What do black people want?

You've goo do a much netter job than trying to use an article from Heather McDonald. The Annual FBI UCR shows that very year whites commit almost triple the crimes of backs. So I am not gong to waste my time arguing with an ignorant racist on this matter.

The statistics quoted above are from the FBI. Lol.

Like I said, the Annual FBI UCR shows that every years since at least 1994 when I stated studying the numvers whits have committed no less than 2.5 rimes the number of crimes as blacks. That's 24 years. .

The FBI says this also:
Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks rose to 2,380 last year, an increase of about 8 percent from 2014.

However, the share of black-on-black homicides as a proportion of black people killed actually fell by just under 1 percentage point, to 89.3 percent. This undoubtedly fractional decrease – which marked the third straight year of incremental reductions – still meant that for the first time since the start of the 21st century, the percentage of black victims killed by another black person stood below 90 percent of the total of black people killed.

Often less discussed – to the consternation of experts and columnists – is the phenomenon of white-on-white homicides. The number of white people killed by other whites rose 3.5 percent to 2,574 victims in 2015.


White on white crime is increasing and you ae here singing the age old racist melody about black on black homicide. Heathetr McDonald won't tell you this. .

I told you I have studied this. Know your limitations.

Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic
The statistics quoted above are from the FBI. Lol.

Like I said, the Annual FBI UCR shows that every years since at least 1994 when I stated studying the numvers whits have committed no less than 2.5 rimes the number of crimes as blacks. That's 24 years. .

The FBI says this also:
Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks rose to 2,380 last year, an increase of about 8 percent from 2014.

However, the share of black-on-black homicides as a proportion of black people killed actually fell by just under 1 percentage point, to 89.3 percent. This undoubtedly fractional decrease – which marked the third straight year of incremental reductions – still meant that for the first time since the start of the 21st century, the percentage of black victims killed by another black person stood below 90 percent of the total of black people killed.

Often less discussed – to the consternation of experts and columnists – is the phenomenon of white-on-white homicides. The number of white people killed by other whites rose 3.5 percent to 2,574 victims in 2015.


White on white crime is increasing and you ae here singing the age old racist melody about black on black homicide. Heathetr McDonald won't tell you this. .

I told you I have studied this. Know your limitations.

Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic

How so, why don't you explain it all to us then, genius? :D
Anyways, the bottom line . . . nobody owes you anything. Work for what you want. NOBODY is going to give it to you. I haven't had any more opportunities in this life than anyone else has. Nobody helped me. I helped myself.
Like I said, the Annual FBI UCR shows that every years since at least 1994 when I stated studying the numvers whits have committed no less than 2.5 rimes the number of crimes as blacks. That's 24 years. .

The FBI says this also:
Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks rose to 2,380 last year, an increase of about 8 percent from 2014.

However, the share of black-on-black homicides as a proportion of black people killed actually fell by just under 1 percentage point, to 89.3 percent. This undoubtedly fractional decrease – which marked the third straight year of incremental reductions – still meant that for the first time since the start of the 21st century, the percentage of black victims killed by another black person stood below 90 percent of the total of black people killed.

Often less discussed – to the consternation of experts and columnists – is the phenomenon of white-on-white homicides. The number of white people killed by other whites rose 3.5 percent to 2,574 victims in 2015.


White on white crime is increasing and you ae here singing the age old racist melody about black on black homicide. Heathetr McDonald won't tell you this. .

I told you I have studied this. Know your limitations.

Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic

How so, why don't you explain it all to us then, genius? :D

all of the science of statistics and sociology -------in twenty words?
As to your apparent claim that racism is NO LONGER an issue------try again
Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic

How so, why don't you explain it all to us then, genius? :D

all of the science of statistics and sociology -------in twenty words?
As to your apparent claim that racism is NO LONGER an issue------try again

Well, say something that means something if you know so much! What IS the issue? What opportunities did I get as a white person that a black person did not or cannot get?
Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic

How so, why don't you explain it all to us then, genius? :D

all of the science of statistics and sociology -------in twenty words?
As to your apparent claim that racism is NO LONGER an issue------try again

Yes, so black people are only 13% of the population and yet their murder rates are the same as whites. Are you starting to understand the concepts of percentages yet? :D Probably not.

I .understand percentages far better than you.. I also understand totals. Whites commit more crimes.

Whites commit crimes, yes. BUT because there are way less black people, and they have the same crime rate as whites, that means that crime rate in the black community is WAY out of proportion to any other race. That is because of your victim mentality and thinking that the world "owes" you something. At least that is one of my theories. I mean, there was definitely a time in the past where you could have claimed that it was racism as an excuse for your failures, but not anymore. I don't have any more opportunities in this life than you do.

chris---------you, TOO, are being a little simplistic

How so, why don't you explain it all to us then, genius? :D

all of the science of statistics and sociology -------in twenty words?
As to your apparent claim that racism is NO LONGER an issue------try again

Just don't start calling people "sluts" and "whores" please. Explain yourself and your remarks because what you said above means absolutely nothing at all.
The FBI crime bureau statistics are what they are. They aren't a "poll" or something. They are the actual statistics of convicted criminals.
Is this the FBI who wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Is this the FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents ?

Is this the FBI who have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

So believing what the FBI said about black people is like believing anything Ronald McDonald is gonna tell you about vegetarians.
The FBI crime bureau statistics are what they are. They aren't a "poll" or something. They are the actual statistics of convicted criminals.
Is this the FBI who wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Is this the FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents ?

Is this the FBI who have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

So believing what the FBI said about black people is like believing anything Ronald McDonald is gonna tell you about vegetarians.

The FBI isn't "making up" the statistics. They are the statistics of convicted criminals.
The FBI crime bureau statistics are what they are. They aren't a "poll" or something. They are the actual statistics of convicted criminals.
Is this the FBI who wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Is this the FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents ?

Is this the FBI who have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

So believing what the FBI said about black people is like believing anything Ronald McDonald is gonna tell you about vegetarians.

So have you answered the OP question yet? What exactly IS IT that you want? What is it that you expect from someone else?
So have you answered the OP question yet? What exactly IS IT that you want? What is it that you expect from someone else?
The short (And it's very hard to keep it short) answer is to replace the system of white supremacy with a system of justice
So have you answered the OP question yet? What exactly IS IT that you want? What is it that you expect from someone else?
The short (And it's very hard to keep it short) answer is to replace the system of white supremacy with a system of justice

And how are you going about accomplishing this goal of yours? And where is this "system of white supremacy?" Slavery is illegal, so is workplace discrimination.
Do you want sympathy, pity? Special treatment, special privileges,for people to be nicer to you? WHAT?
Racism has little to do with being nice to people and to be honest if you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult in this, you need only need to look at your statement.

To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual, saying a prejudicial remark.

For blacks, it is that too, but more racism is the pattern and practice of policies and social institutions, which have the effect of perpetuating deeply embedded structural inequalities between people on the basis of race.

To blacks racism is systemic.

To whites, it is purely personal.

These differences in perception make sense. White people have never been the targets of systemic racism in this country, so it is much easier for u to view the matter in personal terms.

But for black people, racism has been an institutional phenomenon. The experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system. It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.
That^^^ black guy wants white people in africa to be murdered.
There is one example, OP. :D
Do you want sympathy, pity? Special treatment, special privileges,for people to be nicer to you? WHAT?
Racism has little to do with being nice to people and to be honest if you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult in this, you need only need to look at your statement.

To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual, saying a prejudicial remark.

For blacks, it is that too, but more racism is the pattern and practice of policies and social institutions, which have the effect of perpetuating deeply embedded structural inequalities between people on the basis of race.

To blacks racism is systemic.

To whites, it is purely personal.

These differences in perception make sense. White people have never been the targets of systemic racism in this country, so it is much easier for u to view the matter in personal terms.

But for black people, racism has been an institutional phenomenon. The experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system. It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.

You say this but you have no examples of it?

If your "group" is under suspicion, it is most often times because someone in your "group" has behaved in a manner that warrants suspicion.

My boyfriend just got done doing some work on a 3.5 million dollar townhouse in Cambridge, MA, owned by a BLACK family.
And how are you going about accomplishing this goal of yours?
I'm in a system of white supremacy and black people (and all non white people though I don't speak for Asians) have not figured how to get out of that system

I am subjected to that system in all areas of human activity. I'm subjected to that system economically, educationally, politically, entertainment, by the law, by the labor and there is no where I can go on this planet to escape that system.
And where is this "system of white supremacy?"
The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Slavery is illegal, so is workplace discrimination.
So is murder but people still do it.
And how are you going about accomplishing this goal of yours?
I'm in a system of white supremacy and black people (and all non white people though I don't speak for Asians) have not figured how to get out of that system

I am subjected to that system in all areas of human activity. I'm subjected to that system economically, educationally, politically, entertainment, by the law, by the labor and there is no where I can go on this planet to escape that system.
And where is this "system of white supremacy?"
The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Slavery is illegal, so is workplace discrimination.
So is murder but people still do it.

How were you denied an education? You keep talking about this system but there are plenty of black kids who are attending middle class neighborhood schools and getting the same education as any middle class white child. The same goes for all of the above.

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