What do liberals want the US to be?

Which policies payed off?
Civil rights, women's rights, worker protections, social security, Medicare, affirmative action

Which of the policies you listed are exclusive to "liberals" or accomplished the goals to the extent the problem has been solved?

Let me see?

ummmmmm........Looks like all of them

Well it is obvious you are blind ... And have nothing to complain about if that is what you believe.

I'm not complaining

All of those initiatives have helped the well being of all Americans
How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

Republicans favor tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but these had no stimulative effect during the George W. Bush administration and there is no reason to believe that more of them will have any today.

These constraints have led Republicans to embrace the idea that government regulation is the principal factor holding back employment. They assert that Barack Obama has unleashed a tidal wave of new regulations, which has created uncertainty among businesses and prevents them from investing and hiring.

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.

The table below presents the bureau’s data. As one can see, the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration. Lack of demand for business products and services is vastly more important.


These results are supported by surveys. During June and July, Small Business Majority asked 1,257 small-business owners to name the two biggest problems they face. Only 13 percent listed government regulation as one of them. Almost half said their biggest problem was uncertainty about the future course of the economy — another way of saying a lack of customers and sales.

The Wall Street Journal’s July survey of business economists found, “The main reason U.S. companies are reluctant to step up hiring is scant demand, rather than uncertainty over government policies, according to a majority of economists.”

In August, McClatchy Newspapers canvassed small businesses, asking them if regulation was a big problem. It could find no evidence that this was the case.

“None of the business owners complained about regulation in their particular industries, and most seemed to welcome it,” McClatchy reported. “Some pointed to the lack of regulation in mortgage lending as a principal cause of the financial crisis that brought about the Great Recession of 2007-9 and its grim aftermath.”

The latest monthly survey of its members by the National Federation of Independent Business shows that poor sales are far and away their biggest problem. While concerns about regulation have risen during the Obama administration, they are about the same now as they were during Ronald Reagan’s administration, according to an analysis of the federation’s data by the Economic Policy Institute.


First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...


So you make this claim and you say it is the only way the GOP can win.

I asked if that was how we won a nearly secure seat in Colorado (democratic) last month. And now, you know nothing about Colorado.

O.K. How about Mary Landrieu and Louisiana ? Did she get wholloped because the GOP did all the things you stated above ?

Can you provide proof ?

Or do you not know anything about Mary either (but you still make the claims you made) ?
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Do you spend 80% of your day fuming about this? lol


But I do question why we continue policies that only contribute to allowing the one percent to control 40% of the wealth

LOL dude you need one of those captain Kurk yelling pics with "The 1%" captioned in your sig line. :laugh:

Why do you grovel for the 1%ers?

Why do you envy and covet other peoples money? They earned it not you its theirs.

Ah the envy card, lol

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
I took the election well once I realized Republicans will do nothing with their short lived control of the Senate.
The Dems will take both the whotehouse and Senate in 2016 and things will return to normal

Keep up the wet dream.

It makes it easier for us when we cream you ass in 2016.

You can kiss Obamacare good-bye.

We are just getting started.
Just what I expect out of conservatives....thinking 2014 was a validation of their policies

See how you do in a presidential election cycle with a weak candidate and having to defend 24 senate seats

Then you can start whining about voter fraud again

Did I say it was a validation of policies ?

Let me know when you can produce the quote that shows I said it.

I won't be holding my breath.

The truth is that people are fed up with both sides. Fortunately, they think you suck more than we do.

As for a weak candidate, let's hope you are betting on Clinton. She'll be lucky to see the light of day.

Defending 24 seats won't be hard. In fact, we'll pick up Nevada.

You only had to defend ten Senate seats last time. Try 24 with over half in blues states.
Like I said cockiness by conservatives will be their undoing, just like 2012

Republicans are reaching the point where they can barely reach 270 under ideal conditions. 2016 will hardly be ideal for the GOP

Presidential coattails is about the only way Dems can win the House or Senate. If a Repub wins the White House in 2016, they will win all three.
The electoral vote is heavily stacked against Republicans to the point where they can barely reach 270....look at Bush
The Senate has Republicans defending 24 seats and Dems defending 10

The deck is stacked against you
Which policies payed off?
Civil rights, women's rights, worker protections, social security, Medicare, affirmative action

Which of the policies you listed are exclusive to "liberals" or accomplished the goals to the extent the problem has been solved?

Let me see?

ummmmmm........Looks like all of them

Well it is obvious you are blind ... And have nothing to complain about if that is what you believe.

I'm not complaining

All of those initiatives have helped the well being of all Americans

That's bull. If I had the S.S. money I had paid into the system, I'd be much better off. Hasn't helped me at all. And it won't.
he probably does. He dreams of being Robin Hood.

I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

Riiiiight what we need are higher taxes and more regulations...AHAHAHAHAHA! You libs crack me up. :laugh:

1%ers 1945-1980 had 6%-9% of ALL US income. 23% by 2007. Today about 20% see the tax burden dropping AS their incomes increased DRAMATICALLY?



^^^ (points and laughs)

I get it, those 1%ers from 1945-1980 were less educated and didn't work as hard as those post 1980 right? lol
James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

So how does gov't pass laws "which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort?"
Bull, you did nothing to "set up" the system. I created my company, I funded "the system." You are just a parasite.

Right, you didn't BENEFIT from our roads, schools, military, etc.

Fukkking dumbass, go do it in a 3rd world nation then!!

That isn't what I said, Einstein. You had nothing to do with roads, schools and the military. I funded those. Businesses drive our economy. You had nothing to do with providing them. Illiteracy sucks. If you went to college, you should sue them to get your money back.
Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...

Sorry to break it to you, but it's a handful either way.

Let's see fact based evidence of your claims.

You really think you lost Colorado because the GOP blocked voting ?

Please, run for office.....you'd make it easy for us.
I didn't say they won because they BLOCKED voting, you made that up yourself....
Then you can explain the democrats loss of a key senate seat in Colorado.

Looking forward to it.

i know nothing about colorado, and i was not speaking about colorado, so what's your point?

I pulled your post #194 forward into #423. You can explain it from there.
Riiiiight what we need are higher taxes and more regulations...AHAHAHAHAHA! You libs crack me up. :laugh:

Try and offer something, anything based on intelligent thought. Could you do that? Or not? So far, you ain't looking to good. Kinda dumb and simple minded is what you seem to be.

Liberal play book page 1, deflect by painting your opponent as uneducated, dumb, not intelligent, simple minded etc. So go ahead you geniuses are the ones who proposed tax increases and regulations = jobs so explain it, be specific how is that going to work? Build a Berlin Wall around corporations with regulations and taxes is that it? lol

Republican Record on Shipping American Jobs Overseas:

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

These Charts Show There s Probably No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP - Business Insider

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of Forbes.com), you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth or not - Forbes

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth

Economists Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won t Hurt Growth ThinkProgress

Trickle down

Fool me once....

Trickle down?

You're speaking of the 'economic theory', which confiscates property from those who created it, thus who rightfully own it, keeps most of it to sustain their power and trickles down a small percentage of it to those who could have created their own, but who CHOSE NOT TO... .

It's a Deceitful theory which uses FRAUDULENT reasoning as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.
Save us your libertarian logic

Contributing to the society from which you benefit is not a confiscation of property. Our wealthy are paying at one of the lowest levels in our history and laughing all the way to the bank

Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty.

And just as an FYI: That evil confiscates less at one time or more at another, is irrelevant... DUMBASS!

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)

LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:
Keep up the wet dream.

It makes it easier for us when we cream you ass in 2016.

You can kiss Obamacare good-bye.

We are just getting started.
Just what I expect out of conservatives....thinking 2014 was a validation of their policies

See how you do in a presidential election cycle with a weak candidate and having to defend 24 senate seats

Then you can start whining about voter fraud again

Did I say it was a validation of policies ?

Let me know when you can produce the quote that shows I said it.

I won't be holding my breath.

The truth is that people are fed up with both sides. Fortunately, they think you suck more than we do.

As for a weak candidate, let's hope you are betting on Clinton. She'll be lucky to see the light of day.

Defending 24 seats won't be hard. In fact, we'll pick up Nevada.

You only had to defend ten Senate seats last time. Try 24 with over half in blues states.
Like I said cockiness by conservatives will be their undoing, just like 2012

Republicans are reaching the point where they can barely reach 270 under ideal conditions. 2016 will hardly be ideal for the GOP

Presidential coattails is about the only way Dems can win the House or Senate. If a Repub wins the White House in 2016, they will win all three.
The electoral vote is heavily stacked against Republicans to the point where they can barely reach 270....look at Bush
The Senate has Republicans defending 24 seats and Dems defending 10

The deck is stacked against you

Noticed you didn't provide any support for you claim....

Pushing to 79,000 and being just as worthless.

Not worried at all.

See you in 2016.
I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

Riiiiight what we need are higher taxes and more regulations...AHAHAHAHAHA! You libs crack me up. :laugh:

1%ers 1945-1980 had 6%-9% of ALL US income. 23% by 2007. Today about 20% see the tax burden dropping AS their incomes increased DRAMATICALLY?



^^^ (points and laughs)

I get it, those 1%ers from 1945-1980 were less educated and didn't work as hard as those post 1980 right? lol

LMAO haters gonna hate. I feel sorry for you, sort of. lol
what specifically do liberals want the US to become

Glad you asked.

I want the United States of America to become what it once was. I want us to be the manufacture of choice
for everything technical and the supplier to the rest of the world for inventions and technology of the future.

Though I am in no way what you seem to consider a liberal to be, that's what I want. And the requirements in education and training go hand and hand with my objectives. So we have to become better in education and training again.

Like it used to be.
Yep, that's what I want.

And that "education and training" - assuming those who are not now getting it actually want it or can absorb it - is to be paid for by...?
People are capable of determine how they can or should contribute to society without the filthy government forcing them to do it.

You are an equal opportunity hater of "filthy government". Right? You hate those Republicans. Right?
Republicans in the government collect your money as well. Right. Filthy fucking Republican collecting your taxes and wasting your money on stupid fucking wars.

Damn dude, you need to leave the country. This isn't your kind of place.

Absolutely! The Republicans are Democrat Light. They have screwed up this country almost as much as the Democrats.

For instance, the other day the Republican controlled House voted to continue the funding of Obamacare and to give the illegals a truckload of money.

The Republicans may be 1000 times better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats have set such a low bar. 1000 X 0 = 0.

I don't have to accept bad government. You may but I don't.

To paraphrase a quote from the movie "Office Space" :

No way, why should I leave the country? The idiots that vote for Progressives are the ones who suck.

“The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then get elected and prove it." - P.J. O’rourke

Founders Established 'The Common Good

John Adams, Founding Father and 2nd President; Thoughts on Government, 1776:

"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."
Riiiiight what we need are higher taxes and more regulations...AHAHAHAHAHA! You libs crack me up. :laugh:

Try and offer something, anything based on intelligent thought. Could you do that? Or not? So far, you ain't looking to good. Kinda dumb and simple minded is what you seem to be.

Liberal play book page 1, deflect by painting your opponent as uneducated, dumb, not intelligent, simple minded etc. So go ahead you geniuses are the ones who proposed tax increases and regulations = jobs so explain it, be specific how is that going to work? Build a Berlin Wall around corporations with regulations and taxes is that it? lol

Republican Record on Shipping American Jobs Overseas:

Republicans Responsible for Shipping American Jobs Overseas and Outsourcing

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

These Charts Show There s Probably No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP - Business Insider

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of Forbes.com), you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth or not - Forbes

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth

Economists Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won t Hurt Growth ThinkProgress

I almost want to be really mean and ask you how much...okay lets go there how much should the "rich" be paying? How much is a fair share? Grow a pair and answer the question if you dare.

Keep up the wet dream.

It makes it easier for us when we cream you ass in 2016.

You can kiss Obamacare good-bye.

We are just getting started.
Just what I expect out of conservatives....thinking 2014 was a validation of their policies

See how you do in a presidential election cycle with a weak candidate and having to defend 24 senate seats

Then you can start whining about voter fraud again

Did I say it was a validation of policies ?

Let me know when you can produce the quote that shows I said it.

I won't be holding my breath.

The truth is that people are fed up with both sides. Fortunately, they think you suck more than we do.

As for a weak candidate, let's hope you are betting on Clinton. She'll be lucky to see the light of day.

Defending 24 seats won't be hard. In fact, we'll pick up Nevada.

You only had to defend ten Senate seats last time. Try 24 with over half in blues states.
Like I said cockiness by conservatives will be their undoing, just like 2012

Republicans are reaching the point where they can barely reach 270 under ideal conditions. 2016 will hardly be ideal for the GOP

Presidential coattails is about the only way Dems can win the House or Senate. If a Repub wins the White House in 2016, they will win all three.
The electoral vote is heavily stacked against Republicans to the point where they can barely reach 270....look at Bush
The Senate has Republicans defending 24 seats and Dems defending 10

The deck is stacked against you

I'm not prognosticating but rather pointing out that only Presidential coattails can break Repub control of the House and Senate and should the Repubs win the White House in 2016 they will win all three. Your arrogance is typical of that which cost the Dems those seats this year. Keep it up.
Last edited:
Tell that to President Obama

Peasantpimp obama... he's not President of anything. He's the Peasantpimp of the Union States.
Resorting to childish name calling ....a sure signal of your submission

Whenever we have a discussion about ignore lists, I always feel a little out of the norm that my list is so long. When I begin reading the tripe of people like Keys...I remember why it's so long.
Which policies payed off?
Civil rights, women's rights, worker protections, social security, Medicare, affirmative action

Which of the policies you listed are exclusive to "liberals" or accomplished the goals to the extent the problem has been solved?

Let me see?

ummmmmm........Looks like all of them

Well it is obvious you are blind ... And have nothing to complain about if that is what you believe.

I'm not complaining

All of those initiatives have helped the well being of all Americans

That's bull. If I had the S.S. money I had paid into the system, I'd be much better off. Hasn't helped me at all. And it won't.
Prior to Social Security most workers retirement consisted of having enough kids where you hoped one would take care of you in your old age. There was no voluntary retirement. You worked until you were no longer able
Social Security changed all that......thank a liberal

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