pimp,, quit repeating the race baited bullshit he or she tells you and go study the truth.

You sure don't seem like a "happy person" at all, the way you bitch incessantly about your shitty life! :D
Oh woe, strangers on the internet. Woe is me, life is so unfair. Feel sorry for me. Insult yourself. :dunno:

I'm sorry your life is so miserable. .

Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me? The inner city gang related crime statistics tell a completely different story than you do. I think I will go with them instead of some obvious nut on the internets. :D Lol!

Are yo a white female? And you go back and study all the laws and policies that have bee enacted so you can understand what you are being told. I got my stats from he DOJ. You talk about inner city crime, but there is suburban crime and it's higher. Inner city crime stats will show you that in the end less than 1 one hundreth of one percent of all blacks are affected by inner city crime. I've studied this. I got a masters in doing so. You are just a dumb racist talking stupid misinformed bullshit,

Well, you are an amusing ignorant racist anyways. :D


The FBI released its official crime tally for 2016 on Monday, and the data flies in the face of the rhetoric that professional athletes rehearsed in revived Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend.

Nearly 900 additional blacks were killed in 2016 compared with 2015, bringing the black homicide victim total to 7,881. Those 7,881 “black bodies,” in the parlance of Ta-Nehisi Coates, are 1,305 more than the number of white victims (which in this case includes most Hispanics) for the same period, though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population.

The increase in black homicides last year comes on top of a previous 900-victim increase between 2014 and 2015.

Who is killing these black victims? Not whites, and not the police, but other blacks.

In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population. That 18.5 ratio undoubtedly worsened in 2016, in light of the 53 percent increase in gun murders of officers — committed vastly and disproportionately by black males.

Among all homicide suspects whose race was known, white killers of blacks numbered only 243.

Violent crime has now risen by a significant amount for two consecutive years. The total number of violent crimes rose 4.1 percent in 2016, and estimated homicides rose 8.6 percent.

In 2015, violent crime rose by nearly 4 percent and estimated homicides by nearly 11 percent. The last time violence rose two years in a row was 2005-06.

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect. Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 a.m., many officers are instead just driving by.

Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January 2017. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police — including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes.

The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?

Well ditto head that's the problem with your ignorance. I worked for 45 years and no longer have to work unless I decide to do personal projects or projects upon request. I am a very happy person. So what you need to do is stop listening to your favorite white radio race pimp,, quit repeating the race baited bullshit he or she tells you and go study the truth.

You sure don't seem like a "happy person" at all, the way you bitch incessantly about your shitty life! :D

Yawn! .I am reading all you whites bitching about blacks even to the point of making shit up and I am the miserable one.:badgrin:

You were asked a question and in usual white racist fashion you avoid answering it. Are you a white female?
Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?

Well ditto head that's the problem with your ignorance. I worked for 45 years and no longer have to work unless I decide to do personal projects or projects upon request. I am a very happy person. So what you need to do is stop listening to your favorite white radio race pimp,, quit repeating the race baited bullshit he or she tells you and go study the truth.

You sure don't seem like a "happy person" at all, the way you bitch incessantly about your shitty life! :D

Yawn! .I am reading all you whites bitching about blacks even to the point of making shit up and I am the miserable one.:badgrin:

You were asked a question and in usual white racist fashion you avoid answering it. Are you a white female?

Are you a white female?
Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.

Whites are where they are because of legislation. Stop fooling yourselves like the government never gave you anything. We made our way through life without policies intended to deny you whites of anything.. When will whites do that?

So let me break you off something. There are approximately 236,000 blacks in gangs. There are 46 million blacks who live in this country. Do the math. That's just a little more than 1/2 of one percent of all backs. There s no gang problem in the black community. .Do you understand?

Maybe if you worked instead of posting here all the time and complaining about your horrible existence, you would actually be a happier person?

Well ditto head that's the problem with your ignorance. I worked for 45 years and no longer have to work unless I decide to do personal projects or projects upon request. I am a very happy person. So what you need to do is stop listening to your favorite white radio race pimp,, quit repeating the race baited bullshit he or she tells you and go study the truth.

You sure don't seem like a "happy person" at all, the way you bitch incessantly about your shitty life! :D

Yawn! .I am reading all you whites bitching about blacks even to the point of making shit up and I am the miserable one.:badgrin:

You were asked a question and in usual white racist fashion you avoid answering it. Are you a white female?

Yet, you and a couple of other "slaves" are the ones making all the "woe is me" posts, insinuating that you are slaves to the system and have no escape. What a load. You have all the same opportunities that I do. You are just too lazy to use them and would rather complain and use scape goat excuse that your failure at life is because you are black. Bullshit.
Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me?
The government which you say has given you nothing was the essence of the 1790 Naturalization Act, which allowed any white European immigrant to become a full citizen, even while blacks could not. Affirmative action for whites was the guiding principle of segregation

In recent history, the government whites racially-restrictive housing policies that helped 15 million white families get homes with FHA loans from the 1930s to the ’60s, while black people were mostly excluded from the same programs. .

White racial preference explains why white families, on average, have a net worth eleven times that of black families: a gap that remains substantial even when only comparing families of like size, composition, education and income status.

The current baby-boomer generation of whites is in the process of inheriting between $7-10 trillion in assets from their parents and grandparents: property handed down by those who were able to accumulate assets at a time when black people.

Yet you sit there and say "Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me?" you probably think it's all about hard work and ambition, and ignore that at every turn, your hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which millions of black people have been denied.

But I'm sure you're blind to the fact that when you seek admission to a university, apply for a job, or hunt for an apartment, you don't look threatening. Almost all of the people evaluating u for those things look like u, they are white. They see in u a reflection of themselves, and in a racist world that is an advantage. U smile. U r white. U r one of them. U r not dangerous. Even when u get angry, it's cool, ur white.
Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me?
The government which you say has given you nothing was the essence of the 1790 Naturalization Act, which allowed any white European immigrant to become a full citizen, even while blacks could not. Affirmative action for whites was the guiding principle of segregation

In recent history, the government whites racially-restrictive housing policies that helped 15 million white families get homes with FHA loans from the 1930s to the ’60s, while black people were mostly excluded from the same programs. .

White racial preference explains why white families, on average, have a net worth eleven times that of black families: a gap that remains substantial even when only comparing families of like size, composition, education and income status.

The current baby-boomer generation of whites is in the process of inheriting between $7-10 trillion in assets from their parents and grandparents: property handed down by those who were able to accumulate assets at a time when black people.

Yet you sit there and say "Why what has the government given to me? Why don't you tell me?" you probably think it's all about hard work and ambition, and ignore that at every turn, your hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which millions of black people have been denied.

But I'm sure you're blind to the fact that when you seek admission to a university, apply for a job, or hunt for an apartment, you don't look threatening. Almost all of the people evaluating u for those things look like u, they are white. They see in u a reflection of themselves, and in a racist world that is an advantage. U smile. U r white. U r one of them. U r not dangerous. Even when u get angry, it's cool, ur white.

Well, I am a poor person who is not an immigrant. The government hasn't ever done anything to help me out. I work full time and live my life like anyone else. No special favors, no special arrangements.

In fact, if I wanted to bitch, women have been FAR MORE oppressed (and still are) than you have ever been.
So you are sad that Hollywood doesn't concentrate more on black criminals? Man, you people are nuts. I'm not just saying that to be mean. You have some really serious issues that you need to work through.
You said that not me.

Fact is white people always making movie about white serial killers (John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahlmer) or white robbers like The Wolf Of Wall Street. about Jordan Belfort. Or the new movie about John Gotti. Or fictional white characters running around killing everyone. White people are always making movies about death and destruction and killing and war. I'd be here all day if I had to list them.

White people celebrate white criminals. People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson.

Or how about films and programmes to show how stylish and “mysterious” white gangsters are ? Goodfellas ? Sopranos anyone? Biker gangs ? Game of Thrones ? Bonnie and Clyde ?

Or let's go back to the Wild West and films about killers like Billy The Kid, Wild Bill Hickcock, Jessie James.

After the dust has settled over Charles Manson....in 5 or 10 years time, white people make a movie about him too

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