What do you understand about FDR? Did FDR want a war with Japan? For answers, check here

You seem totally ignorant of the ship from Germany that docked in the Caribbean because FDR refused to allow the Jews on the ship entry into the US based on his belief they were shills for the Nazis.

You seem like a halfwit trying to parrot stupid propaganda.

It wasn't up to Roosevelt to violate U.S. law in the 1930's just because some tards 70 years later would make up idiotic bullshit like yourselves. Jews weren't the only 'refugees', either. There were a couple of hundred other countries who let zero Jews in, much less anybody else, during the Depression.

There is also zero evidence any of you assclowns would have handled it better back then as well.
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But if we’re going to compare, the Japanese-American internment camps were nothing compared to what Japan did to its enemies, or to Nazi death camps or to Soviet gulags.

America and Britain were the good guys during that war and Japan and Germany were the bad guys. No amount of revisionism will ever change that
What myself and several others have done is expose FDR as what he actually was. We were not trying to compare concentration camps but think if you can what if today it was you locked up in one? This is similar to what happened to protestors on Jan 6. Democrats want them all in prison and they don't mind one bit the sentences are up to 22 years long. All this over protesting.
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)
The Japanese were very stupid to attack Pearl Harbor

I think FDR saw the need to enter the war in europe to aid Great Britain and defeat hitler

But America was isolationist and against the war till the Japanese screwed up and changed US public opinion
FDR was chomping at the bit to get into the war against Germany.
But the majority of US citizens didn't want to send American boys to fight another war in Europe.
Plus, there was a large voting block of German Americans that viewed Germany in a positive light that FDR didn't want to alienate.
So he concentrated on goading Japan with oil and steel sanctions because of their brutal invasion and war against China. In the hope we would eventually go to war with Japan, and by extension, get involved in the war against Germany.
After the Pearl Harbor attack FDR declared war on Japan.
Then 3 days later FDR got his wish, when Hitler surprised everyone by declaring war on America.
Even the top German generals were shocked, because they knew it was a huge mistake.
I agree with your first sentence but not the 2nd

Japan was acting in a savage and uncivilized manner on china and FDR wisely chose not to look the other way

The US was not obligated to trade with Japan

But if we’re going to compare, the Japanese-American internment camps were nothing compared to what Japan did to its enemies, or to Nazi death camps or to Soviet gulags.

America and Britain were the good guys during that war and Japan and Germany were the bad guys. No amount of revisionism will ever change that
If you are still looking at history as "good guys" and "bad guys," you are still thinking like a child and not a historian. The "good guys" are always OUR guys, and of course we naturally want our side to win out in any military conflict. During times of war, such emotions are easy to manipulate (perhaps necessarily so). WWII has been over for quite some time now; you can let it go.
I agree with your first sentence but not the 2nd

Japan was acting in a savage and uncivilized manner on china and FDR wisely chose not to look the other way

The US was not obligated to trade with Japan
Only a fool thinks we did anything before, during, or after WWII on behalf of China. Again, that's thinking like a child.
If you are still looking at history as "good guys" and "bad guys," you are still thinking like a child and not a historian. The "good guys" are always OUR guys, and of course we naturally want our side to win out in any military conflict. During times of war, such emotions are easy to manipulate (perhaps necessarily so). WWII has been over for quite some time now; you can let it go.
In the specific case of wwii, no one could possibly make the argument that Japan was in the right and America in the wrong

That goes double for Nazi Germany
Only a fool thinks we did anything before, during, or after WWII on behalf of China. Again, that's thinking like a child.
We don’t have to use china as a justification.

We were attacked first. Period. Japan chose to go to war with us.
If 12/7 events were all on the up & up, then why did our government lock up the story for 1/2 century?

YOU brought it up.
You always dance around the role of the Empire of Japan in these threads.

What America did to its Japanese-American citizens during the war was of course wrong and of course bigoted.

But it was mild compared to what every other belligerent was doing to their own minorities during wwii
You always dance around the role of the Empire of Japan in these threads.

What America did to its Japanese-American citizens during the war was of course wrong and of course bigoted.

But it was mild compared to what every other belligerent was doing to their own minorities during wwii

Why do you insist on throwing out a false equivalency every time the topic comes up? None of the US CITIZENS and other lawful residents in fdr's concentration camps flew a single plane during the attack on the US military base at Pearl Harbor. They did not invade the Philippines, or maraud around Asia in general. They were going to school, running businesses, working farms, and generally living their lives and caring for their families like their fellow Americans. Unless you believe in guilt by DNA, there is no reason to mention anything anyone sharing a racial background did or did not do whenever you feel uncomfortable about what the scumbag bigot fdr did to our fellow Americans.
Why do you insist on throwing out a false equivalency every time the topic comes up? None of the US CITIZENS and other lawful residents in fdr's concentration camps flew a single plane during the attack on the US military base at Pearl Harbor. They did not invade the Philippines, or maraud around Asia in general. They were going to school, running businesses, working farms, and generally living their lives and caring for their families like their fellow Americans. Unless you believe in guilt by DNA, there is no reason to mention anything anyone sharing a racial background did or did not do whenever you feel uncomfortable about what the scumbag bigot fdr did to our fellow Americans.
Didn’t I say it was bigoted in my post?

It was also a waste of time and resources in light of the fact that not a single Japanese American was ever found to be a spy

All over the allied world the spectre of “fifth columnist” foreign born sleeper agents was just propaganda tool used by the government to rabble up the undereducated masses and keep patriotic fever stoked

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