what do you want trump to do?

What Trump should do is tell the Republicans in congress to shit or quit and let the voters put someone in their place who will, tell the dimshit scum to do what they want, they wont be needed for the next three years, and then not for the next twenty. Then he should tell Sessions to instruct the DOJ to either prove the hacking case, or close it, and instruct the DOj to start a full investigation into the DNC and all of the BO plenty administrations attempts to violate the rights of the voters and block the TAX exempt applications of conservative organizations, AND all of the illegal and unethical actions taken by them. Then He should go into full tilt boogie to completely destroy any person the dimshits try to run for any office using the same tactics and daring a word to be uttered by the press or anyone in the dimshit party about it. He should then authorize the military to impanel tribunals to find THE leaks of any information that came from oshit and friends about the failed seal attack that was planned by the oshit team, and Executed in trumps first month in office. If and when the responsible parties are found he should demand immediate execution of all parties, just as it should be with reality winner. Then we will start on the American communist, party members in our government including the clintons the obamas, bernie and friends, About sixty five total seated dimshitscum members of congress, and of course half of the national press corp.
If you don't mind, I'll wait until the investigation is over to decide that, instead of taking your word for it.

You may not know it but it IS OVER, and the dimshits are the ones going to be on the block next for treason, obstruction, espionage, theft, coercion, conspiracy, racketeering, AND MURDER. So find yourself a little safe space in a concrete bunker like you liberals used flamethrowers on at MT. Carmel. Make it easier on yourself.

Are you on acid? To be tripping like that, you gotta be on something.

Nope you are just falling out on greenMDOT, and lost in ignorant bliss of liberal stupidity.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?
I did it. I am not a crook. What do you mean I'm fired? You don't say that. That's my line. If I'm going down I'm taking people with me. I hope president Clinton pardons me.
Here we go Just to let you know where I'm coming from I'm a New Yorker my whole life... I've met Trump in the 90's He was an AH then he is now Anything other than Palin would be better than him

WOW!! A leftist meets Trump and he doesn't like him.

Unfortunately for you post, in the mid 60's ideology changed. Today Republicans are the slave owners. Ask any worker not making a living wage.

Anyone who cant make a living wage deserves the wage they're getting.
If you don't mind, I'll wait until the investigation is over to decide that, instead of taking your word for it.

You may not know it but it IS OVER, and the dimshits are the ones going to be on the block next for treason, obstruction, espionage, theft, coercion, conspiracy, racketeering, AND MURDER. So find yourself a little safe space in a concrete bunker like you liberals used flamethrowers on at MT. Carmel. Make it easier on yourself.

Are you on acid? To be tripping like that, you gotta be on something.

Nope you are just falling out on greenMDOT, and lost in ignorant bliss of liberal stupidity.

Wow. Somebody needs to interview you and get some pictures. Future generations won't believe you really exist.
Conservative logic:

- A Democrat that is a mere Secretary of State of the United States requires a 4 year investigation at $20 million dollars and screams of 'lock her up', with nothing found.
- A Republican installed as President of the United States is embroiled in collusion with Russia for fixing/tampering with our elections, with all of our intelligence agencies agreeing the Russians tampered with our election and Trump and his campaign had numerous contacts and conversations with Russian government personnel. But 'there has to be proof before conducting an investigation'.

Batshit lying scumbaggery at it's finest.
Conservative logic:

- A Democrat that is a mere Secretary of State of the United States requires a 4 year investigation at $20 million dollars and screams of 'lock her up', with nothing found.
- A Republican installed as President of the United States is embroiled in collusion with Russia for fixing/tampering with our elections, with all of our intelligence agencies agreeing the Russians tampered with our election and Trump and his campaign had numerous contacts and conversations with Russian government personnel. But 'there has to be proof before conducting an investigation'.

Batshit lying scumbaggery at it's finest.

Liberal logic:
Why so small? you must have only put in a little like when you do other things. Like give to charity.
A days work Probably give to charity more than you make in a year

Sorry ....repubs give way more than libs.
I got Gates and Buffet Your call

And typical of a lib you call absolutely nothing.
I'd raise you but I feel sort of sorry for any trump supporter

I need Trump like I need socialism.....
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.
Trump will stop talking about it when the press stops asking him about it.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Trump should resign immediately, and take his commi's with him.
Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Thanks for admitting what this is all about.

Tough shit, snowflake. Trump is here for the duration. He keeps getting stronger, and the fake media and the Dims keep getting weaker.
Conservative logic:

- A Democrat that is a mere Secretary of State of the United States requires a 4 year investigation at $20 million dollars and screams of 'lock her up', with nothing found.
- A Republican installed as President of the United States is embroiled in collusion with Russia for fixing/tampering with our elections, with all of our intelligence agencies agreeing the Russians tampered with our election and Trump and his campaign had numerous contacts and conversations with Russian government personnel. But 'there has to be proof before conducting an investigation'.

Batshit lying scumbaggery at it's finest.
That's a pile of pure lies.
Conservative logic:

- A Democrat that is a mere Secretary of State of the United States requires a 4 year investigation at $20 million dollars and screams of 'lock her up', with nothing found.
- A Republican installed as President of the United States is embroiled in collusion with Russia for fixing/tampering with our elections, with all of our intelligence agencies agreeing the Russians tampered with our election and Trump and his campaign had numerous contacts and conversations with Russian government personnel. But 'there has to be proof before conducting an investigation'.

Batshit lying scumbaggery at it's finest.

Liberal logic:
Have you noticed that all they do is spew the same lies over and over again?
You will when we become a 3rd world country Is that what you're waiting for because that's where your ah is taking us?

If this is a third world economy I'm all for it!!!
My Bank stocks went from $7.10 a share to $20.25 since Trump was elected.
Suck it lib!!!
You talking to me patriot?
Day Change **

+$32,767.54 (

Why so small? you must have only put in a little like when you do other things. Like give to charity.
A days work Probably give to charity more than you make in a year

HAH not even in your best lifetime.
eddie claims he never grabbed a pussy.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?
To step down from the Presidency and somehow declare Hillary President. Suffice it to say I'm being sarcastic even so there probably is a certain percentage of the left who really do want that.
It's worse than that. A large percentage of the left actually believe it's possible.
I want Trump to invest in our country as any real president would do.
1. Better infrastructure
2. Fix our healthcare system for real...As in single payer.
3. Fix our educational system...Choose a top 5 public system! Education needs to be for all.
4. Invest more into science and our own country for once.

Stay out of wars.

If he can do this and not keep pushing archo-capitalist trickle down crap maybe I'll accept him.

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