What do black people want?

Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.

I would say that the overwhelming majority of black people want to be white. AND, they are racist on their way to that goal. Some pertinent examples include:

1) Black entertainers and black athletes inter-marry with whites

2) Many female black entertainers try to bleach their hair white, wear wigs, wear blue contacts, and do a myriad of other things to physically hide their true physical appearance to take on white traits

3) Black people mimic white singers and even claim whites songs as their own. A prime example is the song I Will Always Love You. It was a Dolly Parton / country song and then re-released by Whitney Houston. My feeling was, if blacks were not racist, they'd have bought the song when Dolly Parton sang it.

Having said that, it is equally true that these white guys who wear their pants hanging off their ass, wearing the bling, the backward hats, doing that weird crap with their fingers and pretending to be rap artists shows that a lot of whites are equally desperate to become black.

The few people who are content to have their own cultural / racial identity are stigmatized as racists. That is dishonest and the view that white supremacists control anything is laughable. The white supremacists think they have some kind of control and the blacks think that too, but, it's time for a reality check:

Donald Trump turns out to be poster boy for white supremacy. His daughter marries a Jew (and white supremacists don't accept Jews as white.) Trump is also friends with Rupert Murdoch, who sits on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (the arch nemesis of white supremacists - even more so than blacks.)

Faux News, the people who the white supremacists rely on for their news is owned primarily by Rupert Murdoch and the next major stockholder is a Saudi Prince. So, all their news is controlled.

When it comes to battles, the white supremacists lost their bids against reverse discrimination, the Confederate flag, and the attempts to save their monuments, statues, and memorials.

To claim white supremacists have any power is delusional at best.

Well you are wrong. And there is a 5 billion dollar Industry called the tanning industry here whites spend all kinds of dollars to turn brown. You don't turn white because you marry a white woman or man. Elvis stole back music, so did Jerry Lee Lewis and ,many other whites. I've been black for 56 years and can't recall ever wanting to be white.

You can speak for you personally. Like most of the people on this thread, we're speaking about what we can see. Half a century ago people did not want to be black... except that Hollywood wanted us to change our culture.

You mentioned the pedophile, Jerry Lee Lewis, and the Jewish guy, Elvis. If not for Hollywood, the general sentiment would have been that whites would not be all that into imitating black people.

For real, blacks thought the only way to elevate their positions in life was to integrate into white society. The Chinese, by contrast, have their own neighborhoods and remain today the richest minority (Jews, who white supremacists don't count as white) notwithstanding.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

No appeal to morals or even reason is going to work is going to affect their racism deep down, so long as they see themselves as White.
You should stick to commenting on things that you know about. In other words, STFU. :biggrin:

Translation: "WTF can I say to that?"
Ya, because it's just more of his usual stupid comments. :lol:

No. They just went through your empty head like an echo.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.

Some videos of my Polish people beating up your Black buddies.

You are a Liberal who probably supports these poor little victim Blacks getting owned by the big bad Poles.

Yea, that. Quit the black on black genocide, and quit blaming it on white people. Also realize just which white people are their real enemy. In other words, the same white Democrats they keep voting for. The same ones who keep promising black people everything but keep making their lives worse. And quit supporting the white Democratic Party's Judas goats and race pimps like Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Maxine Waters, who are nothing more than plantation overseers.
It's not about white people. It's about the white supremacists and white people have allowed the white supremacists to have the most power.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it isn't "white supremacists" who are murdering all those black people in Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis. It also isn't "white supremacist", NRA members, conservatives or Republicans who have supported the liberal and "progressive" ideology that has murdered over 50 million people since the 1970's, through abortion.

You do know that the majority of those murdered unborn children were black and other minorities, right? You might want to re-evaluate your life and take a closer look at the bullshit your liberal Democratic "protectors" are trying to feed you.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

No appeal to morals or even reason is going to work is going to affect their racism deep down, so long as they see themselves as White.
You should stick to commenting on things that you know about. In other words, STFU. :biggrin:

Translation: "WTF can I say to that?"
Ya, because it's just more of his usual stupid comments. :lol:

No. They just went through your empty head like an echo.
Ya, an echo of all the other dumb shit that jackass has said. :biggrin:
blacks are over represented in a lot of great jobs--and this with them graduating at lover levels
And there are so many blacks on TV — programs and commercials — that you'd think we were living in fucking Africa.

Sorry, but no thanks. I just tune out all those fucked up commercials. They're not advertising to me, that's for sure.
Dont be a snowflake. We had to endure decades of pale faces dominating the commercials. Its cool to see some melinated people now. Much easier on the eyes.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.

All races are envious of Black’s generally larger size and greater athleticism. But the races are not envious of the Black population generally lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption, violence and crime.

I will admit I am definitely envious of the size of the black man’s penis.[emoji37]

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Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

I don't understand any of that. Is someone letting their chimp pound away on the keyboard?
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

What do Blacks folks really want....? Hmmmm....that's a tough one.

Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop considering welfare a lifestyle. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....

Yea, that. Quit the black on black genocide, and quit blaming it on white people. Also realize just which white people are their real enemy. In other words, the same white Democrats they keep voting for. The same ones who keep promising black people everything but keep making their lives worse. And quit supporting the white Democratic Party's Judas goats and race pimps like Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Maxine Waters, who are nothing more than plantation overseers.
Your corporations have to do a better job of hiring blacks if you’re gonna cut the social programs but hopefully the tough love makes poor people more consciously aware of their responsibility to raise a child.

Middle class people don’t have lots of kids cause they can’t afford them. Why can poor people afford to have more kids than them?
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

I don't understand any of that. Is someone letting their chimp pound away on the keyboard?
Yes. Someone let you pound on the keyboard. I hope your handler used some Febreze to get rid of your wet dog smell and some RID to manage your hair lice. :)

Dont worry what I was saying typically confuses chimps like you. :)
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

What do Blacks folks really want....? Hmmmm....that's a tough one.


I dont like Kool-Aid but I will fuck up the other 3. Good eatin. :)
Is there a reason why the OP posts nothing but racist bait threads every day?
Some videos of my Polish people beating up your Black buddies.

You are a Liberal who probably supports these poor little victim Blacks getting owned by the big bad Poles.

I could download scores of black men stomping white men out. But I'm not gonna do that.

Black men (In general) don't have prove our masculinity.

The history of boxing shows that white men are pretty pathetic at unarmed 1 on 1 combat. Even MMA which was created by whites, the best MMA fighter is a black man (Jon Jones)

That white guy Fedor Emelianenko is good.


He is really good actually. I can give a white man credit if they deserve it. His chin is crazy. He stands up to shots that would put an elephant to sleep. But he rushes in on submission attempts a bit too much though

But pound 4 pound Jon Jones is better. His reach is long than most and better grappling skills than Fedor but they are different weight so the the fight can't happen.

Fedor goes against the grain I suppose because to be fair. White people are intimidated and scared of black men and normally that translates in the ring. But Fedor goes in shows no fear of black men

Let's take the Mayweather - McGregor fight

Good thing life did not depict art


Because in reality it was this

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being smaller, older, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch Mayweather landed snapped head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish bitch into deep waters and drowned him


That's why people hate Floyd Mayweather hate because he's a black man who’s unbroken. People hate to see a black man who is confident.

When I was growing up the worse insult you could have was losing to white man. You'd fight to the death to not let that happen.

Also the boxing ring is one the few places that white people don't have the system of racism to help them. In all areas of life. If a white man wants a job, house or car or good school, as long as they play by the rules they are given these things on a plate.

Where as black people are well aware that system is against us. So that kinds steels an inner toughness within black people. Some one once said "It's not really a sport with black people" that's why when blk people come into sports, when it's an even playing field.

We dominate.

Not so much because that natural athletic ability stuff. More that the system of racism makes black men and women know they have to try harder.
Last edited:
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.

Who cares? Do black people care about what I want? They are just like anyone else. They need to make their own way through life. The ones who join gangs or riot and loot/steal, they need to learn that temper tantrums are not going to work either.
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....
I probably faced more obstacles than Carson. He is a uncle tom so I'm sure he did a lot of grinning, head bobbing and shuffling.

Whitey cant keep me down. All he can do is what he does which is place obstacles in my way which I promptly destroy.

Whites should worry about their opioid problem. Never tried crack and a job is for people that would rather build someone elses net worth. I'm about building businesses. Tell whites to stop having children they will never raise and marry their babys momma. No Black person ever turned a a city into a ghetto. Only a retarded white person would think that. Tell whites to stop the thug worship and you would have a case. Tell whites to give back all the real estate they looted. Tell whites not to kill each other.

You are under the misguided assumption that whites sit around all day trying to come up with ways to keep the black man down. We don't. What gains or losses you make are strictly on your shoulders and yours alone. We are merely your scapegoats to justify your lack. And I am not talking specifically, I am talking community.
You won't find a car downtown in the once bustling city next to my town. HUD housing moved in. But you'll see it on the news EVERY NIGHT. "Shots fired in downtown XXXX." Followed by, "6 more drug dealers from Chicago were arrested today..." And here is the sad truth, you never need to guess what color the perps are going to be. You do indeed ruin the areas you inhabit. Just look to welfare housing to prove it.
You are a small percentage of the population here, and yet fill our prisons. That is not our fault. It is YOUR fault. We are busy living our lives. You give us too much credit.
We are not in your way. YOU are in your way...

For you to make this comment shows it is you under such a misguided assumption.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.

All races are envious of Black’s generally larger size and greater athleticism. But the races are not envious of the Black population generally lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption, violence and crime.

I will admit I am definitely envious of the size of the black man’s penis.[emoji37]

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I don't carry a tape measure and try to measure men's penises... especially erect ones. What I can tell you is that science has refuted the myths. Take this quote from the Dr. Oz show:

"First, length. Scientific studies of the size of erect penises – and there are a surprising number of them – consistently show that the average erection is a little more than 5 inches long. Like any aspect of anatomy, though, people vary. On the small side of things, a guy is considered normal if his erect penis is at least 3 inches long. On the long end of things, 2 research efforts found that the longest erect penises in their study populations were about 8 inches long. Longer penises certainly exist, however. In his book Penis Size and Enlargement: Facts, Fallacies, and Proven Methods, Garry Griffin provides the following estimates:

  • Only 15% of men have a penis longer than 7 inches when erect.
  • Only 3% of men are bigger than 8 inches when erect.
  • Only one man in 10,000 has a 10-inch erection.
It’s also true that penises that are relatively short when flaccid, tend to enlarge proportionately more during erection than larger penises. In other words, you can’t tell from the size of a limp penis how it’ll look when erect.

Does race have any effect on penis size? Nope. Several studies, starting with those reported in Alfred Kinsey’s classic 1948 work Sexual Behavior in the Human Male have found no differences, on average, in penis length between whites, blacks, and Asians

Does Size Matter?

I was going to quote you from a Masters and Johnson study, but that summed it up better. They are certainly no more athletic than whites, but that's a different topic.

Finally, when you mention the black peoples "lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption," violence and crime, I think it is more of an issue that they cannot assimilate into our culture because the differences go more than skin deep.

In terms of incidents, for instance, black people commit more crimes: more rapes, more burglaries, more assaults, etc. OTOH, whites and those of Arabic descent are more likely to do things like a mass shooting. Most of the time, when whites engage in acts like a mass shooting (Dylan Roof being a prime example), they are driven by political ideology. In lesser horrific crimes, whites will kill family and co-workers over spats wherein they feel they were wronged.

With blacks, they tend to do things out of an inability to assimilate into a white culture. So, their crimes tend to be black on black - one on one and crimes related to shooting some poor sap working in a convenience store - and then taking the guy's life for less than $200 in many instances.

At the end of the day, I think that the differences are more than just skin deep though race may be a good indicator of some biological differences yet to be fully understood.
All races are envious of Black’s generally larger size and greater athleticism. But the races are not envious of the Black population generally lower intelligence, lack of morals and discipline and propensity for corruption, violence and crime.

I will admit I am definitely envious of the size of the black man’s penis.[emoji37]
Do you believe racism exist ? If your answer to this is "Yes"

Then why do white people need to a system of racism to prop them up ?

After all you're saying that black people lack intelligence and morals etc then you superior white people should not need any system to give them a head-start ? Right ?

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