What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.
“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.

The misconception that you don't have to pay for anything...which also comes under ignorance.
“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.

Simple. Lack of education. Or in the public school and american university's case, lack of good education. There is a concerted effort by Leftist educators to get kids on board with two things:
  1. Socialism good.
  2. America and guns are bad.
Conformity and the power of group think. Fairy tales like Robin Hood and naive know it alls.
Faux News!

Not one of the Democrats advocate for the change in our Constitution necessary to become a Socialist nation. Such a change could not be legislated.

Advocating for social programs in not a call to become a radical socialist nation.
High cost of health care? ...

The government tells us which electric company we have to use ... we have no choice in the matter ... in some cases, it's the government we have to go through to get electric service ... no choice at all ... I don't know if that's "socialism", but it sure as hell ain't "free market" ... hello? ...
Oh look another thread where a bunch of people who wear a name tag to work will discuss a term that they don't understand.

Faux News!

Not one of the Democrats advocate for the change in our Constitution necessary to become a Socialist nation. Such a change could not be legislated.

Advocating for social programs in not a call to become a radical socialist nation.
“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.
Educators brainwashing children touting The Virtues of Globalism-Socialism while Demonizing The Values of American Citizenship, and Devaluing and De-emphasizing the Values, Virtues, Rights and Freedoms of Being an American Citizen.

This is why there is a draw towards socialism. It's a suicidal draw like a moth to a flame but there is a draw, none-the-less.
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By far the strongest draw towards socialism in our country today is the GOP, which took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and turned it into gospel.

Trumpsters should be receiving Thank You cards from the socialists for all the help they're providing, with their shallow, simplistic, binary thinking regarding socioeconomics.
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By far the strongest draw towards socialism in our country today is the GOP, which took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and turned into gospel.

Trumpsters should be receiving Thank You cards from the socialists for all the help they're providing, with their shallow, simplistic, binary thinking regarding socioeconomics.

Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
By far the strongest draw towards socialism in our country today is the GOP, which took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and turned into gospel.

Trumpsters should be receiving Thank You cards from the socialists for all the help they're providing, with their shallow, simplistic, binary thinking regarding socioeconomics.

Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
I liken Socialism to the Midas Touch. Mindless cripples, believing everything they touch will turn into gold, will find that instead, everything they touch will turn into shit. Poor old Midas tried to eat some KFC and starved to death.
Wealth envy.
I belong to a fairly high end country club. I would say it is about 85% democrat, if not higher.

Democrats represent old money. Trust that. Through propaganda and hypocrisy, somehow the rich elites on the left sure make a big noise about "caring for the poor."

No, for them it's about inheritance, bloodlines, royalty if you will. Their greatest disgust is the notion that anyone from the serf class would even think they should have a right to be in their status. It offends them. Most people who become rich act like old money. Take a look at the black rappers who supposedly care so much about the hood they came from. First thing they do when they get their money is move to Malibu, drive Bentleys and chant bling bling in the faces of that serf class hood they supposedly love so much.
The politicians and the mainstream media ( MSM ) targeting naive and insecure young people who are afraid to grow up.
I liken Socialism to the Midas Touch. Mindless cripples, believing everything they touch will turn into gold, will find that instead, everything they touch will turn into shit. Poor old Midas tried to eat some KFC and starved to death.
No one said it better than Winston Churchill: "Socialism is a philosophy of *failure, the *creed of ignorance, and the *gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.

I know exactly why. The left has dumbed the populace down with "you're a victim", "it's not fair", "reparations", "open borders", "we'll take care of you so you don't have to".

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